Congratulation on your first brilliant entry to Substack. Even though I have been following Ivermectin (https://coronawise.substack.com/p/open-letter-and-challenge-for-rachel) and your case, I learned a lot about the underlying dynamics. I will share this with my subscribers and recommend they subscribe to you. We need many on board to join the fight. Safety and power in numbers!!

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Thank you for letting me know about Dr. Nass joining Substack, Diane!

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You are most welcome. Important for us to promote each other.

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Our federal health agencies (aka Dr. Fauci) did the same thing with AIDS. Denied simple solutions and available drugs to push toxic and deadly AZT and a promised vaccine that never materialized...meanwhile billions of bucks flowed from taxpayers wallets through Fauci's hands to his Big Pharma pals. RFK outlines the scam in graphic detail in "The Real Anthony Fauci". Their ace-in-the-hole, is conning people into taking PCR tests that can be calibrated to "find" illness and disease. Actually, most "wellness" checks do the same thing, but worse. The doctors take a healthy individual and give them a test or exam that could give them the disease they're looking for, such as cancer-causing mammograms, radioactive iodine thyroid tests, etc.. The simple solution is to avoid doctors and hospitals like the plague. The harder thing to do is to educate the public. Thank you, Dr. Nass for doing that so well.

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So true Lynn, I support you all, this ABC /Pharma, sick care system, is corruption in the extreme, only Hitler was worse than what is now being co-erced onto humanity.

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You have managed to find a non-threatening way to communicate the most difficult-to-grasp part of this pandemic: Our government is doing everything possible to prevent doctors from saving lives. This evil is so dark it defies comprehension.

So great to see you here, Dr. Nass. I hope you find this platform takes away some of the burdens of communicating to large numbers of people. A Happy Valentine's Day to you!

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I am honored to welcome you to Substack, Dr. Nass! Indeed, a few months ago, I suggested to my subscriber and your friend, Jon Olsen, that you should join Substack, and here you are! Wonderful to have you as part of this intellectually vibrant, truth-seeking, and freedom-loving community.

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You are such an inspiring, beautiful human being. Thank you again.

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Thanks kindly for speaking freely

I wrote a short piece Fictory to convey some of what you iterate...

In my substack

Best wishes on your well being

You are my hero

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I have spent a huge amount of time in the last 5 or 6 months following Covid-19 crimes. Your appearance on the flccc.net Weekly Update last evening was incredible. I had never heard so much about how the state of Emergency enabled the government so much extra power, especially to eliminate liability, and this further makes sense that the doctors and hospitals and supply chains would line up behind the Vax ideology. The flccc program is now posted.


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In the last 2 years every time I got early stages of a cough/cold, I popped in one little 12mg ivermectin pill. Other than that, have been taking a dollop of turmeric with a mug of milk everyday (I'm in India - we put turmeric in all our food but I went extra even on that). And taking weekly D3 supplements. I got cold/cough 3 times, every time it went off like a normal bout and was gone within the week. a week or two after I went and got a covid antibodies test - and each time got a high covid antibodies count. My family members got covid (and thankfully cured) but I never got it. Don't have more data to give, but hey taking the simple and completely harmless precaution simply makes sense. Have chosen not to get jabbed till yet, and thankfully my work hasn't pushed me about it. On the other hand, all my and my wife's colleagues who are double-vaccinated are repeatedly going down sick with covid and especially when they travel. I'm thinking about all the prouctive days these companies would have gained if they simply mentioned to their employees that hey just pop one of these little harmless pills just before you go on that office visit.

I love that I'm in India and all these meds - even the ones with "prescription needed!" on them - are freely available in any medicine shop over the counter, no questions asked. Shops, barbers all serve me without caring about vaccine certificates. Only cinemas and malls are having to check vacc passports for entry, and hey lol I don't need those, thanks for saving my money! I haven't had to travel by air yet, but in that everywhere if we don't have vaccination status we can get a test and can go through (many states are mandating test even if vaccinated lol what was the point) I suggest to those who are looking for options and are feeling the walls closing in, consider moving to India.

