Well, as far as I'm concerned, absolutely nothing is going to make me comply with anything here in the U.S. - They shot their wad with Covid-19 and it's over. Enough people have died. Fear is for the Godless. Bill Gates and his ilk had best stay off the streets; and, although I'm a veteran, the U.S. military lost its authority once it became clear the DOD has been in charge of the "clot shots" and is purposely genociding us. How much more proof do you need?

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1000% in agreement, word for word!

Fear IS for the Godless.

Thank you, sir, for your service.

May He amplify your voice and bless your example.

Psalm 91

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As a rule, a country's military is appreciated by both the ruling class and the population. But the succession of US regimes has been the exception to that, long before the covid jab mandates.


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Thank you for the videos. I missed those. We lost my sister's husband to Agent Orange two months ago. Was a long, slow death.

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My condolences. When the Vietnam war was raging, I was student and activist against that war, war in general and the atrocities committed. Then as now, TPTB completely lacking empathy and compassion. Few know that in Argentina the situation with industrial (chemical) agriculture is so bad, there's an academic group, translated "medics of the fumigated people".


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Jul 8, 2023
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The blog has been removed. What were you recommending? Looks like they are going after all meat and meat products, such as milk and eggs, and the feed for these animals. I'm wondering if even local farm animals and animal products will be affected. Eggs are a large part of my diet. I do not know if there are any farmers who produce their own feed. If there aren't, it eventually might not be wise to purchase any animals with the intent of raising them, since they might already be genetically altered. I am now considering going vegetarian and collecting unadulterated seeds to grow on my own, since I live on an old farm.

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YEAH, I'm in the first to kill "Blue" group (frontline RN), glad I didn't comply, however witnessing some really nice people dying. Never again!

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In 2020 I politely resisted the mandates, but I'm much wiser now. If (when) they try it again, I am likely to go full-on militant. I guess they might call me "radicalized". (by the truth)

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Thanks Meryl

I truly appreciate your info , insights, and comments

For all you do after what you’ve been thru, I salute you .

I’m a 75 year old but like the voice above, I won’t go easy even if it means jail time.

The manipulators will find how tough we are.

God bless us all

Steve Birkholz m.d.

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I will not wear a mask ....again or ever. What a huge environmental mess they created... so they did “do” something 🤣

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Could not agree with your sentiments more!

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Truth has that emancipating effect.

And just when their spokesman is claiming victory in “conditioning” the populace...

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When the actual science changed, and the "Follow The Science" crowd stopped following it, I couldn't understand why everyone didn't see the mismatch.

I was OK with masking, because it didn't seem like such a big deal. But when the science increasingly didn't support its use as a public-health measure but the messaging kept pounding the same beat, it became clear that protecting public health was not the goal. So I was over it.

And the news from that Cochrane report isn't that well-designed and well-fitted masks are 100% worthless, but that given how people actually use them in practice, there is no advantage to requiring them. But this has gotten through so poorly that now, when masks are left to individual choice (I'm in a purple state), I see people wearing them, by choice, not under protest, with their noses hanging out.

The disclosure that the six-foot "social distancing" number was pulled from some bureaucratic backside degraded the authorities' credibility still further.

The continuing failure to recommend decent immune-building practices like taking adequate amounts of vitamin D and vitamin C, maintaining supplies of repurposed drugs with decades-long track records of safety (and sensible instructions on dosage), and taking walks fully clothed down shady streets to soak up the NIR and increase your mitochondrial melatonin, the failure to recommend any of these is still more evidence that the health of the public is not a high priority.

That highest priority remains ambiguous. Maybe it's stratospheric Pharma profits. Maybe it's a Bernays-inspired dream of a population nodding their heads in a single rhythm. Maybe it's fomenting such social division that no opposition movement will ever have a chance. But it's not public health.

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you are discussing a line in the sand flash point Please realize that there are countless others

who are at the exact same threshold. A miracle is in order...

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my bff accused me of being 'radicalized'. critical thinking is a radical idea these days. same with thinking one has the right to breathe. sadly though, my best friend considers Scopes a 'trusted source'. she insisted 'masks work' and still does. sigh...

