Aug 2, 2023Liked by Meryl Nass

"Show me the incentive $ and I'll show you the outcome." Charlie Munger

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Aug 2, 2023Liked by Meryl Nass

This true story has more twists and turns than most, and is perfect fodder for a documentary film....this needs to be known by everyone. How far so many have sunk.....what depravity, how utterly perverted they are.

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Aug 2, 2023Liked by Meryl Nass

It would be great to list all the names (with quotes), on all the emails, everyone in the chain of command on bill boards all over the country, every city, every county, so that the Legacy Media, can't censor. Its not common knowledge yet, but needs to be. Nothing can change when those most responsible can go around smirking at what they did.

They are all a bunch of Adolph Eichmanns.

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I may be wrong, but from a birds eye view this is what I see.

There is so much deception we may never know the total truth due to the massive scale of theses crimes against humanity.

What we do know is we are being attacked in the biggest global mass murder plot that has ever been devised.

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The CCP runs an espionage program called the Thousand Talents Program. They recruit people all around the world to spy for them and pay some to do so based on what they may be able to offer now or in the future. The Harvard guy Lieberman was almost certainly on it. The three letter agencies know all about it.

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“Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive” Scott, I think. But the deceivers must not be poets or they would have been warned as they fabricated this deception. So many of the “best laid plans of mice and men go aglie” because truth comes out eventually. Thank you, Dr. Nass, for this post!!

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The similarities between these email revelations and ClimateGate are remarkable. The latter was not a matter of life or death, but the corruption of learned journals and the backroom plots to discredit critics were all present. Recall that the hockey stick was essential to "prove" that the Medieval Warm and LIttle Ice Age events were of no significance, and that prior to the industrial age, the world enjoyed a perfectly steady climate, not too hot and not too cold, just right!

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Depravity and perversity occur in science, medicine, farming, religion or anyplace humans are found. Without a moral inner compass we humans will fall for anything. Let’s not be surprised at the falling- but let’s hold them responsible. No person should be placed over the lives of other people with full immunity from justice. That is an invitation to those in love with themselves power and money. It’s surprising to us when we discover those unethical neck deep in evil after they’ve been given so much power. Why? Because most don’t want to be bothered-THAT is a key fact we need to remember.

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I recall the BMJ webinar about this c August 2021 when I seldom have had such an overwhelming sense of absolutely everyone lying and their cynical contempt for anyone remotely concerned. I have also often noted that the first addressee at the top of Fauci’s email in the early hours of 1 February 2020 was the British government’s Chief Scientist Sir Patrick Vallance so I guess it was well informed about the progress of the cover up. I guess Birrell is a limited hang out artist, quite hard to interpret. We don’t know quite why it is alright for us to know this now, although of course we all knew it then, but couldn’t prove it.

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This article states (so who are the funders Meryl do you know?) - Kinney, who wants the paper to be retracted, believes they succumbed to the intensity of pressure from a variety of directions, including from funders with the cash and power to determine the future of their careers — and that this cover-up could have disastrous consequences for their profession.

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Please find the countries who did not participate..And why did China ban all fishing in the Yangzee river for 10 years? Its not food delivery system, its the co2 respiration of fish. Airborn contamination in the 2 lakes where decathalon was held, all who attended were exposed. The GMO Talipia were fed same sugary infected (Sars/cov 2 spike 19 ). If u dont know the Fauci/Nih Peter Dz iak eco Health connection, then , you should learn to connect the dots. The fish are shedding just like Vaxxed Humans

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Together, the results highlight the importance of the furin cleavage site insertion to SARS-CoV-2 infection and pathogenesis.

Preprint 2020 - not published https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7457603/

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I think this is another limited hangout. They're not protecting China; they're protecting Fort Detrick. ABC News reported that US intelligence services knew about COVID in November, 2019, before China knew. And there was that mysterious respiratory illness that hit nursing homes in Maryland suburbs in the summer of 2019. And there was the sudden closing of the Fort Detrick lab earlier that summer because of an unexplained breach. And there was Red Cross blood from all over the US that tested positive for COVID months before the Wuhan outbreak. And there are the US athletes who got sick and had to be airlifted from Wuhan back to the US on October 13, 2019.

Blaming it on China is a fallback position once the zoonotic narrative was completely discredited.

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What a confirmation of global disinformation we have, as we look at the mass of information flooding out of the, formerly revered, halls of academia.

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Luc Montagnier said it was a lab virus in March or April of 2020, having reviewed the genome and compared many specific functional groupings to identical functional groupings on known pathogens, including HIV.

I was just keeping up with the news. The lies were never ahead of the truth that was leaking out.


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No evidence of a lab leak.

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