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Thank you Dr Nass. What an exceptionally well-written piece you have provided. So much pertinent information that boils our larger predicament down to its essence. I think others either 'on the fence' or suffering in abject ignorance will be convinced by your chronology of these hard factual events and the exposition of those miscreants pulling the strings of this massive perfidy. I'm a year older than you, have many of the same reference points from living in the same era as you, and know accordingly how much is at stake and how far these people have gone in corrupting so many facets of our lives and what appears to be their designs on our future, especially of the younger, and those to come.

Sincere thanks be yours from my heart and brain, courage and resilience be yours!

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Yes, they were being paid by MedINCell for this research

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The since-added disclaimer is appalling. Obviously meant to intimidate and turn-off interest. The establishment is odious and underhanded in all things pertaining to ivermectin, especially in Australia. I'm surprised this was not scrubbed.

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Many of us who are incensed at the illegal/immoral actions of the government and the medical boards are solidly behind you. Delighted to see you writing here. May the "good guys (and gals) win"!

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Just two weeks ago, after using nebulizers to treat patients with budesonide for 3 months, defeating Delta glue-balls in the lungs ( that had been resistant to mechanical percussion) ... and defeating Omicron Encephalitis (that the whole world is ignoring).... I REALIZED we need to retry ALL of the re-purposed drugs and herbs against CoVid via the nebulizer. Tiny doses to the lungs ... create major benefit ... and giving a small amount of budesonide along with tiny liquid quinine or tiny liquid ivermectin ... prevents the swelling as these plant-derived medications ... find the leftover inflammation and pathogenic agents for ... long-haulers ... and post-viral complications. Then comes the State Pharmacy Board letter of prohibition .... showing a 'shocking' 14 prescriptions of ivermectin in the state last month.

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When we ran out of nebulizers i started ordering OTC budesonide nasal spray. As usual a doctor can only run a route and dose response curve on himself. To clear CoVid brain fog ... it takes the tiniest touch of 32 mcg per spray ( 1/10 of a spray - just a moistened little fingertip) to touch around the outer rim of the external ear canals (touch both ears). But even with the British STOIC study in Lancet proving budesonide effectiveness in preventing progression of CoVid ... and preventing post-covid fatigue ... it is now against Medical Board rules to give any medical information not explicitly authorized by the State Medical Board.

(Do Not Do Not Do Not spray into the ear. As the first synthetic steroid without Chlorine or Fluorine this steroid is a gene regulator not a poison ... and opens birth related compression and fusion of the temporal bones ... all the way down the occipital bone suture towards foramen magnum. It untwists the locked up out-of-focus temporal lobe emotional brain processing.... but very open ears in winter will give you a headache and cold 'wind invasion' symptoms. Wear ear muffs if you want to get rid of brain fog ... and go out too soon into the cold of winter.

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Thank you for standing up. This is so important. The doctor/patient relationship is being trashed and confidence in our medical system is being completely undermined. Consider that it would be foolish to take any treatment or prevention that is currently approved for Covid. We live in times when helping patients, is bad for a doctor's career and letting patients die, is good for a doctor's career. It's insane and it has to stop. As far as I'm concerned, you can't trust any doctor who isn't in trouble with a medical board.

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“As far as I'm concerned, you can't trust any doctor who isn't in trouble with a medical board.”

Wow! Amazing to think that is true now! The medical and scientific establishment is down the ethical drain…

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Thank so Dr Nass for all the work and dedication your have provided during your career.

So sorry to hear that you are being pursued in this manner. I experienced something similar myself when I stood up against a large government department and I won my court hearing against them. They then decided that I was too influential and that others would, or already were, following my lead so they decided to 'make an example' of me and pursue me mercilessly in order to hopefully 'break me' frighten off others from doing the same as me. The prosecutor for the government department, on leaving his job, told me all about their plans to continue going after me to frighten everyone else and that he knew I was legally correct that what they were doing was wrong and that ultimately I would win some cases and those I lost I would then win on appeal to a higher court. It was still worth it to them to continue doing so. It seems that this is not an uncommon tactic. I mention all this to say that my own experience gives me I feel some sort of insight into the difficulties you must be facing and I hope that you don't feel too alone and unsupported in fighting the good fight.

Best of luck and thank so much for having the strength and integrity to stand up for what you know if right.

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You stand in the light of truth and integrity. I appreciate you more than words can say.

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