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These fools think they’ll get away with this again?!?! No effin way. Even the reluctant mask compilers I know are DONE!!!

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Hey deep dive ...I’m a glass half full type , ok ... believe me when I say , the balance of 2023 don’t look good ,,,


Not for Australia , anyway , despite reality visits by McCullough, (March 23), Malhotra , ( June 23) , we are lucky if we have garnered 5% ...

We could be f k d , as they say , by year end

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Darn. I am so sorry for you guys in Australia. You truly got the worst of it. (We were watching from here, aghast, and that's saying something considering I live in the Belly of the Beast.)

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Yes... it looks like that at times , it was Orwellian , but it was carried out with such stealth , many ... many , many were totally fooled -

Perhaps , and it appears the intentions were clear from the outset, we should have realised much earlier , that the world was playing this tune from the same hymn sheet , if you follow , with , at times , only a few weeks different - BUT the exact same wording ... I.e. safe & effective , lockdowns & mandates ... the common good , various names for so called ‘ strains of different types of the ‘ flu , amplified by things like the PCR ,,, with its multiplier effect fully known , and used to ‘ create and amplify ‘ case numbers , (. Refer Reiner Fuellmeic) ,

The lockdowns were seriously on in Melbourne , I think for over 100 continuous days ....

I could not visit family there , for example - whole suburb to suburb travel was banned , & that applied for months on end , up and down our eastern seaboard , ( the most populated ) .. ... I would have to travel more than 700 km to get to melb , and state borders were all closed anyway , with checkpoint ( Charlie ) , police guards ...the whole lot

If that doesn’t create fear , then I don’t know what does !

One night , my wife & I were in Melbourne , & at around 7 pm , the so called premier , Andrews , gave an emergency message out that many of the suburbs in the city would be locked down from midnight , and visitors needed to go on line to escape these border checks , suburb to suburb , and over to our home , in another state ..

At this time , thousands of Australians were stranded in other places , unable to return home , ....

Fear became a weapon of choice for the ones who wanted to in-still it !

Masks , PCR , invasive throat swabs, sign in & produce ‘ papers ‘ at various locations were required ... by a so called ‘ emergency law ‘...

Look , I could go on for hours


I saw it early for what it was - so I have thousands of photos , and , perhaps hours of video , of this phenomenon

I took it because , at the time, I didn’t think we would see such draconian measures again .....

Now, with the plans the WHO has for us all later this 2023 year - I’m not so sure

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The American Revolution was accomplished with 4%. Your estimate of 5% is very very low. We are in for a rocky ride, though will prevail!

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I will NOT be recalibrated!

(by this yahoo professor across the pond, or by anyone else)


You can tell that these idgets believe in soul-less materialism, thinking that humans are only talking apes.

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or cows, to be bled over and over

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None of what they said acknowledges that the masking and distancing were completely unneeded, and had inherently zero efficacy for a so-called bug with 99+% survivability. It was theater, not health. It was about control, and they will repeat the abuse measures again.

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...as long as it's profitable, for THEM....

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NEVER AGAIN. Seeing as the truth is coming out every day now, I suspect it won’t be as easy for any of these jackbooted thugs to lock the people down in most countries. I’m in the US, in a benighted but generally easygoing Southwestern state that is called “blue,” but is actually “purple” (our elections, as in all states, are rigged and stolen). I got kicked out of a few stores initially, but it was easier here than it would have been back East. I don’t think people here were as scared; I also think they are just more laid-back, and that, unfortunately, meant they shrugged and went along with the government’s nonsense. But now the truth is coming out: The bio-weapons (whether disease or engineered flu plus the injected bio-weapons) were designed to harm us, the people. They tried to kill us. So there can be no question of whether to comply with their psyops. NEVER AGAIN.

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We shall see. NM governor re-elected despite the damage her administration caused. People really believed she "saved" them from more harm. Suspect the truth remains hard to arrive for low information voters.

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Must be something wrong with me, because the posters just made me angry and want to flip them off while walking the "wrong way" down the store aisles. Take your masks, your hand sanitizer, and health checks and shove em.

