The most defended territory in the world went unguarded, even despite cameras and satellites... and the best intelligence services... and it took six hours for army to arrive, when you can crisscross Israel in 6 hours? Some fairy tales can't even convince a small child, and this is one of them.
Israel has never aimed its offensive at Palestinian hospitals. But hamas uses its own people as shields for themselves. Buush's moves into Afghanistan and Syria and Iraq certainly upped the anty and growth of terrorists, especially ISIS.
Chris Hedges: Israel has also long targeted medical facilities, ambulances and medics, as Middle East scholar Norman Finkelstein points out. It bombed a Palestinian children’s hospital during the 1982 war in Lebanon, killing 60 people. It also carried out missile strikes on clearly marked Lebanese ambulances during the 2006 war between Israel and Lebanon. It damaged or destroyed 29 ambulances and almost half of Gaza’s health facilities, including 15 hospitals, during the 2008-2009 assault on Gaza known as Operation Cast Lead. It routinely prohibited wounded Palestinians from being picked up by ambulances during this operation, often leaving them to die. During Operation Protective Edge, the 51-day assault on Gaza in 2014, Israel destroyed or damaged 17 hospitals and 56 primary healthcare centers and damaged or destroyed 45 ambulances.
Amnesty International, which investigated the Israeli attacks on three of these hospitals in 2014, dismissed the “evidence” for the attacks offered by Israel as false. “The image tweeted by the Israeli military does not match satellite images of the al-Wafa hospital and appears to depict a different location,” the report read.
Caitlin Johnstone: Israel does after all have an extensive history of attacking hospitals and healthcare facilities, including in this current operation in Gaza, including apparently bombing this exact same hospital just a few days ago. ReliefWeb, which is run by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, recently published a report on the numerous Israeli strikes that have hit hospitals, ambulances and healthcare workers between October 12 and October 15, and listed among the hospitals hit is the Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City — the same hospital that was just destroyed a few days later.
This is Israeli propaganda from a government that demonstrated its disdain for its people during Covid. You have to be blind or ignorant not to see this.
So we are saying that terrorist were just allowed to float into Israel on drones with heavy weapons? Kind of floated in like a balloon. That maybe the one of the toughest military in the world with the best security maybe just allowed this to happen. That maybe it seems, now don't quote me, that terrorist were somehow invited into Israel by Israel. Hmmm..
Bamboozling has been made to look as easy as demolishing a 47-story building by removing one bracket, on one beam, attached to one column, at one end of a huge building and thus enabling it to collapse with near symmetrical dynamics (steal skin, interior columns and concrete and all) at near free-fall speed. It's child's play, really --- especially if the public audience comprises the cognitively child-like.
Meryl, thanks for this incredible article. Unfortunately, it's biggest problem is that it won't be seen or considered by by the majority who is incapacited by the ability of the evildoers to keep us misinformed through their greatest weapons of censorship, propaganda and brainwashing. As our world becomes a scarier place each day, I applaud you for honest efforts and hard work in standing for freedom and justice against seemingly insurmountable odds. God bless you and our word.
I suspect it’s Israel’s 1/6 with the goal to get rid of Netanyahu.
Yet, as we know, one must not look for other reason if incompetence is plausible. If you watched a movie Golda, the Yom Kippur War of 1973 happened the way it did because an eavesdropping system was turned off.
The article you provided has not asked a single question which I has not asked and have not offered a single hypothesis I have not thought of.
That’s a DEEP-DEEP insight “Israeli government is responsible” worthy a Nobel Prize in some smart field and, given the Nobel’s corruption, it may actually get it.
Now what?
In response to your 9/11 conspiracy theory, I offer you mine 1/6, where unnamed sources supposedly make vile accusations to take down undesired by the world elites politician.
Could I be wrong? For sure. Unlike you, I’ve been wrong many a time …
Hopefully just for Israel to try and clear out Gaza, because they want the land or the gas reserves. Not hopefully, to leverage a big War with Iran, since the Ukraine Proxy War ain't going too well. It's going the way of Afghanistan. A total loser.
Not only allowed to happen but facilitated by the IDF & Mossad. Mossad has so many informers in Gaza and Hamas, they leak like a sieve. And Hamas was posting videos of them training for the Israeli attack, complete with their weapons. They didn't even bother sneaking across at night, they went in broad daylight. You could see possibly getting across at one point if they totally focused on that, but 16 points?!? That's ridiculous.
Myself and others have posted the links to multiple people who are johnny-on-the-spot. I'm going by what they say, plus, just plain logic tells me, if I could design a security system that would have stopped those attackers cold, not a chance they would have gotten through, and that's for maybe $3M, then certainly Israel with all their high tech skill and a $400M system could do much better than that. The whole plot just stinks.
No, it would be more like the team manager hires a new player, say from Africa, gives him a multi-$million contract, and first game he misses every shot, trips their best player, causing them to lose the game 92-0.
Now every single person would be saying why did they hire that hack? Why spend $millions on him? Except you, who would say, "oh like you could do better". No I wouldn't say I could do better because I am crap at basketball. But I do have knowledge of alarm systems, and have installed them and maintained them. So I can speak with some level of expertise, and say unequivocally, as did the experts in the posted article, no way they could be that incompetent. You saying "nothing-but-smart-talk" means zip because you know zip. I doubt you could wire in a doorbell.
You need to change your Alias. You clearly love servitude, not freedom. It is so glaringly obvious that this massacre benefits Bibi and the Likud party goals of annihilation of the people of Gaza, any fool can see the glaring holes in the narrative. They didn’t even bother to come up with original slogans, just dusted off post 9/11 BS.
I can’t remember the last legal war by the letter of our laws. In terms of the social contract, to what authority do we lend fealty to protect us now ? What I fear most is that our already centuries-old American tribe of indomitable free men and women will simply dissolve in the face of this orchestrated chaos.
The precarious legacy of 1776, liberty and the rule of law needs not Israel to wane and wither. Philanthropic billionaires, teachers’ unions, vaxxes, drugs, poisonous food and the replacements are dissolving us at breakneck speed.
The unfortunate Israelis appear to be no less lemming-like doomed.
Security experts are blaming Israel’s government for Saturday’s invasion in which Muslim forces from Gaza massacred over 1,200 Israelis and kidnapped at least one hundred hostages.
So far no investigations have been launched into how the invaders were able to cross Israel’s heavily fortified border unimpeded, nor why it took Israel’s highly trained security forces over six hours to respond to calls for help.
Since 2005, when Israel expelled all Jewish residents from Gaza and ceded the territory to Muslims, Israel has been building sophisticated defense systems along the border. Foreseeing a possible above-ground invasion, Israel spent $220 million to develop an advanced security system “with no margin of error.” This includes barbed wire fences and a 23-foot high wall. Motion sensors are embedded in the ground along the electronic fences, which are accompanied by watchtowers armed with remote-control machine guns. The border is also patrolled by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), or drones, and Humvees operated by highly trained troops. Hundreds of night-vision cameras placed along the border constantly transmit to command centers which are operational 24/7.
Also deployed along the Gaza border is at least one semi-autonomous robotic vehicle called the Jaguar, equipped with dozens of cameras, sensors, transmitters and a 7.62mm MAG machine gun. The Jaguar sports a remote-controlled PA system and can self-destruct if captured by the enemy.
