Vaccines may be useful in your opinion but the risk of fascist billionaires using them to exterminate the Untermenschen far outweighs their usefulness. Millions have been killed or disabled by them already during the 21st century holocaust.

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The "COVID 19 pandemic" had a goal, that is, a One World Death and Slavery System for All."

It appears to me that ...

THEY needed to "develop a pathogen" so that they could get a "genome" of the "pathogen" so that THEY could create a "vaccine" so that they could create a laboratory test of a specimen from the patient that would "diagnose COVID-19" so that THEY could implement "pandemic" response measures to "protect public health."

Dr. Michael Yeadon has stated in several of his many interviews that the four major "COVID-19 vaccine" makers all had to choose a part of the "COVID-19 molecule" on which to base their vaccine formula and all four of them just happened to choose the "spike protein" part of the COVID-19 molecule when they could have chosen other parts of that molecule. Dr. Yeadon finds that to be the big tell, that is, the revelation of the non-coincidental nature of the formulation of the COVID-19 vaccines that have maimed and disabled and killed millions of people.

( President Donald Trump got the USA out of WHO in 2020. Shortly after that, Donald Trump gave $1.16 billion US tax dollars donation to Bill Gates' GAVI organization at the Global Vaccine Summit. When the Resident of the USA was installed, he immediately took action to get the USA back in the WHO.

https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/vaccine-bait-switch-millions-pulled-from-who-trump-gives-billions-gates-founded-gavi/ )

Pandemics are the weapon of choice because order out of chaos can take place much more advantageously when the infrastructure is not destroyed.

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Impressive background and knowledge, but did you adequately document your phone calls with patients? That's the big question!!!

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Things sure haven't changed since those days. You bring a clarity to these issues which just seems to fly right over the heads of our bureaucrats. None the less someone has to do it and you do. Thank you.

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Our whole life a preparedness for a fatal bioweapon, and even when the attack never comes, the preparedness will be the unexpected killer or at the least snap us off our tiny little life with all it’s everyday misery and happiness

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That genie is out of the bottle. There are kits available on.ine that permit anyone to do gene editing at home. Not sure how comprehensive the capability is, but if it's not yet total, it soon will be. We'll need to develop novel defenses for novel pathogens. Vaxes and masks have already proven to be entirely ineffective. Interesting times.

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there are guns and poison being sold as well.

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I'm pretty sure substack allows free subscribers to comment. https://on.substack.com/p/new-on-substack-comments-for-everyone

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It does, but the DEFAULT that I was not aware of needs to be changed--and I did not change it for the post. Now I have to change it for each post.

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Oh no!

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thank you meryl- i don't own a cellphone- can't download the app so can't listen- but thanks for all those who can@

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We have seen a lot play out since that historic presentation about the anthrax letters. That weaponized anthrax did have Ft. Detrick's "fingerprints" on it, though a scapegoat was declared, then found to be innocent, died, and so on..

We have met the enemy and he is "US", might be a fair statement these days. The enemy of humanity seems to be in control of the systems of defense for humanity, or at least pulling a lot of the levers in those systems.

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I totally reject the assertion that the G20 meeting and resulting determinations is in any way applicable to MY NATION = The United Kingdom. G20 was a WEF manipulation exercise of the gullible, unintelligent cretins that, in UK's case, was attended by an unelected Prime Minister (Rat Sunak) who is just another gullible puppet of Adolf Schwab!

Furthermore, I demand that Bill Gates's World Health Organisation be denied any more control over MY COPUNTRY'S sovereignty. Disband the redundant and incompetent WHO as it is now simply a vehicle to create further wealth for Gates & Co, and then enslave all of the remaining humanity that doesn't qualify as 'Elite' or has died as a result of the Covid injections which are simply a HUMAN CULL.

Haven't 'the establishment' given up on castigating and punishing the numerous medics that refuse to pedal the DEADLY injections - ridiculously referred to as VACCINES? The Covid 'Vax' myth is all but dead as the 'Died Suddenly' brigade increases exponentially.

All part of the WEF Master Plan to create an underpopulated (CULLED) planet with injected 'Sub-Human SLAVES.

Another new word from the Elite's WEF New World Order dictionary - "Vaxxident". An adverse reaction or DEATH following the injection of Poison - supposedly in the name of medical health.

Another PLUS for Musk letting the world know that Fauci was only in it for the fortunes that he made along with the other unscrupulous pharmacists and the Health magnates.

Musk - I'm still 'watching this space'! - Good or Bad?

Most of what he's done seems to come under the 'GOOD' column, as far as I'm concerned, but he's got a few fingers in Covid & Vax pies, so I'm wary.

