Should have a discussion about the diseases being carried into United States by illegals which include measles malaria, whooping cough and TB and more. Texas is Ground Zero..
Excellent response! You present the facts and allow readers to come to their own conclusions. There is too much fear mongering about vaccines because they are all lumped into one basket. The real problem is forced vaccination which does not allow individuals and parents to make the best choices for them or their child.
The old recipe was toxic also, so adding more synthetic ingredients known to contribute to serious health issues, even death in no way improved upon an already established poisonous substance to begin with!
It has been well medically established that humans are not capable of building humerol immunity before the minimum age of two years old; interestingly the American Medical Association mandates infants to get jabbies up within even a few hours of less of their entrance out of the womb…The Insanity of lack of common sense is beyond incomprehensible in the USA.
The Hep B shot on day 1 is the best example that CDC is not following the science. The measles shot works better the older you give it in early childhood, and causes less severe adverse effects.
posted: "Baby Isaiah passed away after receiving the RSV shot and Hep B shot as a newborn. His parents did not want to get them but they were threatened with CPS so they complied. Horrific situation."
So glad my Granddaughter who put in countless hours of her own research had her first born at home with a wonderful Midwife and Doula. Baby is 9 months old and healthy as can be!
Courtesy of Rockefeller NOT quite but a great way to make a few more bucks and to get rid of any waste products. If you are interested, watch the FREE movie, In The Shadow of Flexner on This site is also totally free.
I know but the movie is very clearly written and not dry. The Flexner Report is why verrrrrry few doctors know not much about nutrition. I say go back to teaching nutrition from K-four years of university and then in medical and dental schools.
I have a very good friend who has had the measles vaccine multiple times and still has no antibodies against measles. And there was also a recent MMR campaign in Texas.
If you live in Hawaii, contact your state legislators and tell them to kill HB 1118, a new totalitarian bill that will end exemptions for vaccine mandates. The bill is a direct and severe violation of the First Amendment, and if this bill is passed, families of vaccine-injured children will have no option but to move out of the state.
Classified Military Briefing – For Authorized Pathogenic Personnel Only
Major C.P. Effecter: “Alright, listen up, you biochemical brutes! We’ve got a mission to complete. Orders from top brass: we need to ‘find’ a ‘measles virus.’ But we don’t find anything, oh no - our job is to create it. And how do we do that? By launching a full-scale sneak attack on an unsuspecting monkey kidney cell culture until it waves the white flag in cytopathic distress! NOW, GET TO YOUR POSITIONS!”
Major C.P. Effecter: “Troops, when the world sees those cells shrivelling up and dying, they’ll think we found a virus. So, we’re gonna hit ‘em HARD! Each of you has a job – don’t screw it up!
Gentamicin & Amphotericin B – The Biochemical Blitzkrieg!
Major C.P. Effecter: “Antibiotic and antifungal unit – your job is simple: go in first, light up that culture with maximum toxicity, and wipe out anything that could throw off our results. Who cares if the cells die from chemical warfare instead of a ‘virus?!’
Gentamicin: “Yes, sir! Just like when we ‘isolated’ ‘SARS-COV-2, sir!”
Amphotericin B: “Oorah! Same way we nailed HIV, sir! Death by chemical overload-textbook!”
Fetal Bovine Serum – The Morale Sabotage!
Major C.P. Effecter: “You! Cow juice! Before we go scorched earth, you lull these cells into a false sense of security. Give ‘em just enough nourishment so when we rip it away, they drop dead from shock. Understood?!”
Fetal Bovine Serum: “Sir, yes, sir! Just like we did for Bird Flu, sir!”
Vero E6 Monkey Kidney Cells – The Hostages!
Major C.P. Effecter: “You poor, clueless monkey cells… You’re the cannon fodder. You’ll take every hit, suffer the consequences, and the world will never question why you’re dead. Just the way we like it!”
Vero E6 Cells: “Sir… wait … this doesn’t seem – AAARGH – (cytopathic effect in progress).”
Trypsin – The Enforcer!