To stave off underground invasions, a 40-mile-long underground “smart fence” equipped with hundreds of AI-powered cameras, radar, and other sensors. The fence can detect infiltration by sea and is connected to a remote-controlled weapons system. One hundred and forty thousand tons of steel and concrete were reportedly used to build the barrier.
Israel’s Gazan border security also includes Sky Dew, a giant airborne balloon designed to help the Israel Air Force detect threats such as missiles and aircraft.
Video footage from Saturday’s invasion shows Muslim forces using a single bulldozer to dismantle a barbed wire fence. Media operatives have tried to claim that the invaders were able to cross the border after first dropping bombs on observation towers, somehow evading detection by Sky Dew, UAVs, electronic sensors and patrols. There is also no explanation for how the loss of transmission escaped notice by the military and intelligence units in the command centers.
Those units conduct regular drills and maneuvers. According to one military commander who was stationed at the Gaza border, one of those drills is a daily “dawn alert” during which both the night and day shifts inspect the border’s defenses. The Muslim forces, who invaded during the dawn hours, would have stumbled into a massive surveillance exercise by hypervigilant troops.
“In the 40 or more years that I’ve been following Israel one way or another, I’ve never seen this happen,” commented Trump-appointed former US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman. “I’ve never seen the border breached in this manner. Usually, even one person from Gaza gets close to the border, they’re intercepted and neutralized long before they can do anything. This is just something I’ve never seen before. It’s of course a large intelligence failure.”
Israeli officials have also not addressed how hours after the attack began and Israel’s forces had been alerted, the invaders were able to return the way they came, taking hostages on dirt bikes back to Gaza.
“It is almost inconceivable how they missed this,” said CIA counterterrorism veteran Marc Polymeropoulos.
Security experts are also baffled as to how Israel’s intelligence network, which includes the feared Mossad and the country’s domestic intelligence agency, the Shin Bet, could have been ignorant of the operation.
“I’m truly astonished for something of this magnitude to go down and for the Israelis to have no clue that this is about to happen. I’m just speechless,” said Senior Fellow Colin Clarke at the global security research tank Soufan Center. “They have had sources inside these Palestinian groups for years.”
“Israel has exquisite, world-class intelligence collection and analysis capabilities and would have a far better picture of what’s going on in its own backyard. This one falls squarely on the Israelis,” he added.
Former Kerem Shalom Battalion Commander Yoram Erez wrote: "Something here doesn't add up to me!!! This is a mystery that I can't find an answer to since yesterday?
"I happen to know how things work in Gaza and on the border. I was the commander of the Kerem Shalom sector (Rafiah), I was in charge of Kissuf sector, I know the perimeter fence very well, I know how the army works there. I was in the Shatti refugee camp in Gaza, I was in charge of the Jibaliya refugee camp, I would make ambushes on the fence and deep in the area. I met Gazans, ate and breathed Gaza.
"The obstacle is built so that even a fox cannot pass it:
"Alerts are set according to 3 levels of pressure. It must alert when it is cut. There are, 24/7, forces that are responsible for arriving within a few minutes, if not seconds, to the point where there is an alert in the fence.
"Every day they do at least one penetration drill. Each subdivision has a standby squad whose role is to increase the force in an emergency situation. Observations scattered along the border cover every inch of it.
"The female observers are champions at identification. They don't miss. They detect movement even before it even approaches the obstacle - day and night. At problematic points (dead areas) they place a tank with observation and detection capabilities, and a terrifying firepower. In some cases snipers are deployed in the field.
"Every day before dawn there is a ‘dawn alert’ procedure. At this hour all the forces are awake (in this case also the hour when hundreds of terrorists entered Israel). The night shift alternates with the day shift. The commander of each force inspects the axis to make sure there were no infiltrations during the night.
"Trackers that move on the axis know how to recognize traces. They know who crossed the fence, how much and even when.
"Each scenario has a clear procedure. For example, a procedure for infiltrating terrorists, a procedure for taking hostages. Everything is written in blood and has been proving itself for years.
"There are several other layers of security that this is not the place to talk about. In short, we are talking about an obstacle that proves itself for years and years.
"So how the hell does a Palestinian tractor move towards the fence without anyone reacting to it?
"How did the tractor manage to sabotage the fence for a long hour and open access to Israel without anyone reacting to it?
"How did hundreds of terrorists and civilians cross the barrier without anyone on our side lifting a finger?
"How did terrorists arrive on foot and in vehicles, armed from head to toe, to dozens of Israeli settlements, without any reaction from our side?
"How did hundreds of terrorists stay in Israeli territory for long hours, shoot hundreds of Israelis, loot property, without there being even a single reaction on our side?
"How did it happen that hundreds of terrorists kidnapped dozens of Israelis, woke women, children, babies, old people from their beds, surprised soldiers, officers when they were not ready, and kidnapped them to Gaza, without anyone stopping them?
"How is it that one bullet was not fired?
"How did all this happen under our noses?
"Where did an entire division go?
"Where did 3 brigades go?
"Who swallowed 9 battalions?
"What happened to 36 companies?
"Where did an entire regular infantry brigade go that usually outnumbers the elite?
"Where were all the reserve battalions that augment the regular army?
So Netanyahu can escape prison and a lot of people will die to serve the Agenda of a bunch of psychopaths. No. Not a good idea. Netanyahu needs to be arrested right now.
Israel Ordered Military to Stand Down During Hamas Assault
by Jamie White October 15th 2023
"The IDF was given stand down orders - both the army and the Air Force - seven hours to stand down while those attacks took place," says Jewish charity leader.
Maybe Hamas' terror attack really was Israel’s 9/11 -- another inside job to justify full-scale war.
¨Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered Israel’s military to stand down for 7 hours during Hamas’ assault on the Jewish nation last week, according to reports.
Jewish Pro-Life Foundation leader Cecily Routman, citing government sources, claimed Netanyahu ordered the stand down to allow Hamas to launch its attack in order to justify Israeli retaliation against Gaza meant to ultimately wipe the Palestinian enclave off the map.
“Israel as the most sophisticated intelligence in the world. There is no way the government didn’t know that that was going to happen,” Routman told conservative activist Lauren Witzke in an interview released Saturday.
Routman explained that Rabbi Chananya Weissman, who’s connected with top officials in the Israeli government, “sent out a missive that, indeed, the IDF was given stand down orders – both the army and the air force – seven hours to stand down while those attacks took place.
“And this allowed the terrorists to come in and begin slaughtering and torturing the citizens,” she said.
“Personally, I think that this situation is akin to a family keeping a rabid dog in their home and then blaming the dog when their baby gets bitten.”
“I look at the government of Israel and they really needed to make sure these people did not proliferate on their borders. And so they are held partially accountable for having to kill God’s creations in order to secure their border. This should never have happened,” Routman added.
Her claims corroborate reports from Oct. 7, in the first hours of Hamas’ attack on Israel, that the Israeli military was largely absent as Hamas invaded the border.
🇮🇱 Israeli citizens in Israeli towns near Gaza Strip begging for help from Israeli Police or Army, and they’re NOT there!
6 hours after this nightmare started.
What happened to the “strongest army in the world”?
That's totally wrong. They always do that in order to bury the story and protect the guilty. Everything should be brought out into the open right away, while memories of the witnesses is fresh and before evidence is disappeared.
