Although I am a progressive Democrat, I am now beginning to question whether I should be a Democrat at all because these Democrats are a total embarrassment to freedom of speech and to respectful disagreement.
I'm 65 years old- lifetime Dem. I left the Dems several years ago over this - and so much more.
I just rejoined the party so I can vote in the primary for Bobby. I swore I'd never vote for a Dem again (they've truly lost their minds) but I'm making an exception for him. Maybe he can actually heal things. I still have some hope.
Hi Dana! Agreed. I have been a liberal democrat since George McGovern ran for office but now I find myself without a party unless Robert wins the election, which we all better hope he does. Otherwise this nonsense will go on. He will at least be able to put the breaks on some of this and allow folks to come out of this insane trance in which so many seem to be trapped.
so why would anyone believe that the DNC, who threw front runner Sanders (then quite likeable), under the bus will not do the same to Kennedy who they already despise?
These people are not Democrats. Not the Democrats that RFKennedy represents. These people are ignorant. They do not know AMERICA history nor do they care about our precious Constitution. They are Radical Leftist who are filled with hate. I do really think some of these folk are demon possessed. They certainly do not know anything about God. Pray for America❣️❣️❣️
Yes...but the Republicans are deaf, dumb, very dumb, and totally conned by the Trumpster (who is a convicted rapist and soon-to-be deemed a federal criminal). RFK is really one of the rare human beings who wants to get beyond divisive politics. If we've got to create a 3rd party, we should...because neither of these parties are working for the people.
wow what a foolish statement, have you no discernment for the obvious lawfare going on? Further you make no effort to distinguish between a RINO and the small percentage of honest Pubs
seriously a progressive (communist moniker) democrat reads any of this stuff? I am impressed and have to rethink my stance. I have come to the well-founded observational belief that no demoCULT voter ever reads anything requiring critical thought with fact-based questions.
Gad, using the "communist card"? Really. It is THIS type of over-simplistic thinking that is so embarrassing. My real sympathies to you. And while modern-day mainstream Democrats have all-of-a-sudden chosen to believe EVERYTHING that the government tells them, the Republicans are choosing to be purposefully ignorant to the real crimes that the Trumpster has committed. Although I didn't support Trump, I hoped that he would provide some type of radical change...but he's a con man who is really interested in being President just so that he will be immune to lawsuits and to criminal judgments.
It seems that you are reading but only from a VERY limited point of view. I hope that you choose to widen your reading material and then really learn, not just read.
Your knowledge of history is scary stupid. Please show me your "evidence" that the progressive politics of today began with communism...and more important that it has ANY connection to communism today. Even more important, please divulge who you are...and declare that YOU will NEVER accept Medicare or Social Security...nor will you accept any governmental help in any way...please tell your local fire dept that they are communists. Thanx for the good laugh. Stupidity can be pretty funny.
Despicable, inarguably, by moral standards. “People”? No.
Wheat vs. Tares.
The vessel doesn’t define its contents.
(If the demonic reality is denied now, while enlightenment is yet explorable and their observable conduct so at odds, what chance has ill-prepared resistance later, when control and optics are absolute?)
2 Corinthians 11:14-15:
14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
because it is owned by the CCP and traitorous Dems who actually support child mutilation surgery, as exactly none have the guts to oppose without even touching the missing children issue
Imagine what it would be like if the reps had to be under oath like their victims. Something is wrong with a system that requires a person to tell the truth or face the consequences when testifying before congress (the folks elected by the people) but does not require members of congress to tell the truth to their constituents and be held to the same penalty for intentionally lying.
This is foundational to fixing everything. All government employees, elected or bureaucrats, need to have criminal penalties at all times for doing the kinds of things that they do -- mostly lying and misspending YOUR money. This would instantly fix almost all of the misbehavior. The solution is so obvious and so simple -- that is why it will never happen. So they will attach these penalties to witnesses and, for that matter, to company CEOs, but never to themselves. Of course, they are also exempt from Social Security and virtually every other thing with which YOU have to deal. As I have been saying for a while, making ALL laws apply to congress and attaching criminal penalties to defalcations of all sorts will fix almost everything, almost overnight.