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(I found myself flipping off signs, posters, billboards, etc, as well.)

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These are the times to test ones soul. There has never been a time in history when more of us understand at least part of the truth. We have consistently and persistently been lied to by our GubMint and the ABC agencies. Physicians, politicians, and health care workers have a subset small in number and growing who are not having it anymore. Lay people just want to get back to normal though realize there is no chance of that.

This is a war like no other. The skirmishes are many with mainstream news the biggest losers. They cannot and should not retain any credibility. The Globalists must be defeated and the evidence is that they are losing "badly".

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They started the war...

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C'mon Guys ...

The People That Thought

That Taking The Vaccine

Was A Good Idea

- Couldn't Be Responsible For Their Own Health.

Given What We Know Of Them

How Could They Be ?


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I’m reading behind those lines , mate ...

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Merryl ,,, nothing would surprise me anymore ... you latest , here , is excellent b t w

Australia , could be the next to go ... I mean , literally down the W C ....

The WHO loom our biggest threat , that’s us as a country , and worldwide - if we truly , have permitted the zealots to inject 5.3 B of us on the first run , then we are truly in deep , ( figs this week from a source I cannot recall a t m )

I’m old

This fear campaign is thorough, unending , and seamless .... in S a much as we don’t really know who the complicit ones are ! That’s reality , we can suspect ,,, we know who the ones who stuck their necks out , to give information, & so on , for that light to go off in sufficient numbers of heads ...

I fear the worst

Please, please ...keep,putting the facts out there

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All my family is in the UK. I keep on trying to tell them this was a scamdemic. I feel like it's penetrating; I pray it does before the globalists try it on again.

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The only thing I'll say here (UK) is we didn't have vax mandates: only the NHS and the care sector were on course for those. We protested hard and marched with the NHS - and at the 11th hour those mandates were dropped. The care sector (elderly care) weren't dropped and many just resigned and now there is a crisis in that sector. The coercion and psychological tactics were unfathomable here but the rhetoric from politicians was nowhere near as awful as what we saw from those in New Zealand, Australia, Canada and the USA.

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I feel like Australia, NZ (flippin’ heck... Jacinda!) & Canada had it the worst. Though the city I live in was the first to lockdown and the people here are the most compliant/biggest virtue signalers.

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thank you for that clear clarification, which surprised me!

I visited the UK some 17 years ago 3x. Loved the little shops that were in Lewes and Brighton and did notice the large placards that were licenses in every window which I thought compliance strange. Strong predictions that Macron is soon ousted just like the goon from The Netherlands. Should that happen it will be a very very good sign!

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get them out. Overstay their visitors visas like all the others

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Unlikely I can do that; I couldn’t even convince them to not take the injection & all the boosters. My Mum was the only one who stopped after the first 2 jabs (which she didn’t want but was coerced into taking) and then she refused all the boosters.

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That was my only success! She’s the only one in my family who “gets it”, mostly because she has a healthy aversion to pharmaceuticals.

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have seen countless similar scenarios. Every adult makes their own decisions. If they do not comprehend body autonomy its on them not you. They are unfortunately way down the river approaching the falls... Let us hope there is remedy which already exists for some...

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Malodorous and faux academics like Halpern must be winkled out of academia and ridiculed, mercilessly. If not prosecuted for psychological malpractice and Dr Moreau-level manipulation of people. He is straight out of Goebbels' playbook. Ought to be strung up, actually. Ridicule is too kind.

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People need to start doing investigations into these academics and their "conference" and "sabbatical" travel habits. Anyone who knows how these scamsters roll, know that their conference and sabbatical shindigs are glorified piss-ups and holiday sprees, most of the time. With some nominal "academics" chucked in, to maintain the facade that they're doing anything useful.

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The shocking fact, however, is that in recent surveys, over half of Brits believe that Lockdowns were a good thing and many of those believe that the measures were not strict enough. Against such a background, the Political elite will take advantage of the mass psychosis they helped create through said "nudging" to further exercise their power and establish more "Control", further diminishing civil liberties and restrictiond to our freedom. A consolidation of the utility of lockdowns to the Establishment is prominent also in the "evidence" being given to the UK Covid Inquiry by Government and ex-Government officials.

