I decode the language and concepts for you. The article is in plain text. My comments are in italics. What a load of malarkey. Peter Daszak was on the Commission.
In other words: 'My name is Bill Gates. And because you people don't buy my drama stories about filthy viruses coming out of animal beasts and nature and all that, I bought The Lancet. Now if you people wouldn't believe THE Lancet, then I 'm getting a bit troubled in how to get to you guys, that I REALLY DON'T WANT YOU TO BE ALIVE!!!! YOU GET MY POINT??? EAT the F...... bullshit and flies, DAMN YOU ALL!! Who can I give grants to next now that you all still not swallowing my fears of toooo many people in my backyard??? Shit, these mongrels aren't as stupid as I thought....'
This is the best framework the globalists think tanks (starting with Rockefeller’s Henri Kissinger ) came up with. Using disease and climate terrorism to leverage totalitarianism .
It was the only way other than full out domestic war worldwide to usurp our protective constitutional laws.
WHO and UN are the biggest lurking dangers…
Read the fine print of their documents - it’s terrifying.
Who will be able to inject you with poisons and lock you up for whatever whim they want, and UN will deploy foreign soldiers to “deal with” resisters .
That’s what happened with the truckers vaccine protests in canada. They flew IN non Canadian soldiers and they beat the hell out of the citizens in a brutal way.
We have to speak loudly NOW to our local reps before we no longer have a voice.
We must not sign the WHO treaty and we must exit WHO and UN must not have ability to operate in USA EVER. This language needs to be in every non blue states laws.
Time is running out as WHO is signing treaty (next month I believe), which will give them (and BILL GATES who contributes the most $$ and gets the most ROI for mandates ) SUPRAControl.
So please …. Get in touch with your local reps now while we still have a voice .
However, I would add that the people promoting the jabs are part of a Malthusian cabal determined to cull the herd.
Schwab was unapologetic when he declared, "Nobody (the cabal) is safe if there are still unvaccinated people. Everyone must be vaccinated."
It was clear from the start that the plot was to eliminate the "useless eaters."
Here's Microsoft's 'Conversation' (AI) response given about Dr. Bill Gates' vaccinating the world:
And this, too:
"would it be correct to assume that bill gates is playing god"
"I'm sorry but I prefer not to continue this conversation. I'm still learning so I appreciate your understanding and patience.
I'm a highly educated person (BA, MA, Ph.D.), and I have seen abuses beyond telling everywhere by this cabal. Why is it so difficult to indict and prosecute these troublemakers? Our forefathers did it at the Nuremberg trials.
We don't have much time before us. We see these monsters poisoning our food and air and slowly stripping us from all our God-given (basic) rights.
Have you seen this about falling prey to propaganda?
You need more education outside of your fancy degrees granted by the authorities if you believe that the Nuremberg show event was not scripted and controlled by the money power and its agents in the US. The US took in chief Nazis secretly (Operation Paperclip) and sent many into Russia.
Maybe it is so difficult to indict and prosecute because that is not what the controllers want? You mistakenly believe that "we" are in control. Maybe "we" should vote harder.
These people do not see you as having any rights other than what they grant you as privileges. Go up against them if you think you have power and you will find out.
What you see here is the system of "technocracy" to be applied to One Health.
You are looking in the wrong place and without understanding if you are looking for evidence or knowledge or sense. This is merely a fancy statement that there is to be a new dictatorial system of control under a global secret society's direction. This is no different than scenes in the old western movies where the townspeople are told that "There is a new sheriff in town" with new rules and orders or where the mafia comes in and takes over an aspect of economic activity. "What are you going to do about it?"
Leave this UN crap alone and get out or put your neck in the noose for "them" to tighten which they will gladly. It's for the One planet, you know. Total BS.
I like your decoding method, Meryl Nass. Without it, I would be completely lost in a Byzantine tangle of buzzwords; or quit reading altogether. I'm still lost, but thanks to you I can see more clearly whither the wind is blowing and where the armada is heading toward: an (dare I say: even more?) totalitarian captivation of medicine and a NWO-like domination of the entire field.
She is so good at it! Thank goodness! This is my favorite:
Conclusions from the Commission are anticipated to be integrated in policy briefs, international guidelines and protocols, and various high-level global health resolutions. (We plan to shove these ideas down your throat.)
