Truth has a way of working its way to the surface. The pandemic lie is out of the bag, and only the dumbest of humans will keep gulping their Kool-aid in fear. The bigger the lie, the more people will wake up to the truth...... I think you should apply to replace Tedros, BTW. :)

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It's REALLY hard not to give up on humanity. With one half of humanity at war with the other half and the oligarchs orchestrating the divisions, it truly seems hopeless. I don't know where you get your stamina from Meryl, but I'm deeply grateful for the work. I'm doing my part because I have children and I desperately hope things will turn around, but our species is truly dysfunctional and maladapted to live on this planet.

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Benz is very informative. The internet is a poisoned well. Try to talk more face to face. Write handwritten letters. Group meetings. It may sound luddite antiquarian, but I think we are being serenaded into the rocks.

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They've been building up this system of power for a long time, piece by piece, as a result of crises of their own making. People should have realized it when they came out with The Patriot Act (which was never rescinded), but too many were deceived and thought it was about "peace and safety."

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But, once you are vaccinated, you are no longer legally Human and all your Human Rights are gone for ever, so what is decided for you can be decided by those who put themselves in charge for ever, like President Xi, Putin, Biden, etc: Me: Human Rights are not really very well understood, since its been a long time since the end of Slavery and The American Civil War (1861-1865) so when people are expected to volunteer to have an Experimental Test Vaccine by their Governments and nudge units, etc, they don't understand fully what happens to their Human rights, after vaccination: This is what you volunteered to become when you volunteered to have their vaccines, all legal and above board. Once you volunteer, you become their "Crash Test Dummy"

The synthetic mRNA of Pfizer and Moderna, along with the viral vector DNA delivery systems of Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca, change your genetic code, making you “genetically-modified.” Granted mainstream media say the foregoing is “conspiracy theory.” But Moderna Chief Medical Officer Tal Zaks tells you straight up that 1) the shots change your genetic code and 2) the shots do not stop the spread of COVID-19. He says the Moderna shot is “hacking the software of life” (at the 0:43 second mark, but the whole video is…disturbing).

Viral vectors do the same thing.

So do these companies “own you” once you get the shots? Well, they own mice and bacteria created with their inventions. Once you get these shots, you are no longer a “naturally-occurring” human being. Prosthetic limbs, breast implants, etc. are not “natural” per se. But they are removable and not part of what fundamentally makes you human. Gene therapy is irreversible. Do the math yourself.

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Around 25 years ago the film The Truman Show came out. In it, a fellow’s life was totally controlled and was being watched 24/7 with him being completely ignorant of it all. While it was clever and provocative, not too many people had the insight to realize that Truman was each one of us.

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The Depraved Ones are working in conjunction with leaders of countries that have banned Freedom of Speech in their own countries. Censorship of information leads to dictatorship by those who are taking over. These communistic regimes have monetarily influenced and financially rewarded people in our government with massive amounts of money to go along with them ...and take away all of our Constitutional Rights in America. Their next step will be... no more America.

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I swear sometimes it seems we are on airplane with huge videos screens on both sides and the crew are pointing out the scenery to us and explaining the reason for our smooth flight- only to find out we never left the ground. These organizations that we have blindly believed were working to help society and in accordance with their mission statements - have all turned out to be working for the controllers. We have created so many troughs and continue to fill them and then wonder why the pig and rat populations have exploded.

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Thinking for yourself and outside the mainstream or alternatively is the only way to save your life and that of your family. This was the reason for going to university and grad school. I have been doing it my whole life and I won't stop now!

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Are there any leaders left who believe in Democracy and the essential role of the boice of the people, or is it all Fuggalu now? Tucker/Benz interview was very interesting :


More on Fuggalu:


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RFKj summed up the censorship villains perfectly.

He said at no time in history were the censors the good guys....

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So....when advertisers pull their ads & funding from a site or from an individual, it looks like the government is behind that in the same way the Twitter files showed government demanding direct censorship.

All in order to « save our democracy » of course.....

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Excellent short video by Mike Benz; as always, thank you, Dr Nass.

That said, the evolving story of transgender ideology provides a bright spot. It was never a human rights campaign -- tell me about the last human rights campaign funded by billionaires and pushed by the government -- but an ideology to teach people to ignore their senses. Many people found it absurd right from the beginning and said so; many people kept their skepticism to themselves. Meanwhile, those fighting what seemed an uphill battle -- suing clinics, suing schools, appearing before school boards, speaking publicly about the ideology's dreadful consequences -- are now finding themselves far more mainstream and those who were frightened of speaking up are gaining courage.

I think many, many people will be suspicious of "media literacy" right from the get-go and will say so. More parents will remove their children from public schools as many parents have done with transgenderism being pushed in the classrooms. At my advanced age, I don't know how much faith I have in my species, but there is a little itch that some people have when someone tries to scam them. And there is no question that this is a huge scam.

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