Dear Lord, deliver us from evil. God bless you Dr. Nass for your courage & tenacity in speaking TRUTH to tyranny - you are deeply appreciated ...

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Praying all the time🙏

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Nonsense. It is nanotechnology toxicity poisoning, but the so-called "opposition" is to push "viruses" not tell you THE TRUTH

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Nov 11, 2023
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I have it too😊. Give me Liberty or give me death.

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I think it is time for the American people to stop funding our federal government. Time for a tax revolt. They surely cannot arrest us all. As long as we keep sending them our money this will never end. When the CA+ and the amendments get passed we will be sending billions to the WHO/UN. Time to stop the insanity. How do we stop sending them our money.........for working people go to HR and claim enough dependents that nothing is withheld from your pay check. For those that are retired stop filing your quarterly taxes. And all of us do not file a tax return. Just STOP. Grow some guts. We have become a nation of dang cowards. Time for a little peaceful civil disobedience.

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Anticipating this, Biden & Co. armed the IRS agents.

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You know, when I first read Karen's post, what you posted is what immediately came to my mind. I wonder if this is, in fact, true... -- But, at least, these agents are no longer permitted to do no-knocks and bust down our doors. -- We'll see how long that lasts.

IRS says agents will no longer knock on taxpayers’ doors unannounced - July 24, 2023


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Hi, Edmond -- I just clicked on your link and learned that this new policy where the IRS says agents will no longer knock on taxpayers’ doors unannounced has been instituted FOR THE SAFETY OF THE IRS AGENTS! Rather than to protect the privacy and legal rights of American citizens.

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What else would we have expected? Do we think the IRS would ever admit they could, even at times, be wrong? (-:

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There are a hell of a lot more of us than there is of them.

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Karen, people are STILL wearing masks and lining up for poison in their arms. Most people have no clue what is transpiring as they “sleep”. And do you think they’ll stop paying taxes? The test will come to them one day, as it did for me. There is no turning back. Ever...

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TG only 2-3% are in the US, and those are CDC numbers...

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You may be right, but we can't give up hope because, coupled with prayer, it's all we have. We must fight for new beginning and hopefully not until the end.

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I agree. I truly believe we need a miracle and I truly believe in miracles. We saw one in 2016 and if we humble ourselves before God, repent and beg forgiveness I believe God will again perform another miracle. In the meantime I will fight the spawn of Satan that lives among us.

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I hope and pray you're right Karen, but what strikes me most by your comment is the fight that we must do because I believe that God helps those who help themselves and it is our obligation to do so rather than try to place the entire problem in His hands.

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Manchin and Schumer doubling the the size of the IRS ...bunch of traitors to the people

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Great Idea, but we need a way to amass the anesthetized majority into action. We could do so much if we the people mobilized against them, the subhuman minority.

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People have been brainwashed into complacent, obedience lap dogs. The power has always been the people but how do we get the people to understand this. I have been trying for years. I find that most Americans are cowards and want to be controlled and taken care of.

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🎯🎯🎯🎯👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻.... alas, the masses are too cowardly to realize... just stop... it ends when we say, NO MORE!!!

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I know! It is the thing you never hear anywhere, tax revolt! I have wondered if the "democrats" (i.e. globalist satellite organization) got those new IRS agents, 87,000, to try to pre-empt a tax revolt, should one break out.

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Lab leak my eye. If you don't know by now it's deliberate, then you should probably not take on too much responsibility. Go have a nap, we'll waked you when it's safe.

This is war just taking a tick for people to realize the combatants are us. We are the unarmed army.

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Get armed

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For some people it's unfathomable that such evil could exist. Thankfully they went to hard on the covid scam and woke up the majority. But we have to remember these people are all in and do not care who they hurt on their nefarious goals. So they push on flaunting their goals in full public view.

I was willing to die to avoid the covid jab to make sure our children's futures were one of freedom. We have Truth on our side because their is "No truth in lies". I have no fear...but rather love for my fellow humans who also love. The evil ones lack this bond and will lose.

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Thank you Greenbunny.

God states over 300 times in the Bible, DO NOT FEAR. If you love and know God, you know where you are going. Hallelujah ... God wins this battle.

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The real question is, how can we as people stop these monsters? Don't you agree?

- Luc

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Time rid ourselves of these parasites!

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Does it make any sense to spend so much money, time, and energy on just one species, bats, when all animals carry some bacteria and viruses that are, or can be made, pathogenic to humans. This seems like science run amuck in a 'germ theory' paradigm that has long outlived its usefulness. Except perhaps to those who stand to gain from it. We must move into the new paradigm of regeneration; it already exists, we just need to better promote it. https://livingwelllocally.substack.com/p/pathogens-and-paradigms

Thank you Dr. Nass for your good work!

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So, Ebola, Nipah and SARS are from bats...and those are the ones they want to scare us with at the moment. However, Ebola and Nipah don't transmit through respiratory aerosols well so they will not cause pandemics in the so-called developed world.

