Dear Meryl, You have expressed what truly transpired. It goes beyond Pfizer and Moderna because the whole concept of tricking the immune system to allow a non-self entity to reprogram cellular function will cause the extinction of the human race if we continue down this path. The medical mafia and it's minions including Gates can't see beyond their pocket book.

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Gates is not only in this for the money. The NEED for the REDUCTION of population was expressed by him at a TED X presentation on camera where he stated “IF…we do a GOOD job, with VACCINES we can reduce the population by %”…

!?! I thought vaccines SAVE people from disease NOT cause a reduction in population….Yep.

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I am not a fan of Gates by any stretch, but I think this quote has been misused.

Nobody at the time took this to mean that he intended to use vaccines to cull the population; instead, it was taken to mean that vaccines would reduce mortality levels, which would then allow for lower rates of childbirth.

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Yes, they can; it's the Eugenicists' depopulation agenda, not only profit.

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The ACOG still recommends the jab to pregnant women. The miscarriages and stillbirths should be recognized as well . These neonates never had a chance.

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It’s a travesty that Dr’s willingly gave shots to pregnant women. Many miscarried and still took the next shot. Their agenda worked and babies died, some moms too.

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Yes , most women went on their own to drug stores . As a physician, I’ve never even seen the vial .

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Long overdue to investigate SIDS deaths too, need autopsies.

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Money 💰 over lives and humanity. 🤬

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Moderna is a criminal organization and should be treated as such. The PREP Act that protects it is unconstitutional.

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Look at how well they’d done UNTIL covid came along.

Not making money… until covid.

The entire “show” of protectionism is OVER. People have woken up.

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This travesty never should have happened.I cannot believe how willing people were to put their own lives at risk with a potentially lethal experimental poison. You’d think people would have been alarmed. Something as simple as walking into a shower room to find out you’re being gassed to death. So many bared their arms and trusted those in authority to keep them safe. The result? Millions dead and many more maimed for life. So far all they are being offered is euthanasia. Doesn’t anyone in the democratic party bother to look at all the deaths and stories of those who were damaged and then killed? Is the Democratic Party fast asleep? They think their party can do no wrong. Unbelievable?!

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They are sold out ideologues who don’t allow themselves to think critically.

They just parrot what the speaking heads with mic’s on the TEL A VISION on various PROGRAMS (programming…)

tell them to believe, and obey what they’re told to do and allowed to think.

the educational system has been responsible for that mostly - especially due to the indoctrinational lies fed to young minds.

Coming from generation X , we were left to figure it out on our own and are independent thinkers. The “no leave me, I want to figure it out on my own” personality.

I’m grateful I grew up as a free thinker. Not afraid to speak out and takes risks.

I really feel sorry for this new generation.

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Just go back to real, organic and whole food nutrition including meat, eggs and dairy, no sugars, no seed oils or other processed foods, mostly grain free, few vegetables. Most of the drugs won't be needed.

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And they STILL think that.

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There can be no justice without truth. So, Truth is #1 then there is only deserved justice !

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He cant because Vivek, Vance own stock and Company itself of Vaccines. DJT will never back down from Warpspeed he couldnt humble himself wrong, but again he took tons of money from Pharma. He knew exactly what would happen dont kid yourself. Oh and MTG owns stock in Vax as well, most likely others. Politicians are Liars

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Yep, read that about MTG…. Not good…

And Vivek made a lot in bio field….

All this is a problem.

Let’s hope RFK Jnr is able to get the chemical poisons being sprayed on us daily out of the sky, stop the attack on young bodies with a MASS of shots, and stop big pharma’s attack on humanity by using the gov and private corps to FORCE unsafe medical treatments on citizens who DON’T WANT IT!

Do you know they’ve never SAFETY tested childhood VACCINES with placebo !?

Meaning testing using their “vaccine product” versus blinded CONTROL using just something like SALINE WATER , as most of us think they would for a TRUE and HONEST comparison… Quite shocked when I heard that!

All while avoiding the justice of being able to be sued and be held criminally responsible when they are responsible for deaths and injuries.

It’s mind blowing that this has been going on for so long!!

I would NEVER have had Hep B shots among the many others I’ve had in the past had I known this when I worked within the medical industry! I also was horrified to learn of all the additional toxic things they use to elicit an IMMUNE RESPONSE!

And now I deal with autoimmune issues as an adult…hmmm interesting.

