NIAID invented the antigen, licensed it to Pfizer, GSK, Moderna, guarantees approval despite risks and negligible benefit, and collects the royalties. What's not to like? One hand washes the other
If I didn’t know any better, I would think they are trying to kill more babies, and their mothers!!!
I’m 57 years old and it just seems like to me that everywhere I turn and everything I read or see posted or on a video shows me that our governments and The Deep State Cult of Moloch are out to kill us off!!!
Growing up and for most of my life I sure do not remember feeling this way! Instead it seems that I remember our governments and most businesses, Big Pharma, Big Tech (computers and other technology) Big Oil and Transportation, the Retail Giants all small businesses and our educational systems trying to make our lives better, trying to improve it, make us happier and our future brighter, working with us not against us to help us and our families live much better lives!!!
I guess it was The Covid Planned Scamdemic that I noticed I began feeling that something wrong has happened, that all of a sudden the world seems like a much darker, more sinister place with gloom and doom around every corner and every institution is pitted against us instead of trying to help us!!! Maybe they have always been out to do us in they just hid it better back in the day and the Covid planned Scamdemic just brought so much of their evil plans out in the open that they don’t even try to hide what they are doing to us anymore...
I got 12 years on you and remember the same. I never touched a computer till i was 50 and remember the phone hung on the wall and if you didn't answer it, you weren't home. Call back. And yes, the scamdemic caused many to go cracker dogs but you really have to go back to 9-11 to see the real push. (and even before) This was carefully planned and sadly most Americans were just sound asleep and nurturing their own false lives. The great Reset should be also called the Great Wake Up call. Sadly most won't hear that call.
I recall when every single call had to go through a local operator, even local calls. You had to tell her what number you wanted to call, and we had party lines with ring codes, like 33 ring 1,2. (One long, two short)
A Globalist Cabal has been running the world throughout our entire lives, we just didn't know it. Now they are trying to go "full operational" so they have to come out from the shadows from where they were "pulling the strings" behind the scenes. In other words, they are "uncloaking". Total enslavement is their goal, and with that in place, they plan to exterminate at least 95% (some quote them at 98 or 99%) of humanity. They DON'T LIKE us "useless eaters" whom they see as using up "their" resources!
We grew up oblivious to all this. But it has been there all along, festering under the surface, along with their drug trafficking, starting all the wars for more than a century, human trafficking, child trafficking and rampant pedophilia and child sacrifice. Remember all those pictures of the missing kids on the milk cartons? A few may have just been cases of parental abductions in custody disputes, but the large majority were victims of child kidnapping rings. Allegedly the CIA flew commercial jet-sized planeloads of children out of the country to end up God-knows-where. Some allegedly went to the Middle East. Blond and blue-eyed preferred.
Some serious evil has been going on for a very long time. The perps just did a good job of hiding much of it.
We have to unite and realize these bullies are few and we are many. When millions march to overtake them they will run for their useless lives. Why does humanity allow these few to dictate us?
Propaganda. Brainwashing. Mind Control. Dumbed-down from Communist educational system. Dumbed-down from fluoride in the water, glyphosate, pesticides, mercury dental fillings, toxic root canals, toxic mold, neurotoxic and brain-shrinking Statin drugs, aluminum and mercury in vaccines, chronic infections, leaky gut and endotoxin poisoning (LPS) and chronic plant toxins exposure — glutens, gliadins, agglutinins, lectins, too much sugar and industrial seed Omega 6 oils, nutrient deficiencies, etc.
And the "last straw": the neurotoxic COVID shots with their LNP toxicity and spike proteins causing micro glial-activated long-term brain inflammation plus possible prion-like "brain-eating" "Mad Cow Disease" (CJD) damage.
Humans have been extremely screwed-up BY DESIGN to minimize our ability to recognize what is being done to us. AND good people will make all kinds of psychological excuses for what is happening in the world to avoid the terrifying REALITY of EVIL trying to take over. And especially, many (the Mass Formation Hypnosis/Psychosis victims in particular) simply can't face the fact that they have been repeatedly lied to about COVID and the shots. They don't want to have to admit that they have been injected with UNSAFE and NOT EFFECTIVE BIOWEAPONS! And especially if they had their kids injected, too. Simply can't face it!
Fear does that to people. So "these few" get away with it. BUT what is happening is SOOOO over the top that many, many people are waking up out of their trances. The "Great Reset" IS TRIGGERING the GREAT AWAKENING the likes of which has never been seen before! We DO outnumber them, by perhaps a million to one!!! And we WILL WIN this!!!!
Ignorance is the ultimate killer of civilization now under fire. Too often, in idle conversation with a stranger in a store payment line, we find out that people are most concerned about materialism, as in "I gotta have the latest x, y, and z". So many people will say, "who cares"? I have a highly educated neighbor and with him, it's all gibberish so he abstains from reading and learning about the dire straits we are dealing with. Makes me crazy. A new "virus" means a new opportunity to kill with a new vaccine with more and more insane stuff contained within. Until people come to grips with terrain theory, they will be sitting ducks. Who knows how many deaths can be attributed to vaccines poorly conceived and administered?