I think we do have some honest reps that could agree to propose such a bill, probably would not pass - but imagine what voting against such would communicate to the citizens. Remember when some reps wanted to take away qualified immunity from police officers - while they enjoyed a form of absolute immunity. Unfortunately practically every parliamentary system provides immunity - but then again they make the laws. I'm surprised they haven't passed a law making their income not subject to taxes.
I was able to watch the first session, but not this last one. I don’t know if I would’ve made it through without my head exploding. These Dems, quite literally, have lost their minds. Plankett, in particular, is quite vile. No matter, the truth will come out as nothing can stop it. And if there is no Justice for these idiots in this life, there most certainly will be in the next.
I watched much of it: it was a true s--t show, where the gloves came off and the vultures picked and clawed at Kennedy, trying to savage and defame him in any way possible. It was a disgusting and immoral corruption of our government's authority. Kennedy kept his cool, but this didn't stop the mercenaries of hate from trying to rip him apart further using every dirty trick in their tool-bag. I can hardly believe I have been voting Democrat for most of my life. The Democrats have stooped so low that they not only have become untethered from morality, but from sanity. We need to clean house. What happened in this hearing is truly a perversion of what our Founding Father's envisioned in creating this country and the Constitution.
even more important than the Kennedy cancel attempt is the H Biden and Big Guy accepting millions in bribes and the FBI and Judicial System facilitating it, but also the laptop from hell with hundreds of crimes documented. They always knew it was true and thus interfered in the election regardless of affiliation preference.
The Deep State is very afraid of RFK Jr. I didn't know how afraid until I watched this hearing. Mr. Kennedy has the ability to unite the country. He is promoting kindness and respect for one another across political aisles. He is talking about the cost of groceries, the war, the trafficking across the border. He knows real problems can be solved again if American's are given the chance to work together with the free dissemination of ideas and information. It was outright eerie watching members of Mr. Kennedy's own party attack him with clear lies, and just stating them over and over again and interrupting his ability to respond. It was painful to see Democratic women turned into hatchet-bearers aiming for a scalp. Yikes.
One gets the sense Mr. Kennedy is aware of the crucible he is in running for office. It is inspiring to see he is well up for the challenge. His responses were strong and saavy but not cruel or disrespectful.--when he could speak. He can call a spade a spade without lowering himself into the gutter. That is an amazing feat of itself, to hold oneself sober and strong in the fray. No human being can withstand these attacks ad nauseum without support for they are dark and destructive. In addition to financial contributions, let us pray, each in our own individual faith/belief system for Mr. Kennedy, for blessing, for protection, for wisdom and for encouragement so that he knows and feels uplifted. Forward ever.
I am reminded of my mother (may her memory be a blessing) making us watch the Watergate hearings because of their historic significance (which, truly, at that age, lol, we cared more about boys and getting go go boots), but I do recall the eloquence of Senator Sam Ervin. Here is his speech, given 50 years ago: (thank you so much Dr. Nass, you get a few umbrella drinks for staying with this and not exploding lol)
A Black Cloud of Distrust
[May 17th, 1973]
We are beginning these hearings today in an atmosphere of utmost gravity. The questions, that have been raised in the wake of the June 17th break-in, strike at the very undergirding of our democracy. If the many allegations made to this date are true, then the burglars who broke into the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee at the Watergate were in effect breaking into the home of every citizen of the United States.
If these allegations prove to be true, what they were seeking to steal was not the jewels, money or other property of American citizens, but something much more valuable—their most precious heritage, the right to vote in a free election. Since that day, a mood of incredulity has prevailed among our populace, and it is the constitutional duty of this committee to allay the fears being expressed by the citizenry, and to establish the factual bases upon which these fears have been founded.
The Founding Fathers, having participated in the struggle against arbitrary power, comprehended some eternal truths respecting men and government. They knew that those who are entrusted with power are susceptible to the disease of tyrants, which George Washington rightly described as “love of power and the proneness to abuse it.” For that reason, they realized that the power of public officers should be defined by laws which they, as well as the people, are obligated to obey.
