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WHAT A FIND! You continue to amaze me. This information needs to spread far and wide. My first thought upon reading their substack was OMG...but then it hit me again, this is just the continued war on Nature. I realize it's an oversimplification but that is what I see, a war on nature and everything that cannot be patented and sold.

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i don't think that is an oversimplification at all.

i read this many years ago and it seems its truth is simply more and more apocolyptic (uncovered or seen).

poet robert bly cites a priest who expressed an attitude towards nature that was probably

invaluable in developing this exploitation [of nature]. "the french priest bossuet, writing at

about the same time as descartes, expressed in this passage one of the more

prevalent christian attitudes towards nature: 'may the earth be cursed, may the

earth be cursed, a thousand times be cursed because from it that heavy fog and those

black vapours continually rise that ascend from the dark passions and hide heaven

and its light from us and draw down the lightening of god's justice against the corruption of the human race.’” bly continued: "this attitude was acceptable to the church fathers and to developing capitalism. when we deny there is consciousness in nature, we also deny consciousness to the worlds we find by going through nature.”

bly, robert, ed. *news of the universe: poems of twofold consciousness*. san francisco: sierraclub books, 1980, p9. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/162337.news_of_the_universe

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Thank you for sharing this quote. My how far we have fallen. And so quickly.

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No, this insanity has been perpetrated against the ONE True Creator of nature and all things besides, since dirt. It is Satan's tool to employ against those who, like yourself, take a close look at nature, and assume because it is so abundantly beautiful and seemingly beneficent, that it has some sort of "consciousness" of itself.

Big mistake! It's God's gift to us, and while hugely appreciated by yours truly, is deemed as nothing more of which might solicit worship or even praise to it. That's a crime against God for His "handi-work". Truly, EVERY thing in nature is a MARVEL to behold! Praise God who Created the heavens and the earth!

(That's a command, not a question!)

Yours Truly,


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Thanks for the comment you wrote... I love nature and recognize the hand behind creating this wondrous world. it is appalling for me to read about the cutting of even one tree. It is attacking the one who created it. The idea that totally ignorant humans think they know so much, when they know so little and harm its creations, makes me pray ...our Creator removes them asap.

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hello, barbara.

you're welcome. I imagine you have heard the gates' solution to [fake co2 climate scamology] is to reduce co2 by cutting down 70 million trees in the us national parks? hmmmm.

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WEll, then, when Christ Returns with the "clouds" of heaven's angels to destroy the worshipers of the creation, (among all the other deluded wicked) instead of the Creator, you might then fall upon your knees and ask "Mother Nature" or Guya, or some majestic Sequoia, to save your deluded self. See how far that gets you, guy.

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I completely agree. Francis Bacon viewed Nature as something evil (and feminine) to be fought against and subdued by Man, and thus the stage was set for science in the Enlightenment. We've never been able to shake this mentality. It's why so many people will gladly accept any prescription from their doctor -- a concoction created by humans with test tubes in laboratories-- yet shy away from a modest dose of vitamin D or zinc because they fear it might be harmful. Very backwards but extremely pervasive in my experience!

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in my far past bacon came up frequently as someone important to read. my intuitive process did not initiate my seeking him out. i acquiesced to 'popular' pressure and found his writing, thinking, and outlook to be nonsensical at the time. i wonder if i would feel the same way now. far more amazing has been my discovery of the teaching of epictitus (d 180? ad) and more recently the amazing and fascinating expressions of montaigne's boundless curiosity and very astute eye.

rockefeller-energy is really the same as that of the french priest — anti-life. perhaps different motivation? the first for the ostensible salvation of the soul the latter for the accumulation of wealth. hmmmm.

and it is interesting to have read that for rockefeller the family 'physician' was a homeopath, i read somewhere!

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That’s it in a nutshell. Not the route of fear but empowerment. It ought to make common sense to bolster the immune system with sunshine and getting fresh air in the lungs as well as D,C,E, zinc etc. THAT is empowering and therefore the force of nature.

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You might not agree, but these maneuvers and positionings employed are but the precursors of things to happen, to come about, to cause "chaos" so as to open a door of sorts, which will establish their (the puppet-masters) positions of "oversight" for our "good". They will promise "order" in light of the chaos (which they conveniently propagate and misplace the blame thereto.) People will become so desperate to return to "normalcy" they will take the bait, and trade ANYTHING for it to return. There will lie the opportunity they have been waiting for, and Satan himself will direct the program. Always remember that this "war" you point to, is not against nature, not against philanthropy, or love itself. It is against God, and Satan is using every tactic conceivable to cause mankind to break God's Law(s); one or more. This ensures their demise if gone un-repented of. So his concerted aim is to distort, by way of his wolves in sheep's clothing; the pastors and priests, the Holy Scriptures, which most assuredly state that to have "life eternal" we must obey the Commandments.

Many questions will spring from these truths, but all can be answered through Scripture and humble prayer to God for enlightenment.

Yours in this battle for man's soul.


Investigate and confirm to be sure.


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