I'm right there with you. My Mom is still alive at age 80 and she went through this and it was driving her nuts. My Dad passed many years ago and I'm glad he didn't have to go through it... he'd probably be in prison because he would have been extremely vocal. The one I'm *really* glad didn't have to go through it is my Grandmother on my Dad's side. She passed at 102. *Never* had a "vaccine" in her entire life and didn't take prescription drugs. She would have been POd and disappointed to the point of death. I think this insanity would have killed her. She mentioned to me the last year of her life (she was in her right mind right up till the day she died), "Rob, we are living under the Gestapo!" and "Rob, I don't even recognize my country anymore". Many people diss "The Silent Generation", but many of them knew what was going on and felt powerless to stop the madness of this out of control government. Probably why the monsters in charge made sure to kill most of them off in 2020, along with many older Baby Boomers who also get a bad rap.
I had a great grandmother who made it to 101, mind intact. Her son lived to 99 and 2 daughters lived to late '90s, minds intact. None ever had a vaccine except the son who got them in the military during WW2.
Great comment Rob D . My Dad was ww2 navy vet and saw all the smoke from 911 and it devastated him . And yes would say the same as your grandmother . He was so pissed off about 911 .
Both my parents passed away prior to this nightmare, too. I also miss them, but I am thankful that they didn't have to go through this period of time especially at an older age.
You are right I agree Dr Martin video was crazy but this is a true walk through history we all lived and always wondered about wow.. A lot was said, but there were things that were not said out loud, but you got the point wow..
People really need to look closely at the information that comes along with all prescriptions. They need to do their own research, before using any prescription drug...look for information on the items listed in the information about the drug. Anything you put in your mouth will through osmosis in the intestines... enter the bloodstream and can harm the internal organs; and your health.
Truth is simple. Lies are complex. Good health stems from eating the right foos and not putting anything in the mouth, except the right food. The right food provides nutrients for every cell and organ in the body. it provides the energy people need for their bodies to function well. If they get sick...find the cause! The human body does not require drugs. Drugs are a stress that should not be used. If one has a headache, find the cause...and stop it. It took me 30 years to find answers for my migraines. I suffered and did not take medication, because I knew how bad drugs were. i finally found an answer and have not had one headache in 31 years. I REMOVED the CAUSE
The problem goes way beyond Glenmark. When the low cost producer wins the bid to sell the drug and ignores GMP's, it is a recipe for ill health and death. The basic issue is that the majority of FDA funding comes from Big Pharma and those dollars are ear marked to OK new more expensive drugs. It is called Regulatory Capture! The FDA hasn't got the manpower or the authority to shut down these drug sources that don't follow GMP's. In fact, Hillary Clinton prevented a India manufacturer to being blackballed by the FDA. There is a book that does a deep dive into the basic issue. About 90% of all generics now come from India and China where GMP's are ignored in the process of manufacturing the drug. All you have to do is go to www.fda.gov and look up the inspection reports which are too few and discover how poorly these generics are being manufactured. The manufacturer of Zantac didn't properly monitor the quality of the drug being produced in India and it was laced with a cancer causing impurity. Just one example. Many others are out there. Many unknown to the FDA. That is why the Trump administration wants to bring back to the US the production of generics. We don't have a clue how much of our health expenditures are caused by the harm of defect drugs out of India and China.
Loose stool from eating a bad piece of lettuce: Massive recalls of lettuce all over the country. Death or injury from a drug or a "safe and effective" "vaccine".... nah, it's just a coincidence. You were going to get sick anyway. Why can't people see this?
Why would they ever investigate drug companies in India, when they already know they are terrible and they cannot inspect their boss Gates experimental country India, it would be bad for business for Gates and the FDA people would not get their pay off money and cushy jobs when they left the office next month..
Everything about the FDA is 'inadequate' because they need the 85% of their revenue from Big Pharma from certification practices. They don't want to bite the hand that feeds them. So ZERO LIABILITY will continue until Schwab's dehumanising deadline of 2030!
I wish the New World Order and Big Pharma Marketing Division & their associates would stop trying to create the next Scamdemic. They will likely take a step too far and then we're all toast!
'Zero LIABILITY' tells you all you need to know about "Safety and Efficacy" of their mRNA jabs!
Well, we thought we had avoided 'death by vax', but it seems that being in the proximity of a jabbed 'sub-human' we can inherit the deadly mRNA from their 'shedding' of the mRNA poison, rendering us all non-participating recipients of their unwanted Death Shot!
The same case is true if one has the misfortune of having a BLOOD TRANSFUSION from a blood bank because they don't segregate contaminated Vax Blood from clean unvaxxed blood!
Either way - we're Pfu*ked!
Unjabbed Mick (UK). Avoid corrupt medics with mRNA-loaded syringes which carry NO LIABILITY!
