Yep. Big grants. I have been following this story from its inception back in 2020. Andersen's 180 degree flip is epic.

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Emily Kopp's work here is fantastic. One of the best "minute-by-minute" accounts I have come across. Thanks for sharing this, Dr. Meryl.

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Having read about half of Kopps document I am astounded. Her detail on these communications is absolutely meticulous and priceless.

Unbeluevable to me is the contortions these virologists went through to promulgate natural origin AFTER INITIALLY LEANING HEAVILY TOWARD MANMADE AND LEAK!!!! Everone was qualifying his point of view. In this context at least it seems Farrar was the acknowledged PUPPET MASTER. The carefully constructed narrative, the crusing of th indian article on Hiv Inserts..

What really cracked me up is FAuxi flailing around to find out if NIAID funded gain of function on wuhan. !!!!! Really Tony????? Especially since your bosom buddy Ian Lipkin who helped you take down Judy Mikovits was operatong DEAD CENTER IN WUHAN LABS!!! You handsomely rewarded this despicable hitman once before. How could you feign ignorance of niaid funding in Jan/Feb 2020????NOTHING BUT THE SPIN OF A CRIMINAL MIND.

Thank you Ms kopp for exquisitely presented expose and dr. Nass for linking

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Just wanted to post a few miscellaneous items.

I came across this article about three days ago. Another viewpoint that was completely new to me.


Did God make pathogenic viruses?

by Jerry Bergman, Ph.D.


A review of the structure, function, and role of viruses in ecology is presented. It is concluded that viruses are non-living entities, similar to seeds and spores whose functions include carrying genes from one plant or animal to another. Viruses are a part of a system that helps to produce the variety that is critical for life and, importantly, they carry resistance to disease from one organism to another. Most viruses live in their host without causing problems. Pathogenesis is evidence of something gone wrong, a mutation or the accidental movement of genes, and not evidence of a system deliberately designed to cause human disease and suffering.


It is possible to "make"or "create a "virus". I would also mention that the fight with James O'Keefe of Project Veritas about two months ago with a Pfizer executive was over "mutating a COVID-19 virus."

"Robert Garry seems to be telling the group how you could make a SARS-2-like virus and that you would probably not use an existing or known strain to start with. "



I attended a Zoom meeting a week or so ago organized to speak out against the USA's relationship with the national sovereignty killing World Health Organization - SovereigntyCoalition.org. I was disappoint to see Frank Gaffney as one of the heads of the group who held the meeting. He was a big neocon person who was in league with the 2000 Project for a New American Century group and that was very disappointing to me. Several leaders and USA patriots gave brief presentations at the meeting. Dr. Lee Vleit M.D. was the only one who impressed me as her message was on the subject of the doctor - patient relationship and individualized decision making process for treatment.


I heard an alternative reporter today use the phrase "they relleased the PLANdemic."

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I realize it is 3 months from original thread here but this morning I saw this YouTube suggested video that was uploaded to YouTube on July 11, 2023, where the scientists • Kristian G. Andersen and Robert F. Garry who are two of the five authors of the subject Nature journal article made a July 11, 2023 appearance for the U S House of Representatives - House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic that is looking in to the origins of SARS-CoV-2.

[ https://www.nature.com/articles/S41591-020-0820-9 ]


I'm Not Asking You A Question': Wenstrup Snaps At Scientist During Tense Questioning On COVID

Forbes Breaking News

2.02M subscribers

82,599 views Jul 11, 2023

At a House Select Committee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, Rep. Brad Wesntrup (R-OH) questioned scientists about a paper on the origin of Covid-19. Fuel your success with Forbes.


Here are two of the comments from the YouTube video referenced by Dachsie above.


9 days ago

Am a scientist (physics phd) and I find the actions of the proximal origins authors and those behind them as both dishonest, a huge disservice to science, and a screw you to everyone who suffered in the pandemic


9 days ago

The sequence of the virus had MULTIPLE hallmarks of genetic engineering that could never have occurred by chance. It was analyzed by scientists who were afraid to go public, they knew the virus came from a lab. The only question is: was it released on purpose?


Not only will we never have absolute proof that "SARS CoV-2" was "released on purpose" or "released accidentally" , we will never know if "SARS CoV-2" is the pathogen that caused serious illness is the people of several countries of the world in late 2019 and beyond.

But the U S Congress appears to desperately need to come to a decision that the "virus" was created in a laboratory and that it was created in a Wuhan, China, laboratory. I can understand that because this will get all the government humans and all the medical doctors and scientists and pharmaceutical company spokespersons who were pushing the legitimacy of "virus" and the "pandemic" and the "vaccines" are let OFF THE HOOK for betraying [ TREASON ] we the people of the USA and the world.

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Pardon for throwing this in here. I don’t know if following is included in this time line research.

From a report below, containing photos of DoD, NIAID, Moderna, and University North Carolina documents mentioning COVID-19 and/or “mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates” prior to official known existence of either.


12 Nov 2019: US DoD sub-contract for “...and “COVID-19" research” was given to a US lab, Labyrinth Global Health, in Ukraine. This contract was more than one month prior to alleged emergence of COVID-19 in Wuhan and three months before officially named Covid-19


12 Dec 2019: Confidential Agreement: NIAID and Moderna agreed to transfer “mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates” to “recipients The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’ on the 12th December 2019.” Report has photos of signature pages and pdf link to agreement.

(It’s necessary to go to pdf page 105 to find the explicit mention of “mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates” work being transferred). Kinda well buried.


Vaccine candidates appear to have existed prior to world knowing of COVID-19.

31 Dec 2019 WHO became aware of an “unknown cause” virus in Wuhan.,


U.S. Department of Defense issued a contract for ‘COVID-19 Research’ in Ukraine 3 months before Covid was known to even exist



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The rather desperate exertions by the Fauci-Farrar team to squash the suspicions of virological tampering with corona sequences seems to dispel the theory that the recent media attention to a "lab leak" was deliberately planned to conceal the hoax of a false alarm pandemic. My own view is that they were / are surely not baking cookies in those BSL 3s & 4s and that they were trying to cover it up whether their creations spawned a "pandemic" or not.

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