I appreciate your posts Dr. Nass ... restricting comments is a personal choice obviously, potential useful information would be lost as in a comment made recently on Dr. Naomi Wolf's post re: oddities of the recent royal ascent to the throne. In the many of her observations, I offered one she had not noticed. As a restricted non-paying subscriber I couldn't do that. As well as comments made to Celia Farber's substack which edified us both.

Life's journey to senior citizen status on basic income precludes subscriptions.

Thank you for your posts.

D. Battler

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So true, Dennis. Thanks for mentioning this.

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Thank you - I agree.

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Well of course you must do what you think is the right thing to do but I am not a fan of charging people to make comments. Thanks for the info on dTAP. I believe its track record speaks for itself and I know a lot parents that will not give dTAP. I pray every day that parents will wake up and stop handing their babies life over to doctors that have no understanding of vaccines except for how much they get as a kick back for adhering to the CDC schedule.

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To me, if you’re on a platform to educate and inform, then you should be doing so without a metal cup in your hand.

I have not, will not pay to read anything here on this platform.

Those that give you two paragraphs to read then inform you the rest is for the those that pay should rethink their position. It makes them look hungry for a buck. And it cheapens their integrity.

If what you have to say is to the betterment of all, you should want every pair of eyeballs that you can get to read your material

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And of course the same goes for commenting.

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I agree and then have to think about all the law fare some substackers are going through...a money conundrum for sure.

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🎯 Exactly so.

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Yes, all those ‘teasers’ are annoying and somehow a bit offensive.

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Regarding comments, I fully agree. For three years, everyone has been at the receiving end of public figures and dominant voices, not all to the betterment of the seeking populace.

There needs to be more dialogue, rather than less.

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I agree. I learn so much from the brilliant people that comment on Dr. Nass's site and the Substack of many others. I believe comments are just as important to the subscribers as they are to the writers. It would mean valuable information lost.

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Well said the truth will prevail

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Don’t restrict comments!

If you do, you’ll only get comments from people who agree with you, a “mutual admiration society,” and who are willing and able to pay you. And of course “govt spies” assigned (and paid) to monitor you.

Your voice is important and comments from different perspectives will help you understand more and better about what’s actually going on. I’ve bought and read many of the books on your reading list. Thank you for that list which I’ve passed on to others.

When I can comment here on what you’re missing from the big picture, it will help you and your readers.

I hope you keep the comments unrestricted.

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I second that Dr Jane Dillon 🎯

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I have linked the TDap/DTap to dyslexia in kids!! I wish I could find what I did with that study, but I found a study showing damage in the corpus callosum.

When I work with special needs kids and get the right experts involved for their education - the damage related to dyslexia is in the corpus callosum. I think I’m the only one who has made this connection.

I’m in California where we have stepped up the use of TDap immensely. My own daughter had a swollen brain because of the TDap, which they talked me into because she otherwise had an exemption. And she’s “not my child with Autism”.

After that she assessed as having ADHD (and dyslexia) and she did not before. She made that connection herself not me....she said her head “felt like when I got my concussion”. When I looked on the CDC website and saw a contra indication was a swollen brain in medical terminology terms -- I was very angry.

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Very interesting observation and finding. As an adult that never was tested for ADHD or dyslexia, I have recently come to the conclusion after much analysis that I also suffer from both. I am intending to get tested for both. I have my shot record from my mother and will also look for the potential of that vaccine potentially causing the problems.

I was always envious of other students that grasped technical info so quickly compared to myself where I have to reread something multiple times for it to sink into my mind. Despite this and with great effort on my part compared to my common classmates and compared to my co-workers, I was able to achieve multiple engineering degrees. It has only become obvious to me much later in life that this is not normal and wonder what I could have achieved without this hampering my abilities or if I had been recognized with this problem and gotten early help.

I have seen clearly the problems with the vaccines for some time and limited their use in my animals after doing my own technical research and also have an innate ability to know when something is wrong and search out the actual evidence and backup to verify my God given intuition. Like I just did when COVID-19 first appeared and when the first COVID Vax shots were developed, warning everyone to stay far away from them.

