I'm sure Gates stands to make yet another 'killing.'

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It's difficult to understand why those individuals who have caused so much harm are not being held accountable. They continue to travel in their private jets without facing any repercussions.

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Apr 30Liked by Meryl Nass

Who is going to hold them accountable? Govts? They’re in on it, vying for most favorite and who can hurt and censor and rob their own people more. Politicians? No they’re too busy getting their donor millions from the harm makers and putting on fake theater pretending to question the “other side” ? Hospital Administrators? No, they’re getting paid off (Medicare money) to kill old people with Remdesivir. Academics? No they’re getting outside money to be activists who hate this country and are just plain crazy? School Administrators and educators, no they’re too busy CRTing, Transing, non real educating your children and grands. Researchers? No they’re dependent on govt grants? Presidential figures who folks “hope” will get us out of this mess? HA not a chance. They’ll be stifled, stymied and constantly battling the swamp.

Nope… it’s going to be US…me and you and everyone else ….the 8 billion WE ARE (yes you) going to have to sacrifice our lifestyles, jobs, education, easy street etc. because WE let this happen. We hoped we wouldn’t be called on. We got comfortable and lazy and kept our collective heads down, endured all the growing problems and said, we will just move on ignoring what they’re doing. So, they grew in malevolent power. And here WE are. We need to look at ourselves in the mirror and ask how are we going to proceed? Because one day, whether we like it or not, we’re going to have to choose. No one is escaping choosing.

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You beat me to it. If every important organization is fully captured, nobody is going to hold the criminals accountable. That's the entire reason the Powers that Be went to so much time and effort to capture all of these organizations in the first place.

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Here's a thought exercise that maybe illustrates our point ....

"The watchdog mainstream press is going to expose us!" .... Well, maybe not.

"The FBI and DOJ prosectors are going to nab us!" ... Ah, probably not. No worries there.

"The regulators are going to get us!" ... Ditto.

"Congress is going to hold hearings and expose us!" - Nah.

"Some scientists at some prestigious colleges are going to write papers and expose us!" .... I don't think so.

"Some damn big-shot trial lawyer firms are going to recruit clients and sue us and we're going to be exposed!" ... Probably not.

Now some Substack smart-alecks might write some nasty pieces about us .... but those disinformation-spreaders aren't really "important" ... so we don't have to worry about them.

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Of course, some Substack authors (like the one who writes here) are starting to become a major nuisance to our rulers. So these people might not think push-back from Substack "citizen journalists" can stop their plans ... but maybe we can.

... Which makes me think that Substack will soon become a major target of the Censorship Industrial Complex (if it hasn't already).

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Here are some tentative answers:


And if you are fluent in French, too:


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Merci Luc! people like this should draw a plan for governments.

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Gates is way, way out of control!

Not only is he into shots without accountability, he is into engineering and deploying genetically modified mosquitoes without accountability too!

All safe and effective of course - not!

Gates is deploying these weaponised mosquitoes in many nations, with scant if any government approval, or public knowledge or consent.


At least you can round up shots, if there is the will to do so, but rounding up mosquitoes injecting disease and death is another matter entirely.

Why aren't alarm bells ringing loud and clear?


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Tedros and others in The WHO knows nothing about health. I saw a video of its officials at a conference. A bunch of fat old men who are into control and power over others. Their answers to global health are deadly.

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Even scarier, most of the medical community knows nothing about health.

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Absolutely, prevention is not a subject taught in medical school. A good friend earned a Medical Degree and never practiced medicine. She was so turned off by the Commencement Speech. The speaker extolled all the money that could be earned taking care of women...and said the coup de grace was the hysterectomy! It would provide a big bonus. My friend did not use her degree. She went for a Law Degree, so she could help people in need!

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Others have abandoned their law degrees for the same reasons.

Being a paid up member of the legal or medical mafia, can be very unproductive in really helping people in need, but both are very profitable!

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Isn't it a shame that it's a crime to provide voluntary medical services and products to each other without a 'license' to do so?

We should re-think the whole idea of only being able to serve each other with the grant of permission by the cabal, er, government.

https:/mises.org is a good side for reading and listening along these lines.

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Some of us thankfully still live outside the gate!

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My friend worked for a group that helped poor people who were injured, get benefits. She did not make much money.

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Reminds me of the video that circulated a while ago of a ´health’ bureaucrat gleefully boasting about all the money being made from mutilating men & women who wanted to be women & men.

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The ability to think critically and use logic is no longer valued. Those who still have this ability - and use it - are now a threat.

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A threat to the insanity of the globalists' planned NWO, is hope for the sanity of our new world order!

Rome was not built in a day, but it fell in a day!

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Rome fell in a day? Was it a Tuesday? (Just kidding).

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Well a day or two or three - you get the point - suddenly, unexpectedly, inexplicably!

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“Straw should have no pact with fire.” No matter how small the ember, just no.

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Apr 30Liked by Meryl Nass

I will repeat what I stated earlier

While THEY

may think THEY are in charge, and the reach by globalists, and those who

celebrate it, is much further than this,

HE remains on HIS throne

There will be an accounting far worse than they can imagine for He is NOT mocked

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The sacred writings indicate, that the One is inclined to act decisively, against those who violate the divine order.

The ONE is sovereign.