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There's such a logical error here. If the excuse nations had for working on biowarfare was that other nations might use them against them in acts of war, like Japan floating those balloons full of infected fleas during WWII (https://www.history.com/news/japans-killer-wwii-balloons), so they needed to develop weapons, and counter-measures, why, if supposedly all nations are moving towards global governance as outlined in the WHO documents Dr. Nass is posting, do they now need to study these things???? The implicit conclusion is that human beings are now the enemy, which we know from the pandemic, but do they think we can't think this through? Nations always violate whatever treaties they sign, secretly, as that gives them an advantage (according to my friend who studied these things), but if their stated aim is global governance, no nations, or nations as just satellite nodes of the globalists, how in holy hell do they justify this kind of research??? Maybe what is also implied is that whichever nations go rogue, get the twenty-first century version of the Japanese balloons?

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Perhaps this is lab issue (and more...WHO <treaty> is why the CDC is expanding their airport monitoring program:

"...CDC to monitor more than 30 NEW (emphasis

mine) viruses, bacteria, and antimicrobial resistance targets including several seasonal respiratory pathogens, such as influenza A and B, RSV, and SARS-CoV-2." Ummm....new??? Where are these "new" things coming from/released?

"As of October 2023, TGS has enlisted over 370,000 travelers and maintains an ongoing enrollment of around 6,000 volunteer travelers weekly. The program covers travelers from all World Health Organization regions and more than 135 countries. Since its inception, the program has sequenced more than 14,000 samples and made the genomic data available on several public health platforms to enable further analysis." Volunteers? Wonder how they're being incentived.

"The program expansion will launch at four of the program's seven major international airports (New York, JFK, San Francisco, Boston, and Washington DC, Dulles)." Program expansion? When did the original program start and what was it monitoring for?

Information appears to be a press release from Ginko Bioworks. It is a crazy read - at some points they say 30 existing things (i.e. in article's title, and also this statement "to test for more than 30 additional priority pathogens, in addition to SARS-CoV-2", while in other places is states "new" things as referenced above.

Totally feels like WHO and etc players gearing up to declare new plandemic.


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I speak to many representatives-they can NO longer say they didn't know-they do. At this point, if they do not act to stop the WHO and the funding of these labs, they will not get re-elected. That is all they really care about.

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Do you truly believe that these people actually get elected to their positions within government, or keep their positions within government if they don't go along with the plans of the globalists behind these atrocious plans?

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Here is what I believe: Meryl Nass, you, me and everyone who participates is doing what they can and then some to move the needle. That is all we can do. I believe that we stopped the lockdown that was to have taken place in October by standing up and speaking out. I believe that no lockdown happened because we educated, networked and called others and representatives.

I also know that I and others made calls to influence the house of representatives to NOT vote to fund the WHO. Yes, I spent hours making calls along AND I reached out to others to do that. There is a quote that I have placed many places by Winston Churchill: “If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.” I'm fighting and am standing-the globalists CANNOT WIN if we stand together. Get off the field, if you are not willing to stand with us.

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I do not just speak I provide articles and website information too.

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2nd California case of local dengue fever reported in Long Beach, CA.

A Long Beach resident recently contracted dengue fever despite not traveling outside of the United States, city officials have announced.


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There is a new dengue vaccine...

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Exactly. We’re watching the next play unfold before our eyes.

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Neusum (Sp) may be spreading it🤪🤪

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"The globalists are using your tax dollars to create more pandemic pathogens to use against you."

Oh, no... who is going to fund Ukraine now :P?

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Oh we KNOW you are not crazy.

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As long as MASS-MURDER & GENOCIDE are allowed to be openly cherished, planned & executed in America - the slowly awakening rest of planet earth will start to realize, that instead of condemning the "HOLOCAUST" from the last century - we should finally focus on real NON-identified PSYCHOPATHS like Bill Gates, who openly promotes the greatest HOLOCAUST in known history in CAMOUFLAGE, by promoting MASS STERILIZATION, MASS ABORTION & MASS VACCINATION with SLOW KILL TOXINS to reach the psychotic Gates Goal of DEPOPULATING this planet down to a MINI-population of 500 Million, as has been the American public propaganda, being advertised for 42 years between 1980 & 2022 on the "Georgia Guide Stones".


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Borrowed your comment with recognition on my Gates FB post today... thank you

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You are very welcome . . .

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I get so nervous of our future if this shit isn’t stopped and soon.

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Nonsense. It's poisoning through toxic nanotechnology, but the so-called "opposition" is pushing "viruses" instead of telling you the TRUTH.

Can you prove the isolation of the "VIRUS"?

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Freedom fighters are still ALL OVER THE PLACE.

Not good.

Virus as origin of CV19 and cause of deaths; viruses - possible transmitters of pandemics or not; CV19 never isolated or identified - so no definitive test - so no proven CV19 cases; PCR tests not fit for purpose regardless; overall death rates DO NOT SUPPORT PANDEMIC; death rate spikes do support toxic injections; discussion of COVID DEATHS WITHOUT ANY PROOF OF ANY; etcetera etcetera.