So thank you for your connection of dyslexia and ADHD with TDap and DTap. This is great info!

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Oh and if you’re in the US don’t get any more “Tetanus shots”. It’s not Tetanus at all - it’s TDap!!

That’s because the DTaP/T Dap is on the childhood schedule so the manufacturers get out of all immunity under the vaccine court boondoggle, but tetanus alone is not.

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The Truth will prevail

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You’re welcome. One day I’ll do some videos on this.

The experts you want to be evaluated by are an audiologist and a developmental optometrist. What’s great is there is therapy that can rewrite the damage in the brain & it’s very effective.

On the bright side, people with dyslexia very often excel at higher level conceptual math, and being able to look at things from all angles. It’s just that moving images & numbers all around in English is super confusing!!

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Oh we so need the CDC taken down and eliminated... this is awful.

Let alone that kids who get Dtap or whatever, still get whooping cough and bring it home to their newborn siblings...

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Truth. Leaky vaccine!!

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sorry to hear about tour daughter's vax adverse reaction

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I don’t think it was ever a secret. They used to stop giving the pertussis vaccine after seven. Then went from DTaP for young children to TdaP for over sevens. d low dose diphtheria, D high-dose. I reacted to DPT at three months old with screaming syndrome and Aspergers. The acellular DTaP has been known for years to cause fewer mild reactions but just as many severe reactions. The DTaP booster at 18 months erased my baby’s only words and she was diagnosed with autism two months later. VAERS said that batch, purchased by the university clinic where she had gotten it, had caused a seizure disorder in one baby and death in another that year, 2001. I would recommend that no one get the pertussis vaccine. It’s ineffective and dangerous, while the disease is very rarely dangerous. My daughter got it at 8 months old, after three DTaPs. But all of this is in plain sight, if you look.

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Is it even possible to get the tetanus shot without the pertussis element in it? Or the diphtheria element? I developed IBS right after the tetanus combo in 2015, and won't take any of them again, but I thought I was getting a "tetanus short," and not a trio of antigens and adjuvants and more!

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Yes. Enough people have bad reactions to the pertussis vaccine that I think all practices stock DT and dT. However, you have to specify or they’ll give you the trivalent. Although even the bivalent will have adjuvants and excipients. I got the T alone for my daughter in 2005, but as far as I know, that stopped being an option shortly thereafter and has not returned. In my opinion, the dT is safe enough for most.

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I do not agree with your last sentence. On what, exactly, do you base your opinion that ‘the dT is safe enough for most’? And how safe is safe ‘enough’?

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Plain sight alright.God bless

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I’m betting any propaganda trolls have unlimited funds. Cutting them off loses the option for discernment. We better get better at seeing who is truthful and who is not. We don’t need to agree. If you only want to read paid subscribers there must be a way to ask substack to key them as such. Otherwise the rest of us mothers with mouths in the last decade or so of our lives already limited by time and most probably many by income may revert to a more creative life for the so called golden years. Cut me off if you like, maybe it’s time to stop reading so much anyway. What else need be said anymore, STOP THE SHOTS, do not SHOOT ANYMORE, moratorium on all the MADNESS. “This call is to all Mothers, take your sons by the hand, tell them they will understand, do not shoot anyone, do not shoot. Give them their Earth Birth Certificate that says, Don’t be an experiment, don’t shoot drugs, don’t shoot war bullets.....my words, the end”. Happy Mothers Day my last post ?

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Happy Mother's Day, Cynthia.

Dr. Paul Alexander will always keep his substack free of charge. I find it very informative.

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He’s incredibly prolific. Have to speed read to keep up…..thank you

Ps: would love to put David Martin and JJ Couey together.

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Restrict what you want but I am subscribed to about 7 substacks and I will not pay for any of them.

Now, er DPT.... the tetanus component was never clinically tested and if you do a careful literature search you will find several case studies of those who came down with Tetanus despite adequate levels of antibodies for the toxoid. What does that tell you.

