The elephant in the living room is that "covid" never existed as a threat and few hundred new billionaires got minted in this deal. Oh yeah, and hundreds of millions of people got hurt and killed.

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This is so sad and such a crime against humanity - I can't even imagine what death was like on those vents. On a daily basis I ask, where is God? And now another shooting of innocent children. I was at my local market yesterday and I always chat with the nice women who work at the cash register and it never fails, I hear about the rudeness of "new" people who have moved to the area. I thank God my family is safe and we knew about HCQ and Ivermectin - when will all these people pay who were complicit in the tearing down of the truth spoken by Dr. Risch and the persecution of Dr. Nass and all the others - I fear the future for my grand children.

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HI and this is really wonderful to read. I have a question. Has anyone treated patients with covid with an IV drip of vitamin C ? If so how has that worked for the person? To me it seems that that is the first thing you would do for someone and then do the Iver or Hydroxyc from there? Dose any one knwo of any studies?

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The FLCCC has numerous protocols for SARS-CoV-2. Here is one which includes IV vitamin C.


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Dr Marcia Angell MD, former editor of the New England Journal of Medicine says:

"It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.” (Dr. Marcia Angell, NY Review of Books, January 15, 2009, “Drug Companies & Doctors: A Story of Corruption)

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Yes why not, and why hasn't this devastating program been stopped?

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Dr. Nass - as they roll out the next Fauci Freezer/Bill "Epstein Island" Gates next gambit, the avian bird flu, will HCQ work against that? I think most of us know that may well be next on their list to a.) push that WHO as world dictator treaty, b.) kill more of us with their next scam vax while raking billions more in from us poor, unwashed masses, and c.) cover their dollar implosion.

I suspect a lot of us might be interested in this. Thanks.

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So why isn't someone being arrested for the needless murder of thousands of people for the sake of making money alongside big pharma? Who needs to step up and make this happen?

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He sounds like he has his head intact.

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We have been, and are being held captive, by the very "government" that is supposed to protect us. The fear imposed upon us will pale in comparison to God's wrath. "It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than to have known it and then to turn their backs on the sacred command that was passed on to them. Of them the proverbs are true: “A dog returns to its vomit,” and, “A sow that is washed returns to her wallowing in the mud.” 2 Peter 2:21-22

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There is no virus. How can so many people discount their lived experience? The deadliest pandemic ever and I don't know anyone who's had anything more than the sniffles the 4 years. The key to stopping covid is to admit to yourself the whole thing was a lie.

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Why twist yourself into a pretzel trying to come up with a strategy to defeat "Covid-19" when it has never been proven to exist? There are many reasons people get sick with serious respiratory illnesses but this computer-simulated nonsense is not one of them. Read Jon Rappoport's recent blog as to why some of us well-intentioned people are barking up the wrong tree.

Arguing against the existence of SARS-CoV-2

Jon Rappoport

Mar 27

I’ve done that many times.

Here I want to examine the claim that “the hypothesis of a virus best explains the facts at hand.”

People can’t get it through their heads that “a hypothesis that explains” isn’t science. It’s just a thought, an idea, a possibility, a first step on a long road.

A scientist says, “You know, when I make a map of all the planets in our solar system, and I show their orbits, and I factor in the effects of gravity—when I look at all these facts—I think there is another planet we haven’t found yet. That’s my hypothesis which explains the facts.”

Starting point. That’s all.

NOW the scientist has to do one of two things. Either FIND that planet by direct observation; or if he can’t, devise an experiment which PREDICTS something he can observe, based on his hypothesis that there is another planet in the solar system.

What he predicts has to be specific, a specific event that occurs during a specific time period.

That would be science.

The value of a hypothesis is its contribution to a prediction.

Its value isn’t its explanation of a set of facts.

Many hypotheses can explain the same set of facts.

The hypothesis of a virus, SARS-CoV-2, hasn’t led to any significant SPECIFIC predictions, such as: “a cluster of at least a thousand cases in these 3 towns in Southern Ohio between October and December.”

And there is another problem—what ARE the true facts the virus-hypothesis is “explaining?”

When it comes to COVID, the basic facts would be case numbers and death numbers.

A case, according to ridiculous medical practice (not theory), means a positive PCR test. That’s all. No clinical symptoms are necessary. And the PCR assumes (without proof) that the genetic segment it is looking for belongs to SARS-CoV-2 (the hypothetical virus). Further, the sensitivity of the PCR can be adjusted, and at high sensitivity it will register positive on a few tiny genetic fragments of god-knows-what. Labs DO set the sensitivity of the PCR at a very high level.

Therefore, reported numbers of COVID cases mean nothing.

When it comes to numbers of COVID deaths, the true facts are a jungle of lies. Here are some of them:

ONE: A doctor arbitrarily and falsely writes “COVID” on the death certificate of a patient. This practice is widespread.