I think we do need some like minded friends along the way. Can't get too isolated. I think when people go in total isolation they go batty. Reminds me of a hoarder using a bucket as a toilet and thinking that was normal and sanitary with buckets of human waste around their house. We need like minded people to challenge us to stay the course and to be confident in what we do really know to be true not to be led astray.
On another note when my family started getting sick with covid, I tried to have a bit of a talk about what I learned about vitamins over these last couple of years only to be told nicely to shut up. If a new Spiderman movie opened up at the movies, I bet a lot of my family would spend time showering, getting dressed, driving to the theaatre, pay money and the cost of gas, watching the many trailers to various movies, watching a two hour Spiderman movie, then driving home. But me spending ten minutes with them having a conversation with them regarding the best treatmemt when they are sick is not tolerated.
And this “friend” of Clinton’s “Charity” foundation who was accused of CHILD TRAFFICKING in Haiti, and yet gets back to the USA after Hillary helped her, then gets appointed to Marketing for ALERT SENSE a system tied to the Missing Child - AMBER ALERT system !!! WTH!
I'm 57 too. It was there while we grew up. We were kids though, and it isn't like we were taught to know this. Do you remember the red flouride pills they may have given you at school? Then everyones teeth turned red. Wasn't that cool? I remember that. I also remember someone coming in our high school to catch us up to date with our vaccines too. They made sure we got their poison before we were set free to become adults.
It is just now the powers to be want to fast speed their "normal slow kill" process. They don't necessarily want a bloody war. They know enough of us are stupid enough to inject ourselves and our kids with poison, and poison ourselves in many other ways. Now with the new technology they don't need so many of us wasting their Earth's precious resources.
Yep, I recall being injected without my parents permission at school multiple times.
And now I suffer from autoimmune issues , fatigue, etc as an adult which I suspect was from the mercury in the vaccines and who the heck knows what else we had shot into us.
I also recall junk food companies coming to our school and we were told we were going to sample these things, and as a child you loved it - free chips, milkshakes in a bottle and free “cigarette shaped CANDIES!” No kidding, little ones walking around with a candy cig in hand practicing for the future..
It was all programming - creating smokers and junk food eaters.
Re: The Deep State Cult of Moloch are out to kill us off!!! Me: we are "Human Rubbish, as King Charles III whose birthday is next week, (public holiday) said (I wish it was his funeral we were celebrating) are on the scrap heap of life, because computers AI and automation have replaced us and the Elite don't have any use for us anymore and they don't want us having a free ride at their expense, so the next best thing is to exterminate us all and what better way than with their vaccines, so that, according to Deagles back in 2020 77% of our populations will have been murdered by 2025 - which is pretty much on track with one billion people dying every 6 months at the moment from vaccines.
With a 23% final tally, or less, predicted to be within the next 16 months or so, there are going to be big gaps between individuals who have survived thus far, because we are not all grouped in the same area or country.
But there is a light on the horizon for the chosen few whose genetic makeup make them suitable to be converted into a Borg or Android by Genetic modification, the only problem being the vaccines don't work and never did to do that, at least, so far.
So in one fell swoop, you could say, the Elite reduce us to nothing, get to keep the 1/3 land of our planet for themselves, 2/3 under the seas and you know who one of those Elite are, the owner of this substack who has been asking other Elites with US$2 million spare cash in their back pocket to join him in extending their wealth alongside his, at the expense of all of us, presumably, which takes me back to us Human rubbish and their disposal of us.
Yep! I kept asking who owns this substack only to have no reply back. I am sure substack is a monitoring system so we don't get too organized against them.
Hi Dorothy Ann - I was riding Steve Kirsch like the small guy on St Christopher's shoulders and I was there at the beginning of this substack and Steve, then told me he lost 75K when Twitter booted him off and I said, but Steve. you are a multi millionaire what is US$75,000 to you and he said 75K people which at $100 pop comes out at US$7,500,000 - 7 million five hundred smackers a year membership fees up the spout - Ouch.
Steve set up this substack and he had to lieutenants Kevin, the thick one and Wayne the clever one who monitored the substacks and there are many now covering all industries like a multi layered cake - "substack menu" might take you there, which they monitor and any good ideas they report back to Steve to Serial Entrepreneur advance it, without paying anyone the rights for that good idea.- they all being Jewish of course - need I say more
Actually I was brought up a Christian and it was only when I was about 10 years of age that my mother told me she was Jewish, which means I am too, but because my mother married my Father at Gretna Green in 1942 when my father, (who lied about his age to the RAF) - turned 13 - so I am neither Jewish or Christian, I fall somewhere between the two - like a white black person, if you get my drift - kept at arms length by both. Much Laughter - I don't believe in this religious rubbish anyway - get a grip!!