The Constitution, later adopted amendments and, more specifically, statutory law provide that the electoral processes shall be conducted by the people, outside the confines of the formal branches of government, and through a political process that must operate under the strictures of law and ethical guidelines, but independent of the overwhelming power of the government itself. Only then can we be sure that each electoral process cannot be made to serve as the mere handmaiden of a particular Administration in power.
The accusations that have been leveled and the evidence of wrongdoing that has surfaced has cast a black cloud of distrust over our entire society. Our citizens do not know whom to believe, and many of them have concluded that all the processes of government have become so compromised that honest governance has been rendered impossible. We believe that the health, if not the survival, of our social structure and of our form of government requires the most candid and public investigation of all the evidence…. As the elected representatives of the people, we would be derelict in our duty to them if we failed to pursue our mission expeditiously, fully, and with the utmost fairness. The nation and history itself are watching us. We cannot fail our mission.
Why the repubs never call out the lies and disinformation the dems say in their little rants makes me scream. The one dem saying it was all about public safety when we know it was anything but just frosted my ass. Rfkjr not being allowed to respond to outright slander is simply wrong.
Sadly, they are all (RepDems alike) are all cut from the same cloth these days. They are all captured by whomever throws the most money their way and we, poor slobs, are left on the sidelines to continue to watch this atrocity of our Republic fall to pieces. God bless RFK Jr, the only adult with integrity and sanity in the room and my only hope is that enough folks watching this will finally see through the haze of nonsense and realize we all must roll up out sleeves and say enough!!
I just listened. He doesn't support a war of aggression. He said humanitarian reaosons are good reasons to be there but Biden's reasoning of regime change is wrong.
I agree. He said we need an adult conversation about our reason to be there. I agree. Impeach Pedo Joe now!
indeed the swamp is quite deep and wide though world wide the bums are scattering with many examples. Meanwhile the dictators find safe refuge at Harvard // Arden and Lightfoot
Question is also Is there anything good left at Harvard? Gain of function facilitator masquerading as head of Chemistry "exchange" program Charles Lieber who is behind bars arrested fleeing the country with Chinese Nationals... An absolute traitorous criminal.
You are a brave man, Mr. Kennedy, sir! In the face of all the corruption in our government, there is nothing better we can do than pray, pray and pray some more! Surely we are seeing a heightening of the spiritual battle here on earth.
Thanks Meryl, I went to Rayburn to be there, sat with press. I was hoping to connect with Dennis. 19 years ago I was with him at the DNC in Boston as part of his policy advisory group. Your analysis is very clarifying. Even if the comment about Ashkenazi Jews (I am 97%) and Asians was accurate, which it is not, it does not fit the definition of anti-Semitism, which I have studied. My diagnosis is political hysteria.
You are so correct. I like following you. I was appalled and disgusted at today’s behaviors.
I long for the days of civility -and reprimand for those who do not practice it. Praying for God to forgive us all for allowing our country to sink so low.
Although I am a progressive Democrat, I am now beginning to question whether I should be a Democrat at all because these Democrats are a total embarrassment to freedom of speech and to respectful disagreement.
I'm 65 years old- lifetime Dem. I left the Dems several years ago over this - and so much more.
I just rejoined the party so I can vote in the primary for Bobby. I swore I'd never vote for a Dem again (they've truly lost their minds) but I'm making an exception for him. Maybe he can actually heal things. I still have some hope.
He has no support within his party. he is old school democrat. todays Dem to be successful must be lockstep with Dem platform----------- I, Grampa
Hi Dana! Agreed. I have been a liberal democrat since George McGovern ran for office but now I find myself without a party unless Robert wins the election, which we all better hope he does. Otherwise this nonsense will go on. He will at least be able to put the breaks on some of this and allow folks to come out of this insane trance in which so many seem to be trapped.
so why would anyone believe that the DNC, who threw front runner Sanders (then quite likeable), under the bus will not do the same to Kennedy who they already despise?
Yours must be the short list of what they are a total embarrassment to.
This country has become unrecognizable in the span of months.