Who “they” are always do “that” and what “that” do “they” do??
Everything canNOT be brought out into open because everyone is looking for bodies of murdered children and raped women and think how to get 250 hostages out while getting perpetrators.
Oh, Gid, I thought that Ms. Nass has intelligent audience. These are most idiotic responses I’ve gotten ever
You calling them idiotic means nothing because you don't know anything. Learn a bit before pronouncing judgements that you pulled out of your arsehole.
You saying that means zero because you know zero. You are at a loss to make even one cogent argument. So far you have only posted gibberish. I have posted loads of evidence and everyone agrees it is evidence except you who knows nothing. You probably need an instruction manual to figure out how to plug in a toaster.
"THEY" obviously are the people responsible for perpetrating this charade. Just like those who did 9/11. And the Jan 6, Fedsurrection and the Covid plandemic. Evil people. And liars. Don't you realize the danger when our own governments just lie to us? Ahah, a vaccine to save you but it actually kills you. Maybe they exterminate you just because they can. You don't recollect what happened in WW2 when governments lie? They kill tens of millions of people. This time it might be billions of people. Wise up, son.
Of course they're conspiracies, what do you think this attack by Hamas was? Or 9/11, Jan 6 and Covid. We know they were all conspiracies, people might argue about who the conspirators were, but they were all conspiracies (and conspiracy charges laid). Learn what a word means before using it.
"....without a shrewd of evidence not....".
What is a shrewd of evidence? Not too bright are you? I just posted a whole shit-load of evidence. You're brain dead if you can't see it.
That has to be the worst take on the the internet. Just start murdering people Willy Billy with not actual idea what really happened and who is responsible?
Almost BY DEFINITION! Normal people just want to have loving relationships, raise their families, engage in productive, worthwhile work, have some free time, enjoy themselves, do some good in the world, etc. They don't seek "unwarranted power and influence". They aren't on a control trip. They don't want to stomp on and subjugate other humans. They just want to live their lives in peace!
But that's not good enough for the power-hungry Globalists and corporate exec types, the Banksters, the members of the Super Wealthy "elite" families, the Eugenicist Bill Gates, the Freak-show NAZI‐sympathizer George Soros, the You-will-eat-bugs Klaus Schwab, and all the other Devil-worshiping Globalist Nut Jobs (Remember Hillary Clinton attending a Witches' Coven a while back—in the mainstream news!— and regularly (monthly) flying out to California while she was FLOTUS to attend Witches' Covens? AND her involvement with child-trafficking Haitian children, AND her [and Bill's] NUMEROUS flights to Jeffrey Epstein's Pedo Island on his child-rape private jet???).
Bottom line— those people ARE crazed, power-hungry Psychopaths!!!!!! And they think they have THE RIGHT TO RULE US???!!!!!
World is 8 billion plus people, and Jordan Peterson (if I remember right) says 5 percent are psychopaths and they seek power. My math is abysmal, even when I try hard lol, but how many is that? That is our enemy, they have trillions, and minions who are MKUltraed or under the sway of algorithms or neuralink or brainwashed into cults. They have NO ZILCH NADA spirituality, faith, creativity or outside the box cognitive abilities, and that is our secret weapon.
One thing can be known for sure: As people squabble over what “truly” happened and in the confusion to decipher the truth, more power will be grabbed by governments and more citizens’ freedoms and lives lost. It’s really hard not to feel hopeless in the face of such levels of lies, manipulation and, yes, evil.
General Wesley Clark comment about war in the Middle East.
The last country was Iran.
¨So I came back to see him a few weeks later, and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said, "Are we still going to war with Iraq?" And he said, "Oh, it's worse than that." He reached over on his desk. He picked up a piece of paper. And he said, "I just got this down from upstairs" -- meaning the Secretary of Defense's office -- "today." And he said, "This is a memo that describes how we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran." Read More
General Wesley Clark Wars Were Planned Seven Countries In Five Years 2:12 min
Go back and check his statements during D and R administrations. Going back to the Clinton administration in 1990s, He provides opposite assessments and recommendations in similar situations.
THe violence will be brought here... We have let thousands of militants into the USA and they are just waiting for orders. Martial law will be declared as was always the plan, the economy will crash and many many will suffer.
That may well be their devious scheme to bring down America. Here Bankster minion, Henry Kissinger, explains their strategy succinctly:
“Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order (referring to the 1991 L.A. riot). Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government.”
Henry Kissinger @ Bilderberg Conference, Evaians, France 1991
Clinton’s Deputy Secretary of State quoted in Time magazine on July 20, 1992: “In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea.”
Do you think the price of oil and food might rise? How many countries did Gen. Wesley Clark say the US going to war against? Iraq-check. Afghanistan-check. Syria-check. Libya-check. Is Iran next?
Taiwan is regarded by China and in tacit agreement most of the world as PART of China, but other countries no. Unlike the US, China has not overthrown foreign governments.
"Let me first declare that I do not know what exactly happened."
Thank you Dr. Nass for one of the most coherent view on what is happening between Israel and Hamas and the rest of the western world. There are lots of unanswered questions about how Hamas was able to go into Israel without opposition.
You said this in the comments;
"The most defended territory in the world went unguarded, even despite cameras and satellites... and the best intelligence services."
and it reminds me of 9/11 when the most restricted air space in America was left unguarded on 9/11 allowing aircraft to fly for hours without a response from those charged to keep the airspace safe. America’s Air Force was doing drills that day and Cheney refused to let them come back. Israel’s military was defending the settlers of the West Bank to harass Palestinians.
There is a video circulating of a woman who was taken hostage by Hamas who says that she was treated decently and she says lots of the hostages and people at the rave were killed by Israel’s military and not by Hamas. Time will hopefully expose the truth.
Your article disgusts me. Your hatred for Jews is astonishing and lack of knowledge on the history of the region is inexcusable. You state that Palestinians were expelled by the Jews??? Jews were the original Palestinians as Palestine was the name of the region - it was never a people. The myriad of arabs living in Gaza have been USED and Oppressed by their leaders for 75 years! Billions spent to wage war on the Jews but no money to develop their land?? The “Palestinians” were offered a state 5 times since modern day israel became a state. They refused all 5 times. The Palestinians and those who control them want, above all else, the annihilation of Israel and the annihilation of all Jews. Fun fact - the Arabs living in Israel have full Israeli citizenship, are doctors, professionals, ministers in government. Can you name a single Arab country that offers the same to a Jew? No you can not because it was the Jew who was expelled from all Arab countries in 1948. Maybe listen to Dennis Prager’s 5 minute video on the Israel-Palestinian conflict. Maybe read Abba Eban’s autobiography. Read something so that you know what the hell you are taking about!
The Israeli government already murdered about 20,000 Israelis with deadly Covid Inoculations, much more when you include the denial of effective therapeutics for Covid treatment:
Exclusive: Proof that Israel found serious safety problems with the COVID vaccines then deliberately covered it up:
And why they did it is unknown. Most likely, same as for Covid, because Netanyahu got orders from his bosses in Davos. Who knows what devious scheme those Psychopaths are planning
Their land was stolen by Israel. Why not move Israel here to federal lands in the West? Then they wouldn’t be in danger of attack. And they could begin paying taxes for all the benefits US has given them.
