My rage has been dialed up another notch this past week. It is unbelievable that they are still trying to get away with all these bs lies.

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Nihilists. Narcissists. Sociopaths. Murderers. God awaits you.

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It’s not going to end well for these genocidal psychopaths.

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Wasn't it the standard practice not to vaccinate newborns because they haven't developed immune systems?

Who owns the patents to these drugs? Who in government is either profiting from patents or skimming off the top of sales?

Does loading tens x tens of vaccines into the bodies of new borns make it more difficult to trace effects?

Isn't it a good idea to require autopsies by qualified and independent Medical Examiners of infants who subsequently die? And publication of autopsy reports?

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Your presentation is excellent. I can't imagine being a new parent now. Between the tech and the jabs it's horrifying.

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It is mad to use vaccines against diseases which would be rare and/or generally not cause serious harm if everyone, including babies (or their breastfeeding mothers) had the 50 ng/mL circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D their immune systems need to function properly. Without proper vitamin D3 supplementation, such as 1/8 milligram (5000 IU) a day for 70 kg body weight without obesity, most people have half or less this, at least in winter. Please read the research cited and discussed at: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/ .

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In my opinion, the reason RSV is a ‘problem’ - or even a ‘thing’, is the suppression of what was once considered to be the normal pattern of childhood disease, which trained and strengthened the immune system to resist more serious pathogens. The body will always try and find a way of fulfilling that evolutionary imperative

The misguided attempt to create zero disease with what will ultimately become hundreds of vaccines is creating a population which not only has no trained adaptability to deal with ‘novel’ pathogens but is creating a reservoir for these pathogens to erupt and mutate.

I obviously accept that, tragic though it is, the non suppression of early childhood disease can lead to collateral damage, but we have to begin asking ourselves which is the best policy direction as far as childhood vaccinations are concerned. There is some evidence to suggest unvaccinated children have better health outcomes than vaccinated so the whole question deserves some consideration.

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RSV aka Common Cold. Time to wake up now people. Set your alarm clocks to common sense. Can't believe the people that learned nothing by the CON-VID SCAMDEMIC. Everything medical on the planet ain't solved by pill, vax or cutting off a body part.

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It seems clear by now that all this is no longer about pushing any particular new "vaccine", although that is incentive enough in itself for some of the players.

What it has become (or perhaps always was) is a strategy of normalizing all this "immunization" and "medication" in the service of a new global biosecurity state. Once the public is trained to view all this as normal, the so-called vaccine passes can be required of everyone. We have already pretty much completed the movement to the new "justice" system of "guilty until proven innocent." Perhaps the capstone to it all will be the conditioning of all of us to view each of our fellow humans primarily as a source of contagion, a threat, "sick until proven well."

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12 babies died during the trial but their deaths were from some other disease. since when do infants with 'diseases' get into drug trials, especially for so-called preventatives?? WTF?

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I've seen the commercials for the pregnancy rsv shot (two breaths while you get it!!) (only bc I've been under the weather-don't usually watch tv). SO DISGUSTING.

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I had been a nurse for nearly 20 years in NYC and a mom for 4 years when I first even heard about RSV (that one year when all 3 kids were diagnosed, 3mo, 2 yr and 4yr olds...all did well with supportive home remedies!) Now it’s all you hear about.

Prior to this vaccine hitting the market I started to hear about the increased rates of RSV so I did a simple google search for RSV clinical trials near me. Lo and behold one popped up out of Rochester NY looking for elderly volunteers for mRNA RSV trial. That’s when I knew this was a vaccine/shedding issue creating the increased cases in all these age groups. Not normal! Now they’re pushing this vaccine on pregnant women! Disgraceful!

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The love of money...

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Now, we have to make it illegal for them to capitalize off of these orders they put in place. It's big business. It's a conflict of interest.

Then, seems ludicrous to use on newborns. I'm trying to figure out why they want our own human bodies so incapable of fighting on its own. Seems irresponsible to just vax it up and not let the body work. I was in middle school and told to take a few drugs- 1) a huge antibiotic pill every day. 2) phenobarbital bc I passed out. Possible seizure once.

Seemed odd to me. I put them down the drain, dutifully every day.

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Wow! The medical profession is really evil!

Since the Covid farce became apparent, we have lost all faith in the medical profession, especially Big Pharma and their lust for profit instead of human wellbeing.

We, 'proud Conspiracy Theorists' are with you in your mission to inform the masses of the true CORRUPTION within the world of medicine. The Medical governors of Maine are just WEF puppets!

The DEADLY injections they try to pass off as VACCINES are fatal and irreversible. Those that now realise the health issues related to the 'Covid Vax', seem to think they have 'cures' or solutions. perhaps this 'belief' is grasped at out of desperation

I hope I'm wrong and they are now not condemned to a curtailed Life Expectancy!

With the vast increase of SPORTSMEN & women suffering heart problems during their exhaustive sports participation, It seems patently obvious that 'You can't Pfuck with the human heart and expect it to repair'.

Regards! Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed after taking the time to join the dots!

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I didn't realize that Robert L. Peters was a vaccine salesman. He's not very good at it. Anyone who has to "mandate" their products in order for people to keep their jobs has failed miserably at persuasion.

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