Why is he keeping McCullough, Wolf, Kirsch & Malone 'exiled'? He should justify this strange action for those he NEEDS to keep on his side.

His stance on the DEADLY injections (laughably called VACCINES) would be a big incentive to support or trash him.

LIABILITY for DEADLY Meds makers is ridiculous and he should assist in the fight for COMMON SENSE to apply instead of letting Pfizer (etc) use their 'stolen' concession as a Licence to KILL with impunity.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed, watching and waiting to see Musk's 'true colours'.

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Y seem to be such a genuinely nice person.

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the ‘myth’ is not stopping Orange County, California Board of Supervisors from 12/20/2022 proposed agenda (item #11) to enter into rental agreement for OC Fairgrounds for the stated purpose of OC Health Agency Bioterrorism Unit distribution center for medicines and supplies 1/1/2023-12/31/2023 renewable through 12/31/2027:


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The report that Lisa points to is important: THE FUTURE



IN A 1.5°C




REPORT--it is about how city and other officials will act to reduce citizens' "consumption" to reduce global warming to 1.5 degrees C. The report is cagey about who ultimately funded it. Check it out.and comment back.

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Meryl you can publish this as a template for writing organizations to apprise them of the C40 city plans

This one for real estate can be adopted for each professional or business organization:

"Has Reco been apprised of the plan for C40 cities? There is a seven year plan, culminating in 2030, and I don't see any room within it for the trading of real estate. Real estate lawyers and benchers are being sent this along with many professionals and brokerages which I encourage to spread the word.

Keep in mind while reading this that CBDC's are an integral part of their C40 cities, and are referenced by queuing the 'financial tool for compliance' of some egregious targets planned in the C40 city.

Please read all the way to the end and review the 'consumptive interventions' planned in the c40 cities. You can search every country and city on the first database/ website link. These are provided within this email.

Those governing our membership and safeguarding this industry and the clients we serve need to learn about what a c40 city is, and how far along the plan is for Ontario cities. These will directly impact the ability to trade in the profession.

None of the organizations spearheading the push are accountable in a democratic sense to the individuals that it appears would be 'herded into compliance in these cities." I wonder how the new Strong Mayor's Act might relate to this and if any analysis has been undertaken?

For the membership copied on this email you can search which organizations and companies are supporting the C40 cities and you may want to alter your own consumption.

I have downloaded as an attachment for your thorough consideration the 'consumptive interventions' planned and take note the enforcement is heavily aligned with 'financial tools' which I take to mean CBDC.

I should think our membership requires the professional body regulating and having our best interest in mind to perform an analysis together with those affected wanting to spread the word intensively. https://www.globalcovenantofmayors.org/our-cities/


Every single city that is involved in this initiative the entire planet is listed. Do you know which cities are involved? But do you know they have a target about how much meat you should eat in C40 Cities? The aggressive targets by 2030 0kg. I would ask that those receiving this email consider through the tables in the link and attachment for yourself; understand the C40 city and decide firmly against CBDCs.

How many new clothes can your membership acquire per year? 3 a year is the aggressive target by 2030. This is a micromanagement of our communities, clients, membership, our families and our very future. Also on the news today is that CBDC intends to roll out in Canada in 2023. Our membership should take a firm position on this.

For the novice not acquainted with this concept, the digital currency can be programmed to meet regulations to achieve 0 carbon. Will you trade real estate? Will you have a vehicle to drive your clients to your appointments?

It's very preposterous if it wasn't so prettily set out with charts, footnotes and acknowledgements.

Under this type of 'C40 city I wonder how many homes will trade on Treb or with Reco members?

Each link is searchable. I encourage those in our membership reviewing even downloading the links. Consider closely the consumption mitigation or intervention strategies.

Personal Auto ownership? Yes, these are restricted. How are realtors taking their clients to appointments? Vins governed. Your food? decided. You won't treat your client to a steak by 2030 if they have their aggressive targets. But it will be 'equitable'. The targets are for everyone.

Even the search terms are spooky; "our mayors" or "our cities"

GLOBAL COVENANT OF MAYORS FOR CLIMATE AND ENERGY. I believe the cities we live in are our cities. I believe the individuals we elect to govern our municipalities, provinces and country are accountable to us and not vis versa.


I ask you to really review the C40 cities and to review the global covenant of mayors. If CBDC is a tool for a c40 city, it will be a financial tool to remote control our decisions outside a C40 city as well. I did not ask to be micromanaged in the 'govern me harder' rubrique. I'm not sure the politicians elected were either. However, at the very least those imbued with the protection of our industry should dig into this.