Ellen your post is the only sane one here. I'm just astounded by the idiocy (and the truly bizarre claim that this is reasoned argument-- applying the "scientific method"!!!) of the initial post. The author admits he has never bothered to travel to Israel and I daresay he hasn't spoken to a single actual Israeli human being in preparing this weird paranoid rant. MY contacts on the ground believe the problem was at least in part the official policy of giving hiring advantage to Israelis who are Muslim-- I'm informed that if you're an electrician who wants a contract to run wires for the military you have double the odds of winning it if you're an Israeli Arab compared to an Israeli Jew. One of the key contractors used to wire up the security systems along the border has a wife whose family live in Gaza.... The thing is that I admit this is hearsay. I don't start out with the bizarre claim that Netanyahu wanted my cousin's best friend (a young mother and physician) to end up with her husband and baby sedated in ICU with burns on 70% of their bodies. And as for COVID vaccinations, Israeli leaders are monsters but US ones aren't? Israel was initially a victim of gigantic PsyOp (Pfizer CEO comes from holocaust survivors, wants to "save" Jews etc etc ), but you guys aren't interested in truth here.
Bibi Netanyahu: Israel Must “Support Bolstering Hamas and Transferring Money to Hamas”
¨Bibi Netanyahu and his ideological ilk represent more of an existential threat to the continued existence of the Israeli state – and possibly the world if it gets dragged into its geopolitical melodrama — than any foreign adversary ever could hope to.
What many casual news consumers might not know, even ones who consider themselves “informed” – in large part because MSNBC/CIA-funded Washington Post would never tell them – is that Hamas is in no small measure a creation of the Israeli state.
This is not to mean “creation of the Israeli state” in the figurative, obscure sense of “Israel forced the birth of Hamas-style militancy through its Apartheid policies in the Gaza Strip,” although that is certainly true.
I literally mean to say the Israeli government actively and directly participated in creating and propping up Hamas in the service of its own political machinations.
Straight from the horse’s mouth, here’s how Netanyahu schemed behind the scenes for years to promote the terrorist group he now publicly decries and postures as the savior from.
Via Haaretz:
“Effectively, Netanyahu’s entire worldview collapsed over the course of a single day. He was convinced that he could make deals with corrupt Arab tyrants while ignoring the cornerstone of the Arab-Jewish conflict, the Palestinians. His life’s work was to turn the ship of state from the course steered by his predecessors, from Yitzhak Rabin to Ehud Olmert, and make the two-state solution impossible. En route to this goal, he found a partner in Hamas.
‘Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,’ he told a meeting of his Likud party’s Knesset members in March 2019. “This is part of our strategy – to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.” Read More
Thank you Meryl. This is a critical read. The fact checkers are already saying that the suggestions of the Hamas attack being allowed are ludicrous... we know what that means...
"The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) can quickly identify soldiers using its comprehensive database, which includes DNA samples, fingerprint biometrics, and photos of each soldier. However, the identification of civilians is more complex because the civilian biometric database in Israel is incomplete and doesn’t provide sufficient verification of identity for burial. The IDF is, therefore, striving to combine the military and civilian biometric systems to enable accurate and quick identification of the dead.
The IDF hopes to bury the victims before the Sabbath on Saturday, Sept. 14, 2023, to respect Jewish religious law. To shorten the identification process, the IDF has begun creating biometric databases of photos, fingerprints, DNA and teeth.
Injured victims have poured into local hospitals, like Soroka Medical Center in Be’er Sheva, which Forbes reports is using facial recognition from Corsight to help family members locate their missing loved ones. *Corsight has provided the technology to the hospital for free."
Thanks for pointing out that it's at least possible that the Hamas attack was deliberately allowed to happen to have an excuse for other things.
A lot of people say I'm crazy for even suggesting it. But I'm pretty sure it's true.
The most defended territory in the world went unguarded, even despite cameras and satellites... and the best intelligence services... and it took six hours for army to arrive, when you can crisscross Israel in 6 hours? Some fairy tales can't even convince a small child, and this is one of them.
Right, I've been to Israel myself and the security was really tight. So I just can't believe this was a surprise.
Egypt warned Netanyahu, but I’m sure the Mossad already knew long before.
Both Egypt and Israel already denied this.
Of course they did.
Israel has never aimed its offensive at Palestinian hospitals. But hamas uses its own people as shields for themselves. Buush's moves into Afghanistan and Syria and Iraq certainly upped the anty and growth of terrorists, especially ISIS.
Chris Hedges: Israel has also long targeted medical facilities, ambulances and medics, as Middle East scholar Norman Finkelstein points out. It bombed a Palestinian children’s hospital during the 1982 war in Lebanon, killing 60 people. It also carried out missile strikes on clearly marked Lebanese ambulances during the 2006 war between Israel and Lebanon. It damaged or destroyed 29 ambulances and almost half of Gaza’s health facilities, including 15 hospitals, during the 2008-2009 assault on Gaza known as Operation Cast Lead. It routinely prohibited wounded Palestinians from being picked up by ambulances during this operation, often leaving them to die. During Operation Protective Edge, the 51-day assault on Gaza in 2014, Israel destroyed or damaged 17 hospitals and 56 primary healthcare centers and damaged or destroyed 45 ambulances.
Amnesty International, which investigated the Israeli attacks on three of these hospitals in 2014, dismissed the “evidence” for the attacks offered by Israel as false. “The image tweeted by the Israeli military does not match satellite images of the al-Wafa hospital and appears to depict a different location,” the report read.
Caitlin Johnstone: Israel does after all have an extensive history of attacking hospitals and healthcare facilities, including in this current operation in Gaza, including apparently bombing this exact same hospital just a few days ago. ReliefWeb, which is run by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, recently published a report on the numerous Israeli strikes that have hit hospitals, ambulances and healthcare workers between October 12 and October 15, and listed among the hospitals hit is the Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City — the same hospital that was just destroyed a few days later.
This is Israeli propaganda from a government that demonstrated its disdain for its people during Covid. You have to be blind or ignorant not to see this.
It’s confirmed. The hospital PARKING LOT was hit by NOT Israel, but an Islamic Jihad rocket.
So we are saying that terrorist were just allowed to float into Israel on drones with heavy weapons? Kind of floated in like a balloon. That maybe the one of the toughest military in the world with the best security maybe just allowed this to happen. That maybe it seems, now don't quote me, that terrorist were somehow invited into Israel by Israel. Hmmm..
Yes, and the same for 9/11.
Like the Pentagon on Sept 11, 2001.
Exactly like 9/11. A total setup. Civilians sacrificed in order to get an excuse for war. This playbook is getting tiresome.
And the third building somehow just fell to the ground all by itself on 9/11.
Bamboozling has been made to look as easy as demolishing a 47-story building by removing one bracket, on one beam, attached to one column, at one end of a huge building and thus enabling it to collapse with near symmetrical dynamics (steal skin, interior columns and concrete and all) at near free-fall speed. It's child's play, really --- especially if the public audience comprises the cognitively child-like.
Only cretins or brainwashed people couldn't figure it out -- 90 % of Population? That's scary...'
An excellent post. Meryl!
This became apparent with ~80-90% compliance with Covid mandates.
It's pre planned land clearence for the new settlers, ,same in Hawaii etc etc etc
Disaster Capitalism...someone wants the land.