The CDC will say the vaccine works cause tetanus is so rare but as it is rare for the unvaxed as well, that argument does not hold water.

We already know re the P part of the DPT is that the organism has mutated beyond the vaccine and now you are 4 x more likely to get whooping cough if you were vaxxed than is you were not vaxxed and that vulnerability is life-long. We also know that the DPT increase overall mortality 10x over matched controls (30 year retrospective study from Africa).

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Thank you for this. My wife has her first grandchild and is dying to hold her, but her daughter insists everyone get up-to-date flu and TDAP vaccination before coming in contact. I'm afraid my wife is going to give in.

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I have MS and long Covid, have no income. I regret that I could not pay for a subscription. I would just delete shill comments. Or quarantine them in a separate section, if possible.

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Please do not restrict to only paid subscribers. I didn't want to but I recently stopped subscribing to Dr. McCullough because every time I would try to "like" a post of his or John's I would get a message that I had to pay. There was no warning - he had never required this until recently. If I paid for every substack I subscribe to I couldn't afford it. I pay for one and that is it.

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She will still post! You can still read the post you just won’t be able to comment if that’s what Dr. Nass decides. I personally don’t have a problem with her charging for all the time and energy she puts into these very important posts.

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Silence is golden in some respects but not this one. Support comes in various forms, and it is important to be able to support her in one of those ways is being able to "like" and comment on her posts.

And if someone wants to "troll" bad enough, they will pay the $5

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I was irritated the other day when Dr. McCullough started showing half of an informative article, then cutting it off saying "upgrade to paid". Very dissapointing.

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I have learned life saving information from the comments as I have from you, Dr. Nass. I understand your inquiry but I am spread thin as it is. Do as you feel you should. Some substacks don’t even allow me to read comments unless paid and those are the ones I eventually unsubscribe from. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Don’t do it.

Got tetanus booster two years ago

Went back to doctor for something else. She insisted I hadn’t. So I got another booster following year.

That night thought I was dying, having a stroke. Couldn’t walk. Spouse wanted to call ambulance. Said not to, I’d rather die.

Never again.

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It is dangerous to get too many, or too close together. I got a booster when I was 19, no emergency, just preparing to travel. It was my ninth, and it paralyzed both my arms for several days, brachial plexus neuropathy. I was later diagnosed with sometimes paralyzing MS. I think it was from all that mercury, but it could have been from the tetanus vaccine. In case of a tetanus-prone wound, it’s hard to know what to do. They say you don’t need a booster if it’s been less than five years since the last one. Between five and forty is a judgment call. However, tetanus is a very dangerous disease, often fatal even with hospital treatment. Vitamin C given intravenously is an effective treatment. Before the vaccine, over a thousand Americans a year died of it. Now it’s almost none.

The American servicemen were continuing to not get tetanus even forty years later, when they were in yheir sixties. In WWI, on the other hand, and the Civil War, thousands died of tetanus from battlefield wounds despite their having previously been healthy young men.

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yay for vit C + magnesium , nay for toxic tet jab

pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › 12133096

Magnesium as first line therapy in the management of tetanus

'Tetanus - The Last Bastion of Belief...But wait…. Isn’t tetanus 100% fatal?

Once the toxin has done damage to the nerve cell, it can take weeks or months for the synapse to FULLY RECOVER. In one study, patients took one to seven months, depending on the severity of symptoms, before they FULLY RECOVERED and were able to return to work following treatment for tetanus.

In 1980, a study was published of 50 survivors of tetanus infection. 29 patients said they had regained normal health and 45 of the 50 had returned to full employment. Additionally 9 of the 50 said they were still improving and 12 considered that their health permanently impaired, mostly due psychological memories of the seriousness of the illness...'



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dr sherri has been breathing hot on the backs of the vax pushers for a long time , thanks dr t

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I would recommend C and magnesium treatment to everyone with clinical tetanus. But most people would rather avoid the pain, fear, and expense of hospital treatment for tetanus. The Bangladesh study which proved the remarkable efficacy of C was done at a hospital which also provided conventional treatment. It used low dosage of C, which was enough for the children, all of whom survived, but over half the adults died anyway, having been given some, but not enough, C. I think the C in that study was given orally, which is not as effective.