So yes, Steve Kirsch owns this substack, but his name is not attached to it for IRS purpose's, but lets go at that a different way shall we - you read my comments about Steve trolling for investors in his schemes but you had to have US$2 million to get in the door - which he posted on this, his substack - do you think that any of us could have posted that personal invitation, if we wanted to - only the owner of this substack could do that - Steve Kirsch , probably as rich as Bill Gates, or not far behind, now - helped there by the people who pay him $50 or $100 membership fees - he must be laughing himself silly every time he posts something on his substack and earns US$2,5 million or more, each time, by doing so, by his adoring vaccinated memberships.
There is no proof, if you rely on experts whose loyalties are suspect, to provide you with the numbers they want you to believe that vaccines are safe, of course - yet it has been published, not to long ago that the world population is now 7 billion down 1 billion from the beginning of 2023.
Let us presuppose that 1 billion people around the world are not dying from Covid and vaccinations then it will be interesting to see what the world population will be by Christmas won't it?
But where are u getting these numbers? I know of several who have died suspiciously perhaps. I believe many have been injured and disabilities way up. I believe horrendous acts against humanity have been done but not seeing the deaths you report.
I’m 77 & you’ve read my mail! Every word you wrote conveys exactly what I think, feel, & believe.
Were these entities always this diabolically evil, but concealed it, or did they evolve w/ the times? The further society moves from God the more debased it becomes. So perhaps that’s the cause.
Over the last 100 years it seems it was mostly corporate greed, and any downstream effects from their products (death, cancer, chronic illnesses, etc) were simply a part of doing business. However, the depopulation agenda appears to have solidified in 1972 at the Global Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro with Agenda 21 and Its Sustainable Development goals.
More profits for private captured companies and less cost for the government. Of course long term this is bad since less taxpayers. Wait...You Will Own Nothing And Be Happy!
Let us not forget that the physician at Merck that is in charge of the vaccine division was formerly at the FDA approving vaccines and went to Merck at a salary of $1 million per year. You don’t think she has to perform and manipulate the FDA to accomplish the continued growth of the vaccine division of Merck! RSV is just another money making step forward!
She left Mark vaccines for another job but yes, Julie Gerberding was a merck’s girl at the FDA, which did a major push for the HPV vaccine, which also paid NIAID royalties
I have a problem with the testing since day one. Been at this for 25 years. If there are over 200 viruses that cause the same or similar symptoms, why are we not testing for all 200? Flu A+B, Strep and RSV have been the majority that I have checked in the ER. That leaves 197 more test that are not done. Then suddenly comes along the Covid 19 test, spun on too many cycles for PCR? 🥳🤫
...just one more example of why the fraudulent ‘science of virology’ and ‘germ theory’ ( and ‘contagion’ -for that matter) need to be trounced, for good.
Yes, I agree they will never change their for profit only business model. I'm mostly referring to the outdated scientific dogma behind their disease model of medicine, their primary agent of misinformation
Brian Hooker is awesome, and I know the L○RD wants to heal his son. He came on my interview with the "inventor" of the patent in my substack logo. You should look it up (11107588b2) as Brian called it the catch all evil patent I dug up. The inventor/lawyer, Gal Ehrlich" rationaled it by saying there's an inventor of the electric chair. As far as RSV, I realized Pirbright Institute (Gates Foundation and the inventor of the only patent called Corona Virus 10130701b2) patented this recombinant weapon too
I was supposed to be on Brian's show 10 months ago as Heather Ray asked for my headshot picture. I actually feel like the patents scare everyone because 100% profit protections are irrefutable, incriminating motives. People like Karen Kingston end up in Mexico with death threats and I've been arrested 4 times and thrown in jail for airing their evil, yet fear of man is a snare {Proverbs 29:25}
Agreed, like Moderna created Covid-19 in a Lab and Patented it in 2013 - the same year that the US Supreme Court passed a Law with World Wide Applications that anyone who has a vaccine which changes their DNA and Human Genome is no longer Human and all Human Rights are lost = a new species with zero Human Rights as has proved to be the case - see Thomas Renz on that one and the Geneva Convention Trials he conducted which were thrown out and none were processed.
Since the vaccines can't be taken out of a body once they are past the Brain Blood Barrier that means the bodies and the Genetic Makeup of each vaccinated body now belongs to the vaccine maker of their choice - non Humans them: #ModernaGate: Moderna wins Award for Deadly Covid Vaccine it was able to create prior to 2019 because “Murderna” is responsible for creating the Covid-19 Virus in a BioLab… #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG
By The Exposé on April 30, 2023
Covid-19 is a manmade virus, and Moderna Inc., the American pharmaceutical and biotechnology company that has made billions through the sale of an experimental Covid-19 injection, is responsible for creating it.
Don’t believe us?
Then read the exhaustive evidence below and check for yourself.
By a concerned reader who is a qualified cell biologist
Just put NC_045512.2 in the Query Sequence Box and MN996532 in the Subject Sequence Box. Then choose the radio button:: More dissimilar sequences (discontinguous megablast). Then hit BLAST. Then when the results appear (a few second later) choose the Alignments tab and you will see both genomes compared perfectly.