Meryl, thanks for this incredible article. Unfortunately, it's biggest problem is that it won't be seen or considered by by the majority who is incapacited by the ability of the evildoers to keep us misinformed through their greatest weapons of censorship, propaganda and brainwashing. As our world becomes a scarier place each day, I applaud you for honest efforts and hard work in standing for freedom and justice against seemingly insurmountable odds. God bless you and our word.
I suspect it’s Israel’s 1/6 with the goal to get rid of Netanyahu.
Yet, as we know, one must not look for other reason if incompetence is plausible. If you watched a movie Golda, the Yom Kippur War of 1973 happened the way it did because an eavesdropping system was turned off.
No way that was incompetence. This was just like 9/11, a False Flag Operation. No question about it.
Can you present your evidence which erased every question for you please?
Read through the links I posted already and some other people posted as well, like this one is the best:
The article you provided has not asked a single question which I has not asked and have not offered a single hypothesis I have not thought of.
That’s a DEEP-DEEP insight “Israeli government is responsible” worthy a Nobel Prize in some smart field and, given the Nobel’s corruption, it may actually get it.
Now what?
In response to your 9/11 conspiracy theory, I offer you mine 1/6, where unnamed sources supposedly make vile accusations to take down undesired by the world elites politician.
Could I be wrong? For sure. Unlike you, I’ve been wrong many a time …
Yes true. I am not defending Hamas actions that were horrible but that the Mossad didn't see it coming. Impossible.
This last Saturday event is similar to the 911 Agenda, a PsyOp Operation to create war, terror and control.
Yes, they even called it their own 9/11.
Heck, they even use the same catch phrases and talking points.
I forgot to write that it is an Inside Job like 911 was in 2001.
War and chaos are just tools. What are the real reasons? 🤷🏻♂️
Hopefully just for Israel to try and clear out Gaza, because they want the land or the gas reserves. Not hopefully, to leverage a big War with Iran, since the Ukraine Proxy War ain't going too well. It's going the way of Afghanistan. A total loser.
War is the continuation of politics by other means. - Clausewitz
Not only allowed to happen but facilitated by the IDF & Mossad. Mossad has so many informers in Gaza and Hamas, they leak like a sieve. And Hamas was posting videos of them training for the Israeli attack, complete with their weapons. They didn't even bother sneaking across at night, they went in broad daylight. You could see possibly getting across at one point if they totally focused on that, but 16 points?!? That's ridiculous.
You are so certain. I want to be this certain too. Could you present evidence which support your conjectures please?
Myself and others have posted the links to multiple people who are johnny-on-the-spot. I'm going by what they say, plus, just plain logic tells me, if I could design a security system that would have stopped those attackers cold, not a chance they would have gotten through, and that's for maybe $3M, then certainly Israel with all their high tech skill and a $400M system could do much better than that. The whole plot just stinks.
I have no shrewd of a doubt that WOULD Of- SHOULD OF-COULD OF YOU would have been ever unmistaken!!!
You are not the first man, who from the safety of the do-nothing-but-smart-talk stands attacks a man in the arena.
Michael Jordan missed 9,000 shots, 26 of which decided games. I have no doubt in my mind that YOU would have done better!! 🤘🫶🏼
What a stupid statement, in all-caps yet.
No, it would be more like the team manager hires a new player, say from Africa, gives him a multi-$million contract, and first game he misses every shot, trips their best player, causing them to lose the game 92-0.
Now every single person would be saying why did they hire that hack? Why spend $millions on him? Except you, who would say, "oh like you could do better". No I wouldn't say I could do better because I am crap at basketball. But I do have knowledge of alarm systems, and have installed them and maintained them. So I can speak with some level of expertise, and say unequivocally, as did the experts in the posted article, no way they could be that incompetent. You saying "nothing-but-smart-talk" means zip because you know zip. I doubt you could wire in a doorbell.
🤣 Thank you!
You need to change your Alias. You clearly love servitude, not freedom. It is so glaringly obvious that this massacre benefits Bibi and the Likud party goals of annihilation of the people of Gaza, any fool can see the glaring holes in the narrative. They didn’t even bother to come up with original slogans, just dusted off post 9/11 BS.
You are 💯% correct, “any fool can see” and so you do.
I admire people who can look in the mirror and call what they see there.
I am sorry, that nothing Israelis do satisfies your foolish perceptions. 🕊🫶🏼
Your so-called craziness falls in line with the biggest weapon of these billionairs, that of successfully keeping the masses dumbed down.
Thank you, Doctor. This was courageous of you to post. People are quick to vilify, especially when not picking Team A or Team B.
The war needs to be vertical not horizontal.
I can’t remember the last legal war by the letter of our laws. In terms of the social contract, to what authority do we lend fealty to protect us now ? What I fear most is that our already centuries-old American tribe of indomitable free men and women will simply dissolve in the face of this orchestrated chaos.
We survived 9/11. Why would Israel's actions cause us to dissolve?
Who suggested that ?
The precarious legacy of 1776, liberty and the rule of law needs not Israel to wane and wither. Philanthropic billionaires, teachers’ unions, vaxxes, drugs, poisonous food and the replacements are dissolving us at breakneck speed.
The unfortunate Israelis appear to be no less lemming-like doomed.
Security experts are blaming Israel’s government for Saturday’s invasion in which Muslim forces from Gaza massacred over 1,200 Israelis and kidnapped at least one hundred hostages.
So far no investigations have been launched into how the invaders were able to cross Israel’s heavily fortified border unimpeded, nor why it took Israel’s highly trained security forces over six hours to respond to calls for help.
Since 2005, when Israel expelled all Jewish residents from Gaza and ceded the territory to Muslims, Israel has been building sophisticated defense systems along the border. Foreseeing a possible above-ground invasion, Israel spent $220 million to develop an advanced security system “with no margin of error.” This includes barbed wire fences and a 23-foot high wall. Motion sensors are embedded in the ground along the electronic fences, which are accompanied by watchtowers armed with remote-control machine guns. The border is also patrolled by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), or drones, and Humvees operated by highly trained troops. Hundreds of night-vision cameras placed along the border constantly transmit to command centers which are operational 24/7.
Also deployed along the Gaza border is at least one semi-autonomous robotic vehicle called the Jaguar, equipped with dozens of cameras, sensors, transmitters and a 7.62mm MAG machine gun. The Jaguar sports a remote-controlled PA system and can self-destruct if captured by the enemy.
To stave off underground invasions, a 40-mile-long underground “smart fence” equipped with hundreds of AI-powered cameras, radar, and other sensors. The fence can detect infiltration by sea and is connected to a remote-controlled weapons system. One hundred and forty thousand tons of steel and concrete were reportedly used to build the barrier.
Israel’s Gazan border security also includes Sky Dew, a giant airborne balloon designed to help the Israel Air Force detect threats such as missiles and aircraft.
Video footage from Saturday’s invasion shows Muslim forces using a single bulldozer to dismantle a barbed wire fence. Media operatives have tried to claim that the invaders were able to cross the border after first dropping bombs on observation towers, somehow evading detection by Sky Dew, UAVs, electronic sensors and patrols. There is also no explanation for how the loss of transmission escaped notice by the military and intelligence units in the command centers.