It is like a hypnotic induction, full of abstractions with absolutely no practical applications. What strikes me, though, is how humans have been demoted to being just livestock. Clearly, being the apex predator, we have fallen into thinking of ourselves as the crown of creation, with those with megalomania, dark tetrad, spinelessly sadistic or overwhelming foci on greed anointing themselves as the highest class due to their delusional Dunning Kruger estimations of themselves, and this is medieval, of a medieval cosmology, but compare their dorky graphic to the Great Chain of Being https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_chain_of_being.
One-Psychological-Inflation-Power-Psychotic-Greed-Health wants to relegate us to the realm of hackable animals possessed by ineradicable green sin instead of as the most complex organism the unfathomable creativity of the cosmos has invented (that we know of), positioned between the whales and dolphins (and that's not a sure thing, they may be more complex than we know) and the divine. I'd prefer a graphic more like Dante's Inferno, with them being chowed down on in the ninth circle for eternity, but that's me lol.
"...the importance of dismantling disciplinary and professional silos." Now, that's a concept I could get behind! No suspension or revocation of medical licenses without trial by a jury selected from among the total voting population of the jurisdiction.
"We further explore the positive and negative implications of human activities and human–animal interactions for the shared environment. Within this space, zoonotic and emerging infectious diseases, as well as non-communicable diseases and mental health, will be considered." You can bet their investigation will find nothing wrong with factory farms, no contribution to One Disease, and will offer no support to regenerative agriculture as the pioneers in that movement would define it.
The Lancet, the Lancet... let me think. Oh yes, wasn't that the journal that published a fraudulent paper citing a non-existent database purporting to show that hydroxychloroquine had no effect in the treatment of Covid-19?
How stupid do they think we are? Very stupid and they are right. People believe things like CO2 is warming the planet Covid is a real virus and your PCR test works.These are facts the people incapable of critical thinking buy into. You are being played and being set up for rigid, social control, and an unnatural early death. If you got shamed, bullied or family pressure, made you into a laboratory rat wake up. Unfortunately, 80% of the medical care, so-called specialists are brainwashed morons and proudly vaccinated with something .stay away from these people. I’m sure I lost most people with the climate and virus thing. Do yourself a favor instead of lashing out read virus mania by Sam Bailey and Patrick Moores new book on climate you will be free goes for Dr Nass too
Dear Dr. Nass...I SAW WHAT YOU DID HERE (and I LOVE IT)...Thank you and PLEASE keep it up!!!! Clapping wildly (I do wish when this crap is parroted by our masters, your voice could be heard in a sotto voce offside!!!.)
This seems part of the tendency to prime the public, including the medical and scientific community for accepting more top down, dictatorial control of the public with guaranteed mega profit making to be promoted w ith more toxic drugs, more illness, more treatment for profit. I wonder what they plan for the time when depopulation begins to move more rapidly with loss of reproductive ability and population disappearing from rotten water, rotten air, rotten food or lack of any, etc. More autism and other neurological conditions will ensure ongoing special needs to be 'served' with drugs and behavioral treatments--does this imply a world of special needs people to ensure corporatist growth? It will run into am economic brick wall. It may not be in our lifetime but the models for better living do exist and mainly in the socialist countries or the capitalist ones that employed socialist based services to the people There was less income divide betw the top and bottom, better health with socialized free health care, better food with organic and sustainable agriculture, guaranteed housing so no homelessness, etc. And corporations with limited profiting and/or greater taxation of the wealthy and legal limits on their incomes. We know how to do it, but won't
They’ve been taking over health “care” for sometime and it’s why they don’t actually want to “heal” you. It’s a financial boon for them to make money off you while they slowly worsen your health and reduce your lifespan. Two stones for one bird - money and eugenics!
I’ve received FREE health “care” in England and it was a nightmare.
It’s cold and uncaring, and you wait forever to see a specialist or get an X-ray.
We must not fall for universal health care - it’s failing worldwide. Brits and Canadians who can afford it come here for treatment for good reason.
You touch on two different issues here. One is that national health care fails. It really doesn't and people all over the world are quite happy with it. And when Canadians come here and have to use the medical systems they are horrified by the costs, often lengthy delays and very poor care and prefer the Canadian system.