Major C.P. Effecter: “Trypsin! If these cells don’t ‘naturally’ develop those lovely spike-shaped artifacts for our electron microscopy show, you go in and carve them out! We’ll say they’re ‘spikes’ on the ‘virus,’ not just cellular damage from digestion. You got that?!”
Trypsin: “Sir, got it! Just like when we ‘discovered’ HPV, sir!”
PCR Recon Team – The Clean-up Crew!
Major C.P. Effecter: “PCR team, you stay on standby! If anyone starts asking too many questions, we’ll just amplify some random genetic fragments until we find something that fits our story. No virus? No problem – we just print one!”
PCR Team: “Sir, same as always! Just like ‘confirming’ Ebola, sir!”
Major C.P. Effecter: “Alright, now that we’ve turned that cell culture into a biochemical war zone, it’s time for the victory parade: the Electron Microscopy Glamour Shot! I want those ‘viral particles’ looking sharp – literally! EM Unit, get in position!”
Glutaraldehyde – The Preservative Sergreant!
Major C.P. Effecter: “Lock those cells in place before they completely disintegrate! We can’t have the evidence vanishing on us before the big reveal.”
Glutaraldehyde: “Yes, sir! Just like for Polio, sir!”
Osmium Tetroxide – The Shadow Master!
Major C.P. Effecter: “Blacken those cells just right, so everything looks extra dramatic. The scarier, the better!”
Osmium Tetroxide: “Sir! Worked great for Zika, sir!”
Uranyl Acetate – The Heavy Metal Nightmare!
Major C.P. Effecter: “Hit ‘em with uranium! Nothing screams ‘science’ like radioactive embalming fluid!”
Uranyl Acetate: “Yes, sir! It’s the reason we keep finding ‘virus particles’ that look like random cell debris, sir!”
Electron Beam – The Final Artillery Strike!
Major C.P. Effecter: “Fire at will! Blast that battlefield with high-powered radiation, destroy any remaining cellular integrity, and make those artificial ‘spikes’ pop! If nature didn’t make ‘em, WE WILL!”
Electron Beam: “Sir! Just like ‘proving’ H1N1, sir!”
Major C.P. Effecter: “Alright, troops! You’ve done it again! Thanks to this textbook demolition job, we’ve got our ‘viral isolation,’ and the world will never know the difference! Now get some rest – we’ll be doing this all over again to create the next ‘pandemic.’ DISMISSED!”
We need more of these kinds of comparisons. Vaccination is, after all, a game of risk with the highest of stakes. So we need to know which is greater, first off, the risk of death from the disease versus from vaccine injury, as well as risk of serious complications of the disease v risk of adverse reactions from the vaccine. Is it silly to suggest an up-to-date list of relative risks for all approved vaccines as part of mandatory information offered in the process of gaining informed consent to vaccination? Should the public have to read a social media post - or a newspaper - to access that information?
The post states a claim yet not factual information to back it: so could be zero deaths from measles yet the post stated only 4 children in U.S. history have ever (possibly) died as a result of measles. Could it have been these children were malnourished and dehydrated and had other health issues prior to getting measles jabbed and could they have been not well cared for regarding either not having enough food yet also maybe no to very little nutrients in any foods they were provided, and what was there birth weight, and internal and external environment they were accustomed to live in, etc. Those questions have still to be answered before such claims of death by measles of any other supposed claim of any Virus (viruses are dead tissues, they are not a living organism).
Nothing silly at all in getting one’s self updated education on a highly volatile subject topic as medical murder…I cannot imagine a stake that is higher than potential death to any infant, child, teen, adult or senior person. A truly informed consent by mandated law is exactly what MDs and all other health care providers, are required to to apply all the known facts upon any Rx package insert, including death listed on the jabbie mftg products inserts. How beyond immoral ignorant and assinine any person working in the medical field could possibly assume such as anything more important. Definitely Not Any Issue To Be Referred To As Silly….OMG!!
Do I understand you correctly, that number of deaths in a time period should be included in the package inserts along with all the ingredients and possible adverse reactions? If so, that's a brilliant idea and I hope someone lobbies for it. I don't live in the US, but most countries in the world take the words of USFDA and USCDC as gospel as they're totally unaware of the rampant agency corruption.