The American case will serve to raise awareness of how much skulduggery has been deployed by governments against their own people. Few people realise that the ‘vaccines’ were developed and coordinated by the military, through pseudo-legal mechanisms that enabled them to evade normal regularity processes designed to protect populations from potentially dangerous pharmaceutical products, to which private commercial companies are subject. The US case is a civil lawsuit for damages against the Department of Defense (DoD), which is the de facto developer and distributor of Covid vaccines, and names Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin III as defendant. This case is important because for the first time it targets the Department of Defense at the top of the pyramid of malfeasance. Please see Sasha Latypova’s testimony and her discussion with bioweapons expert Dr Meryl Nass. which comes back to you Meryl, right?
Fauci has admitted that no vaccine given in the arm can protect against a respiratory virus. He says that it has to be a mucosal vaccine to be effective. And yet he has signed on to giving every baby a vaccine delivered through their mom? It’s like giving every baby chemotherapy just in case they get cancer some time in their life. Another thing any protection from the jab wears off in just a few months.
I am convinced that 99.5% of all drugs, vaccines and mRNA injections and all other big pharma products are a complete scam and virtually worthless as far as saving you from anything or adding to your better health.
One of the reasons this is happening is the frequency with which we are now using testing methods like pcr to rule out influenza and coronavirus while screening for others like rsv, adenovirus, parainfluenza, rhinovirus etc. Even prior to covid, the testing was demonstrating how much the elderly (and everyone else) were getting ill from other pathogens, especially rsv. The “influenza AND pneumonias” scam (scare tactic) to falsely skew influenza cause of death stats in vital statistics was really beginning to come to light as a motivator to sell (ineffective) flu shots. Covid only accelerated this enlightenment when rsv was being shown to be the a common pathogen present without (and also with, on occasions) the presence of coronavirus in hospitalized elderly during 2021 and 2022 winter seasons. I suspect testing would have also shown rsv co-infections or primary infections with many of those hospitalized “with covid” in 2020 if anyone had thought to look for it, but all were so busy hyperfocused on the “crisis at hand” that it wasn’t considered. Only once sick seniors with hefty pneumonias and negative serial flu and covid tests left hospitalists (and peds) scratching their heads in 2021/2022 did they really start checking the ADULTS for this “pediatric pathogen”. Once I heard about this happening, I knew that previously discarded rsv vax (that had horrible safety data in peds trials and was hence not approved) would be miraculously made “safe and effective” then mass released to our seniors (and peds as well). Sure enough, here we are. Bonus....folks questioning the sloppy and imprecise “consolidation” of influenza with pneumonia into vital statistics data can be met with arguments of efficiency and simplicity to redirect away from their 30 year influenza propaganda and scare tactics for $$$$ program. It is all so gross and disheartening.
I have a question: Of the 26 who died from the "virus" how many were unvaccinated? Oh wait, I already have the answer - ZERO. The nationwide Control Group study showed entirely unvaccinated babies don't just drop dead.
No matter what they attribute the deaths to, (SIDS, a virus, etc.) almost all of them happen shortly after vaccination.
One of the NIH Healthy People documents in the past decade or so had some hand-wringing about undervaxxed adults. I bet the desire is there to pitch to adults the con that their childhood vaxxes have worn off. But conveniently they will be able to upgrade themselves (while doing their kids) to the new mRNA childhood vaxxes.
If I didn’t know any better, I would think they are trying to kill more babies, and their mothers!!!
I’m 57 years old and it just seems like to me that everywhere I turn and everything I read or see posted or on a video shows me that our governments and The Deep State Cult of Moloch are out to kill us off!!!
Growing up and for most of my life I sure do not remember feeling this way! Instead it seems that I remember our governments and most businesses, Big Pharma, Big Tech (computers and other technology) Big Oil and Transportation, the Retail Giants all small businesses and our educational systems trying to make our lives better, trying to improve it, make us happier and our future brighter, working with us not against us to help us and our families live much better lives!!!
I guess it was The Covid Planned Scamdemic that I noticed I began feeling that something wrong has happened, that all of a sudden the world seems like a much darker, more sinister place with gloom and doom around every corner and every institution is pitted against us instead of trying to help us!!! Maybe they have always been out to do us in they just hid it better back in the day and the Covid planned Scamdemic just brought so much of their evil plans out in the open that they don’t even try to hide what they are doing to us anymore...
I got 12 years on you and remember the same. I never touched a computer till i was 50 and remember the phone hung on the wall and if you didn't answer it, you weren't home. Call back. And yes, the scamdemic caused many to go cracker dogs but you really have to go back to 9-11 to see the real push. (and even before) This was carefully planned and sadly most Americans were just sound asleep and nurturing their own false lives. The great Reset should be also called the Great Wake Up call. Sadly most won't hear that call.
I recall when every single call had to go through a local operator, even local calls. You had to tell her what number you wanted to call, and we had party lines with ring codes, like 33 ring 1,2. (One long, two short)
Don't remember going thru an operator but do remember party lines! Also remember when you dial O you got connected to a real person.
Can't be me - I'm 76 plus your 12 = 88 you "that" old?
