It is very important to state ¨I do not consent to the UN The Pact for the Future.¨ No matter how you do it. The reason they wrote that document is to tell us what they are planning to do. We live in a kind of hologram with few rules and consent is part of it.

So if you don't say, write or by other ways that you do not consent, it could be interpreted as consent and this is what the cabal wants.


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Like this? I do not consent to the continued existence of the UN

Now the question becomes what are we going to do about it if one's national leaders do consent to it?

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Become ungovernable. Be willing to lose everything for the cause or personal liberty. Say no whenever and wherever we can for as long as it takes. That's what I'm planning to do until the day I die. I'm going to live the freest life I can live regardless of what any of these monsters do.

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And try to create as much awareness as possible and where possible start or get involved in a movement to neutralize the globalists.

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We encourage countries to form a NEW, voluntary international organization, using the FOUNDING benign principles of the UN, to be located outside the US and other imperial countries, and minus the veto powers and "exclusive" so called "security council"--the two major structural flaws of the UN. It would be prevented from issuing mandates, except for effective interventions against warring parties or existing or potential genocide, as determined by a vote of the entire membership.

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Wishing for a benign, cooperative, international organization with practically no relevant power is unlikely to accomplish much. The League of Nations was a total flop.

The UN is turning out to be the ultimate evil, wanting to own all the world's means of production including the people. Trying to fix things on a global scale is nearly impossible, and the results are as likely to be as bad as the end of the human race. Nations are formed based on a number of characteristics in common, which became the basis of their sovereignty. If one tries to fix every problem from the top down those at the bottom get screwed. Fixing problems should be from the bottom up where the people decide at the lowest possible level what they want to do. The guiding principle must be to do no direct harm to others. As people spread out and multiply, this and other factors make direct voting unwieldy, and the people can elect representatives. However, it is up to the people to oversee the representatives they have elected. In no case should national sovereignty be surrendered to the unelected or external entities. That is certain to result in tyranny, mass murder, poverty and starvation.

If we cannot learn how to settle our differences in a mutually satisfactory manner at the lowest levels there is no chance that they can be resolved world-wide. Technology will ensure that the human race is doomed. Referring to some of your points:

- New organization: How do we get rid of the UN first, as the existing UN will not only not relinquish power, but is seeking total world domination?

- Voluntary: Unless we get rid of the UN first, countries led by power gluttons will not allow a new UN-type organization to get any traction.

International: We have zillions of international organizations of all types - most all of them are bottom feeding parasites that eat tax money of those that create wealth. Do we really need more?

- Mandates against genocide and warring parties: The guilty parties are as likely as not to be members, and if not why would they feel bound by agreements that they are not party to?

As long as there are people greedy for maximum power, there will never be a truly peaceful world. Humans have to find ways to work around this stumbling block by education and limiting our dependence on collectivism. If we are unable to do it, then we have to muddle through our lives and minimize the ability of the collectivists to eradicate the human race. But will we learn in time?

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Yes I agree. soon all great small rich poor etc will be forced to make decision worship the image and take the mark. while writing my book Sunset Baptism I was praying to the Lord when contemplating what would I say at that moment of truth. He led me to Luke's 21:writing to not be troubled for He will give us a mouth of wisdom. Then I got a wisper...I'm not crazy and can't explain but Psalm 118

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Oct 2Liked by Meryl Nass

A shit sandwich still tastes like shit, or so I'm told.

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...And we're most of us pretending it's pastrami and it tastes so good we're coming back for more, just the same as with whatever "vaccines" and other medication that monsters like Jay Vomit will railroad you into taking while HE and his sick perverted wife and their perverted adulterous "friends" have sex with whatever underneath some Wall Street bank-- how appropriate. Sonovabitch should be locked up in the pen ;-)

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But do you dare say it? lol

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Oct 2Liked by Meryl Nass

It's a blank check, made out to Themselves, of course ;-)

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Oct 2Liked by Meryl Nass

Sounds a lot like a "fund raising" tool for the cabal.

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Thank you for this diligent effort, going over this again and again, Warrior-Sister, Meryl.

It may be another case of "pass it to find out what's in it", as Nancy P. famously said.

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Once again, an immense number of Newspeak WORDS, meaning ... nothing substantive. You've just been talking with the Japanese, Meryl. Is that country going to have the bōru matawa kahon to lead the way and withdraw from membership of the UN and WHO, do you think?

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We are in the minority in Japan, also. But we have a good start to build on in the US, with so many officials coming out against the WHO

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Well that's good -- America still holds great sway in such matters. Better pray the Trump/Kennedy ticket wins ....

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Plot for the future...

the pathocrats pitfall !!

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"Silence constitutes agreement!?!?" Who kind of evil 😈 thought that was a good idea? Oh we know WH😈

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"The gang" might be in a hurry, knowing that BRICS' popularity is growing fast and that members and aspirant members want a BRICS version of UN, WHO and other covertly US-run organizations (IMF too) with a track record of abuse, usury for life, failure to solve or even suggest solutions for glaring problems that could have been prevented. IOW why bother about the racketeering efforts of a corporate-run bureaucracy that's being defanged?

Hence the threat of totalitarianism might be limited to NATO and affiliated countries failing to remove "the gang"'s puppets from power.

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After Bobby endorsed Trump, I was intending to vote for Jill Stein, but after reading this post of yours I realize if Harris wins, that makes sure we will live under brutal tyranny. I'm now voting for Trump. I'm hardly sure he will let Bobby and Tulsi make a difference, but Bobby and Tulsi won't go silent if Trump goes against his own base

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Hi, is there somewhere listed all if the countries that signed up?

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Thank you Dr. Nass. I don't need a point by point, but there may be people in power who do, especially when they try to kick in some of the subterfuge. Personally, if I get to heaven, and St. Peter says anything about inclusivity, I'm free falling to the flames or ice of the nether regions to escape that!

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The UN thugs can take in all migration too their mansions.

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I didn't sign the 'UNELECTED UN Pact' so it is irrelevant in the real world!

The UN has become corrupt and manipulative so has been terminated by we, the people. The UN is no more!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We live longer!

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