my 'egg man' told me that the factory raised eggs are at least a month, or more, old by the time they get to the grocery store. yes, the organic eggs are very, very different.
Oh, yeah, you can tell because the whites are runny, like water. You can't make a souffle with factory-raised eggs. Gotta get 'em direct from a farmers' market. Out here in CA you pay $13 a dozen for those, and that was at least 5 years ago :-(
my 'egg man' told me that the factory raised eggs are at least a month, or more, old by the time they get to the grocery store.
yes, the organic eggs are very, very different.
Oh, yeah, you can tell because the whites are runny, like water. You can't make a souffle with factory-raised eggs. Gotta get 'em direct from a farmers' market. Out here in CA you pay $13 a dozen for those, and that was at least 5 years ago :-(