I hadn’t got that far (😜). I don’t think package inserts could be constantly updated easily. I would suggest a simple pdf posted on official websites eg CDC’s that can be easily officially updated with latest stats incl data from clinical studies, and that could be downloaded by health professionals for them to cheaply print off for each consulting doctor or nurse practitioner in the health centre as they are updated. And perhaps copied to each parent(?) from whom they are gaining consent for vaccination. It should be referenced as to sources, of course, wrt the data. And it should be couched in layperson’s language, not overly technical.
As a boomer, we all had measles and didn’t even go to the doctor. Rested, ate healthy, let it run its course and it was over with! We survived just fine! No one we know ever had to be hospitalized with worse complications! It wasn’t luck.
The "Relative Risk Reduction" (RRR) of the measles shot is around 95%. But the Absolute Risk Reduction is a mere 9.7%! The Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR) is the more meaningful measure when assessing how much a vaccine actually reduces your personal risk of getting measles. This is the same thing they did with the covid shots that had a RRR of 95%, but the ARR was 0.1%. They only advertised the RRR.
Should have a discussion about the diseases being carried into United States by illegals which include measles malaria, whooping cough and TB and more. Texas is Ground Zero..
I wish my kid ran into a kid with measles and acquired natural immunity.
Exactly and they were never required to get any vaccines by Ovomit and Obiden which says a lot!
Should also discuss the truth of virology.
Do virus' exist?
They just make it look like there is a link to a foreign country. It is how the illusion is designed:
Excellent response! You present the facts and allow readers to come to their own conclusions. There is too much fear mongering about vaccines because they are all lumped into one basket. The real problem is forced vaccination which does not allow individuals and parents to make the best choices for them or their child.
Oh, and DO NOT choose to vaccinate, yourself or loved ones. You'll be glad you didn't.
What are the likely odds that Pharma has changed or adulterated the old recipie over the years? We know they like to play God these days…js.
I worry about this. Quality control is an issue when there is no liability to worry about.
The old recipe was toxic also, so adding more synthetic ingredients known to contribute to serious health issues, even death in no way improved upon an already established poisonous substance to begin with!
It has been well medically established that humans are not capable of building humerol immunity before the minimum age of two years old; interestingly the American Medical Association mandates infants to get jabbies up within even a few hours of less of their entrance out of the womb…The Insanity of lack of common sense is beyond incomprehensible in the USA.
The Hep B shot on day 1 is the best example that CDC is not following the science. The measles shot works better the older you give it in early childhood, and causes less severe adverse effects.
On February 18, 2025, at 7:06 AM, @toobaffled
posted: "Baby Isaiah passed away after receiving the RSV shot and Hep B shot as a newborn. His parents did not want to get them but they were threatened with CPS so they complied. Horrific situation."
So glad my Granddaughter who put in countless hours of her own research had her first born at home with a wonderful Midwife and Doula. Baby is 9 months old and healthy as can be!
2019 !!!! Go Dr. Nass , blessings to you .
All “vaccines” are petroleum based byproducts courtesy of John D Rockefeller.
Courtesy of Rockefeller NOT quite but a great way to make a few more bucks and to get rid of any waste products. If you are interested, watch the FREE movie, In The Shadow of Flexner on This site is also totally free.
Rockefeller funded Flexnor.
I know but the movie is very clearly written and not dry. The Flexner Report is why verrrrrry few doctors know not much about nutrition. I say go back to teaching nutrition from K-four years of university and then in medical and dental schools.
And putting a ban to big pharma so they will be permanently shut down!!!!
...commisioned the fraudulent Flexnor report
It is the way the Medical Cartel became dominant
Well over 99% of licensed MD's have gone along with this.
a much better recommendation is to REAL EYES the great fraud
There is no virus that causes Measles or any other disease.
The entire Medical Cartel is based on this fraud.
In any case measles is measly, self limiting, and likely caused by some toxin.
Vax or Quax is neither safe nor effective, both are neurotoxins by design.
Antibody titers are but a small piece of an incredibly complex immune system.
The simple truth is that medical "specialists" have no clue whatsoever.
