From your lips to God's ears, Dr. Nass. (Ending virologists and the evil labs especially.)

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I will ignore any bug the weffers suggest i bend my knee to in weakness and fear.

I bend my knee to God alone.

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"It is the Global Biosecurity Agenda that must be stopped."

The Global Biosecurity Agenda is totally integrated into the military industrial complex, so to stop one you'd have to stop both.

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by Meryl Nass

"It is the lab-designed bugs that are the problem. We need to stop them. Close the labs, the BSL4s, reduce the BSL3’s and get rid of basic research on “selected agents,” destroy the samples, end this form of “science” that has proven its ability to kill millions and cause worldwide economic destruction. End the field of virology and evolutionary viral genetics—which seem to be peopled by a large group of ‘scientists’ who were in cahoots to keep the lab origin covered up…or at a minimum were afraid to tell the public the truth. Keep a few medical virologists around who did not get their hands dirty. Who needs most of them? They have proven their societal value—which is NEGATIVE—over and over these last three years." I'm so happy to hear someone of your stature writing those words. This weekend is the 3-year anniversary of the Lockdown of the world. Here is a brief and readable synopsis of how and why 300,000,000 US citizens were easily cajoled into self-imprisonment at warp speed (hint-It WAS NOT a once in a century plague) : https://brownstone.org/articles/how-did-all-of-this-happen/

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Speaking as a weak and frail 68 year old, I'll take my chances with Mother Nature. NEVER will I EVER trust a physician, or our government again. The only silver lining in his entire tragedy is that it shed light on the evil and corruption that is our government and big pharma.

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Jon Rappoport's take on Covid origins seems so much more credible than a lab leak or "gain of function." Subscribe to Jon's Substack.

People STILL don’t get it; a different COVID origin story; straight outta Wuhan

Jon Rappoport

Mar 7

I put all this together, nearly three years ago. I published the story several times, in several different versions.

But most people didn’t get it (and still don’t), because they’re fixated on the virus.

The origin story of COVID involves pollution, protests, and pneumonia.

In the year leading up to the announcement of a pandemic, protests were breaking out in Chinese cities, including Wuhan.

People were risking their futures, their freedom, their lives, protesting against air pollution, because it was making them sick.

People don’t take that level of risk in China, unless the problem is serious. Very serious.

People wouldn’t risk being carted away to prison, and maybe never coming home, if they were facing Los Angeles level smog. No, the air pollution in Chinese cities was much worse.

What do you get when you walk around in that soup? Lung congestion. Fever, fatigue, major shortness of breath. Pneumonia. Year in, year out, roughly 300,000 people in China die from pneumonia.

What was announced as THE symptom in the first cases of so-called COVID in Wuhan? Pneumonia.

If, in certain respects, the pneumonia in those cases looked atypical on X-rays, in the first month of 2020, there was a good reason:

The air pollution was atypical. It was an unprecedented mix of early industrial age and modern industrial age compounds—because that is the mixed picture of Chinese civilization and its factories.

No one has ever studied the synergistic effects, on the lungs, of the “old and new” polluting compounds in the air of Chinese cities.

Pollution, protests, pneumonia.

Equals what? A new outbreak of a viral disease? That’s about as sensible as saying ongoing car crashes on icy highways are the result of new paint jobs on the cars.

Wuhan is known for something deadly besides air pollution. Ask the DEA, they’ll tell you. Wuhan is Global Central for exporting the precursor chemicals for making the deadly drug FENTANYL.

One major route: Wuhan, Mexican cartel labs, US southern border, the entire US.

This gives rise to speculation about cover stories, distractions, diversions—calling Wuhan the origin of COVID obscures the city as the source of chemical warfare (fentanyl) against the West.

The admirable independent investigator, Jim West, has shown that early clusters of “COVID” cases were reported in several centers of deadly air pollution: Chinese cities, North Italy, Spain, for example.

Pollution. Lung infections. Pneumonia. The deceptive label, “COVID.”

The inferences aren’t big leaps. They aren’t leaps at all.

The method for diagnosing COVID is the PCR test. Much can be said about this deceptive test. And I have. Here I’ll simply point out that the NY Times ran a shocking article during year one of the “pandemic”—pointing out that up to 90% of all tests positive for COVID could have yielded FALSE results. Could have been WRONG.

Why? Because labs were adjusting the sensitivity of the PCR far too high; it was catching and registering meaningless fragments.

Take all that one step further. Did researchers ever discover and isolate the “COVID virus” in the first place? My answer, which I’ve explained in detail many times, is no. But I don’t need to invoke that proof to demonstrate what I’ve shown above, in this piece.

Chills, fever, fatigue, lung infection, pneumonia, plus a completely unreliable PCR test result—and they call it a COVID case.

No symptoms of any kind plus a positive PCR—and they call that COVID, too.

For more than a hundred years, people have known industrial air pollution causes lung problems.

And in 2020, that obvious fact was the real origin story of COVID in Wuhan.

-- Jon Rappoport

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I’ll avoid doing anything recommended by alphabet agencies. Especially the WHO!

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You need to say this to the Congressional investigative committee because there are still witnesses testifying that there is value in keeping open and funding GOF labs; of course, these paid shills don't really care about safety, as they claim, but in making their next fortune when they create the next pathogenic bioweapon and the next plandemic with the newest "vaccines".

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the difference between the two is that "bio-weapons" are chemical toxins only and "natural pathogens" do not exist.

Frankly Dr Nass, I am surprised that you are still pursuing this line given that the evidence that virology is a scam, and has been since its inception, is rather overwhelming.

Ditto for epidemiology and immunology.

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The reason why it primarily happens in Africa is due to toxic environmental conditions.

The virus is the cover story.

Remember when those Americans were brought back with Ebola?

They got better real quick, just by being away from the toxic area in Africa that made them sick.


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You are exactly correct.Remove the profit and the problem will evaporate.

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We don’t know 100% we do know military personnel from Fort Detrick traveled to the Wuhan military games after the biolabs closure due to “Problems” or the mysterious Pneumonia outbreak !

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Where nazis and communists failed- they did not have enough time- to create The New Human- financial liberal order had a huge success: the Predatory Human who transformed his world in a jungle and is proud of himself, hungry for more and more power and money. Without realizing we can easily get used with the abnormal. For many, the pandemic was a revelation, the revelation of the jungle without any law, with no reason and no understanding that Life is sacred .

A world where everything can be sold and bought is a world returned to barbarism. A world separated from God will finally collapse, in a way or another.

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Viruses most definitely do not exist.

Pathogens, it depends on what you mean by that, precisely. If you mean bacteria, then certainly bacteria exist, but are they pathogens? Or are bacteria, found in 'infections' for example, actually attempting to remedy the problem, or causing the problem? pharma 'science' claims the bacteria is causing the problem and so you must buy their product. Toxins are a far more logical culprit. Without bacteria we do not exist. Viruses only exist 'in silico', which is why they can 'transmit' globally so fast, just an email away.

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