A Globalist Cabal has been running the world throughout our entire lives, we just didn't know it. Now they are trying to go "full operational" so they have to come out from the shadows from where they were "pulling the strings" behind the scenes. In other words, they are "uncloaking". Total enslavement is their goal, and with that in place, they plan to exterminate at least 95% (some quote them at 98 or 99%) of humanity. They DON'T LIKE us "useless eaters" whom they see as using up "their" resources!
We grew up oblivious to all this. But it has been there all along, festering under the surface, along with their drug trafficking, starting all the wars for more than a century, human trafficking, child trafficking and rampant pedophilia and child sacrifice. Remember all those pictures of the missing kids on the milk cartons? A few may have just been cases of parental abductions in custody disputes, but the large majority were victims of child kidnapping rings. Allegedly the CIA flew commercial jet-sized planeloads of children out of the country to end up God-knows-where. Some allegedly went to the Middle East. Blond and blue-eyed preferred.
Some serious evil has been going on for a very long time. The perps just did a good job of hiding much of it.
Have you seen the documentary "Out of Shadows"?:
We have to unite and realize these bullies are few and we are many. When millions march to overtake them they will run for their useless lives. Why does humanity allow these few to dictate us?
They are afraid.
Propaganda. Brainwashing. Mind Control. Dumbed-down from Communist educational system. Dumbed-down from fluoride in the water, glyphosate, pesticides, mercury dental fillings, toxic root canals, toxic mold, neurotoxic and brain-shrinking Statin drugs, aluminum and mercury in vaccines, chronic infections, leaky gut and endotoxin poisoning (LPS) and chronic plant toxins exposure — glutens, gliadins, agglutinins, lectins, too much sugar and industrial seed Omega 6 oils, nutrient deficiencies, etc.
And the "last straw": the neurotoxic COVID shots with their LNP toxicity and spike proteins causing micro glial-activated long-term brain inflammation plus possible prion-like "brain-eating" "Mad Cow Disease" (CJD) damage.
Humans have been extremely screwed-up BY DESIGN to minimize our ability to recognize what is being done to us. AND good people will make all kinds of psychological excuses for what is happening in the world to avoid the terrifying REALITY of EVIL trying to take over. And especially, many (the Mass Formation Hypnosis/Psychosis victims in particular) simply can't face the fact that they have been repeatedly lied to about COVID and the shots. They don't want to have to admit that they have been injected with UNSAFE and NOT EFFECTIVE BIOWEAPONS! And especially if they had their kids injected, too. Simply can't face it!
Fear does that to people. So "these few" get away with it. BUT what is happening is SOOOO over the top that many, many people are waking up out of their trances. The "Great Reset" IS TRIGGERING the GREAT AWAKENING the likes of which has never been seen before! We DO outnumber them, by perhaps a million to one!!! And we WILL WIN this!!!!
You are too kind
Ignorance is the ultimate killer of civilization now under fire. Too often, in idle conversation with a stranger in a store payment line, we find out that people are most concerned about materialism, as in "I gotta have the latest x, y, and z". So many people will say, "who cares"? I have a highly educated neighbor and with him, it's all gibberish so he abstains from reading and learning about the dire straits we are dealing with. Makes me crazy. A new "virus" means a new opportunity to kill with a new vaccine with more and more insane stuff contained within. Until people come to grips with terrain theory, they will be sitting ducks. Who knows how many deaths can be attributed to vaccines poorly conceived and administered?
I think we do need some like minded friends along the way. Can't get too isolated. I think when people go in total isolation they go batty. Reminds me of a hoarder using a bucket as a toilet and thinking that was normal and sanitary with buckets of human waste around their house. We need like minded people to challenge us to stay the course and to be confident in what we do really know to be true not to be led astray.
On another note when my family started getting sick with covid, I tried to have a bit of a talk about what I learned about vitamins over these last couple of years only to be told nicely to shut up. If a new Spiderman movie opened up at the movies, I bet a lot of my family would spend time showering, getting dressed, driving to the theaatre, pay money and the cost of gas, watching the many trailers to various movies, watching a two hour Spiderman movie, then driving home. But me spending ten minutes with them having a conversation with them regarding the best treatmemt when they are sick is not tolerated.
I can see how it would seem that you did.
Murdered for expose of Clinton Haiti trafficking?
And this “friend” of Clinton’s “Charity” foundation who was accused of CHILD TRAFFICKING in Haiti, and yet gets back to the USA after Hillary helped her, then gets appointed to Marketing for ALERT SENSE a system tied to the Missing Child - AMBER ALERT system !!! WTH!
This is where we are at people.
PS: Note the NUMBER of children she tried to smuggle out - 33. Fav illuminati no.
Silsby changed her name - now is Gayler (or Silsby Gayler)
Since her release from detention in Haiti, Laura Silsby has returned to Idaho.
In 2015, she married and took the last name Gayler.
She was then upon return employed by software company AlertSense
as their Vice President of Marketing.
AlertSense works with the Federal Government on FEMA’s Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS).
One of IPAWS functions is to issue *** Amber Alerts **
during kidnapping events.
