Baric crowed in the November 16, 2015 issue of The Scientist that his team had successfully added "an S protein" to a bat corona virus that transmitted the virus between humanized mouse lung cells-- didn't anyone else here SEE that?? It was up on the internet with no editorializing for a year, then "they" realized we were all (well, those of us who KNOW where to look for information) looking at it and so "they" added a totally bullshit "explanation" for their bullshit. CONGRATULATIONS, RALPH!!! WE LOVE TO SEE YOU BRAGGING ABOUT HOW MUCH YOU HATE HUMANITY. BTW: YOU, YOUR TEAM AND YOUR FUNDING PEOPLE SHOULD ALL BE HANGING BY LAMPPOSTS WITH SHORT WELL-SEASONED ROPES.

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Viruses are fake. You cannot manipulate a fake unicorn. You need a real thing before you manipulate it. It is a Psi-op. Check out the Agent131711 series on the 3d printed vegetables that are contaminating our food supply and making us sick. Organics are included because the people who want you dead control the legal definitions of what is what. They conveniently give themselves legal lMMUNITY from repercussions from Democide. Why are no lawsuits based on Malfeasance?

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Exactly, and that's called GOF which was going on at the UNC, Chapel Hill!

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Meryl, hope you don't mind me pointing out one thing .... you wrote "HIV gp120 peptide sequences that were highly suspected of being engineered by 2 senior Indian scientists on January 31, 2020" .... I understood what you meant but at first reading it made it sound like the Indian scientists did the engineering rather than being the ones who had suspicions.

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The Pradhan group from India. I believe this was a major trigger for Fauci to email Collins and get that ball rolling.

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The “DoD-OWS-Covid-Inject” was / is designed as a “Bioweapon!”

Dr. Francis Boyle himself signed an affidavit stating as such! Adding, covid and the “Frankenshots” are a “Weapon of Mass Destruction!”

Something I have been saying since I read / watched Dr Boyle’s explanation. Understand that, Dr Boyle wrote the Bioweapons Act of 1979, signed into law in 1985 which is still in effect today!

We need not look further to understand what has happened to America / the world!

Additionally, a peer reviewed study confirmed 55 undeclared chemicals plus SV40 & Pseudouridine, known cancer promoting chemicals.

I am not in any position to explain the mechanism of injury this deliberate attack has had on humanity.

However I can read, understand and interpret that, 55 undeclared chemicals plus a couple of known cancer promoters might’ve killed millions of people worldwide!

Covid the “Mind-Virus,” as determined in a 519 page congressional report, debunked every mitigation tool used which drummed up, only aided the fear-mongering campaign!

How many people would still be alive today if the CDC hadn’t redefined the term “vaccine?” Millions! Nobody needlessly would have died! Which is exactly why, IMO, this attack was / is and continues to be “premeditated murder!”

Two close friends of mine are dead because of this attack! Five associates of mine have at minimum lost a close relative or family member / friend!

Has anyone or will anyone be held accountable? Nope! Will the world wake up realizing what has happened? Nope!

Life, less 20 million people continues on, as if nothing happened!

Which infuriates me! And if SARS-CoV2 was an actual virus from a Wuhan cave or whatever (at this point it’s irrelevant) as initially stated than “chloroquine /hydroxychloroquine” written in the Virology Journal article, on my Substack Homepage, Fauci’s own NIH study published in 2005 nearly 20 years ago, that “chloroquine, is a potent inhibitor of SARS-CoV infection and spread!”

Obviously this was clearly a “Biological Attack” planned and executed by the DoD under the title “OWS”

Oh there’s more, lots more. I’ll leave it there for now.

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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A self-propagating, gene therapy bioweapon frankenvax for a self-propagating, gene therapy frakenvirus. 😑 Funding for this self-destructive garbage has GOT TO STOP!

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God willing Dr. God Willing!

I have also recommended we start calling these shots exactly what they are,

“Gene Therapy.”

Most people think that they’re simply going for their flu-shot. If people understood what these shots are, they wouldn’t be “rolling up their sleeves” so quick.

Words matter and when the CDC changed the definition of a vaccine, they did it with malicious intent!

They knew if they allowed “Gene Therapy” to stand millions of people worldwide wouldn’t have gotten in line or at minimum would have done further research.

I’m tired of being manipulated, not personally, in general by an entire DoD planned and executed, well coordinated

“Bioweapon-Injection” attack!

Thank you for sharing your thoughts Dr. I appreciate your thoughtful reply.