These people are not Democrats. Not the Democrats that RFKennedy represents. These people are ignorant. They do not know AMERICA history nor do they care about our precious Constitution. They are Radical Leftist who are filled with hate. I do really think some of these folk are demon possessed. They certainly do not know anything about God. Pray for America❣️❣️❣️
Yes...but the Republicans are deaf, dumb, very dumb, and totally conned by the Trumpster (who is a convicted rapist and soon-to-be deemed a federal criminal). RFK is really one of the rare human beings who wants to get beyond divisive politics. If we've got to create a 3rd party, we should...because neither of these parties are working for the people.
wow what a foolish statement, have you no discernment for the obvious lawfare going on? Further you make no effort to distinguish between a RINO and the small percentage of honest Pubs
seriously a progressive (communist moniker) democrat reads any of this stuff? I am impressed and have to rethink my stance. I have come to the well-founded observational belief that no demoCULT voter ever reads anything requiring critical thought with fact-based questions.
Gad, using the "communist card"? Really. It is THIS type of over-simplistic thinking that is so embarrassing. My real sympathies to you. And while modern-day mainstream Democrats have all-of-a-sudden chosen to believe EVERYTHING that the government tells them, the Republicans are choosing to be purposefully ignorant to the real crimes that the Trumpster has committed. Although I didn't support Trump, I hoped that he would provide some type of radical change...but he's a con man who is really interested in being President just so that he will be immune to lawsuits and to criminal judgments.
It seems that you are reading but only from a VERY limited point of view. I hope that you choose to widen your reading material and then really learn, not just read.
You assume I'm GOPee. And yes you too CHOOSE to believe what the establishment D&R say.
Just like a died in the wool cratster. Foolish assertions, elitist . . .
Your post dear Dana, was about you. Isn't that what you wanted?
You are aware that "progressive" began with the USA communist party 100 years ago?
At least there appears to be some hope for you. Trump won. America was much better then.
Your knowledge of history is scary stupid. Please show me your "evidence" that the progressive politics of today began with communism...and more important that it has ANY connection to communism today. Even more important, please divulge who you are...and declare that YOU will NEVER accept Medicare or Social Security...nor will you accept any governmental help in any way...please tell your local fire dept that they are communists. Thanx for the good laugh. Stupidity can be pretty funny.
Dana, although your last reply is typical of leftism, I apologize for not simply congratulating you in admitting what is obvious.
Go in peace, if you will.
Thank you so much for your excellent summary! I can’t watch ANOTHER SECOND of mouthpiece non voting member Stacey Plaskett
Why exactly is the Epstein queen so prominent in all of this?
Because she shouts over everyone. She makes my blood curdle!
😂 well because she is the non voting queen of the NEW Democrat party! Statehood for the Virgin Islands🥳
This is gut wrenching. I can’t recognize our government anymore.
It’s not our Govt.
They are criminal New World Order lackies.
Ok, well, the democrats in our government, in this hearing, are despicable people.
Despicable, inarguably, by moral standards. “People”? No.
Wheat vs. Tares.
The vessel doesn’t define its contents.
(If the demonic reality is denied now, while enlightenment is yet explorable and their observable conduct so at odds, what chance has ill-prepared resistance later, when control and optics are absolute?)
2 Corinthians 11:14-15:
14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
and who among them excepting Kennedy are not?
definitely not mine, the coup is obvious
Exactly right. Weasel lackies all.
Because we haven’t got one.
because it is owned by the CCP and traitorous Dems who actually support child mutilation surgery, as exactly none have the guts to oppose without even touching the missing children issue
Thank you immensely for reporting on this.
Imagine what it would be like if the reps had to be under oath like their victims. Something is wrong with a system that requires a person to tell the truth or face the consequences when testifying before congress (the folks elected by the people) but does not require members of congress to tell the truth to their constituents and be held to the same penalty for intentionally lying.
This is foundational to fixing everything. All government employees, elected or bureaucrats, need to have criminal penalties at all times for doing the kinds of things that they do -- mostly lying and misspending YOUR money. This would instantly fix almost all of the misbehavior. The solution is so obvious and so simple -- that is why it will never happen. So they will attach these penalties to witnesses and, for that matter, to company CEOs, but never to themselves. Of course, they are also exempt from Social Security and virtually every other thing with which YOU have to deal. As I have been saying for a while, making ALL laws apply to congress and attaching criminal penalties to defalcations of all sorts will fix almost everything, almost overnight.