Update: It appears that since the time of publication, Laura Silsby-Gayler is no longer listed as a member of Alert Sense’s Leadership Team.
Faith, Thanks for posting the link !!
I'm 57 too. It was there while we grew up. We were kids though, and it isn't like we were taught to know this. Do you remember the red flouride pills they may have given you at school? Then everyones teeth turned red. Wasn't that cool? I remember that. I also remember someone coming in our high school to catch us up to date with our vaccines too. They made sure we got their poison before we were set free to become adults.
It is just now the powers to be want to fast speed their "normal slow kill" process. They don't necessarily want a bloody war. They know enough of us are stupid enough to inject ourselves and our kids with poison, and poison ourselves in many other ways. Now with the new technology they don't need so many of us wasting their Earth's precious resources.
Yep, I recall being injected without my parents permission at school multiple times.
And now I suffer from autoimmune issues , fatigue, etc as an adult which I suspect was from the mercury in the vaccines and who the heck knows what else we had shot into us.
I also recall junk food companies coming to our school and we were told we were going to sample these things, and as a child you loved it - free chips, milkshakes in a bottle and free “cigarette shaped CANDIES!” No kidding, little ones walking around with a candy cig in hand practicing for the future..
It was all programming - creating smokers and junk food eaters.
Truly evil. 👿
I almost wrote about the junk food machines too, but thought I had wrote long enough.
Re: The Deep State Cult of Moloch are out to kill us off!!! Me: we are "Human Rubbish, as King Charles III whose birthday is next week, (public holiday) said (I wish it was his funeral we were celebrating) are on the scrap heap of life, because computers AI and automation have replaced us and the Elite don't have any use for us anymore and they don't want us having a free ride at their expense, so the next best thing is to exterminate us all and what better way than with their vaccines, so that, according to Deagles back in 2020 77% of our populations will have been murdered by 2025 - which is pretty much on track with one billion people dying every 6 months at the moment from vaccines.
With a 23% final tally, or less, predicted to be within the next 16 months or so, there are going to be big gaps between individuals who have survived thus far, because we are not all grouped in the same area or country.
But there is a light on the horizon for the chosen few whose genetic makeup make them suitable to be converted into a Borg or Android by Genetic modification, the only problem being the vaccines don't work and never did to do that, at least, so far.
So in one fell swoop, you could say, the Elite reduce us to nothing, get to keep the 1/3 land of our planet for themselves, 2/3 under the seas and you know who one of those Elite are, the owner of this substack who has been asking other Elites with US$2 million spare cash in their back pocket to join him in extending their wealth alongside his, at the expense of all of us, presumably, which takes me back to us Human rubbish and their disposal of us.
Yep! I kept asking who owns this substack only to have no reply back. I am sure substack is a monitoring system so we don't get too organized against them.
Hi Dorothy Ann - I was riding Steve Kirsch like the small guy on St Christopher's shoulders and I was there at the beginning of this substack and Steve, then told me he lost 75K when Twitter booted him off and I said, but Steve. you are a multi millionaire what is US$75,000 to you and he said 75K people which at $100 pop comes out at US$7,500,000 - 7 million five hundred smackers a year membership fees up the spout - Ouch.
Steve set up this substack and he had to lieutenants Kevin, the thick one and Wayne the clever one who monitored the substacks and there are many now covering all industries like a multi layered cake - "substack menu" might take you there, which they monitor and any good ideas they report back to Steve to Serial Entrepreneur advance it, without paying anyone the rights for that good idea.- they all being Jewish of course - need I say more
Actually I was brought up a Christian and it was only when I was about 10 years of age that my mother told me she was Jewish, which means I am too, but because my mother married my Father at Gretna Green in 1942 when my father, (who lied about his age to the RAF) - turned 13 - so I am neither Jewish or Christian, I fall somewhere between the two - like a white black person, if you get my drift - kept at arms length by both. Much Laughter - I don't believe in this religious rubbish anyway - get a grip!!
So yes, Steve Kirsch owns this substack, but his name is not attached to it for IRS purpose's, but lets go at that a different way shall we - you read my comments about Steve trolling for investors in his schemes but you had to have US$2 million to get in the door - which he posted on this, his substack - do you think that any of us could have posted that personal invitation, if we wanted to - only the owner of this substack could do that - Steve Kirsch , probably as rich as Bill Gates, or not far behind, now - helped there by the people who pay him $50 or $100 membership fees - he must be laughing himself silly every time he posts something on his substack and earns US$2,5 million or more, each time, by doing so, by his adoring vaccinated memberships.
7 million five hundred smackers - 7 million, five hundred, thousand - smackers
“One billion dying every 6 months”. Where is the proof of this?
There is no proof, if you rely on experts whose loyalties are suspect, to provide you with the numbers they want you to believe that vaccines are safe, of course - yet it has been published, not to long ago that the world population is now 7 billion down 1 billion from the beginning of 2023.
Let us presuppose that 1 billion people around the world are not dying from Covid and vaccinations then it will be interesting to see what the world population will be by Christmas won't it?