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Sasha Latypova & Katherine Watt have done a brilliant job of documenting through multiple administrations and contracts the legal changes that were in place to enable the transfer of the oversight, manufacture and administration and distribution of these "bioweapons countermeasures prototype injections" via the Department of Defense under the EUA issued which required no justification or evidence of efficacy other than there was a possibility they might work. With COVID-19 patents going back to the 1960's (as documented by Dr David Martin) and the likelihood that a significant supply was already in place long before the first declared "case" of the never isolated "virus" and the fact that multiple prior rehearsals were conducted to execute a planned, coordinated and united front internationally, it is certain that what were led to believe was indeed a hoax of gigantic proportions. Dr Bryan Ardis' new book, "Moving Beyond The COVID-19 LIES" includes an exhaustive, well-defined and documented account of the use of venoms (symptoms align perfectly and scientific papers supporting its use also match) -- initially, from constituent elements present in our air, water, food, in foreign proteins, in modified yeast and eColi, etc. advancing to where our own bodies now contain the elements and the wherewithal to MANUFACTURE these venomous toxins in perpetuity within our own bodies (likely enhanced and enabled through interactions with electromagnetic frequencies). He also provides a host of natural substances which can be used to combat and to clear the residual effects from our bodies so that we are no longer factories for our own demise. The Healing For The A.G.E.S. team has repeatedly shown (from their own blood and urine, through powerful microscopes akin to the ones used by Universities, Labs & Pharma companies, etc., the efficacious outcomes from the application of multiple substances and methodologies. Yes, that includes controversial-sounding treatments including bee pollen, Liposomal EDTA, Black Cummin Seed Oil, (Organic Not Synthetic) Nicotine, NAC, Licorice Root, Lobelia, Apple Cider Vinegar, Gluthathione, Vitamin C, etc. (a long list and varies with specific symptoms and presence of certain elements in the blood/stool/urine via testing). Envenomation can even be traced to the requirement of two injections weeks apart -- to enable to preservation of the disparate elements to be placed in the body where it weds them together to then begin manufacturing of poisons, clots,, etc. So many good people out there all working to resolve this nightmare, while pharma continues to include these dangerous poisons in everything from food sources to drugs to vaccine products to dental anesthesia, etc. If a repository of information from all the researchers, scientists and whistle blower industry participants could be utilized to create a uniform protocol for all to follow it could be a miraculous reduction in disabilities and deaths worldwide....instead the hoax continues and people continue to echo the same tired lies and deceptions. Please keep it fresh and lively!

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I agree with wholeheartedly with these comments. Just one clarification: regarding:

"With COVID-19 patents going back to the 1960's (as documented by Dr David Martin) "

I have seen dozens of videos by David Martin and I I seem to recall his statements saying the patents went back to **1990s***. I would love to have direct references (if they are easy to provide showing it was the ***1960s*** !! Thank you.

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Thank you Richard, excellent breifing of the book. I posted also about Bryan Ardis. I'm no scientist, but am under the impression that Dr Ardis has been thrown under the bus from a great part of the scientific world, even those still enquiering about the nature of the cov ¨virus¨.

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Understandable (unfortunately). His documentation -- real evidence that needs an intelligent and coherent response from the "scientific community" (besides a razzie award) -- is likely not going to be forthcoming (they embarrass themselves by not seriously engaging this material). That our bodies have been given the necessary ingredients to manufacture toxic (venomous) substances to our own systems is not an easy "pill to swallow" (:0). And for most, digesting the plethora of events and activities that are occurring (especially if deeply steeped in the lamestrem media and the programmed belief systems) is cognitively challenging and emotionally prohibitive to their settled place in "the matrix" that has surrounded them with a false reality. The scamdemic was a critical step in the emergence (more obviously) of the transnational technocratic globalist totalitarian electronic panopticon planned for those who survive the intentional culling. That we are still able to have civil discourse at some level is miraculous in many ways, as the censors and the naysayers and those with "laws" with teeth that are truly punitive and far-reaching have certainly emerged to shut down any contrarian perspectives from being aired or explored.

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At least his book seems to be selling well, it means people pay attention to the message. I hope some serious scientists will look into it and implement testing every possible way to expose the truth. That is, tests to show venoms (microbiote sampling, special lights, etc...). But who will really care to do all that? from what I hear, doctors have become so indoctinated and narrow-minded in their ways: that they accuse patients of photoshopping their photos taken during an acute phase of a condition as it happened to a friend of mine.

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The proof of the intention of Democide is the legal labyrinth that was created to enable democide and protect the perpetrators. Malfeasance pierces the veil if you can get into a court that is not theirs

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But even the "legal" system in place is not true "natural or common law" it is a perversion of that and is biased in favor of those who created it as a means of denying us freedoms and an authentic redress of grievances. https://rumble.com/v2bivqq-the-occult-art-of-law-99-have-no-clue-that-this-is-how-our-world-is-run.html As you are well aware, the world system is fraught with traps set by the evil one to enslave and enmesh those who do not belong to Christ and to make them captive & a party to his lies and eventual demise.

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You would really like my podcast.

Here is one on the magic ritual of the election deception part 1 of 3:


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I will repost that link because it is interesting.

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Jury nullification was the mechanism promised to the Founders so they would accept Common Law courts. This concept has been memory holed by the control class.

We need to set up our own courts if we want justice.