I have a very good friend who has had the measles vaccine multiple times and still has no antibodies against measles. And there was also a recent MMR campaign in Texas.
antibody titers are nearly meaningless, the way the entire grift is perpetuated
Yes it really is that bad...
Spoiler alert: You don't need ’vaccines’ to guard against ’viruses’ that don't exist.
Not in the living sense anyway.
I am a baby boomer and had measles, mumps on both sides, and rubella. I had the chicken pox. I obtained life long immunity.There is no need for shots!
Believe me if I knew then “what” I know now about the shots,my kids were given, I would never have allowed them to get any!
Preach it Suzanne! I’m with you-100%-same experience!
If you live in Hawaii, contact your state legislators and tell them to kill HB 1118, a new totalitarian bill that will end exemptions for vaccine mandates. The bill is a direct and severe violation of the First Amendment, and if this bill is passed, families of vaccine-injured children will have no option but to move out of the state.
Operation Cytopathic Storm
Classified Military Briefing – For Authorized Pathogenic Personnel Only
Major C.P. Effecter: “Alright, listen up, you biochemical brutes! We’ve got a mission to complete. Orders from top brass: we need to ‘find’ a ‘measles virus.’ But we don’t find anything, oh no - our job is to create it. And how do we do that? By launching a full-scale sneak attack on an unsuspecting monkey kidney cell culture until it waves the white flag in cytopathic distress! NOW, GET TO YOUR POSITIONS!”
Major C.P. Effecter: “Troops, when the world sees those cells shrivelling up and dying, they’ll think we found a virus. So, we’re gonna hit ‘em HARD! Each of you has a job – don’t screw it up!
Gentamicin & Amphotericin B – The Biochemical Blitzkrieg!
Major C.P. Effecter: “Antibiotic and antifungal unit – your job is simple: go in first, light up that culture with maximum toxicity, and wipe out anything that could throw off our results. Who cares if the cells die from chemical warfare instead of a ‘virus?!’
Gentamicin: “Yes, sir! Just like when we ‘isolated’ ‘SARS-COV-2, sir!”
Amphotericin B: “Oorah! Same way we nailed HIV, sir! Death by chemical overload-textbook!”
Fetal Bovine Serum – The Morale Sabotage!
Major C.P. Effecter: “You! Cow juice! Before we go scorched earth, you lull these cells into a false sense of security. Give ‘em just enough nourishment so when we rip it away, they drop dead from shock. Understood?!”
Fetal Bovine Serum: “Sir, yes, sir! Just like we did for Bird Flu, sir!”
Vero E6 Monkey Kidney Cells – The Hostages!
Major C.P. Effecter: “You poor, clueless monkey cells… You’re the cannon fodder. You’ll take every hit, suffer the consequences, and the world will never question why you’re dead. Just the way we like it!”
Vero E6 Cells: “Sir… wait … this doesn’t seem – AAARGH – (cytopathic effect in progress).”
Trypsin – The Enforcer!
Major C.P. Effecter: “Trypsin! If these cells don’t ‘naturally’ develop those lovely spike-shaped artifacts for our electron microscopy show, you go in and carve them out! We’ll say they’re ‘spikes’ on the ‘virus,’ not just cellular damage from digestion. You got that?!”
Trypsin: “Sir, got it! Just like when we ‘discovered’ HPV, sir!”
PCR Recon Team – The Clean-up Crew!
Major C.P. Effecter: “PCR team, you stay on standby! If anyone starts asking too many questions, we’ll just amplify some random genetic fragments until we find something that fits our story. No virus? No problem – we just print one!”
PCR Team: “Sir, same as always! Just like ‘confirming’ Ebola, sir!”
Major C.P. Effecter: “Alright, now that we’ve turned that cell culture into a biochemical war zone, it’s time for the victory parade: the Electron Microscopy Glamour Shot! I want those ‘viral particles’ looking sharp – literally! EM Unit, get in position!”
Glutaraldehyde – The Preservative Sergreant!
Major C.P. Effecter: “Lock those cells in place before they completely disintegrate! We can’t have the evidence vanishing on us before the big reveal.”
Glutaraldehyde: “Yes, sir! Just like for Polio, sir!”
Osmium Tetroxide – The Shadow Master!