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"For the wisdom of this world is folly with God. For it is written, "He catches the wise in their craftiness,"

“The Lord knows that the thoughts of the wise are futile.”

but anymore that is

disdained by those who seek to set the world in a direction of their own making

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A recent US document leads me to believe this deal is already signed, sealed and soon to be delivered. Also, the fact that my own state of Tennessee has a ONE HEALTH department filled with WHO speak is truly concerning. I wonder how many other states have adopted a ONE HEALTH Dept and ONE HEALTH Committee like Tennessee? It just takes a "google" to find out. https://www.tn.gov/health/cedep/one-health.html and https://www.tn.gov/health/cedep/one-health/tennessee-one-health-committee.html

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Probably most states and countries--the 2023 NDAA includes One Health.

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May 1·edited May 1

The Canadian federal government has adopted the one HEALTH agenda unfortunately

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I read her stuff all the time. Nullification of unconstitutional acts at the state level is the rightful remedy. Get educated on the Constitution and the authority the state has over the federal government. We here in TN are ready.

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And for crying out loud why are SS links so loooong?

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most of that is source tracking for data mining

you can lop off the rest starting at @utm_source snd still arrive at the page


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Apr 30·edited Apr 30Liked by Meryl Nass

Great summary, especially the first paragraph.

My take is that the real "movers and shakers" behind the curtain have, for whatever reason(s), gone "all in" on this treaty and amendments and they are not going to be deterred. It's probably "now or never" to codify their program and template for the future.

We already know these people and organizations are masters at manipulating (via carrots and sticks) the people they must control. I hate to say it, but I would be surprised if they fail now. But I'd like to be surprised. I know this: This would already be a "done deal" if patriots like Dr. Nass hadn't launched this effort to harpoon their plans.

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Apr 30Liked by Meryl Nass

The medical agenda on all fronts is quite clear. From hospitals to doctors to big pharma to WHO. It's the three Bs.

Bully you into submission.

Baffle you will lies and nonsense.

Bust your wealth down to the bone.

If you subscribe, you will be destroyed. That is what modern medicine is all about.

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Thanks Meryl for another insightful summary of these end time schemes and plans. We have a long way to go but we must keep our eyes open and do what we can to counteract their domination.

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As I'm reading this. I go back too a recent video I saw of a military man being caged up for not wanting the jab. And than 4 or 5 military men take him out of cell and force inject him. That's was concerning too see. It only tells me that we can't depend on the military too help. The WHO not caring too much of the pressure. There masters are saying sign this pandemic treaty anyway.

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So, it looks like we're in for a challenging journey, don't you think?

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The evidence is that the Arrogant West is wanting to kill us all, and that some of the governments in the global majority which is geographically not West, may be inadvertently or intentionally cooperating.

Folks not in the government are at least instinctively aware of the scamdemic being an attempt to kill us all. They did a good job of that in my Gavin grosspuke state of killafornia, but those who have survived are hard pressed to resist.

Tis not been yet one significant protest I have seen against what happened here, so sadly how we can stop THeM from killing us all?

That is their program, a slow pogrom, and they are still winning, but things must change now this summer, which is likely the last chance to stay alive as members of Womanity...

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"Pogrom" is the word. Wonder where that came from....

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May these devilish evildoers all go down together in one fell swoop — that’s my prayer and I am sticking to it 🇨🇦🙏♥️ (Revelation 18 speaks of the one world govt advocates or Babylonian system collapsing not in one day but a single HOUR!) I believe God. God-speed and God’s keeping to all Truth and Freedom heroes everywhere.

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But if they are imprisoned, it should be in multiple cells/prisons and in solitary confinement. Otherwise like they did in WWII, they will plan a new strategy.

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About 2008 the global cabal promised another carrot to the global South: payment to maintain and expand forests as an aid to increase sunlight reflection from clouds, "to combat global warming". That offer was just another scam as the global (and satanic) cabal is ONLY interested in wealth extraction, no matter the consequences.

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What is called "the West" is dying. The WHO is helping murder it.


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Your book from Amazon is one of the biggest. I stopped buying from them in 2021.

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I read the synopsis, which is great. If I can start selling more more subscriptions on Substack, I can buy a lot more great books like this ... and then write a review on my Stack!

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At whatever stage you are, don't be afraid to take the next step and learn about what else has been a lie that you've always believed.

But be aware there are many false paths branching off the one true one. Many on the 'other side' are just placed there to confuse and mislead you.

Avoid getting misled by labels: ask what the function is. Is whatever is being sold to you going to concentrate more power in the hands of a few? Is whatever is being sold to you contrary to what you can see and experience?

Whether you've been on the path 4 years or 40, there's always a next step in the right, and in the wrong direction.

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People have to be thinking magically or off their collective face on drugs to believe that, with people such as Gates behind this, the treaty is in the interests of mankind as a whole and not a cabal of obscenely wealthy and power-mad individuals. Sadly, I reckon many just can't face the fact that Gates and his pals are not working in our interests - it's a bitter pill indeed to swallow - hence the magical thinking.

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Corruption is just as rife in poor nations as in rich ones.

Imagine the WEF club sending their goons to ´negotiate’ with the reps of poor nations.

With the power the billionaire club wields, it’s easy to threaten &/or buy people.

Hopefully, they will meet some resistance but it will need to come from people who care about human rights & freedoms - not personal gain.

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