Those units conduct regular drills and maneuvers. According to one military commander who was stationed at the Gaza border, one of those drills is a daily “dawn alert” during which both the night and day shifts inspect the border’s defenses. The Muslim forces, who invaded during the dawn hours, would have stumbled into a massive surveillance exercise by hypervigilant troops.
“In the 40 or more years that I’ve been following Israel one way or another, I’ve never seen this happen,” commented Trump-appointed former US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman. “I’ve never seen the border breached in this manner. Usually, even one person from Gaza gets close to the border, they’re intercepted and neutralized long before they can do anything. This is just something I’ve never seen before. It’s of course a large intelligence failure.”
Israeli officials have also not addressed how hours after the attack began and Israel’s forces had been alerted, the invaders were able to return the way they came, taking hostages on dirt bikes back to Gaza.
“It is almost inconceivable how they missed this,” said CIA counterterrorism veteran Marc Polymeropoulos.
Security experts are also baffled as to how Israel’s intelligence network, which includes the feared Mossad and the country’s domestic intelligence agency, the Shin Bet, could have been ignorant of the operation.
“I’m truly astonished for something of this magnitude to go down and for the Israelis to have no clue that this is about to happen. I’m just speechless,” said Senior Fellow Colin Clarke at the global security research tank Soufan Center. “They have had sources inside these Palestinian groups for years.”
“Israel has exquisite, world-class intelligence collection and analysis capabilities and would have a far better picture of what’s going on in its own backyard. This one falls squarely on the Israelis,” he added.
Former Kerem Shalom Battalion Commander Yoram Erez wrote: "Something here doesn't add up to me!!! This is a mystery that I can't find an answer to since yesterday?
"I happen to know how things work in Gaza and on the border. I was the commander of the Kerem Shalom sector (Rafiah), I was in charge of Kissuf sector, I know the perimeter fence very well, I know how the army works there. I was in the Shatti refugee camp in Gaza, I was in charge of the Jibaliya refugee camp, I would make ambushes on the fence and deep in the area. I met Gazans, ate and breathed Gaza.
"The obstacle is built so that even a fox cannot pass it:
"Alerts are set according to 3 levels of pressure. It must alert when it is cut. There are, 24/7, forces that are responsible for arriving within a few minutes, if not seconds, to the point where there is an alert in the fence.
"Every day they do at least one penetration drill. Each subdivision has a standby squad whose role is to increase the force in an emergency situation. Observations scattered along the border cover every inch of it.
"The female observers are champions at identification. They don't miss. They detect movement even before it even approaches the obstacle - day and night. At problematic points (dead areas) they place a tank with observation and detection capabilities, and a terrifying firepower. In some cases snipers are deployed in the field.
"Every day before dawn there is a ‘dawn alert’ procedure. At this hour all the forces are awake (in this case also the hour when hundreds of terrorists entered Israel). The night shift alternates with the day shift. The commander of each force inspects the axis to make sure there were no infiltrations during the night.
"Trackers that move on the axis know how to recognize traces. They know who crossed the fence, how much and even when.
"Each scenario has a clear procedure. For example, a procedure for infiltrating terrorists, a procedure for taking hostages. Everything is written in blood and has been proving itself for years.
"There are several other layers of security that this is not the place to talk about. In short, we are talking about an obstacle that proves itself for years and years.
"So how the hell does a Palestinian tractor move towards the fence without anyone reacting to it?
"How did the tractor manage to sabotage the fence for a long hour and open access to Israel without anyone reacting to it?
"How did hundreds of terrorists and civilians cross the barrier without anyone on our side lifting a finger?
"How did terrorists arrive on foot and in vehicles, armed from head to toe, to dozens of Israeli settlements, without any reaction from our side?
"How did hundreds of terrorists stay in Israeli territory for long hours, shoot hundreds of Israelis, loot property, without there being even a single reaction on our side?
"How did it happen that hundreds of terrorists kidnapped dozens of Israelis, woke women, children, babies, old people from their beds, surprised soldiers, officers when they were not ready, and kidnapped them to Gaza, without anyone stopping them?
"How is it that one bullet was not fired?
"How did all this happen under our noses?
"Where did an entire division go?
"Where did 3 brigades go?
"Who swallowed 9 battalions?
"What happened to 36 companies?
"Where did an entire regular infantry brigade go that usually outnumbers the elite?
"Where were all the reserve battalions that augment the regular army?
"Where did thousands of soldiers go???
"Someone here needs to provide explanations!!"
No investigation should be lunched until the war is won. There are seasons for everything ….
So Netanyahu can escape prison and a lot of people will die to serve the Agenda of a bunch of psychopaths. No. Not a good idea. Netanyahu needs to be arrested right now.
Netanyahu needs to be arrested now for what exactly?
Israel Ordered Military to Stand Down During Hamas Assault
by Jamie White October 15th 2023
"The IDF was given stand down orders - both the army and the Air Force - seven hours to stand down while those attacks took place," says Jewish charity leader.
Maybe Hamas' terror attack really was Israel’s 9/11 -- another inside job to justify full-scale war.
¨Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered Israel’s military to stand down for 7 hours during Hamas’ assault on the Jewish nation last week, according to reports.
Jewish Pro-Life Foundation leader Cecily Routman, citing government sources, claimed Netanyahu ordered the stand down to allow Hamas to launch its attack in order to justify Israeli retaliation against Gaza meant to ultimately wipe the Palestinian enclave off the map.
“Israel as the most sophisticated intelligence in the world. There is no way the government didn’t know that that was going to happen,” Routman told conservative activist Lauren Witzke in an interview released Saturday.
Routman explained that Rabbi Chananya Weissman, who’s connected with top officials in the Israeli government, “sent out a missive that, indeed, the IDF was given stand down orders – both the army and the air force – seven hours to stand down while those attacks took place.
“And this allowed the terrorists to come in and begin slaughtering and torturing the citizens,” she said.
“Personally, I think that this situation is akin to a family keeping a rabid dog in their home and then blaming the dog when their baby gets bitten.”
“I look at the government of Israel and they really needed to make sure these people did not proliferate on their borders. And so they are held partially accountable for having to kill God’s creations in order to secure their border. This should never have happened,” Routman added.
Her claims corroborate reports from Oct. 7, in the first hours of Hamas’ attack on Israel, that the Israeli military was largely absent as Hamas invaded the border.
🇮🇱 Israeli citizens in Israeli towns near Gaza Strip begging for help from Israeli Police or Army, and they’re NOT there!
6 hours after this nightmare started.
What happened to the “strongest army in the world”?
How come border crossings were wide open??
Something is VERY WRONG… Read More
“Citing government sources”
🤔 Where have I heard this nonstop in the last 8 years, one FAKE story after the other?
You are Ray Epps under a different name
Efrat Fenigson @efenigson
Israeli citizens in Israeli towns near Gaza Strip begging for help from Israeli Police or Army, and they’re NOT there!
6 hours after this nightmare started.
What happened to the “strongest army in the world”?
How come border crossings were wide open??
Something is VERY WRONG HERE.
I got you, the confirmation bias fallacy is your favorite tool 💪🏼🫶🏼
These are serious accusations. I’ll wait to see some more stuff.
That's totally wrong. They always do that in order to bury the story and protect the guilty. Everything should be brought out into the open right away, while memories of the witnesses is fresh and before evidence is disappeared.
