Your rewards are in Heaven, not New York.


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Or ME, though the state is beautiful!

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NY Times sick joke of a motto: "All the news that fit to print."

Should say instead: "Lies too shameful to line the bottom of a bird's cage."

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There are still way too many who believe them! I have a whole family who believe them and spend their days reading their BS.

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My sincere wish is for everyone at the NYT to get their shots and dozens of boosters. Joe Obiden has declared the emergency is not yet over! Don’t walk, RUN! There is no time to waste! There is myocarditis,blood clots and turbo cancer still available for you! Sign Up all you NYTimers!

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I hereby offer all NYT staff to freely enjoy my shots, future and past. Surely with enough jabs they will "feel" protected.... Who even reads that worthless rag anymore?

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There are a few categories of NYT's readers. Those that hang on every word published, and those that just want to believe that they are informed. Which category is most densely populated by fools is debatable.

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Guarantee you no ownership at the NYT took the shot, just like the politicians and movie stars who pushed it.. None of them got the shot, they just wanted the peasants to get it.. How you can tell is that none of them have died or gotten injured or sick, they knew better because they all belong to the EVIL empire who planned the plandemic, and they are just mad that everyone they deem not worthy and useless eaters did not all just go willingly to the execution jab.. They are triple mad at the misinformation spreader=Truth Tellers like Meryl and RFK jr because its hard to LIE when you have TRUTH around and TRUTH tellers, that is why the LIARS have to use censorship, because LIES cannot stand up ever to TRUTH.. That is why they want to get rid of all of us and replace us with Robots, who they can PROGRAM to do what they are told... WE are no longer following their programming and starting to push back.. They are scared of TRUTH and UNITY.. When you have them both, the EVIL LIARS know they will lose, so they will do everything in their power to DIVIDE and CONQUER and LIE.. That is ALL they have and ever had and UNITY and TRUTH destroys it all and them..

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Some clearly did. Many are dead or disabled. Others as you mention obtained fake certificates as the fake Vax Passport by Euro elites illustrates. As you mention Truth dispels Lies as Light dispels Darkness.

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I like that, TRUTH is LIGHT and LIES is Darkness and EVIL. TRUTH always dispels Darkness and EVIL ..

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But they shed on us so they need to shelter in place

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even without your sentiments the snowflakes at the Times have complied, those that have not availed themselves to saline

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a democrat body needs all the spike protein it can get

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Wow, in May of 21 my wife and her BFF hunted on rumble and telegram for information on the Covid Jab, suspecting it wasn't good and there was little information other than the government propaganda. Fortunately they found enough and came to us hubbies and said we are not taking that sh_t. Later I was fortunate to find you with your boundless energy fighting the good fight!

Thanks for your efforts.

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Here is the problem Fred. If Covidiocy was the test about whether or not one should Quaxcinate, they already failed the course. Fortunately your fork in the road resolve trumped their uncertainty. You saved their lives.

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Love your play on words! Good ones!

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Meryl, you and RFK, Jr both deserve major awards for everything you have done to stop the deadly CV-vaxes. You both should be recognized for trying to break through and do something to ask the FDA to revoke these toxic vaxes promoted by the soulless Medical Industry It is difficult to believe so many medical doctors in the Medical Industry could see billions dying worldwide.....and still continue to push these toxic injections. Blessings on you both. Many are aware of the work you have done and are still doing.

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Time will prove you were both bravely perspicacious!!

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Can't believe he's so evil that he tried to get them stopped when they were "in high demand". How awful. He should've waited until now, when there's zero demand.

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It’s a smear campaign before the confirmation hearing for HHS and to preempt your lawsuit in the media to make Children’s Health Defense Fund look bad. I can’t stand liars. What pisses me off is the opposition blob won’t read the scientific papers or proof that these captured agencies are wrong and have been gambling with everyone’s well being!

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The alt media is the dominate source for information. The fake news echo chamber has lost. The Wash. Post has less than 10% readers than a few years back. NBC is a fire sale.

CNN is in deep doo doo firing most of their anchors.

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The last time the NY Times was an interesting paper, or told the truth was the Pentagon Papers. They were forced to publish them because they knew that Daniel Ellsberg would publish elsewhere and they were afraid to be "scooped". Since, the Times has been a mouthpiece for the donors who bribe politicians in Washington.

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On the first "Plandemic" there was a run on toilet paper. If we get another "Plandemic" will people be trying to stock up on copies of the New York Times?

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Same thing. ; ) Though you may end up with newsprint on your tuckus.

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You and RFKJr saw what was coming from get-go----MUCH appreciated!

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Truth is not at all irrelevant to to the NYT. They have to make sure it is not published if harmful to their corporate masters.

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Gratitude & blessings to you Dr. Nass & RFK for speaking Truth to medical tyranny. You are two of my favorite Truth Warriors ...

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I am actually dumbfounded it took the NYT this long to find your petition. Of course, they ignored the several others, including ours, that requested, at the least, gathering more information before fully approving. Here, our reasoning in the BMJ a couple of weeks after your petition (and ours) launched: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/352998612_Why_we_petitioned_the_FDA_to_refrain_from_fully_approving_any_covid-19_vaccine_this_year

History will show us to be on the right side. Thanks for all your hard work! Peace...

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Your team submitted an excellent petition. FDA responded with boilerplate BS to you as it did to us.

I am now highlighting everything that FDA claimed in its 53 page response that was misinformation, in order to seek accountability going forward.

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seriously... F them. they are irrelevant. one would hope that even the normies are going 'huh?' on the bird flu fear porn. cuz wow, people are just dropping like flies from it, right? um, not.

pharma whores like Lena Wen are on corporate media telling the handful actually listening, that the WHO says it has a 50% mortality rate (a number that sounds like they just pulled it out their asses!) among other demonstrably FALSE BS.. oh and we better get a vaccine RIGHT NOW cuz DJT and that crazy anti-vaxxer RFK jr are gonna stop you from being able to have one! (Dave Smith recently ripped her to shreds, marveling that MSM still has her on, despite being 100% WRONG about all things covid!)

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no need to candy coat it, say what you actually think ok?

(wry humor)

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MSM including newspapers and TV, radio all the corporate media is no longer believed and used.. They have been LIE tellers since they were created, but they all went to far with the plandemic, now everyone has looked back over centuries of LIES and are now looking forward to TRUTH and its not from MSM, radio, TV, social media.. Alternate news sources are the new MSM..

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How many subscribers do they have? Certainly their subscriptions must be down. I see CNN, MSNBC and the like as annoying propagandists preaching to an echo chamber but missing the vast majority who are by now thoroughly disgusted with them and their antics. How relevant are they?

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They have tanked. They are the fake news echo chamber or irrelevancy.

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How disheartening that the strong attempts to stop this mess were so blatantly ignored...

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When the goal is one world governance what ya gonna do? Kick all naysayers to the curb or worse.

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do not expect the fake news echo chamber to be the voice of reason

No reason to listen to the fake news ever

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