Thank you Dr. Nass for staying on top of this and keeping us informed. Your efforts have been key to holding this monstrosity down.

May we all stay at it and keep it down forever.

God bless you Dr.Nass

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Ditto that!

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I remain astonished about how few seem to be aware of this ongoing treason. It hardly comes up among the general population as an electoral issue. Giving away to Tedros the power to order us to drink the Kool-Aid. I think that's a biggie.

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I pray that the W.H.O and Tedros plans fall apart at every move

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This document certainly shows that the Council on Foreign Relations, the premier Rockefeller-sponsored hegemonic think tank in the US, is squarely on the side of vax genocide. No surprise here!

Also see my take on the election:


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Well if the WHO needs more water, I say we all piss on them.

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The text is wordy but at its core they are developing a global business model for the equivalent of human death mills under the guise of pandemic preparedness.

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The CFR always has been an entanglement with the British whose work has been suspect since Cecil Rhodes and the UK's alter ego, the Royal Institute of International Affairs which is right around the corner from His Depravity, King Chuckles III.

Hope nobody signs onto anything where the "virus" isn't fully isolated and only a possible genetic sequence is shared as it was from China. "..never isolated the virus."

Read, I Dare Call It Treason by Servando Gonzalez.

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Because the WHO, Intergovernmental Negotiating Body and Director-General Ghebreyesus are committed to denying that health is totally dependent on nutrition, instead of pharmaceutical profit and eugenic genocide, they speak a language devoid of meaning and are simply engaged in either a medical pornographic illusion or deception, depending on mental deficiency level and ethical perversion.

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Thank you again Dr Nass. It's some comfort to know it's taking longer than they would hope.

I wonder what the official WHO process is for electing it's Director General? (Apart from the unofficial new world order appointments) Imagine for a moment if the citizens of the world managed to get someone like yourself elected leader of the WHO. I suspect that would immediately suspend the problems that the WHO is carefully constructing. (And perhaps even likely to make real impact to world health with affordable, safe, or heaven forbid; re-purposed medicine? )

Nass for D.G. , Nass for D.G. Nass for D.G., Nass for D.G. !!!!!

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No "medicine" ever has been or will be the solution to disease. Until this realization, progress is an illusion.

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Great idea! Dr. Ness for WHO's Director General!

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Just tell the CORRUPTED and unelected World Health Organisation they are no longer viable or of any influence upon human health because they are now 'OWNED' by Gates through his 86% contribution to their budget.

The disturbing Plan to create a Scamdemic was to justify a far higher degree to Control by unelected agencies like the World Health Organisation, which - due to his massive contributions, has enabled Bill Gates to dictate WHO Policies and agendas. He is on a road to disaster with unsane ideas about owning all farmland in the USA, controlling Food availability, creating artificial meats, changing weather, removing trees from the planet. Amongst many other disasters he has the cash to create!

Covid and other imminent diseases were, and are being, created (using GoF bio-weapon technology) to justify many dehumanising changes to our human lives and freedoms. The other part of the Plan was to pretend an injectable CURE was invented "at the speed of Science"! In my opinion, it was ready before Covid as part of the depopulation package Master Plan!

All existing and new 'vaccines' are going to be redesigned as mRNA poisonous injections which will be a 'vehicle' to introduce and exacerbate many other diseases in humans, thereby creating further dependence on 'useless, dangerous medicines and MANDATED INJECTIONS they pretend are 'Vaccines'. It's all about de-humanising and CONTROLLING us with undeclared poisons within these DANGEROUS mRNA injections!

In the beginning (2019) we believed that our Governments, the media, Big Pharma and the Medical Profession were on our side trying to improve our lives, health and wellbeing. Few are brave enough to tell the truth, just like the majority of cowardly and mercenary medics (My local MD included).

In 2021 I asked, "Would any sane thinking person accept an unproven experimental (Gene Editing) solution being injected into their bodies"? 'Safe & Effective' it certainly wasn't!

An injectable solution suspiciously created within a few months of the man-made disease - Covid? A fact that suggested to the cynical amongst us to ask "Did they create and have the jab ready before they released the disease"?

A dangerous mRNA solution which the greedy and mercenary manufacturers refuse to accept the slightest responsibility, culpability or LIABILITY for physical damage that their crap solutions causes?

Nah! People can't be that stupid and trusting of corrupt Governments and Big pharma - could they?

Apparently, 75% of the planet did. Many died, many were seriously injured - permanently. The lucky ones got jabbed from a 'dodgy batch' and may have got away with a damaged Natural Immunity or/and a shorter LIFE EXPECTANCY! Unbelievable?

Dodgy Batches are only possible because the manufacturers have no Quality Control as a reward from their close friends at the 'policing authority' (FDA) have a financial interest in the Gravy Train continuing.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll all live longer by avoiding medicines and injections from corrupt dictators!

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I know more and more and more and more people who are opening up and openly talking with me about how BAAAD medical care is today here in the United States of Amnesia. EVERYONE HATES their corporate-controlled "doctor," I wish mine would take a whole bottle of BP meds and every single possible vaccine all at once and drop dead. Serve 'im right, a dose of his own medicine would. EVEN MY DENTIST agrees. He can't find a decent internal medicine physician and neither can I or anyone else I know. I'd join one of the new FLCCC-type deals if you could actually find a real physician who practices real medicine, in person, using their actual noodle and experience, and not just more goddamned bullcrap "brought to you by Pfizer. Or A.I.

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When Pfizer accept LIABILITY for the millions of VAX RELATED INJURIES and DEATHS, we might reconsider accepting their evil poisons called 'vaccines' - but I doubt either will happen until Common Sense returns.

At last Common Sense seems to have prevailed in the US election! I'm not a massive Trump supporter but he's a lot closer to reality than the other WEF controlled wimps. I thought the US election was all about who can cheat the ballot best?

Hopefully Trump can get Facebook to stop censoring the TRUTH?

Make Pfizer LIABLE for all injuries and DEATHS caused by their injections! More Common Sense!

Rock on RFK (jr). Go get 'em!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll all live longer without corrupted medics who need more of us to be unwell = PROFIT!

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Thanks Deb! I downloaded this last week. It is the most encouraging speech I've heard from any senior politician since the invention of Covid and the introduction of the deadly injections they pretend are VACCINES! Mick (UK).

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Am not sure what to make of this hot mess.

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Tedros who has had ties to the CCP wants to crack down on those spreading the risks of vaccines. What would that effort look like I wonder?

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Dr. Nass 4evah!

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This bullshit show is just gonna keep going on and on and on and on and on and on and onnn, until "They" wear everyone down with their relentless crap and get their way. Or everyone finally comes to their God-given senses, for God's sake. And if they don't, well, let's see where the centralization of "everything" takes "Them," when everything else, including roads, telecommunication and internet stop working because there is no more money to pay "their" slaves to fix everything, it'll all be digital everything and you won't need actual humans to perform actual labor anyway since "They" are hellbent for leather on killing about 8 billion of us and we all know AI will do all the work (wink, wink, nod, nod ;-) yeah... sure.... So the question is: How do we permanently DELETE these arrogant know-it-all Know-Nothing bastards from this time and space dimension??

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