In order to save humanity we must wrench away the power away from people at the top of the pyramid and their servants embedded in deep state structures. At this point, the nominal political system is incapable of instituting any of these changes, unless they begin to fear us. Presently, political "representatives" don’t fear us; they fear the oligarchical structures which give them money with which they brainwash us into voting for them. That is whom they fear! Even if we were to convince the political system to pass such reforms, the oligarchical system is unlikely to go along; they will either ignore these or just engineer an event with which they would suspend the Constitutional framework. This is a Brave New World.

The system is still not all powerful, but they are working on it. There are vulnerabilities that could be exploited by much broader and unified resistance. I am not saying we should not try doing this. It is important to exhaust all avenues. But we should not underestimate the criminality and resolve of the ruling few and their minions.

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Meryl, I admire what you are doing here.

As I understand it, the pledge is asking politicians and candidates for office to reframe the proper role of government vis a vis pandemics in order to return to and protect democratic principles and individual liberties. We need to do so in the face of the slippery slope of increasing authoritarian rule affecting ALL spheres of life, where the fear of disease and death is superseding normal democratic processes, where we see the loss of constitutional rights as government claims them "for our own good."

My main comment is about #2. It seems that what we need is a restatement of the proper role of public health locally and nationally (including how we interface with global influences such as WHO). That the proper role of public health is to inform and support individual health but not to control what other people do with their bodies nor to exercise political control over their individual rights. Thus no forced medications or injections, and no penalties for failing to take them.

Question: what is the proper role of public health when there is a true pandemic, and the threats are not overblown? To adhere to established and proven methods, and allow free public discourse about public health measures...?

What you are shaping here is a great focal point for thought and action.

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I agree. Big conversation. Public health has gone off the rails. It gains its power from the emergency declarations, which is why we have gone after them.

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Public health is merely the latest captured piece on the chessboard.

It is a good piece because it taps into the seductive "greater good" pattern recognition of the public. They want to buy in.

It's not a lot different than buying into "wars" to "protect us", but now the war is disease.

So now our real Owners are just inflicting the disease directly on us from their labs where they create them. And then inflict more disease on us with their "vaccines", and the "self spreading" version are coming if not already here.

The Biomedical Security Model of Totalitarian Control has been long planned as Katherine Watt copiously details on her Stack.

All of this has been in the works for a very long time.


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Excellent comment.

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Unfortunately, the 4 tenets below can be misinterpreted and abused. I believe a lawyer would need to draft several pages worth of legalese as amendments to the pledge above.

1. Limiting of emergency powers to a recurring 2 week maximum will only ensure that they are renewed every 2 weeks, as long as the system is captured. It also serves to indoctrinate legislators that are on the fence, towards the cause via repeated hearings.

2. As we saw happen repeatedly over the last few years; "you have a choice, but you must accept the consequences". Soft totalitarianism was at play to ensure that if you refused the jabs, you would lose your job, your friends and family, and your place in society. They don't need mandates, they just need punishments. ESG scores and digital currencies are becoming the norm, and these have nothing to do with medical mandates since March 2020

3. As we've seen the line blur between government and the pharmaceutical industrial complex, do we really know where the money is coming from and where it is going? Could big Pharma circumvent the government and directly fund propaganda during an emergency? Most news outlets are funded by Pfraudzer anyways.

4. Even barring the blatant perjury committed by Fauci when questioned in congress about "gain of function" and its definition, the real issue is the lack of transparency. There will be no gain of function research conducted as long as they don't tell us about it, and there are no outbreaks.

Edit: for clarity, the below are quoted from Dr. Meryl Nass. I have not modified them, I simply added them for an easier reference to my criticisms above.


I support limits on emergency powers. All government emergency laws, rules, regulations, orders, and directives must have strict time limits, not to exceed two weeks. Legislative and administrative government activity must recommence by the end of two weeks. Legislative hearings on the emergency measures, issuing a notice and comment period for the public, and approval by the legislature will be required in order to renew any emergency powers.


I support the prohibition of all PANDEMIC MEDICAL mandates enacted by federal, state, county, city, and private actors, including compulsory vaccines, vaccine passports, testing, and masking.


I support the termination of all federal and state funding used to misinform the American public, censor citizens, or restrict communication between people on all media.


I support the elimination of all gain-of-function research and related activities (virus hunting, GOF virus production, expansion of high containment labs). ‘Gain-of-function' is defined as the intentional manipulation of microorganisms to make them more virulent, dangerous, or contagious."