Even the truther "experts" are not in agreement.

Perhaps, there is a solid core group in agreement, but others are constantly muddying the waters.

We urgently need to carefully examine the ground upon which we stand, try to reach agreement, and speak in unity.

United we stand, divided we fall.

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SARS-CoV-2 is a real, engineered virus, a bioweapon, designed to make us very sick. There are plenty more where that came from. The only people who deny this a) don't know how to look through a microscope, and b) never had to try and save the life of a COVID patient. The docs I trust all agree about this.

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I respect your input Meryl, but it does not clear up the mess for me.

I am not a medical professional.

*There is apparently a patented SARS-CoV-2 whatever, which if basically a virus, is not natural, but definitely engineered, or at least modified to be pathogenic. This explains why no country will identify, as proof of engineering/modification, demands accountability.

*What is seen through the microscope? An entity marked SARS-CoV-2 herbing around being destructive? Evidence of destructive outcomes supposedly caused by SC2? How do we know it is SC2, if we have no way of proving it is? No decisive test. There can be no decisive test, as the PCR test is not fit for purpose, as a diagnostic test. (Also rushed mass production, of an accurate test for a constantly mutating supposed "virus", is obviously a pack of lies. Like a vaccine for a virus.) So how do doctors KNOW, exactly what, is causing the covid illness?

*Yes there is plenty of testimony, medical and non-medical, of a very serious illness. But exactly what is it? Why SC2, if we do not and cannot know for certain, that SC2 is responsible? (A few years ago, I had a flu/sickness of some sort, that made me fearful of dying. Others had it too. Doctors - not a clue.)

*Some experts say that a respiratory illness could not spread worldwide as quickly as SC2 supposedly did. (This after the obviously highly questionable, declaration of an international emergency, on the basis of only a handful of cases.) So the spread was just MSM lies, or based upon lots of false positive PCR tests, given to a panicked population. Or there was another pathogen (or whatever) released, by aerosol spray (or however), in certain places to escalate fear. This fits, as outbreaks were strangely concentrated in certain areas, not consistent with travel spreading of a "virus." (If any of the travel spreading, measures and blame, had any integrity anyhow.)

*The overall input from the top analysts down, indicates that the death rates in almost ALL COUNTRIES was not significantly different from other years. So for there to have been ANY SC2 DEATHS AT ALL, the millions of other usual deaths, strangely did not happen. Clearly more lies and deception.

How can we agree, when even our experts disagree about the facts?

There seems to be NO DECISIVE PROOF, that SC2 was actually responsible, for any illnesses or deaths.

If so, pandemics can be manufactured out of thin air at any time and called whatever, with absolutely no proof at all. (As I recall, Bill Gates & CO had a pre-pandemic simulation using the name CV2 or similar.)

To know exactly what we are fighting, on exactly what grounds, is critical to me.

If there was no real SC2 health crisis, we lose ground, by admitting there was one.

We empower the CV2 psy-op, and future psyops with no factual basis, to the detriment of all.

WHAT EXACTLY was seen under the microscope?

WHAT EXACTLY made some people so sick?

WHAT EXACTLY do trusted doctors agree on?

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When I said, did not know how to look through a microscope, I meant someone who had not been trained in the biological sciences. You can do genetic sequencing of the virus. There are plenty of other types of tests you can use. Unfortunately for the uneducated purists out there, indirect tests are necessary.

Indirect tests are how things are measured in biology. You can’t see a hormone in my blood when you draw the blood, so the way you find out if there are hormones present are through indirect measures, such as immunofluorescence or looking at hormonal activity.

None of us can see planets in other solar systems with the naked eye, but we will believe they exist. In fact, we only see planets in our own solar system when they reflect light back to us, so we are looking at the light and not the planet.

So, for all those who don’t believe SARS-2 or viruses exist, do planets exist? Is the Earth round? they all require a belief in an indirect form of measurement.

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Meaning everything is speculative. Theories. I chose not to believe what they were putting out and I didnt get any sicker than any other year. And when I did get my yearly bug I didnt use anything different than I ever did to treat it. It looks like people were so scared of what the tv was telling them that they ran to the hospital with every sniffle, and it helped CNNs scary count number that I always thought was hilarious. I dont buy that 1.1 million people died of Covid in the US. I see constant stories of people who had car accidents, broken bones etc that went in and were tested and now became a Covid hospital number for ABC/NBC to exploit. That kind of thing makes it hard to believe any of it at all. What you do is amazing Meryl. So impressive.

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You cannot unite with the people who are here to NOT speak the truth. It is the toxicity of nanotechnology not a virus to inject people more nanotechnology (BioNTech) for CBDC, Internet "Everything" - (Internet of Bodies and Viruses), etc. This is MURDER

I would rather stand alone in the truth than with these impostors

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