The courts are a pressure release valve to make sure you do not affect the system or the powerful. It is built to exhaust your time, money, and will, so you just give up and leave things alone. I explain deeper with some history of British common-law courts in my podcast here:


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Concur - and thank you -- looking forward to giving heed to your podcasts. Regardless of our external circumstances, we are at least secure in the assurance of our being loved, provided for and preserved in eternity for the spiritual reality that supercedes this too often nightmarish physical existence that is only a prelude to the glory that is to be revealed. Exhibiting and transmitting Jesus while shining the light in the darkness seems the most optimal use of our time and talents. Appreciate your reaching back.

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Since I am save through his grace I fear not death. That is my ticket home. God Bless Brother in truth.

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Damn Bioweapon manufactured by evil monsters.

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This answers the recurring question of "how would one know that". It was being reported in March 2020 that these sequences showed fingerprints of lab manipulation.

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“The evidence which suggests that this is no naturally evolved virus”. Sørensen, Dalgleish & Susrud, July 2020. None of the medical/scientific sites would publish it.


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Dr Nass et al, more details on those HIV inserts from the Laos Banal bat samples collected by the US military in 2017.


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I just posted your 2023 post. Important.

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The NMRC-A Singapore office is 10 minutes from Linfa and Dani's Duke Singapore bat lab

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Absolutely correct! Based on what I have read, it was all formalized in 2010 when the big five did the table top exercise at the US Air Force bio warfare agency. Gates was in on it, and it is clear that the foundation that he runs that his nonprofit made $7 billion by investing in the companies that were targeted and created to produce an antidote for the bio weapon! Criminal from day one!

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There is no way any mRNA injections are going to protect you against something that does not exist, like covid virus. Therefore, these injections could be made to do numerous destructive things to the body because there is NO LIABILITY whatsoever even if tens of millions are purposely murdered.

This is the great country we live in where outright murder is sanctioned by government. As we see even today, the mRNA poisons are still marketed and pushed upon the public as if they are life saving miracles.

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Exactly !

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Gee, shouldn't one expect that our beloved 50+ billion in fraud fines and leader in cause of death? (I.e. killing between 250,000 to 800,000 each and every year!) To add thrombo-inflammation to their "Safe and Effective" experimental jabs? Don't you know how that will increase hospital visits and drug sales? Remember their new motto is, "First do harm." Then sell patent remedies, to the Godless suckers and fools born every minute!

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IMHO, Bryan Ardis has the most plausible explaination of what spike proteins really are. It makes it more obvious that it's been a bio weapon all along. A cheap one to manufacture. at that. If everyone could read his book, maybe scientists could look in the right direction, which would explain the ¨puzzling symptoms¨, and apply simple antidotes he mentions in the book, even for long CoV.

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https://rumble.com/v5hnyc5-ebs-secret-tribunals-at-gitmo-over-1000-elite-arrests-and-indictments-unsea.html AMAZING SPEECH WITH ROBUST REFERENCES, INCLUDING REFERENCES TO BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS AND THE ORIGINS OF CORONA BACK TO 1965 WHERE IT WAS FIRST MODELED AND SUBSEQUENTLY WEAPONIZED AND USED REPEATEDLY OVER THE ENSUING DECADES. First patents for vaccines for Corona WAS in the early 1990s. (:0)

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One of these days, they are going to go too far. While these monsters are dying from the same thing they thought they could control, will their final words be, "well, we had to do it just in case someone else was doing it?" (Which seems to be the pat excuse given for this evil "research")

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It's why God gave us a Hell to burn in! How cool is that?

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How would it work as a weapon?

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Damage your immune system. Cause clots. Damage your cancer-fighting mechanisms. For starters.

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Yes, for starters. Walter M Chesnut has outlined some of these effects in detail. It makes HIV/AIDS look benign.

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BUT the main effect of weaponizing medicine is to $ell more medicine, to treat the inflicted damage! Satan wouldn't have it any other way! Satan and Pharma's motto is "First Do Harm" and "Never Give a Sucker an Even Break."

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The part I don’t understand is how the people deploying it as a weapon would be protected. I may be missing something here.

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Go to the substack of Walter M Chesnut who co-published with the late Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier whom Meryl menioned. "Covid" is a usually mild prodrome. However, after infection a disease procee begins that continues over years. It destroys the immune system, attacks every cell of every organ, causes a "spike protein endothelial disease (SPED), demylenation, heart failure, accelerated aging, dementia and much worse. The effects are similar to radiation. It's the most devastating bioweapon the US has ever created and deployed.

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" It's the most devastating bioweapon the US has ever created and deployed." Yet we still hear how it's saved "millions of lives". Even though most of us personally know several people who have never been the same after rolling up their sleeves to ignorantly do "the right thing". Sigh.

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I get Walter M Chestnut’s posts. Far over my head. You saying who co-published with the late Nobel laureate Luc Montagnierr explains a lot!

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