The other point is that the medical industry has been trying to destroy national health care for their own profit while promoting a privatized industry the goal of which is to keep as much money in salaries for the executive level people while providing less and less service to the patient. This is what is happening with Medicare and people are not aware of how these systems will not ever work for the public. Of course if you are well financed then you can buy whatever service you like while paying a fortune for it. But with such high incomes it is not an issue, something not available to the vast majority of the public.
As long as the pharma industry and insurance industry have so much power we will never have good or real health care and those countries with national health care will see a depreciation of service--not because it cannot or does not work but because profit making industries will not allow it.
ultimately this goes beyond the public vs. private debate to the root lie, which is that healthcare is one-size-fits-all.
and it's getting worse, for example in the uk the nhs is standardizing treatment across the board for both men and women regardless of gender differences and needs.
VEry similar here. They are pushing use of technology to decide on the treatments by formula. It is a very mechanized system. This is called cost savings, taking individual exams and reflection away form practitioners. The only thing this has to do with a nationalized health system is how all such services are to be abolished and turned over to the machine.
One thing obvious to me is that there is very little daylight betw what the US and UK do and also the rest of Europe. This is called the One World Order that will be run by technocrats with their technology such as AI promoting transhumanism. Frightening.
In other words: 'My name is Bill Gates. And because you people don't buy my drama stories about filthy viruses coming out of animal beasts and nature and all that, I bought The Lancet. Now if you people wouldn't believe THE Lancet, then I 'm getting a bit troubled in how to get to you guys, that I REALLY DON'T WANT YOU TO BE ALIVE!!!! YOU GET MY POINT??? EAT the F...... bullshit and flies, DAMN YOU ALL!! Who can I give grants to next now that you all still not swallowing my fears of toooo many people in my backyard??? Shit, these mongrels aren't as stupid as I thought....'
Exactly .
If he doesn’t like the planet the way it is HE can leave !
Oh, that's the next thing Joanna. He will start to give grants to rockets!
I don't think that's the leave she meant. At least, I know it's not the leave I want him to go with.
I was hoping he was on Musk's latest rocket.
Bravo!!!! TOUCHE!!!!
And what do actual ecological and environmental scientists have to say about this? No citations here. All fluff.
This is the best framework the globalists think tanks (starting with Rockefeller’s Henri Kissinger ) came up with. Using disease and climate terrorism to leverage totalitarianism .
It was the only way other than full out domestic war worldwide to usurp our protective constitutional laws.
WHO and UN are the biggest lurking dangers…
Read the fine print of their documents - it’s terrifying.
Who will be able to inject you with poisons and lock you up for whatever whim they want, and UN will deploy foreign soldiers to “deal with” resisters .
That’s what happened with the truckers vaccine protests in canada. They flew IN non Canadian soldiers and they beat the hell out of the citizens in a brutal way.
We have to speak loudly NOW to our local reps before we no longer have a voice.
We must not sign the WHO treaty and we must exit WHO and UN must not have ability to operate in USA EVER. This language needs to be in every non blue states laws.
Time is running out as WHO is signing treaty (next month I believe), which will give them (and BILL GATES who contributes the most $$ and gets the most ROI for mandates ) SUPRAControl.
So please …. Get in touch with your local reps now while we still have a voice .
Trilateral commission (WEF connection) claiming 2023 is now NEW WORLD ORDER https://peoplesvoice.locals.com/post/3710887/trilateral-commission-declares-2023-as-year-1-of-the-new-world-order-cheekyfellows-https-www-bi
KNOW the past so you can prevent tyranny of the future:
Karl Marx - “ Keep the people from their history, And they are easily CONTROLLED.”
What a guy!
Refer to this short documentary film to know more about how the Nazis brainwashed otherwise nice people in their era:
Brilliant article!
However, I would add that the people promoting the jabs are part of a Malthusian cabal determined to cull the herd.
Schwab was unapologetic when he declared, "Nobody (the cabal) is safe if there are still unvaccinated people. Everyone must be vaccinated."
It was clear from the start that the plot was to eliminate the "useless eaters."
Here's Microsoft's 'Conversation' (AI) response given about Dr. Bill Gates' vaccinating the world:
And this, too:
"would it be correct to assume that bill gates is playing god"
"I'm sorry but I prefer not to continue this conversation. I'm still learning so I appreciate your understanding and patience.