Other than in this email, has anyone heard of this? shouldn't we understand how they want to regulate the 'goods and services' consumed in their cities as it relates to climate change? This is also known as consumption mitigation and intervention strategies and involves food you eat/ energy/ clothes you're allowed to purchase.


I did not find this information fun to go through. But it is deadly serious.




Quoting the site "The commitment of our 97 cities representing 700 million residents to the Leadership Standards demonstrates the resolve of the world’s mayors to deliver the urgent action needed to tackle the climate crisis. In this unprecedented moment in human history, we know that we must act without hesitation to save our planet and create a more equitable, prosperous, and healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

In the crucial years ahead, these Leadership Standards set us on a path to achieve a zero-carbon future, build meaningful and broad coalitions, and set a global model for cities around the world to follow suit. This work is grounded in the principles of the Global Green New Deal as the cornerstone of a green and just recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and the foundation of global efforts to address the climate emergency."

C40 Leadership Standards 2021-2024:

"Plan. City has adopted a resilient and inclusive climate action plan aligned with the 1.5˚C ambition of the Paris Agreement, and updates it regularly;

Deliver. In 2024, city remains on track to deliver its climate action plan, contributing to increased resilience, equitable outcomes and halving C40’s overall emissions by 2030;

Mainstream. City uses the necessary FINANCIAL regulatory and other tools at their disposal to address the climate crisis and mainstreams their equitable climate targets into the most impactful city decision-making processes;

Innovate. City innovates and starts taking inclusive and resilient action to address emissions beyond the direct control of the city government, such as associated with goods and services consumed in their city;

Lead. Mayor and the city demonstrate global climate leadership and inspire others to act in support of the Paris Agreement.

These Leadership Standards will guide our collective action until at least 2024."

Those all sound like sentences your eyes might glaze over looking at. Until you look at the frightening goals they expect to achieve.

You've got to dig in and understand this is an agenda that has us on a leash! Fedex likes and supports this.

You can search which companies are involved in supporting this. Decide if they deserve your business. Is your Media covering this. Maybe they are content with their allotment of clothes, and food by our overlords.


Look at the tables for 'consumptive interventions'; Table 6 for instance tells you that these c40 cities believe they can dictate how many flights you should be able to have by 2030; Table 6.6.1? how many people can own vehicles; There's a table for how many kg of meat you can eat in these c40 cities. Aggressive target? 0kg. 2030 is 7 years away.

These are existential questions that go to the work we provide in our communities and how we want our communities to look like. We are the citizens, the realtors, the lawyers, the small brokerage owners. We are the restaurant owners, the gym owners, the dog walkers, the veterinarians. We are the police officers and the CIA agents reading this. We are the people making our communities liveable, safe, welcoming. We are the neighbours, the dentists, the doctors. We are tennis pros, the uber drivers. We are more than Reco. We are the community we serve. And we should do that with a firm grasp of the reality squaring us. And most of all. We should be choosing our future. Not a faceless organization that has NEVER shaken your hand, smiled at you in queue in the grocery store, sat down with you at your kids birthday parties, etc., etc.

Please use your platform to make your membership aware, and those receiving this please do the same. Accountability starts with us and nowhere else. We will build our future through the important principles of auto-determination. If we hope to have a real estate market in which to trade,(INSERT YOUR PROFESSIONAL SPIN) we need to understand history has found us right where we are and placed a cross road before us.

I believe in the best of us and in each of us reading this. "

THAT IS MY DRAFT. I GIVE IT TO THE WORLD TO USE TODAY NOW AGAIN AND AGAIN WITH EVERY PROFESIONAL GROUP YOU CAN FIND. i don't need your credit, but am grateful to know we are in this together and that my work inspires, your work, yours mine, and lets do this methodically across the planet. Please get this to General Flynn who wants to systemize our fight.

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The tools used are 'financial'. ie/ CBDC every organization that earns a living; chamber of commerce, realtors, brokers, vets, restaurant owners, those who organize concerts, venues et have to be contacted in a systematic methodical way.





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Dec 13, 2022
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Dr. Suzanne Humphries wrote a book about vaccine history titled, "Dissolving Illusions." It's an illusion that vaccines saved us from infections like Smallpox, Polio, Measles, etc. Yes, many of the diseases were deadly--but only because of the filth and squalor endured by people malnourished and living in crowded unsanitary conditions. When these conditions improved--so did public health--even before vaccines were introduced. And rising seas lift all boats. So scarlet fever and other infections improved along with smallpox, etc. despite lacking a vaccine.

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My thoughts exactly. This particular pandemic has served a useful function in that it has opened some of our eyes. Wher to for humanity from here I wonder. We do not like change.

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