In this context, I'm not optimistic that a "breve rebellion" is going to happen.

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The surveys are likely propaganda, do not believe them on face value. Personally I do not give voice to outcomes that are undesirable considering that the best possible choice.

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Yes I agree with you, opinion polls were once a measure of opinion but now they seek to shape it. However, the sad fact is that it has already been demonstrated over the last 3 years that propaganda works and I'm not optimistic that the UK Lemmings will follow a different path next time around. Hancock's "evidence" to the Inquiry in particular was an absolute disgrace. He must be very well aware that ALL the evidence (in literally hundreds of scientific papers) confirms what was already known before Covid - that Lockdowns do not stop the spread of a virus and create more problems than they solve. That is why neither lockdowns nor masking nor mass testing of asymptomatic individuals were in cluded in the Pandemic Response contingency Plans of ANY Western Government.

Yet his view was that the lockdowns were too late and not strict enough. Again scientif studies and data from other countries refutes this allegation. This was was consistently espoused by all the Government figures in the Inquiry and it seems clear that Government is very keen to retain this tool of control. IMHO there's something very sinister taking placeon a global scale.

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The percentage of people that took "it" is also grossly inflated and has been used to further coerce. Just was proven that in Denmark 1/3 of Pfizer shots were placebo.

Clearly this is by design. We need further evidence as it is entirely plausible that the exact same scenario exists nation and worldwide!!

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Agreed that the numbers vaccinated (or, more accurately in some cases like the UK - the numbers UNvaccinated) are heavily manipulated.

However, regarding the Danish paper on placebo batches, that has been questioned by Sasha Latypova, presenting a much larger data set from elsewhere. I tend to agree with her conclusion (She has done extensive excellent work on this issue) concl that the Danish paper's conclusion is a statistical mirage and not correct:


The whole "Bad batches" issue is very complex. My belief is that the "bas batches" may actually be the "good batches" because the issue of poor temperature control in the distribution chain. This has never been properly examined but it is virtually impossible in most countries to distribute the mRNA therapies at the correct low temperature, unfeeze correctly and store it correctly at the point of delivery. The mRNA, as a single strand, is highly unstable and quickly degrades if not kept at very low temperatures, which most supply chaains simply cannot provide at one or more point(s).

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thanks for pointing out that clarification, it does not invalidate but does call into question the conclusion. In any case the more damning evidence if of deliberate Gubmint sponsored genocide... The cover their tracks obfuscation is elaborate.

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I don't believe that figure at all. Remember they kept reiterating the magic "5 million unvaccinated" in the UK - when it was closer to 20 million.

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It is quite possible that courageous men inspired by the courageous Winston Churchill saved Halpern’s grandparents from the camps in WWII.....

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I think we have all had enough BS from these narcissistic assholes. I don't know exactly what my reaction will be to there next BS emergency but it won't be compliance.

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Maybe in Britain ot will work again as the people there know their place. They are subjects and that attitude is drilled into them, they will do as commanded. Will we here in the USA be any different? Doubtful, the government indoctrination centers, er schools have taught the government religion and submission to the state for decades. I still see people wearing those stupid masks all the time. Around 70 % did as they were told, and those of us saying oh he'll no were looked down upon. Even with people dying and being maimed by the deathvax people will not point to the deathvax. It's quaint that people say Americans will be different, wefound out our fellow Americans willl gladly take a untested jab and demand the rest of us take it also if their cult leader tells them to. Sorry I just see any more resistance for the next go round than I seen last one. The only thing is, so many are dying and being maimed, us people that can think for ourselves will be a higher percentage.

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the unvaxxed know the game now, there will be epic pushback. Biden dropped -almost immediately -the suggestion that uniformed military go door to door to vax. There will be battles in the street if they try it.

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Who suggested that military go door to door and vax, and when?

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Biden, during a press conference right at the beginning of the vax rollout. Three years ago.

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