Doesn't sound good enough to me. This is a pause, not an end to mandates. If people in DC don't speak up, the kids are still getting jabbed or booted out of classes in just a few months. Absolute insanity.

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Nah- it's dropped. they're just saving face by 'pushing it back.'

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You have more trust than I do. Hopefully you're right but so many power hungry jurisdictions are just pausing mandates. I fully expect the upcoming flu season to be the excuse used to reinstate all mandates.

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It's not trust. It's seeing where the winds blow. The people are done with mandates. Too much pushback.

They're putting together the next thing. There will be vaccines, but only for the hypmotized - 50% at least, probably 75% will opt out.

Next thing will likely be climate ??? something. Hard to say.

Within 2 years, though. Will be the CBDC - then the REAL battle begins. Then it's multi-generational freedom and mass depopulation on the line.

Time for the big boy pants. We need to prepare.

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Yes, climate and cbdc are coming. Depending where you look, some people are still completely aligned with the mandates. Personally, I'm leaving an area where that's true and moving to one where freedom is valued. Community will be key to survival. I'm currently on Canada's west coast. Justin Trudeau has sold us out to the WEF and BC'S NDP government and their supposed opposition, the BC Liberals, are completely on-board with the Plan. Locally our only hope is the lawsuits against the BC health czar, Bonnie Henry. That's showing some promise but I'm unconvinced that mandates are dead. DC is even worse.

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May God bless you and protect you and your fight!

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I have. He's not pausing anything for long. I still have to quarantine if I come back here from another country. His ArriveCan app is still mandatory and it's going to be part of border security forever unless we push hard enough. He's Klaus Schwab's boy and Freeland is even more sold out to the WEF than he is. Climate change is his next assignment and he wants a pat on the head for being a good little dictator.

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Agreed. Just like Biden, Fauci, and Pelosi all said mandates were off the table.

And then suddenly, they weren't.

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Satanthony Fauci has resigned retired relinquished throne.

Joe Biden ho has ScKamala change his diapers.

Nazie Pelosie is sucking off zelenskie with Cole slaw.

Yup, more needlerape guaranteed and more depopulation of all of Womanity, what future holds after next fakebook select election

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Beautiful. The narrative is crumbling fast and you can smell the fear. Don’t let up: every victory adds to the momentum. Hold the line!! And as always, thank you Dr Nass!

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black neighborhoods might be more suspicious of vaxx and authority, wonder of the reaction on more white neighborhoods.

biden getting covid after 4 shots and paxlovid was a disaster at high level with all doctors looking after him. it makes you wonder whats really the point of mass vaccination???

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depopulation. no longer in question.

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This is great news! However, we cannot let up ... EVER! Every victory can be snatched away while we aren't looking, so let's keep our eyes peeled for carrot-stick-carrot-stick lather, rinse, repeat.

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Thanks for the link. It is GRRRREAT (thinking Tony the Tiger 🐯) to hear Tucker being allowed to present these facts. Mike Adams and Alex Jones warned over a year ago that Trump would get ensnarled after the vax promotion narrative blew up.

Thinking of all the people, young especially, who hopefully won’t have to be poisoned. This would be truly great.

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just listening to kushner on kudlow, he has a book out.

larry credited him with leading Operation Warpspeed and asked about fauci. kushner said vaxx are not about politics, we are all together both parties, and mRNAs have saved 20 million lives ... go figure ...

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OH wow....got a link?

edit. disregard. found it

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I could use the link

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FYI, there are NO FDA approved vaccines. If you look carefully at the CDC/FDA web sites, you will find that the Comirnaty vaccines are listed as EAU also, and always have been. Vaccine Information Fact Sheet for Recipients and Caregivers sheet linked from the CDC's Comirnaty info https://www.fda.gov/vaccines-blood-biologics/qa-comirnaty-covid-19-vaccine-mrna clearly says (or did say):

"WHAT IF I DECIDE NOT TO GET COMIRNATY (COVID-19 VACCINE, mRNA) OR THE PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE? Under the EUA, it is your choice to receive or not receive the vaccine. ..." the final sentence of the fact sheet states: “This EUA for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine and COMIRNATY will end when the Secretary of HHS determines that the circumstances justifying the EUA no longer exist or when there is a change in the approval status of the product such that an EUA is no longer needed.” ...

According to this fact sheet, the FDA also has designated the licensed Comirnaty vaccine as an EUA product.

Anyone who mandates any EUA product is breaking federal and international laws

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Federal law, Title 21 U.S.C. § 360bbb-3(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I-III) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, states the following about products granted emergency authorization usage:

Individuals to whom the product is administered are informed—

(I) that the Secretary has authorized the emergency use of the product;

(II) of the significant known and potential benefits and risks of such use, and of the extent to which such benefits and risks are unknown; and

(III) of the option to accept or refuse administration of the product, of the consequences, if any, of refusing administration of the product, and of the alternatives to the product that are available and of their benefits and risks.