Who “they” are always do “that” and what “that” do “they” do??
Everything canNOT be brought out into open because everyone is looking for bodies of murdered children and raped women and think how to get 250 hostages out while getting perpetrators.
Oh, Gid, I thought that Ms. Nass has intelligent audience. These are most idiotic responses I’ve gotten ever
You calling them idiotic means nothing because you don't know anything. Learn a bit before pronouncing judgements that you pulled out of your arsehole.
So far you exhibited ZERO, ZELCH, NADA knowledge just hypothesis and connections to past misdeeds by others.
How is this a proof of your superior knowledge and intelligence? Help me out here, I am at a loss
You saying that means zero because you know zero. You are at a loss to make even one cogent argument. So far you have only posted gibberish. I have posted loads of evidence and everyone agrees it is evidence except you who knows nothing. You probably need an instruction manual to figure out how to plug in a toaster.
"THEY" obviously are the people responsible for perpetrating this charade. Just like those who did 9/11. And the Jan 6, Fedsurrection and the Covid plandemic. Evil people. And liars. Don't you realize the danger when our own governments just lie to us? Ahah, a vaccine to save you but it actually kills you. Maybe they exterminate you just because they can. You don't recollect what happened in WW2 when governments lie? They kill tens of millions of people. This time it might be billions of people. Wise up, son.
Hypothesis, hypothesis, and more conspiracies. Your paranoia may be valid, but your putting blame without a shrewd of evidence not.
Of course they're conspiracies, what do you think this attack by Hamas was? Or 9/11, Jan 6 and Covid. We know they were all conspiracies, people might argue about who the conspirators were, but they were all conspiracies (and conspiracy charges laid). Learn what a word means before using it.
"....without a shrewd of evidence not....".
What is a shrewd of evidence? Not too bright are you? I just posted a whole shit-load of evidence. You're brain dead if you can't see it.
Before US sends in troops!
That has to be the worst take on the the internet. Just start murdering people Willy Billy with not actual idea what really happened and who is responsible?
What??? Are you out of your mind??? Killing people Willy Billy???
These “people” just murdered children, raped women and got 250 hostages including children.
Are you insane???
Thanks so much for posting this very important article.
"Did I mention that the rich are psychopaths?"
Almost BY DEFINITION! Normal people just want to have loving relationships, raise their families, engage in productive, worthwhile work, have some free time, enjoy themselves, do some good in the world, etc. They don't seek "unwarranted power and influence". They aren't on a control trip. They don't want to stomp on and subjugate other humans. They just want to live their lives in peace!
But that's not good enough for the power-hungry Globalists and corporate exec types, the Banksters, the members of the Super Wealthy "elite" families, the Eugenicist Bill Gates, the Freak-show NAZI‐sympathizer George Soros, the You-will-eat-bugs Klaus Schwab, and all the other Devil-worshiping Globalist Nut Jobs (Remember Hillary Clinton attending a Witches' Coven a while back—in the mainstream news!— and regularly (monthly) flying out to California while she was FLOTUS to attend Witches' Covens? AND her involvement with child-trafficking Haitian children, AND her [and Bill's] NUMEROUS flights to Jeffrey Epstein's Pedo Island on his child-rape private jet???).
Bottom line— those people ARE crazed, power-hungry Psychopaths!!!!!! And they think they have THE RIGHT TO RULE US???!!!!!
World is 8 billion plus people, and Jordan Peterson (if I remember right) says 5 percent are psychopaths and they seek power. My math is abysmal, even when I try hard lol, but how many is that? That is our enemy, they have trillions, and minions who are MKUltraed or under the sway of algorithms or neuralink or brainwashed into cults. They have NO ZILCH NADA spirituality, faith, creativity or outside the box cognitive abilities, and that is our secret weapon.
One thing can be known for sure: As people squabble over what “truly” happened and in the confusion to decipher the truth, more power will be grabbed by governments and more citizens’ freedoms and lives lost. It’s really hard not to feel hopeless in the face of such levels of lies, manipulation and, yes, evil.
One big distraction after another. Tyranny over and over again.
General Wesley Clark comment about war in the Middle East.
The last country was Iran.
¨So I came back to see him a few weeks later, and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said, "Are we still going to war with Iraq?" And he said, "Oh, it's worse than that." He reached over on his desk. He picked up a piece of paper. And he said, "I just got this down from upstairs" -- meaning the Secretary of Defense's office -- "today." And he said, "This is a memo that describes how we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran." Read More
General Wesley Clark Wars Were Planned Seven Countries In Five Years 2:12 min
General Clark on the Iraq Invasion | American War Generals 2:59 min
Our government has sold out the American people, just as Netanyahu has sold out the Israelis and Hamas the people of Gaza.
Undoubtedly that was the main reason for the 9/11 False Flag Operation. Also to destroy our civil liberties.
General Wesley Clark is a political hack just like Krugman is.
No he is not. You are.
😁 how old are you, 5?? 🙏🏻
Have we met? Can you present evidence supporting your false statement that I am a political hack please?
What evidence do you have that Clark is not?
What evidence do you have supporting your false statement that ¨General Wesley Clark is a political hack?¨
What a way to answer questions 😂🤣
Go back and check his statements during D and R administrations. Going back to the Clinton administration in 1990s, He provides opposite assessments and recommendations in similar situations.
Now. Your turn 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼😂
Ignoring facts by ad hominem attacks, such an intelligent approach.
😁🤡🤡🤡 Define “facts” and “ad hominem”
I doubt the terms mean what you think they mean
ALL WARS ARE BANKERS' WARS! by Michael Rivero. 27 pages.
All Wars are Bankers' Wars 43:33 min
THe violence will be brought here... We have let thousands of militants into the USA and they are just waiting for orders. Martial law will be declared as was always the plan, the economy will crash and many many will suffer.
That may well be their devious scheme to bring down America. Here Bankster minion, Henry Kissinger, explains their strategy succinctly:
“Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order (referring to the 1991 L.A. riot). Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government.”
Henry Kissinger @ Bilderberg Conference, Evaians, France 1991
Clinton’s Deputy Secretary of State quoted in Time magazine on July 20, 1992: “In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea.”
A lockdown just like when "covid" happened but then it was just a trial balloon.
Signs on the highway telling us to stay home!
HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of militants!
The Biden administration, you mean. I had nothing to do with it.
Wait until it swells
And critical supply chains back up
Oil from the Arab peninsula
Blockages in the Suez canal
What consequences could these bring?
And who could benefit from their demise?
Do you think the price of oil and food might rise? How many countries did Gen. Wesley Clark say the US going to war against? Iraq-check. Afghanistan-check. Syria-check. Libya-check. Is Iran next?
I think the price isn't the only consequence.
I think if war escalates in the region, the supply chains will cripple Europe particularly as they rely heavily on those routes.
The secondary consequence of this is with Europe weakened and brought to its knees.
China might pounce like a tiger into Myanmar and Taiwan.
Taiwan is regarded by China and in tacit agreement most of the world as PART of China, but other countries no. Unlike the US, China has not overthrown foreign governments.
China uses economic warfare first.
It has infiltrated many countries but not with bombs or bullets.
By controlling primary resources and business.
It has a lot of influence over the South Pacific, many of the islands and the trade routes there.
As well as parts of Africa especially the southern regions.
