Good luck!! The patients need you and doctors like you

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Yeeha! I will get up at 6 am (6 am?? me)??? to watch. Sounds like they're already running for the hills -- withdrawing most of their complaints an'all. After you've smashed them on Tuesday, may I respectfully suggest that you then sue them, for lost earnings and compensatory damages. Preventing you from practicing for 9 months without even a hearing and damaging your reputation in an entirely unwarranted way should be worth a good few $$$ ....

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Oh hell yes. Great suggestion!

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Bravo to you and your expert witnesses for your courage, determinism and patriotism. It is never easy for patriots to contain the mainstream when it is being undermined by un-Americans who are deliberately trying to destroy our democracy, economy, our Republic, our health, and our civil rights. May God Bless you and your team, and America!

Len Saputo, MD, president of Physicians and Patients Reclaiming Medicine (reclaimingmed.com)

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Wow! Just checked out your link. Looks like an amazing organization. Thank you and Godspeed to you.

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Join us! Subscribe for free...smile


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Are you affiliated with and/or working with American Association of Physicians & Surgeons I hope?

Https://aapsonline.org/ ?

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Yes, and we are affiliated with a number of organizations that are oriented to form a coalition rather than work independently. The mission of "Physicians and Patients Reclaiming Medicine" is to provide a voice for "We the People" that will give us the power to deal with the corruption of what has become a corporate democracy. We are in a second American Revolution, and must come together in unity if we are to save our Republic!

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Good luck. All states should be like my state. We have a law that doctors cannot be disciplined for prescribing iver and hydro. The medical board is not allowed to bring any action for this.

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our state of SC specifically forbade pharmacists from refusing to fill legit scripts for ivermectin

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Which state?

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We are rooting for you Dr. Nass. You’ve been a remarkable inspiration and source of truth. Thank you so much.

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Good luck, Meryl! I trust justice will prevail. 🤞🤞

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Meryl, you are my hero. (sorry for a dictation error)

Giving Ivermectin to patients a horrible crime?

I am not a doctor, but I am guilty of the same crime - I gave Ivermectin to my wife in Dec 2021. She felt better in 2 hours and her temperature dropped to normal. No long Covid.

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Thank you for standing strong.

You are a much needed example of courage in a time many have forgotten what that looks like.

What is the best way people can support you in this campaign?

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If you wish to contribute money, send to CHD with a note it is for my defense. It will be tax deductible. Send good wishes and prayers to the ends of the universe. Share the story of how our own governments are trying to destroy free speech and remove the ability of patients to choose their own doctor and own method of treatment.

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You are one of our heroes! Thank you for standing up to save us all. 🙏🏼

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I hope you can sue them for defamation of character and other asundry damages. We need to hold these people personally liable so just maybe they will start to think with their own minds and not be so easily bought off.

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Go Dr. Nass!! Praying you win! And that you continue to spread the truth far and wide!

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Praying for justice.

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I will be watching and sending some good energy too!

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Suspending Dr Nass in a state filled with incompetent, uncaring physicians and surgeons is beyond belief. I speak from what I know: I was crippled by these butchers. And my former partner had many seizures and not one specialist has any idea what happened. And they demand payment for their utter ignorance!

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I'm sorry for your hardships.

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Dear Meryl,

Please keep in mind the fact your opponents aren't interested in your valid arguments. They know they suspended you for other reasons than where the suspension should have been bases upon.

If I were your attorney, I recommended you to

1 talk as less/show as less possible about yourself, because your oppenents only cannot make evilness from no information at all. All other information you show, can and will be used against you, and will serve your opponents in being able te persist in their nonsense.

2 talk as much about the opponents didn't had a reason to do to you as what the have done.

Talk about a lachk of procedures, human rights, to you and your patients!

Take them down with 'their own laws and their own rules', instead of handing them 283 emails, which I consider is a weapon the can kill your license with on numerous ways. Everthing you show them about you, is a potential risk of being even more disqualified bij your oppenents, and if they put some efforts in so called investigations on youw emails, the have enough munition to take you down in court: after that had happened you find out their lies, but damage is done and the next time in court you have for more to be corrected than you now must do.

explain completely why a decision to suspend a doctor should be made for and what goal is aimed at: savety for patients for example I gues. Show them you are the one caring for savety and Illustratie with many examples, non fabricated by you yourself.

Please take under consideration that I might be right and without changing strategy you might be damaged even more in stead of being restored as a docter, or worse.

Show short undiscussable unpersonal facts. Show them they abuse the law, and to which goals the work en show them yours. Shortly.

Undiscussably. Ask for big amounts of compensation. Don't be nice or decent, it doesn't work !! At best case scenario, maybe it makes evertythink a lot worser than before! and your case is of course by far strong enough to not needing it, and you should not have to have to to to court anyway..tell them this when helpful. Don't be afraid of repetition: the do it (far) worse and like all the time, so them the do, show them what you are doing...

Good look to you, take it away!

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Good luck! What an outrage! I hope you sue the pants off of them just like Dr. Thomas! https://thehighwire.com/videos/doctor-sues-oregon-medical-board-for-35-million/

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I naturally hope Dr. Thomas succeeds and all others like him and Meryl. Twould be gratifying if all of the medical boards and the entire system were dismantled and rebuilt on a sound foundation.

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