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I'm so sorry to hear, but thank you for sharing your experience

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I assume, whether rightly or wrongly (and we will never know) that all the modern chronic diseases, e.g. the autoimmunity, the allergies, the chronic inflammatory states and the mental illness are to be laid at the feet of childhood vaccinations, until proven otherwise. This could only be done by ceasing them all for at least three generations, and I won't live long enough to know.

Now that we have better roofing, gutters, bathrooms, piped hot water, covered sewers, and the knowledge of sunlight and access to better foods, near at hand in supermarkets that are packed full of goodies (some is rubbish, granted, but there is excellent stuff there too!) we should all be living to a minimum of 100 years, in a state of health and vigour. We should all be able to play with our great great grandchildren, and teach them our cultural ways, wisdom and knowledge. If we got rid of the constant trickery by those who would poison us, we'd be alright!

It's all down to money, I know. There's nothing wrong with money, but the LOVE of money is the problem. We should love our neighbour as ourselves, and not money.


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Before you do that (with the comments) can I just put one here, mentioning the great book called simply Vaccination by Viera Scheibner back in 1993. She and her husband, both engineers of some sort, were employed to make breathing monitors for infants in an attempt to spot incipient SIDS by setting off an alarm if the baby's breathing alters/reduces. She got the data from these babies and became aware that they all had potentially fatal breathing abnormalities at the same number of days post the DPT jab. In fact, if I remember rightly, there were three predictable episodes, at something like 9 days post DPT jab, 17 days post DPT jab and 24 days post DPT jab. I'll be wrong about the details as it's years since I read it, but you get the point. The alarm was very effective too, and babies could be picked up and jiggled, to improve their breathing pattern, and so did not die of SIDS.

So, dear Dr Nass (and I salute you for all your astounding effort to do your work with honour), you are correct. The DTaP is probably equally dangerous now, as it was then.

Do you really get trolls commenting here? How pathetic of them.

I've just watched your presentation on the International Covid Summit III at the European Parliament. I hope it has some effect. We are sailing into a hurricane.

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yes,AH, Dr Scheibner was a true fearless humanitarian as well as a scientist...in the 1980's, attended one of her lectures in Toronto..it was exhausting&terrifying- statistics, chart after endless chart showing the kid jabs side effects...she showed brain wave slides of one kid before &after jab...she noted that the post jab brain sawtooth waveform looked like the kid stuck his finger into an electrical outlet!

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Afifah, I also recall some investigation into the sudden deaths of aboriginal babies after DTP. Perhaps recalling incorrectly, but depletion of vitamin C was a/the cause.

Thanks for your comment!

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There was a guy out of Australia who associated deaths with the toxins emitted from crib mattresses.

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I know all about the DPT as it killed my brother. So the rest of my siblings were never vaccinated per the pediatrician

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So sorry for your loss. Even with time, tragedy is never an easy thing to deal with - especially when nothing has changed to improve the circumstances that caused it. We need justice for our dear loved ones who have been victims of the pHarmaceutical industry.

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I very much appreciate your articles and those of many other writers on Sub. But I can't afford to be a paid subscriber to each of them. I sometimes have a comment that has information that the writer finds very helpful. As some of the writers have limited commenting, I feel left out of their "conversation" and I generally end up unsubscribing from the newsletter altogether as a result of being unable to contribute. For whatever it's worth...

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I didn’t read it yet since I focused on restricting comments to substack. That’s a BIG NO. As a vax injured person, I know how our voices have been shunned (and that’s wording it lightly). Every time I fight the issue I’m told ‘where’s the peered reviewed research’ etc. I don’t need a Fin scientist to tell me about my Fin body (which is funny cause they can’t find the underlying causes for most things anyway. I’m fighting with (love to say stupidity but it’s elite propaganda that makes many people stupid) So please let have a huge conversation inviting all who were harmed or their parents who know the truth.

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