I think we do have some honest reps that could agree to propose such a bill, probably would not pass - but imagine what voting against such would communicate to the citizens. Remember when some reps wanted to take away qualified immunity from police officers - while they enjoyed a form of absolute immunity. Unfortunately practically every parliamentary system provides immunity - but then again they make the laws. I'm surprised they haven't passed a law making their income not subject to taxes.
I was able to watch the first session, but not this last one. I don’t know if I would’ve made it through without my head exploding. These Dems, quite literally, have lost their minds. Plankett, in particular, is quite vile. No matter, the truth will come out as nothing can stop it. And if there is no Justice for these idiots in this life, there most certainly will be in the next.
TDS is a really demonic thing.
and now the truth has come out, let us not be selective about which parts are of interest.
There is exactly nothing good left in the Dem party. Nothing.
I watched much of it: it was a true s--t show, where the gloves came off and the vultures picked and clawed at Kennedy, trying to savage and defame him in any way possible. It was a disgusting and immoral corruption of our government's authority. Kennedy kept his cool, but this didn't stop the mercenaries of hate from trying to rip him apart further using every dirty trick in their tool-bag. I can hardly believe I have been voting Democrat for most of my life. The Democrats have stooped so low that they not only have become untethered from morality, but from sanity. We need to clean house. What happened in this hearing is truly a perversion of what our Founding Father's envisioned in creating this country and the Constitution.
even more important than the Kennedy cancel attempt is the H Biden and Big Guy accepting millions in bribes and the FBI and Judicial System facilitating it, but also the laptop from hell with hundreds of crimes documented. They always knew it was true and thus interfered in the election regardless of affiliation preference.
The Deep State is very afraid of RFK Jr. I didn't know how afraid until I watched this hearing. Mr. Kennedy has the ability to unite the country. He is promoting kindness and respect for one another across political aisles. He is talking about the cost of groceries, the war, the trafficking across the border. He knows real problems can be solved again if American's are given the chance to work together with the free dissemination of ideas and information. It was outright eerie watching members of Mr. Kennedy's own party attack him with clear lies, and just stating them over and over again and interrupting his ability to respond. It was painful to see Democratic women turned into hatchet-bearers aiming for a scalp. Yikes.
One gets the sense Mr. Kennedy is aware of the crucible he is in running for office. It is inspiring to see he is well up for the challenge. His responses were strong and saavy but not cruel or disrespectful.--when he could speak. He can call a spade a spade without lowering himself into the gutter. That is an amazing feat of itself, to hold oneself sober and strong in the fray. No human being can withstand these attacks ad nauseum without support for they are dark and destructive. In addition to financial contributions, let us pray, each in our own individual faith/belief system for Mr. Kennedy, for blessing, for protection, for wisdom and for encouragement so that he knows and feels uplifted. Forward ever.
that is true and he is also in favor of the Ukraine war
I could not believe my ears
he definitely is not in favor of the war
I am reminded of my mother (may her memory be a blessing) making us watch the Watergate hearings because of their historic significance (which, truly, at that age, lol, we cared more about boys and getting go go boots), but I do recall the eloquence of Senator Sam Ervin. Here is his speech, given 50 years ago: (thank you so much Dr. Nass, you get a few umbrella drinks for staying with this and not exploding lol)
A Black Cloud of Distrust
[May 17th, 1973]
We are beginning these hearings today in an atmosphere of utmost gravity. The questions, that have been raised in the wake of the June 17th break-in, strike at the very undergirding of our democracy. If the many allegations made to this date are true, then the burglars who broke into the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee at the Watergate were in effect breaking into the home of every citizen of the United States.
If these allegations prove to be true, what they were seeking to steal was not the jewels, money or other property of American citizens, but something much more valuable—their most precious heritage, the right to vote in a free election. Since that day, a mood of incredulity has prevailed among our populace, and it is the constitutional duty of this committee to allay the fears being expressed by the citizenry, and to establish the factual bases upon which these fears have been founded.
The Founding Fathers, having participated in the struggle against arbitrary power, comprehended some eternal truths respecting men and government. They knew that those who are entrusted with power are susceptible to the disease of tyrants, which George Washington rightly described as “love of power and the proneness to abuse it.” For that reason, they realized that the power of public officers should be defined by laws which they, as well as the people, are obligated to obey.