Any entity or organization that requires EUA COVID-19 vaccinations, COVID-19 tests or masks are in violation of federal law and will likely face lawsuits if they don’t allow exemptions or alternatives.”

It's illegal to practice medicine without a license and to violate the Deceptive Medical Practices. So any mandate or recommendation is a violation of the Medical Standards Act of every state, of the Deceptive Medical Practices Clause, and against medical advice (AMA). You cannot be a licensed medical professional and suggest therapy that's contraindicated to the thing you are promoting.

The International Covenant on Civil and Political rights (ICCPR) ratified by the USA in 1992, has become the supreme law of our land equivalent to federal law. It has a prohibition on medical experimentation providing that “no one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation.”

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No one should ever be required/forced to ingest/inject ANYTHING into their bodies against their will for ANY reason! All of the mandate crap must end now!

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She appears to have only two brain cells connected by a spirochete, and someone gave her penicillin.

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I remember the days of the crack smoking mayor (can't recall his name). Things were no better then than they are now. DC voters deserve everything they get, as do so many other Dem run cities in the U.S. Make no mistake, the destruction of these cities is a part of the globalist plan to destabilize the country, so that we clamor for "one world government" to save us.

" . . . so far there has not been a single case in which this has happened." because Chief Justice Roberts, the most thoroughly compromised Chief Justice in American history, dictated to all Federal courts that such cases could not be heard by Federal courts, owing to the "emergency declaration" of the Federal government.

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The crack smoking mayor was Marion Barry. It has never, ever been the intention for DC to be anything but beholdin' to the federal government. Mayorships there are a token. Always have been. With a once 80% African American population- it was 'key' to give the appearance of appropriate representation...even if it was meaningless.

Little by little massive gentrification has forced blacks out of the District and into the 'burbs. This mandate garbage is just another way to ensure that the population is reduced even further. Sinister and despicable.

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Thanks for the memories. I can still remember the video of him smoking crack in that hotel room.

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Me too!

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Hunter BidenHo is cRack smoking may or

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Look, none of the black kids are lining up for the showers!

OK, none of you other kids need to line up for the showers now...

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Glad to hear that. Also glad to hear about the Health Freedom Defense Fund. I found their website at https://healthfreedomdefense.org/

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Excellent news!

And Dr. Nass, please consider writing a chapter for the upcoming Textbook of Human Immunology for the Post-Vaccination Era. Please let me know if interested, and what topic.

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Coleen, I have the two books (you wrote them!) you so generously sent me on my dining room table, along with a box of thank you cards I never sent. I am embarrassed.

That would be a wonderful day, a book about protecting and restoring the immune system!


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I would be so glad for your contribution of that chapter on protecting and restoring the immune system, Dr. Nass, really wonderful, if you would like to write that general introductory chapter.

My email is colleen (dot) huber (dot) az (at) gmail (dot) com.

If you email me at your convenience, I would like to let all authors who have offered to write a chapter know the general list of topics that have been spoken for, including the one you just mentioned, if you would like to write it. We have nearly a dozen authors now, I think, across a broad range of healthcare doctorate level professionals. MDs, DO, PhDs, ND/NMDs, OMD.

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I think that is too broad for me, but I could add something on mitochondria, if you like

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That sounds excellent. Would late January be an appropriate time to complete that?

Thank you.

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My hearing goes through oct nov and probably dec

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I completely understand about possibly longer timeframe. And I am also wishing you very well in this hearing!

Your writing on mitochondria will be well worth the necessary wait. Thank you.

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We'll happily await the book!!!

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Suggest natural innate acquired immunity of course.... I suggest for topic. Specific mucousal versus inject hacksxxxxine....etc

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Would love to see a chapter written by Dr Nass. You both are freedom fighters holding the line! Greatful 💜

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Well, if these policies aren't racist and economically prejudicial, I don't know what is. Wealthier parents who want to avoid potentially poisoning their kids can just homeschool, private school, or hire a personal tutor. Less well-off families will have to give in to the shot (by January) to keep educating (indoctrinating) their kids, as much as the D.C. school system allows anyway.

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kiddos have temp respite from The Donald’s Vax

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Thank you for always articulating the issues so clearly ~ and sharing the encouraging story now and then. I am wondering, though, are there any private schools still mandating the jab?

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Thanks for the work you do, tracking these issues and keeping us informed.

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Meryl, this article just made my day....GREAT news!!!!!!!!!!

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She is extremely misled, like most of them and probably at risk of being fired if she doesn't comply with the mob.

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