I'm a highly educated person (BA, MA, Ph.D.), and I have seen abuses beyond telling everywhere by this cabal. Why is it so difficult to indict and prosecute these troublemakers? Our forefathers did it at the Nuremberg trials.
We don't have much time before us. We see these monsters poisoning our food and air and slowly stripping us from all our God-given (basic) rights.
Have you seen this about falling prey to propaganda?
You need more education outside of your fancy degrees granted by the authorities if you believe that the Nuremberg show event was not scripted and controlled by the money power and its agents in the US. The US took in chief Nazis secretly (Operation Paperclip) and sent many into Russia.
Maybe it is so difficult to indict and prosecute because that is not what the controllers want? You mistakenly believe that "we" are in control. Maybe "we" should vote harder.
These people do not see you as having any rights other than what they grant you as privileges. Go up against them if you think you have power and you will find out.
That's a good one.
It is "bureaucratese".
"Feel confident and dominate any meeting without knowing anything by talking like this!"
Orwellian language. Orwellian ambitions.
Change "human" to "hubris" in that first bold-faced line, and it becomes much more truthful!
What you see here is the system of "technocracy" to be applied to One Health.
You are looking in the wrong place and without understanding if you are looking for evidence or knowledge or sense. This is merely a fancy statement that there is to be a new dictatorial system of control under a global secret society's direction. This is no different than scenes in the old western movies where the townspeople are told that "There is a new sheriff in town" with new rules and orders or where the mafia comes in and takes over an aspect of economic activity. "What are you going to do about it?"
Leave this UN crap alone and get out or put your neck in the noose for "them" to tighten which they will gladly. It's for the One planet, you know. Total BS.
One health is a cover word for global domination, and the destruction of nations sovereignty!
I like your decoding method, Meryl Nass. Without it, I would be completely lost in a Byzantine tangle of buzzwords; or quit reading altogether. I'm still lost, but thanks to you I can see more clearly whither the wind is blowing and where the armada is heading toward: an (dare I say: even more?) totalitarian captivation of medicine and a NWO-like domination of the entire field.
She is very good at it, isn't she? I think every blathering of these buzzwords should come with a Dr. Meryl Nass translation.
She is so good at it! Thank goodness! This is my favorite:
Conclusions from the Commission are anticipated to be integrated in policy briefs, international guidelines and protocols, and various high-level global health resolutions. (We plan to shove these ideas down your throat.)
It is like a hypnotic induction, full of abstractions with absolutely no practical applications. What strikes me, though, is how humans have been demoted to being just livestock. Clearly, being the apex predator, we have fallen into thinking of ourselves as the crown of creation, with those with megalomania, dark tetrad, spinelessly sadistic or overwhelming foci on greed anointing themselves as the highest class due to their delusional Dunning Kruger estimations of themselves, and this is medieval, of a medieval cosmology, but compare their dorky graphic to the Great Chain of Being https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_chain_of_being.
One-Psychological-Inflation-Power-Psychotic-Greed-Health wants to relegate us to the realm of hackable animals possessed by ineradicable green sin instead of as the most complex organism the unfathomable creativity of the cosmos has invented (that we know of), positioned between the whales and dolphins (and that's not a sure thing, they may be more complex than we know) and the divine. I'd prefer a graphic more like Dante's Inferno, with them being chowed down on in the ninth circle for eternity, but that's me lol.
Oh yes, we plan to shove this down your throat was brilliant!!! and I agree with your cosmology!!
Watch out for ambiguous rose colored buzz words.
"...the importance of dismantling disciplinary and professional silos." Now, that's a concept I could get behind! No suspension or revocation of medical licenses without trial by a jury selected from among the total voting population of the jurisdiction.
"We further explore the positive and negative implications of human activities and human–animal interactions for the shared environment. Within this space, zoonotic and emerging infectious diseases, as well as non-communicable diseases and mental health, will be considered." You can bet their investigation will find nothing wrong with factory farms, no contribution to One Disease, and will offer no support to regenerative agriculture as the pioneers in that movement would define it.
The Lancet, the Lancet... let me think. Oh yes, wasn't that the journal that published a fraudulent paper citing a non-existent database purporting to show that hydroxychloroquine had no effect in the treatment of Covid-19?