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Yes — I was also concerned by the use of ‘misinformation’ in the original. I mean obviously why would they do such a thing? Done. ignored. Still though — if control of one’s own body is inviolable, why only prohibit medical mandates since March 2020? Were there mandates before that are still in effect? If body is inviolable why must those be protected? Why qualify it? Inviolable is inviolable no?

You got after me for my #5 about transparency earlier, but #3 here also ought to be guaranteed by law, esp. censorship?

Not trying to be a pain, trying to be constructive. This is a great idea, and clearly a lot of work, but worry its putting a tarp up when new roof is needed… Of course if its raining, maybe its what you have at hand…

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The censorship is being conducted by private companies. The USG can't stop that if it is not an antitrust action or similar, I think. But the USG can stop paying them and colluding with them--there is a CHD lawsuit against FB for censorship, so that is the approach (lawsuits) against private entities. Congress controls the pocketbook.

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Good points! Give an inch and they'll take a mile. Misinterpreting...... This is looking good though.

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This is well written and well considered, but would be negotiated into something else in committee. Still, supporting it would be a marker of sorts for a candidate or party.

As captured as governmental employees and politicians are, we should see ourselves in a similar position to that of Bernie Sanders, who can only command a public forum, not congrssional action.

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I support all of this! ✋

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If any nation can put this petition into the desired political outcome, I think the US can. Not Canada though. But whatever the elected US government ends up deciding, Canada's government will probably follow.

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BRICS countries like India or Brazil might be able to pass similar things. In fact it may be easier in some cases than in the U.S.

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Good post. Re-instation of our constitution and Democratic values is paramount.

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These are great, Cheryl. However, no cyberspace campaign will win us the non-violent battle to 'occupy' the streets of our cities. Listening to the Scot, Neil Oliver yesterday on YT, the Magna Carta, which is the foundation for our common habeus corpus and the rule of law in English speaking lands, gave sovereignty to the people; not the state, nor the king. It's as though we still fail to realize that we are already enlightened. Seize the day. These sociopaths cannot be allowed to win.


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The truth is that if all people don't stick together, evil will win after all, as apparently money comes first and unfortunately not people - and human rights or the important Nuremberg Code are no longer respected - control, surveillance of each individual together with the eradication of a large part of humanity is the goal.... you can read here: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1758-5899.12904?fbclid=IwAR0Zb78qMBkyK3zP8Hi18eLkNUZOWeyTLLNn4FEnVySyrWhwLaNQ_8I3b7k "Indeed, lessons learned from the COVID-19 experience may be a reset button for our future – an option for not continuing along the present pathway but charting the way towards a sustainable future of and for a reduced humanity." and further one can read: "Our globe is overcrowded. More people mean greater demands on resources - for more food, clothing, housing, farms, workshops and factories, offices. More hospitals, schoolrooms, sports facilities, entertainment; energy use, transportation, communications of all kinds. New uses of land, oceans and space. Create, develop, innovate without omission. Then consume even more.", this makes me want to vomit!!! And one always tries to put everything into nice words and writes about an abused mother earth, but this elite forgets that they themselves and their companies as well as certain countries (e.g. Brazil, China etc.) were and are primarily involved in this abuse and have earned a lot of money with it - and now they want to personify themselves as "God" and decide about the lives of people - there is simply no suitable adjective to describe this devilry even approximately!!! And to thank John Hopkins University is a farce, because they published the script for this diabolical drama in 2017 https://jhsphcenterforhealthsecurity.s3.amazonaws.com/spars-pandemic-scenario.pdf?fbclid=IwAR1TUULrcC8oIVTamtfN6KY6HMo3SKLhCtyVIAtSfo9YqVl7Sa0SoocWDK0 - and UK e.g. has known that there will be overdemensional deaths due to these totally unnecessary, experimental, conditionally approved, genetically based and toxic substances https://www.find-tender.service.gov.uk/Notice/013120-2021?origin=SearchResults&p=1&fbclid=IwAR191G11_oGjDnpxpvZ1kmogOUa-IVxkCjGm5zEkkfb8yKj4lKBR3p9ChLk