Regulatory agency like the FDA, we see from this report operate with regulations that have no teeth. Inspector jobs are hard requiring travel away from home and family and most likely under paid. Most regulatory bodies are afraid of lawsuits and the big conglomerates they “Oversee” know this.
Laws need teeth and consequences for bad behavior ie. sloppy, cost cutting manufacturing need true punishments. Fines are great but usually arbitrated away in the end. Then we learn it is much easier to survive working in a regulatory body by accepting bribes, insider trading deals or knowledge and waiving fines of guilty parties to go Scott free.
Tell me RFK doesn’t have work to do? Polio vaccine issues are just the tip of the iceberg! Hello Titanic you old bucket of bolts scuttling along the sea bottom! Wake up! Pig Harma is on the loose.
Some need to visit the FDA. Turns out that 30% of all drugs approved by The FDA have been recalled. Is that a D or an F grade in your book? Somehow I amazed that anyone trusts the FDA... #DefundTyranny #DepopulateTheDepopulators #EndAPECnow #EndUSMCAnow #FreedomIsNotFree
“I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most
of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts.
I operated on three continents.”
― Maj. Gen. Smedley Darlington Butler, War Is a Racket; 1935. At the time of his death, Butler was the most decorated Marine in U.S. military history.
Perhaps it's just me but suspect many have heard the equivalent of
"May as well take the generic. It's the same as the brand name stuff but at a fraction of the price"
Which perhaps may be true. Except when it's not.
It's a real bind because at the 100-1000x markup of some of the branded things we STILL get sketchy stuff. Moral of the story is same as it always is. Beware of Pharma.
When you buy a generic (or any other drug for that matter) I wonder if country of origin is easily identified. I know I know generalizations are unfair but for my money there are some countries that I'd categorically suspect if quality were a criteria and there are maybe 1-3 countries that would always be on my preferred list if quality was important.
I miss my parents terribly since they have passed away but glad they didn’t have to live through the last 5 years .
I'm right there with you. My Mom is still alive at age 80 and she went through this and it was driving her nuts. My Dad passed many years ago and I'm glad he didn't have to go through it... he'd probably be in prison because he would have been extremely vocal. The one I'm *really* glad didn't have to go through it is my Grandmother on my Dad's side. She passed at 102. *Never* had a "vaccine" in her entire life and didn't take prescription drugs. She would have been POd and disappointed to the point of death. I think this insanity would have killed her. She mentioned to me the last year of her life (she was in her right mind right up till the day she died), "Rob, we are living under the Gestapo!" and "Rob, I don't even recognize my country anymore". Many people diss "The Silent Generation", but many of them knew what was going on and felt powerless to stop the madness of this out of control government. Probably why the monsters in charge made sure to kill most of them off in 2020, along with many older Baby Boomers who also get a bad rap.
I had a great grandmother who made it to 101, mind intact. Her son lived to 99 and 2 daughters lived to late '90s, minds intact. None ever had a vaccine except the son who got them in the military during WW2.
Telegram is not for US.
Great comment Rob D . My Dad was ww2 navy vet and saw all the smoke from 911 and it devastated him . And yes would say the same as your grandmother . He was so pissed off about 911 .
Both my parents passed away prior to this nightmare, too. I also miss them, but I am thankful that they didn't have to go through this period of time especially at an older age.
Meryl, are you familiar with Dr. Jack Kruse?
yes we recently have met
Would have liked to be a fly on that wall.😁
Just watched it wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Eric, saving a copy.. And that is The Rest of the Story as Paul Harvey used to say..
I didn’t think it could get any better than Dr. David Martin, but holy moly, this guy floored me.
You are right I agree Dr Martin video was crazy but this is a true walk through history we all lived and always wondered about wow.. A lot was said, but there were things that were not said out loud, but you got the point wow..
Take the 4 hour deep dive on Rumble. There's a link near the bottom. Mind blowing.
I see it the podcast , thanks..
Thanks Eric, was to blown away to notice it LOL, will check it out and thanks..
Wow, this is the cold plunge guy, right? He started me on my way to saving my life back around 2012. Had to eventually diagnose my own cancer.
People really need to look closely at the information that comes along with all prescriptions. They need to do their own research, before using any prescription drug...look for information on the items listed in the information about the drug. Anything you put in your mouth will through osmosis in the intestines... enter the bloodstream and can harm the internal organs; and your health.
Most people don't understand the issue!
The possibility that all drugs can harm them???
Most if used chronically! All depends on the health status of the individual!