The Constitution, later adopted amendments and, more specifically, statutory law provide that the electoral processes shall be conducted by the people, outside the confines of the formal branches of government, and through a political process that must operate under the strictures of law and ethical guidelines, but independent of the overwhelming power of the government itself. Only then can we be sure that each electoral process cannot be made to serve as the mere handmaiden of a particular Administration in power.
The accusations that have been leveled and the evidence of wrongdoing that has surfaced has cast a black cloud of distrust over our entire society. Our citizens do not know whom to believe, and many of them have concluded that all the processes of government have become so compromised that honest governance has been rendered impossible. We believe that the health, if not the survival, of our social structure and of our form of government requires the most candid and public investigation of all the evidence…. As the elected representatives of the people, we would be derelict in our duty to them if we failed to pursue our mission expeditiously, fully, and with the utmost fairness. The nation and history itself are watching us. We cannot fail our mission.
interesting that you bring up Watergate
I would say the theft of the 2020 election was 7 million times worse
But then there are those who prefer to avoid this issue
Look what is has cost, Covid and now a handoff to Climate Hysteria
Why the repubs never call out the lies and disinformation the dems say in their little rants makes me scream. The one dem saying it was all about public safety when we know it was anything but just frosted my ass. Rfkjr not being allowed to respond to outright slander is simply wrong.
Sadly, they are all (RepDems alike) are all cut from the same cloth these days. They are all captured by whomever throws the most money their way and we, poor slobs, are left on the sidelines to continue to watch this atrocity of our Republic fall to pieces. God bless RFK Jr, the only adult with integrity and sanity in the room and my only hope is that enough folks watching this will finally see through the haze of nonsense and realize we all must roll up out sleeves and say enough!!
You are right that Chip Roy and Tom Massie should be screaming at them at the tops of their voices.
They are no better. This is a club and they are all members, Republicans and Democrats alike.
that is simply not true and I am no loyalists
One party is 10000x worse. At least the Pubs do have a cadre of hones patriots.
Aside from Kennedy the same cannot be said for the Dems. Oddly Kennedy is in support of the Ukranian war
I just listened. He doesn't support a war of aggression. He said humanitarian reaosons are good reasons to be there but Biden's reasoning of regime change is wrong.
I agree. He said we need an adult conversation about our reason to be there. I agree. Impeach Pedo Joe now!
They must assume that just because they hold some moral high ground that they don't have to fight. Uniparty bullpuckey
Throw the bums out...
indeed the swamp is quite deep and wide though world wide the bums are scattering with many examples. Meanwhile the dictators find safe refuge at Harvard // Arden and Lightfoot
Question is also Is there anything good left at Harvard? Gain of function facilitator masquerading as head of Chemistry "exchange" program Charles Lieber who is behind bars arrested fleeing the country with Chinese Nationals... An absolute traitorous criminal.
You are a brave man, Mr. Kennedy, sir! In the face of all the corruption in our government, there is nothing better we can do than pray, pray and pray some more! Surely we are seeing a heightening of the spiritual battle here on earth.
OMG - what a waste of everyone’s time.
But maybe writing about it will open some eyes?
Sadly, my experience with liberal friends is that we’re dealing with INTENTIONAL ignorance......
accurate observation, the question is why? My guess is: look no further than loyalty to the good old days
Thanks Meryl, I went to Rayburn to be there, sat with press. I was hoping to connect with Dennis. 19 years ago I was with him at the DNC in Boston as part of his policy advisory group. Your analysis is very clarifying. Even if the comment about Ashkenazi Jews (I am 97%) and Asians was accurate, which it is not, it does not fit the definition of anti-Semitism, which I have studied. My diagnosis is political hysteria.
You are so correct. I like following you. I was appalled and disgusted at today’s behaviors.
I long for the days of civility -and reprimand for those who do not practice it. Praying for God to forgive us all for allowing our country to sink so low.
50 years since Watergate! Wow!
yes and 2.7 years since 2020...
Thank you -- I feel I have to bathe after reading about the targeting of RFK Jr.
Have they no decency?
NO they truly do not!
Demons on the loose in DC
no they do not