Soldiers march on their stomachs.
Tanks need fuel.
Armies need steel.
Without access to those materials the army doesn't do much but sit there and starve.
"Armies need steel."
And lead, and explosives.
General Wesley Clark is a political hack just like Krugman is.
Yet he has been proven to be accurate on this.
Proven to be accurate on what??
Can you present the proof please?
"Let me first declare that I do not know what exactly happened."
Thank you Dr. Nass for one of the most coherent view on what is happening between Israel and Hamas and the rest of the western world. There are lots of unanswered questions about how Hamas was able to go into Israel without opposition.
You said this in the comments;
"The most defended territory in the world went unguarded, even despite cameras and satellites... and the best intelligence services."
and it reminds me of 9/11 when the most restricted air space in America was left unguarded on 9/11 allowing aircraft to fly for hours without a response from those charged to keep the airspace safe. America’s Air Force was doing drills that day and Cheney refused to let them come back. Israel’s military was defending the settlers of the West Bank to harass Palestinians.
There is a video circulating of a woman who was taken hostage by Hamas who says that she was treated decently and she says lots of the hostages and people at the rave were killed by Israel’s military and not by Hamas. Time will hopefully expose the truth.
Also are people aware that during the London subway bombings and the Boston Marathon bombings there were drills being run? Weird huh?
Your article disgusts me. Your hatred for Jews is astonishing and lack of knowledge on the history of the region is inexcusable. You state that Palestinians were expelled by the Jews??? Jews were the original Palestinians as Palestine was the name of the region - it was never a people. The myriad of arabs living in Gaza have been USED and Oppressed by their leaders for 75 years! Billions spent to wage war on the Jews but no money to develop their land?? The “Palestinians” were offered a state 5 times since modern day israel became a state. They refused all 5 times. The Palestinians and those who control them want, above all else, the annihilation of Israel and the annihilation of all Jews. Fun fact - the Arabs living in Israel have full Israeli citizenship, are doctors, professionals, ministers in government. Can you name a single Arab country that offers the same to a Jew? No you can not because it was the Jew who was expelled from all Arab countries in 1948. Maybe listen to Dennis Prager’s 5 minute video on the Israel-Palestinian conflict. Maybe read Abba Eban’s autobiography. Read something so that you know what the hell you are taking about!
The Israeli government already murdered about 20,000 Israelis with deadly Covid Inoculations, much more when you include the denial of effective therapeutics for Covid treatment:
Exclusive: Proof that Israel found serious safety problems with the COVID vaccines then deliberately covered it up:
And why they did it is unknown. Most likely, same as for Covid, because Netanyahu got orders from his bosses in Davos. Who knows what devious scheme those Psychopaths are planning
I agree. The same was done across the globe in every single country regarding covid. It was not unique to Israel.
But it does blow a gaping hole in the Israeli government are the good guys talking point.
Your point being that this somehow vindicates the government? Israel was one of the most Nazi-like in its forcing the vaccines.
The amount of hatred evident in your comment must be very difficult to live with.
The amount of venomous self-righteousness in your post must be fun to live with.
Let me get this right, not supporting slaughter of innocent lives is venomous self righteousness?
It’s actually the stupidity which is more difficult to accept!
Admitting you have a problem is the first step to getting help.
"The “Palestinians” were offered a state 5 times since modern day israel became a state."
What are you smoking?
Their land was stolen by Israel. Why not move Israel here to federal lands in the West? Then they wouldn’t be in danger of attack. And they could begin paying taxes for all the benefits US has given them.
Ellen your post is the only sane one here. I'm just astounded by the idiocy (and the truly bizarre claim that this is reasoned argument-- applying the "scientific method"!!!) of the initial post. The author admits he has never bothered to travel to Israel and I daresay he hasn't spoken to a single actual Israeli human being in preparing this weird paranoid rant. MY contacts on the ground believe the problem was at least in part the official policy of giving hiring advantage to Israelis who are Muslim-- I'm informed that if you're an electrician who wants a contract to run wires for the military you have double the odds of winning it if you're an Israeli Arab compared to an Israeli Jew. One of the key contractors used to wire up the security systems along the border has a wife whose family live in Gaza.... The thing is that I admit this is hearsay. I don't start out with the bizarre claim that Netanyahu wanted my cousin's best friend (a young mother and physician) to end up with her husband and baby sedated in ICU with burns on 70% of their bodies. And as for COVID vaccinations, Israeli leaders are monsters but US ones aren't? Israel was initially a victim of gigantic PsyOp (Pfizer CEO comes from holocaust survivors, wants to "save" Jews etc etc ), but you guys aren't interested in truth here.
Bibi Netanyahu: Israel Must “Support Bolstering Hamas and Transferring Money to Hamas”
¨Bibi Netanyahu and his ideological ilk represent more of an existential threat to the continued existence of the Israeli state – and possibly the world if it gets dragged into its geopolitical melodrama — than any foreign adversary ever could hope to.
What many casual news consumers might not know, even ones who consider themselves “informed” – in large part because MSNBC/CIA-funded Washington Post would never tell them – is that Hamas is in no small measure a creation of the Israeli state.
This is not to mean “creation of the Israeli state” in the figurative, obscure sense of “Israel forced the birth of Hamas-style militancy through its Apartheid policies in the Gaza Strip,” although that is certainly true.
I literally mean to say the Israeli government actively and directly participated in creating and propping up Hamas in the service of its own political machinations.
Straight from the horse’s mouth, here’s how Netanyahu schemed behind the scenes for years to promote the terrorist group he now publicly decries and postures as the savior from.
Via Haaretz:
“Effectively, Netanyahu’s entire worldview collapsed over the course of a single day. He was convinced that he could make deals with corrupt Arab tyrants while ignoring the cornerstone of the Arab-Jewish conflict, the Palestinians. His life’s work was to turn the ship of state from the course steered by his predecessors, from Yitzhak Rabin to Ehud Olmert, and make the two-state solution impossible. En route to this goal, he found a partner in Hamas.
‘Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,’ he told a meeting of his Likud party’s Knesset members in March 2019. “This is part of our strategy – to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.” Read More
Thank you Meryl. This is a critical read. The fact checkers are already saying that the suggestions of the Hamas attack being allowed are ludicrous... we know what that means...
So we can be assured it is absolutely true.
Spot on, Dr. Nass.
Noticing that War casualty identification is another ++good opportunity for Israel dominated Biometric digital ID companies. *IDF Unit 8200 geniuses!
Bring out your dead - BeBe N
"The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) can quickly identify soldiers using its comprehensive database, which includes DNA samples, fingerprint biometrics, and photos of each soldier. However, the identification of civilians is more complex because the civilian biometric database in Israel is incomplete and doesn’t provide sufficient verification of identity for burial. The IDF is, therefore, striving to combine the military and civilian biometric systems to enable accurate and quick identification of the dead.
The IDF hopes to bury the victims before the Sabbath on Saturday, Sept. 14, 2023, to respect Jewish religious law. To shorten the identification process, the IDF has begun creating biometric databases of photos, fingerprints, DNA and teeth.
Injured victims have poured into local hospitals, like Soroka Medical Center in Be’er Sheva, which Forbes reports is using facial recognition from Corsight to help family members locate their missing loved ones. *Corsight has provided the technology to the hospital for free."
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