Truth is simple. Lies are complex. Good health stems from eating the right foos and not putting anything in the mouth, except the right food. The right food provides nutrients for every cell and organ in the body. it provides the energy people need for their bodies to function well. If they get sick...find the cause! The human body does not require drugs. Drugs are a stress that should not be used. If one has a headache, find the cause...and stop it. It took me 30 years to find answers for my migraines. I suffered and did not take medication, because I knew how bad drugs were. i finally found an answer and have not had one headache in 31 years. I REMOVED the CAUSE
The problem goes way beyond Glenmark. When the low cost producer wins the bid to sell the drug and ignores GMP's, it is a recipe for ill health and death. The basic issue is that the majority of FDA funding comes from Big Pharma and those dollars are ear marked to OK new more expensive drugs. It is called Regulatory Capture! The FDA hasn't got the manpower or the authority to shut down these drug sources that don't follow GMP's. In fact, Hillary Clinton prevented a India manufacturer to being blackballed by the FDA. There is a book that does a deep dive into the basic issue. About 90% of all generics now come from India and China where GMP's are ignored in the process of manufacturing the drug. All you have to do is go to www.fda.gov and look up the inspection reports which are too few and discover how poorly these generics are being manufactured. The manufacturer of Zantac didn't properly monitor the quality of the drug being produced in India and it was laced with a cancer causing impurity. Just one example. Many others are out there. Many unknown to the FDA. That is why the Trump administration wants to bring back to the US the production of generics. We don't have a clue how much of our health expenditures are caused by the harm of defect drugs out of India and China.
Loose stool from eating a bad piece of lettuce: Massive recalls of lettuce all over the country. Death or injury from a drug or a "safe and effective" "vaccine".... nah, it's just a coincidence. You were going to get sick anyway. Why can't people see this?
Why would they ever investigate drug companies in India, when they already know they are terrible and they cannot inspect their boss Gates experimental country India, it would be bad for business for Gates and the FDA people would not get their pay off money and cushy jobs when they left the office next month..
I think RFK, Jr. will give them a good "shake up."
Not if they listen to Senator Durbin who says he is not qualified!
At this late date DemiGods like Durbin are nearly irrelevant.
The list of criminal politicians is a long as the swamp is deep.
I hope you are right!
Hmm. Cover up for Heart issues with the jab.
Everything about the FDA is 'inadequate' because they need the 85% of their revenue from Big Pharma from certification practices. They don't want to bite the hand that feeds them. So ZERO LIABILITY will continue until Schwab's dehumanising deadline of 2030!
I wish the New World Order and Big Pharma Marketing Division & their associates would stop trying to create the next Scamdemic. They will likely take a step too far and then we're all toast!
'Zero LIABILITY' tells you all you need to know about "Safety and Efficacy" of their mRNA jabs!
Well, we thought we had avoided 'death by vax', but it seems that being in the proximity of a jabbed 'sub-human' we can inherit the deadly mRNA from their 'shedding' of the mRNA poison, rendering us all non-participating recipients of their unwanted Death Shot!
The same case is true if one has the misfortune of having a BLOOD TRANSFUSION from a blood bank because they don't segregate contaminated Vax Blood from clean unvaxxed blood!
Either way - we're Pfu*ked!
Unjabbed Mick (UK). Avoid corrupt medics with mRNA-loaded syringes which carry NO LIABILITY!
These 3 letter agencies must be …..DEFUNDED!
Regulatory agency like the FDA, we see from this report operate with regulations that have no teeth. Inspector jobs are hard requiring travel away from home and family and most likely under paid. Most regulatory bodies are afraid of lawsuits and the big conglomerates they “Oversee” know this.
Laws need teeth and consequences for bad behavior ie. sloppy, cost cutting manufacturing need true punishments. Fines are great but usually arbitrated away in the end. Then we learn it is much easier to survive working in a regulatory body by accepting bribes, insider trading deals or knowledge and waiving fines of guilty parties to go Scott free.
Tell me RFK doesn’t have work to do? Polio vaccine issues are just the tip of the iceberg! Hello Titanic you old bucket of bolts scuttling along the sea bottom! Wake up! Pig Harma is on the loose.
Some need to visit the FDA. Turns out that 30% of all drugs approved by The FDA have been recalled. Is that a D or an F grade in your book? Somehow I amazed that anyone trusts the FDA... #DefundTyranny #DepopulateTheDepopulators #EndAPECnow #EndUSMCAnow #FreedomIsNotFree
It is never a good idea to have the corrupt state regulate safety.
HHS serves the same purpose as the Military:
“I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most
of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts.
I operated on three continents.”
― Maj. Gen. Smedley Darlington Butler, War Is a Racket; 1935. At the time of his death, Butler was the most decorated Marine in U.S. military history.
Even if they inspect this facility, after the FDA is gone, it will go back to the way it was.
Perhaps it's just me but suspect many have heard the equivalent of
"May as well take the generic. It's the same as the brand name stuff but at a fraction of the price"
Which perhaps may be true. Except when it's not.
It's a real bind because at the 100-1000x markup of some of the branded things we STILL get sketchy stuff. Moral of the story is same as it always is. Beware of Pharma.
When you buy a generic (or any other drug for that matter) I wonder if country of origin is easily identified. I know I know generalizations are unfair but for my money there are some countries that I'd categorically suspect if quality were a criteria and there are maybe 1-3 countries that would always be on my preferred list if quality was important.