Damn. I knew they should've used the 8 mice from the Omicron trial. 🤣🤣🤣

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Not a good time to be a mouse.

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Why not use FDA staff?

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Oh this just keeps getting better and better, I suspected as much but they were, understandably, not very forthcoming with the failed in vivo trial data.

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I am wondering what "clinically protected" meant if "the viral load and skin lesions were generally higher" in the injected group. "At 6 or more days after vaccination with MVA or Dryvax, the monkeys were clinically protected (except for 1 of 16 animals vaccinated with MVA), although viral loads and number of skin lesions were generally higher in the MVA vaccinated group" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2495015/pdf/zpq10889.pdf?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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Maybe it is antibody titers since that is the default proxy measurement for 'protection.'

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More sick equaling more protected then.

Orwell wrote a documentary.

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I started writing a brief post to share this one, and will incorporate your reply. It makes sense. CoV narrative has also been pushing the idea that more antibodies means more protection instead of a more active infection like immune or autoimmune response.

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Way too many antibodies are also not good and screw up people's health (not just referring to the current situation).

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Like Button malfunction.

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I've noticed it frequently is difficult to Like replies on Substack. Thanks, peaceful day to you!

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That's the output from the guy employed with PhD in Woffling. They used one to compile the "9/11 Comission Report" - Paul? Zelicow - with a degree in "maintaining public myth" on his CV.

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always fauci's fingerprints ... when will retire ???

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He actually retired over 40 years ago...retired from honest science and a willingness to create helpful drugs.

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It retires in december. allegedly.

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I tried to get my friend to read the RFKjr Bible, the real satanthony Fauci.

He decried the science fixtion genre and got a booster instead....

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Oh well - but it hurts to think that Gates Fauci et Al got any useful results Ever.

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Your friend = a douche. 🙄

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Or at the very least, not so smart.

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No definitely a Douche. JFK Jr. does not talk in riddles and his data comes from the criminals own sources mostly.

e.g. WHO All Cause Mortality data for N.hemisphere from 2010 to 2020 shows no sign of any pandemic !!


then ask for 341832637.pdf

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I think by this point, discerning individuals should : 1) ignore any edicts from public “health” , 2) do the opposite of what the government/WHO/UN/NATO/ any-other-“in our best interests” acronym recommends, 3) prepare for instability (financial, food supply, etc) 4) do what you can to defend yourself. Physically, mentally and emotionally. Become ungovernable.

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What I find particularly upsetting is that people already basicly doing that, got forced - or scammed - into getting jabbed.

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Rochelle has the injectors doing the shots intradermally, but apparently that is difficult to do. I looked at the VAERS reports and there are quite a few reports where the first injections didn't result in a wheal, so they had to give a second shot. I wonder how much vaccine she is really saving this way, and if there are any repercussions to getting the shot twice in the same day.

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Maybe now they are trying to get rid of gay men? They already got rid of some obese people with preexisting conditions with their COVID scam, and the many younger healthier humans as well with their vaccines. I’m sure Bill Gates hasn’t even taken vaccines ever! Those that took the “FREE PRODUCT” have been bamboozled! It’s called the “depopulation” & very ironic that the Georgia Guide Stones get blown up & then completely demolished following this BS COVID mass hysteria! I still see people walking alone outside wearing masks, or driving in the car alone with mask on! It’s ridiculous! They’re totally brainwashed & masks do nothing!

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Maybe now they are trying to get rid of gay men? They already got rid of some obese people with preexisting conditions with their COVID scam, and the many younger healthier humans as well with their vaccines. I’m sure Bill Gates hasn’t even taken vaccines ever! Those that took the “FREE PRODUCT” have been bamboozled! It’s called the “depopulation” & very ironic that the Georgia Guide Stones get blown up & then completely demolished following this BS COVID mass hysteria! I still see people walking alone outside wearing masks, or driving in the car alone with mask on! It’s ridiculous! They’re totally brainwashed & masks do nothing!

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No different to how the words 'science' and 'truth' have been hijacked and totally misrepresented, so too has the word 'gay' been hijacked as a substitute for homosexual. I am a homosexual, and - not dissimilar to Vera Sharav (when they seek to demonise and denounce her for comparing COVID-1984 to the Holocaust) - I am over the usurpation of the word 'gay' as if it can be interchanged with homosexual. Most people (younger homosexual as well as most heterosexuals) do not know the history of the gay rights movement - notably that there has always been a disconnect between homosexual men and homosexual women and between the monogamous and the promiscuous FREE brigade (who hitched their trojan horse wagon to 'gay rights' - and won the 'right' to use the term 'gay' in the ensuing battle). Rest assured, those who benefit from the lockstep alphabet moniker are NOT women or monogamous - homosexual or heterosexual). I am not going to go into details here but, rest assured, promiscuous and sexually deviant men are NOT homosexual (the overwhelming majority of homosexual men and women are monogamous and want no association with anybody who is devil-may-care promiscuous). As Carey Mullis stated in his biography (Dancing in the Mind-Field) when a promiscuous person (heterosexual, bisexual or homosexual) engages in abnormal anal intimacy with 300 different people in a twelve month period (i.e., almost a different 'partner' every 24 hours) and those fleeting 'partners' have also been similarly reckless in their own lack of self-restraint, that is 90,000 different opportunities for transfer of virtually every pathogenic organism on the planet. As Carey surmised, it is a lifestyle (if not a moral) issue - and, as to whether it was the HIV virus or just a weakened (if not literally exhausted) immune system, is anybody's guess (but my money is on the latter). There was a reason that, during the AIDS outbreak, you could fit the number of AIDS inflicted lesbians in a phone box (and, spoiler alert, THEY were not monogamous homosexuals). My point is that those with reckless indifference to personal safety are underserving of the label 'unsuspecting'. They know the risks but continue behave irresponsibly - and to hell with the consequences. Maybe the CDC 'does this to them' because they are over trying to tell 'them' to put a sock on it.

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I'm wondering how the first instance of Monkeypox was "established ".

Maybe with a "shot" of something ?

I'll never have a needle put in me Ever again. There - now I'm "Gay".

As John Lennon sung - "I'm just sitting watching the wheels go round and round. You know I love to see them roll"

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Can you explain about this in the future please. Where have I heard Matrix-M before and how safe is the rabies vaccine they used as a control?

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Trust the science

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Dr. Nass, the more I see you the more I like you. You love truth and don't mind hurting feelings of the corrupt. What's not to like😎

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This is just the latest in his despicable acts....remember the so-called AIDS drug trials? Also remember and how he tried to scare everyone to be afraid of getting AIDS? How does someone become this way? Is he crazy, evil, or stupid? I can't decide.

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Show me the rock bottom, down and dirty proof that vaccines protected anyone from anything over the last 70 years. Where are the independent studies?

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