But where are u getting these numbers? I know of several who have died suspiciously perhaps. I believe many have been injured and disabilities way up. I believe horrendous acts against humanity have been done but not seeing the deaths you report.
If you didn’t know any better........?
I am being as facetious as a human being can be...
He knows.
Independent media and citizen reporting has OPENED our eyes.
In the past we believed their “spin”.
Now we’ve seen the evidence, in their own words in their documents thanks to diligent,courageous, honest reporters exposing it all.
Previously they managed to keep their nefarious plan inside of the black box, now Pandora’s box is open - and cannot be shut.
I’m 77 & you’ve read my mail! Every word you wrote conveys exactly what I think, feel, & believe.
Were these entities always this diabolically evil, but concealed it, or did they evolve w/ the times? The further society moves from God the more debased it becomes. So perhaps that’s the cause.
Thank you for your post.
Over the last 100 years it seems it was mostly corporate greed, and any downstream effects from their products (death, cancer, chronic illnesses, etc) were simply a part of doing business. However, the depopulation agenda appears to have solidified in 1972 at the Global Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro with Agenda 21 and Its Sustainable Development goals.
Makes sense!!!
More profits for private captured companies and less cost for the government. Of course long term this is bad since less taxpayers. Wait...You Will Own Nothing And Be Happy!
agree, REDRUM!
Likely have always been out to do the masses in but now technology makes is easier and more subtle.
I was a pediatrician for 3 decades.. never saw one case of RSV...pretty much everything else but not RSV
I think the real issue is the fact that NAIAD scientists get part of the $$$ action, so they lie to themselves!
Let us not forget that the physician at Merck that is in charge of the vaccine division was formerly at the FDA approving vaccines and went to Merck at a salary of $1 million per year. You don’t think she has to perform and manipulate the FDA to accomplish the continued growth of the vaccine division of Merck! RSV is just another money making step forward!
She left Mark vaccines for another job but yes, Julie Gerberding was a merck’s girl at the FDA, which did a major push for the HPV vaccine, which also paid NIAID royalties
Did she make a mistake and steer Merck away from RNA injections and she was sacked? Now Pfizer is King of the Vaccine hill?
Where did Julie go? Did she fail to deliver? How do we stop researchers from lying to themselves because they get a piece of the action?
Did you have any entirely unvaccinated patients?
I have a problem with the testing since day one. Been at this for 25 years. If there are over 200 viruses that cause the same or similar symptoms, why are we not testing for all 200? Flu A+B, Strep and RSV have been the majority that I have checked in the ER. That leaves 197 more test that are not done. Then suddenly comes along the Covid 19 test, spun on too many cycles for PCR? 🥳🤫
She got other jobs at Merck, and I believe is now retired. Probably sits on boards now and really cleans up.
...just one more example of why the fraudulent ‘science of virology’ and ‘germ theory’ ( and ‘contagion’ -for that matter) need to be trounced, for good.
There are too many of them to make it a science, 600 thousand why break your head over them, forget them.
This article pairs well the the article Igor Chudov just posted.
I was just about to say that :-)
you are right, I should have pointed out his piece--added now.
I linked to your article also
Important for people to understand the immensity of this scam, and the danger to themselves and their fetuses. Thanks for doing that!
More RSV statistical hogwash. The first step to rethinking vaccines can only begin with a grassroots revision of the western medicine model.
The elite have and have had a “cash cow” they wont give up easily.
Yes, I agree they will never change their for profit only business model. I'm mostly referring to the outdated scientific dogma behind their disease model of medicine, their primary agent of misinformation
Brian Hooker is awesome, and I know the L○RD wants to heal his son. He came on my interview with the "inventor" of the patent in my substack logo. You should look it up (11107588b2) as Brian called it the catch all evil patent I dug up. The inventor/lawyer, Gal Ehrlich" rationaled it by saying there's an inventor of the electric chair. As far as RSV, I realized Pirbright Institute (Gates Foundation and the inventor of the only patent called Corona Virus 10130701b2) patented this recombinant weapon too
I was supposed to be on Brian's show 10 months ago as Heather Ray asked for my headshot picture. I actually feel like the patents scare everyone because 100% profit protections are irrefutable, incriminating motives. People like Karen Kingston end up in Mexico with death threats and I've been arrested 4 times and thrown in jail for airing their evil, yet fear of man is a snare {Proverbs 29:25}
Agreed, like Moderna created Covid-19 in a Lab and Patented it in 2013 - the same year that the US Supreme Court passed a Law with World Wide Applications that anyone who has a vaccine which changes their DNA and Human Genome is no longer Human and all Human Rights are lost = a new species with zero Human Rights as has proved to be the case - see Thomas Renz on that one and the Geneva Convention Trials he conducted which were thrown out and none were processed.