Major C.P. Effecter: “Blacken those cells just right, so everything looks extra dramatic. The scarier, the better!”
Osmium Tetroxide: “Sir! Worked great for Zika, sir!”
Uranyl Acetate – The Heavy Metal Nightmare!
Major C.P. Effecter: “Hit ‘em with uranium! Nothing screams ‘science’ like radioactive embalming fluid!”
Uranyl Acetate: “Yes, sir! It’s the reason we keep finding ‘virus particles’ that look like random cell debris, sir!”
Electron Beam – The Final Artillery Strike!
Major C.P. Effecter: “Fire at will! Blast that battlefield with high-powered radiation, destroy any remaining cellular integrity, and make those artificial ‘spikes’ pop! If nature didn’t make ‘em, WE WILL!”
Electron Beam: “Sir! Just like ‘proving’ H1N1, sir!”
Major C.P. Effecter: “Alright, troops! You’ve done it again! Thanks to this textbook demolition job, we’ve got our ‘viral isolation,’ and the world will never know the difference! Now get some rest – we’ll be doing this all over again to create the next ‘pandemic.’ DISMISSED!”
We need more of these kinds of comparisons. Vaccination is, after all, a game of risk with the highest of stakes. So we need to know which is greater, first off, the risk of death from the disease versus from vaccine injury, as well as risk of serious complications of the disease v risk of adverse reactions from the vaccine. Is it silly to suggest an up-to-date list of relative risks for all approved vaccines as part of mandatory information offered in the process of gaining informed consent to vaccination? Should the public have to read a social media post - or a newspaper - to access that information?
The post states a claim yet not factual information to back it: so could be zero deaths from measles yet the post stated only 4 children in U.S. history have ever (possibly) died as a result of measles. Could it have been these children were malnourished and dehydrated and had other health issues prior to getting measles jabbed and could they have been not well cared for regarding either not having enough food yet also maybe no to very little nutrients in any foods they were provided, and what was there birth weight, and internal and external environment they were accustomed to live in, etc. Those questions have still to be answered before such claims of death by measles of any other supposed claim of any Virus (viruses are dead tissues, they are not a living organism).
4 people--2 were adults--since 2000
viruses are the first parasite .. of bacteria, maybe fungi. [maybe why anti-parasitic drug Ivermectin worked]
Nothing silly at all in getting one’s self updated education on a highly volatile subject topic as medical murder…I cannot imagine a stake that is higher than potential death to any infant, child, teen, adult or senior person. A truly informed consent by mandated law is exactly what MDs and all other health care providers, are required to to apply all the known facts upon any Rx package insert, including death listed on the jabbie mftg products inserts. How beyond immoral ignorant and assinine any person working in the medical field could possibly assume such as anything more important. Definitely Not Any Issue To Be Referred To As Silly….OMG!!
Do I understand you correctly, that number of deaths in a time period should be included in the package inserts along with all the ingredients and possible adverse reactions? If so, that's a brilliant idea and I hope someone lobbies for it. I don't live in the US, but most countries in the world take the words of USFDA and USCDC as gospel as they're totally unaware of the rampant agency corruption.
I hadn’t got that far (😜). I don’t think package inserts could be constantly updated easily. I would suggest a simple pdf posted on official websites eg CDC’s that can be easily officially updated with latest stats incl data from clinical studies, and that could be downloaded by health professionals for them to cheaply print off for each consulting doctor or nurse practitioner in the health centre as they are updated. And perhaps copied to each parent(?) from whom they are gaining consent for vaccination. It should be referenced as to sources, of course, wrt the data. And it should be couched in layperson’s language, not overly technical.
As a boomer, we all had measles and didn’t even go to the doctor. Rested, ate healthy, let it run its course and it was over with! We survived just fine! No one we know ever had to be hospitalized with worse complications! It wasn’t luck.
The "Relative Risk Reduction" (RRR) of the measles shot is around 95%. But the Absolute Risk Reduction is a mere 9.7%! The Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR) is the more meaningful measure when assessing how much a vaccine actually reduces your personal risk of getting measles. This is the same thing they did with the covid shots that had a RRR of 95%, but the ARR was 0.1%. They only advertised the RRR.