TWO: Since the symptoms of “COVID” are indistinguishable from the symptoms of flu and pneumonia (lung congestion, fever, chills, fatigue, muscle weakness), there is no reason to infer a patient died of “COVID” rather than flu or pneumonia. That’s huge. Plus, in China, Italy, Spain, and other places, high levels of poisonous air pollution cause the illness and death of many people who develop lung problems and are diagnosed with “COVID.” (The remarkable Jim West (see here) has done groundbreaking work in this area.)

THREE: So-called COVID deaths are mainly recorded in elderly persons, who already have multiple serious health conditions, caused in part by years of dosing with toxic pharmaceuticals. These elderly people, their immune systems already in dire straits, are terrified by the prospect of being diagnosed with “COVID.” Then they ARE diagnosed. On top of that, they’re isolated and cut off from contact with family and friends. They give up, fold up, and die.

FOUR: Many of these elderly patients (and the non-elderly) are sedated with powerful opioids or other strong destructive sedatives and put on breathing ventilators (intubation) for long periods of time. This treatment IS a killer. In a study of patients in the NY Northwell Hospital system, 97.2% of patients over the age of 65 who were put on ventilators died.

FIVE: Remdesivir, a drug frequently used to treat “COVID” patients, is highly toxic.

I’ll stop there. With these facts in hand, as you can see, there is no reason to assume SARS-CoV-2 exists or is doing harm.

You don’t need the hypothesis of a virus to explain these ACTUAL facts.

What you need are honest prosecutors bringing massive criminal charges.

So that leaves only one scientific road for virus addicts. Proving SARS-CoV-2 exists by isolating it and observing it directly.

Forget “hypothesis that explains the facts.” Forget a specific prediction based on the hypothesis. You have to go to empirical seeing is believing.

And here, lab procedures fail miserably. Scientists claiming they’ve found SARS-CoV-2 are spinning fantasies. I’ve called this the story of the soup in a dish in a lab.

For a full-on refutation of those lab procedures, read my interview with Dr. Andrew Kaufman (see here). He comments, blow by blow, on a typical published step by step lab “isolation” of SARS-CoV-2 and tears it to pieces.

There is another lab procedure that should have been done at the outset, as soon as the virus-hypothesis was floated in early 2020. It wasn’t done. I explained it then. It was my first foray into rejecting the “proof” that SARS-CoV-2 exists:

Take 500 people diagnosed with the so-called pandemic disease, the new disease. Take mucus samples from all the patients, and subject those samples to rigorous analysis, including centrifuging them, to obtain what you believe are specimens of the new virus. Photograph those specimens under an electron microscope. See whether you find MANY identical particles of a new virus in each photo from every patient, and see whether these particles are the same from photo to photo. (Open the door to a vigorous debate about what these particles in the photos actually are.)

Of course, this test of the 500 (5000 would have been better) patients was never done. There is a good reason why it wasn’t done.

Researchers saw a high risk of failure. I would have bet on failure.

“No new virus. We see some different particles here and there, that’s all. We haven’t established anything consistent from patient to patient. We’re dealing with traditional pneumonia and flu…we just need to live through it…as we always do…”

Several misguided people have pointed to a study here and a study there in which the authors claim to have found SARS-CoV-2 under the microscope, in a sample from one patient or a few patients. THAT’S NOT WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT.

I’m talking about the full study I just described. The FULL study. AND further confirmation or rejection by other groups of independent scientists repeating the procedure. Which is called science.

After all, think it through. Based on a lab claim about a new virus, if you’re going to lock down the planet and force an experimental genetic injection on the global population, and if you’re going to destroy economies…YOU’D BETTER CONFIRM THERE IS A NEW VIRUS WITH A FULL AND CORRECT STUDY, AS OPPOSED TO A FEW ANECDOTES.

Again, that full and correct study was never done.

There is no proof that SARS-CoV-2 exists. And the burden of proof is on the scientists who claim they discovered the virus. People can claim anything. They can say they proved a purple man is walking on Jupiter. But he isn’t. I can claim the government sent me a check for 12 billion dollars. But you know that check doesn’t exist, unless and until I can prove it does. That’s how reality works.

Some demented person out there will say, “But…but you can’t absolutely prove that SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t exist.” A staggering revelation; I can’t prove a negative. That critic is a sad case. But he doesn’t deserve our sympathy. Next month, he might be appointed the new director of the CDC.

-- Jon Rappoport

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It cannot be said enought times, the treatment must be carried out to the best of our knowledge, as so the judicial processes and the punishing. We are no human society if not!

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Again a wonderful post with a lot of solid information. Thank you Dr. Nass.

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Why am I thinking AZT was thought to have hurt AIDS sufferers? I must be confused about something.

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I didn’t see AZT mentioned here. Perhaps I missed something?

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Mar 28, 2023
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They're very expensive! They keep being touted as 'costing pennies'!

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