Just like us, the Africans would be much healthier and happier without their "leaders" and with only supplements to take care of them and good food, fresh water.

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They *are* healthier for not having had the modRNA sh0ts.

Yes, food, water, and peace. And honest, caring leaders.

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Their leaders want to be like the other big countries. The Slovakia PM cares about his people.

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What they don't need is "philanthropists" using them as a guinea pigs and being lauded for it. Gates could easily ensure clean water etc if he was so minded and if he really is a philanthropist.

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But can those into eugenics be philanthropists? It does not compute!

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Of course not - precisely the opposite! What also doesn't compute is someone who (allegedly) plagiarised much of the tech that made him a very powerful billionnaire being a philanthropist. Reinventing himself as a philanthropist in order to carry out his eugenics on test beds like Africa DOES compute, however.

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Scrap everything.

Outsiders have almost exclusively exploited Africa and its people.

WHO, IMF, Kill Gates are all cancer.

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Three Cheers for them. Actually looking out for the greater good.

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Ummm. No. Not encouraged at all. Too fuzzy:

‘Before the end of the year?’ The WHO ignored its own rules and blew through its own deadline (Article 55(2)), and the proposed text does not propose a timeline or reference adherence to that Article.

Assuming a WHA meeting in the end of December, an Article 55 4-month reading time backs the finalization of the many, many Amendments up to the end of September. Biden may not be re-elected, but the next President will inherit it.

The proposal allows for binding legal elements (see my last para and Trump’s comment).

It invokes ‘equity,’ which connotes massive $/tech/know-how transfer.

Curiously, the African group doesn’t seem to understand the grim side of the Treaty and Amendments or the ghastly side of the technology, though they seem to grasp how to bargain for investment and the ability to profit as Ph4rma has. Good grief, there are mass demonstrations in some countries. Though I see a recent gushing post from Ms. Pace about sharing how to set up Western-style hospitals, the big money was in mRNA, and they know it. Sharing either one is not a blessing but a curse given what was done with it during the Pandemic; sharing those is like giving up nuclear weapons technology, know-how, and funding it to boot. Hey, that would be equitable? Yes?

None of the U.S. delegates are doctors; Xavier Becerra is a lawyer and politician; the never-confirmed nominee was the U.S. Surgeon General. This is a mess.

I think this is a negotiation stratagem: seize the visibility of the WHA and give tired people some feel-good verbiage. Some distraction away from the failure of WHO leadership (in return for some big favor from the Director-General, no doubt).

Had the proposal been to table discussion and negotiation for 2024, let nations digest, and re-consider in WHA 78, then I’d feel like there were adults at work.

Sorry. My 2 cents.

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And most importantly, now that I have that off my chest, thank you, Dr. Nass, for your tireless advocacy and news-sharing. Without you and others we would be in the dark.

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We don't want any "compromising" proposals at all. I want nothing to do with WHO, gates, and the anti-humans.

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Episode 373: DAY OF RECKONING ?


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Trump: Hilarious!!!

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Exit, Demolish, Cancel, Obliterate, whatever it takes to send the evil of this gang back to hell! The very suggestion that the Worlds Health is ANY concern is absurd. Billy Gates et al. take a loss. Write it off on your taxes!

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Whatever the WHO concedes, it will somehow be in their favor. As I’ve said before, the pea is never under the shell you chose.

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This all seems good and appropriate.

Thank You again for keeping such a close watch on these proceedings, Warrior-Sister.


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These criminals have been outed. Some of us always knew.

Full desperation mode. Expect more train derailments, bride collisions, fires, Food Processing Plants torched (amost 100), weird tornados etc etc etc

the Will of the Sovereigns need to replace installed Mandarin puppets

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Maybe WHO and Africa can come to a cooperative agreement, but history says otherwise. The EU -- once a shared currency, now a dictatorship -- shows how cooperative work can become just another trap. Whatever the agreement, national sovereignty must be retained. Remember Gandhi's view: better a chaotic society under home rule than any efficient government by the Empire,-- though history shows it actually produced a lot of good, despite being an empire.

The give-away term is 'equity' -- code for you-make-it, we-get-to-steal-it-from-you. After all, anyone who makes something is an Oppressor, and people who make nothing are the Oppressed. Just ask Obama.

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If Trump truly means what he is purported to have said about the WHO, then I would vote for him for that reason alone!

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Did Trump really say that?

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