You might also want to take a look at this: Why the WHO Is a Corrupt, Unhealthy Organization:

https://www.lewrockwell.com/2021/09/joseph-mercola/why-the-who-is-a-corrupt-unhealthy-organization/ - https://www.bitchute.com/video/kEn3iVabHtao/ - WHO and the pandemic flu “conspiracies”: https://www.bmj.com/content/bmj/340/7759/Feature.full.pdf?fbclid=IwAR2RnFJtLsXWtOcEkAii0tiNVIU2uFuxhttps://www.bmj.com/content/bmj/340/7759/Feature.full.pdf?fbclid=IwAR2RnFJtLsXWtOcEkAii0tiNVIU2uFuxJh6X9UdlgqVtaM2lO80P7FLr59A https://www.globalresearch.ca/video-the-plan-who-plans-to-have-10-years-of-pandemics-2020-2030-proof-that-the-pandemic-was-planned-with-a-purpose/5782105?fbclid=IwAR2AKX9ya63Cc3X-ZvZSwIwVWcuuo6XzaFuvLTvdl599PXi7UA83nifswgk - https://odysee.com/@BannedYouTubeVideos:4/The-WHO-Has-Planned-for-10-Years-of-Infectious-Diseases:8?fbclid=IwAR1TUULrcC8oIVTamtfN6KY6HMo3SKLhCtyVIAtSfo9YqVl7Sa0SoocWDK0

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Mary-Ann, of all the stateside universities, John Hopkins is *the* most corruption laden, riddled with corporate influence peddling.

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All great legalese points, and a mandatory final all inclusive summary clause should be :

Regardless of the nature of any declared blanket emergency, biological or otherwise, EACH of us has an undisputable individual right to refuse ANY medical intervention or procedure without ANY repercussions for that decision, including ANY future legal persecution, mandates, or quarantines

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I have been strongly advised to leave out the childhood vaccines in this document, as well as omitting discussion that touches on abortion. Attempting to make it widely acceptable, of course

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The problem is we already have laws on the books and these Evil psychopaths/sociopaths/Arch Demons/narcissists and their enablers/robots are going against these laws.

See this link for Francis A. Boyle and the Nuremberg Code. Here is his take on all of this mess:


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this gets into child vaccine mandates. I am against them--my many testimonies speak for me--but that goes beyond what this is trying to do.

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It's important for it not only to be righteous but also to be divisive, because if it's not divisive it won't set any candidates apart and it won't move things forward. It could be a great thing if it is taken seriously and people are held to account.

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Thank you 🙏

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I believe that there should be NO medical mandates of any kind. Definitely no forced Covid shot, but the more I have researched, the more I am upset about ALL vaccines. Many states require a slew of them before school starts. You can't send your child to a licensed day care without all those shots in a tiny baby's body. There are no religious or medical e exemptions allowed. Doctors scare parents by saying "there is an outbreak" so parents who have questioned the need (where there is a choice) give their child the shot. Guess what-an "epidemic" is just THREE cases. Anyway, that is just my two cents.

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I agree with the intent behind number 1, but I think it is off target. The declaration of an emergency should only be to facilitate helping people in need - moving supplies and helping first responders do their work. I cannot condone government agents using force to violate the Bill of Rights for one second, much less two weeks. Inviolable rights cannot be suspended by governments. The limit should be on what they can do, not on how long they can do it.

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I was told that there are other, real emergencies and that emergency declarations might be needed for them...and that we don't want to go there, we are looking for general rules that could draw broad support.

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Right. There are real emergencies, like the work first responders do. But, there are already laws covering that, and no declaration is needed. They can't do anything without informed consent, unless the person is incapacitated. Then consent is assumed so they can get the person out of harm's way or give them life saving treatment. But, that's not what the government is doing with mandates. There is no informed consent. It's just a raw power play. I'm not arguing with you. I understand. I just don't want to grant government agents the power to suspend my rights in the name of an emergency. As we have seen with covid, there was no real emergency. It was all created by fraudulent testing, fear mongering, and propaganda.

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Totally agree. Informed consent is critical and has been trashed. 75th anniversary of Nuremberg comes up in 2 weeks so watch for coverage on that and on Informed Consent.

And read this: https://anthraxvaccine.blogspot.com/2021/04/the-significance-of-nuremberg-code-vera.html

The question is whether we will stop the lawlessness of govt or allow it to persist.

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Good point.

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Good idea.

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This version of the pledge is very good in my opinion. I noticed that the pledge is against COVID mandates and not against all childhood school vaccine mandates. I think this is politically wise but I hope by getting people into office that are against covid mandates we will be much closer to repealing the school law that mandates Maine CDC's schedule for childcare through college..... Thank you to all of you who have worked on this pledge.

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The sad truth of the matter is that politics is downstream from culture. Nothing is going to change until the bodies are stacked high enough that the people can't see over them. Winter is coming, and we can only prepare for it, not stop it.

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