How stupid do they think we are? Very stupid and they are right. People believe things like CO2 is warming the planet Covid is a real virus and your PCR test works.These are facts the people incapable of critical thinking buy into. You are being played and being set up for rigid, social control, and an unnatural early death. If you got shamed, bullied or family pressure, made you into a laboratory rat wake up. Unfortunately, 80% of the medical care, so-called specialists are brainwashed morons and proudly vaccinated with something .stay away from these people. I’m sure I lost most people with the climate and virus thing. Do yourself a favor instead of lashing out read virus mania by Sam Bailey and Patrick Moores new book on climate you will be free goes for Dr Nass too
Dear Dr. Nass...I SAW WHAT YOU DID HERE (and I LOVE IT)...Thank you and PLEASE keep it up!!!! Clapping wildly (I do wish when this crap is parroted by our masters, your voice could be heard in a sotto voce offside!!!.)
Obamacare - right to kill verbiage few are aware exits… euthanasia , mercy killing.
Trilateral commission (WEF) claiming 2023 is now NEW WORLD ORDER https://peoplesvoice.locals.com/post/3710887/trilateral-commission-declares-2023-as-year-1-of-the-new-world-order-cheekyfellows-https-www-bi
This seems part of the tendency to prime the public, including the medical and scientific community for accepting more top down, dictatorial control of the public with guaranteed mega profit making to be promoted w ith more toxic drugs, more illness, more treatment for profit. I wonder what they plan for the time when depopulation begins to move more rapidly with loss of reproductive ability and population disappearing from rotten water, rotten air, rotten food or lack of any, etc. More autism and other neurological conditions will ensure ongoing special needs to be 'served' with drugs and behavioral treatments--does this imply a world of special needs people to ensure corporatist growth? It will run into am economic brick wall. It may not be in our lifetime but the models for better living do exist and mainly in the socialist countries or the capitalist ones that employed socialist based services to the people There was less income divide betw the top and bottom, better health with socialized free health care, better food with organic and sustainable agriculture, guaranteed housing so no homelessness, etc. And corporations with limited profiting and/or greater taxation of the wealthy and legal limits on their incomes. We know how to do it, but won't
They’ve been taking over health “care” for sometime and it’s why they don’t actually want to “heal” you. It’s a financial boon for them to make money off you while they slowly worsen your health and reduce your lifespan. Two stones for one bird - money and eugenics!
I’ve received FREE health “care” in England and it was a nightmare.
It’s cold and uncaring, and you wait forever to see a specialist or get an X-ray.
We must not fall for universal health care - it’s failing worldwide. Brits and Canadians who can afford it come here for treatment for good reason.
You touch on two different issues here. One is that national health care fails. It really doesn't and people all over the world are quite happy with it. And when Canadians come here and have to use the medical systems they are horrified by the costs, often lengthy delays and very poor care and prefer the Canadian system.
The other point is that the medical industry has been trying to destroy national health care for their own profit while promoting a privatized industry the goal of which is to keep as much money in salaries for the executive level people while providing less and less service to the patient. This is what is happening with Medicare and people are not aware of how these systems will not ever work for the public. Of course if you are well financed then you can buy whatever service you like while paying a fortune for it. But with such high incomes it is not an issue, something not available to the vast majority of the public.
As long as the pharma industry and insurance industry have so much power we will never have good or real health care and those countries with national health care will see a depreciation of service--not because it cannot or does not work but because profit making industries will not allow it.
Well, I know ALOT of people, friends and family, living in many countries in the world with free health care.
When they get really sick, they have never been happy with their treatment.
Your friends must be different. Lucky them.
With private markets you have a CHOICE, with ONE health system ….well, we know what happens with that.
ultimately this goes beyond the public vs. private debate to the root lie, which is that healthcare is one-size-fits-all.
and it's getting worse, for example in the uk the nhs is standardizing treatment across the board for both men and women regardless of gender differences and needs.
VEry similar here. They are pushing use of technology to decide on the treatments by formula. It is a very mechanized system. This is called cost savings, taking individual exams and reflection away form practitioners. The only thing this has to do with a nationalized health system is how all such services are to be abolished and turned over to the machine.
One thing obvious to me is that there is very little daylight betw what the US and UK do and also the rest of Europe. This is called the One World Order that will be run by technocrats with their technology such as AI promoting transhumanism. Frightening.