Since the vaccines can't be taken out of a body once they are past the Brain Blood Barrier that means the bodies and the Genetic Makeup of each vaccinated body now belongs to the vaccine maker of their choice - non Humans them: #ModernaGate: Moderna wins Award for Deadly Covid Vaccine it was able to create prior to 2019 because “Murderna” is responsible for creating the Covid-19 Virus in a BioLab… #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG
By The Exposé on April 30, 2023
Covid-19 is a manmade virus, and Moderna Inc., the American pharmaceutical and biotechnology company that has made billions through the sale of an experimental Covid-19 injection, is responsible for creating it.
Don’t believe us?
Then read the exhaustive evidence below and check for yourself.
By a concerned reader who is a qualified cell biologist
STEP 0: The genome, the complete genetic code of Covid19 is found here – The genome of Bat Coronavirus RaTG13 is found here –
One can compare these two genomes, letter by letter using the BLAST Genome alignment comparison tool at
Just put NC_045512.2 in the Query Sequence Box and MN996532 in the Subject Sequence Box. Then choose the radio button:: More dissimilar sequences (discontinguous megablast). Then hit BLAST. Then when the results appear (a few second later) choose the Alignments tab and you will see both genomes compared perfectly.
The American case will serve to raise awareness of how much skulduggery has been deployed by governments against their own people. Few people realise that the ‘vaccines’ were developed and coordinated by the military, through pseudo-legal mechanisms that enabled them to evade normal regularity processes designed to protect populations from potentially dangerous pharmaceutical products, to which private commercial companies are subject. The US case is a civil lawsuit for damages against the Department of Defense (DoD), which is the de facto developer and distributor of Covid vaccines, and names Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin III as defendant. This case is important because for the first time it targets the Department of Defense at the top of the pyramid of malfeasance. Please see Sasha Latypova’s testimony and her discussion with bioweapons expert Dr Meryl Nass. which comes back to you Meryl, right?
Do you know the lawsuit case no and what state it has been filed in (DC?)
No sorry - I'm just passing on what I read elsewhere
Just when I thought I couldn't hate the medical field more. Odious.
Fauci has admitted that no vaccine given in the arm can protect against a respiratory virus. He says that it has to be a mucosal vaccine to be effective. And yet he has signed on to giving every baby a vaccine delivered through their mom? It’s like giving every baby chemotherapy just in case they get cancer some time in their life. Another thing any protection from the jab wears off in just a few months.
I am convinced that 99.5% of all drugs, vaccines and mRNA injections and all other big pharma products are a complete scam and virtually worthless as far as saving you from anything or adding to your better health.
DEPOPULATION! Like most recent medicines and DEADLY INJECTIONS, they pretend to be vaccines!
They brought it on themselves and now many don't trust the medical profession - particularly Big Pharma's DEADLY JABS (they infer to as VACCINES).
'NO LIABILITY' is the most obvious clue that the new breed of injections are deadly and tainted!
Why would you want to play Russian Roulette with your health and longevity?
Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!
One of the reasons this is happening is the frequency with which we are now using testing methods like pcr to rule out influenza and coronavirus while screening for others like rsv, adenovirus, parainfluenza, rhinovirus etc. Even prior to covid, the testing was demonstrating how much the elderly (and everyone else) were getting ill from other pathogens, especially rsv. The “influenza AND pneumonias” scam (scare tactic) to falsely skew influenza cause of death stats in vital statistics was really beginning to come to light as a motivator to sell (ineffective) flu shots. Covid only accelerated this enlightenment when rsv was being shown to be the a common pathogen present without (and also with, on occasions) the presence of coronavirus in hospitalized elderly during 2021 and 2022 winter seasons. I suspect testing would have also shown rsv co-infections or primary infections with many of those hospitalized “with covid” in 2020 if anyone had thought to look for it, but all were so busy hyperfocused on the “crisis at hand” that it wasn’t considered. Only once sick seniors with hefty pneumonias and negative serial flu and covid tests left hospitalists (and peds) scratching their heads in 2021/2022 did they really start checking the ADULTS for this “pediatric pathogen”. Once I heard about this happening, I knew that previously discarded rsv vax (that had horrible safety data in peds trials and was hence not approved) would be miraculously made “safe and effective” then mass released to our seniors (and peds as well). Sure enough, here we are. Bonus....folks questioning the sloppy and imprecise “consolidation” of influenza with pneumonia into vital statistics data can be met with arguments of efficiency and simplicity to redirect away from their 30 year influenza propaganda and scare tactics for $$$$ program. It is all so gross and disheartening.
I have a question: Of the 26 who died from the "virus" how many were unvaccinated? Oh wait, I already have the answer - ZERO. The nationwide Control Group study showed entirely unvaccinated babies don't just drop dead.
No matter what they attribute the deaths to, (SIDS, a virus, etc.) almost all of them happen shortly after vaccination.
And I thought that 2+2= racism was bad. Now it’s kill 40 to save 1. How can anyone working at the FDA sleep at night???
One of the NIH Healthy People documents in the past decade or so had some hand-wringing about undervaxxed adults. I bet the desire is there to pitch to adults the con that their childhood vaxxes have worn off. But conveniently they will be able to upgrade themselves (while doing their kids) to the new mRNA childhood vaxxes.