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Yes, auto immune disorders did not exist before vaccines came to be used. That is a long time ago, however, 1780 something? That's how long we have been given the BS of tricking the human immune system! Research dairy maids and cow pox to get the history.

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Read "Dissolving Illusions" by Dr. Suzanne Humphries for a comprehensive history of vaccines from Jenner onward.

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Will do, thanks.

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It is quite the tome but is worth the time. Her story is an interesting one and the research is extensive. Her personal journey is detailed in "Rising From The Dead".

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Thank you!

I sure hope and pray that TRUTH gets out to the pulic and destroys the myth of the safety and efficacy of these "vaccines".

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"a deeper and more complex plot involving everything and everyone associated with the government," so maybe the brownstoners are sloooooowly coming to grips with the possibility of a bigger picture here?

i guess that's progress

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“ There must be truth if not justice.” …. A most fitting ending to this newsletter… befitting the U.S DoD, Intelligence Agencies, Pharma, together certain Billionaires orchestrated scamdemic aided as they all appear to have been by the Fauci led NIAID and its offshoot the EcoHealth Alliance… many working therein themselves we know up to no good, nefarious deeds abounding fuelled undoubtedly their bizarre Byzantine and conflicted interests, ethics and any remaining morality amongst them interdicting with the “Royalties” they were earning whilst divvying up amongst themselves the same, compounded further the research grants many we have come to know prioritised, coveted and salivated over.

For these criminals there can be no Tutuesque Truth and Reconciliation moment, no sweeping under the rug their monstrous behaviours, letting bygones be bygones… to many in the U.S and right around the globe suffered unnecessarily, dying and or suffering alone… denied as we know funerals, autopsies, education, weddings and celebrations stolen, recall thanksgiving, Christmas other events and milestones 2022 all denied, the forced jabs, maligning, denigrating, deriding, cancelling threatening, the abuse endured, worse, the forced intubations and treatment with that other poison and highly suss Remdesivir if one was unfortunate to be hospitalised … treatment protocols long established, flushed down the toilet, replaced their wishful thinking and sop to Pharma protocols, each it seemed designed after having gamed and convened “study groups” to deal with such an event, funny how not long after said study groups the narrations rhetoric funnelled us all down their pre determined sick, turgid and evil pre ordained agenda.

To many now amongst living a life of real uncertainty, a once good happy life destroyed because of the injury suffered having that poison shoved in them, unsatisfied with a single dose these greed obsessed arseholes had the temerity to push multiple attempts to destroy health as they inculcated populace with their bullshitzen, the motive profit, not one bite, two, three or four, nope these greedy tyrants wanted us to take five, six, bites of their poison apple…

Sadly many caved, scared witless, the fear porn doing it’s thing… they prepared well taking out key opponents such as Fauci deputy and Nobel Laurette Keri Mullis who invented the PCR test and made the fateful for him, error of candidly stating the PCR test he had designed, was not to be used to test for something such as the Scamdemic COVID… he knew their abuse of the test would pr9vide the false positives they relied upon, never mind, get rid of Mullis, take him off the board, Hundreds of Billions at stake, a once in a century opportunity to truly game the system and benefit, Mullis’s murder just months before the outbreak still unresolved, ditto the Billionaire Canadian Couple who had released Ivermectin amongst the stable of drugs their Company produced, murdered, again prior the outbreak, convenient when you look back and actually think about at how two sets of people who could have vociferously spoken out and against their ridiculous plans were simply removed, again, the fiscal stakes to high for the U.S DoD, Intelligence Agencies (wanting to test their long drooled over plans of mass population control), Pharma (wanting to scratch the itch long an occupant in their respective bung holes to gain profits beyond their wildest dreams) ditto the Billionaires who equally had an itch to be scratched, their greed over riding any morality that on the face of it long ago had vanished… equally unsettling the hospitals, G.P’s, Scientists who went along to get along, reaping in the process windfall profits, just for treating per suss protocols that fell well outside of the remit those ordering such protocols be complied with, huge payments for simply jabbing away their entire patient book a windfall by any definition, high six figure if not multiple seven figure research grants rewarded to those who spoke out in support, zilch for those who refused and called it for what it was, licenses stripped for Health professionals who took their Hippocratic oath to do no harm and who complied with their moral obligations by not kow towing… the very same, those who would not acquiesce being cancelled, sued, made to spend huge sums defending the tyrannical behaviour and lack of humanity and morality of others, many their colleagues… friendships destroyed.

It’s been heartbreaking, more so for those who lost loved ones, jobs, businesses, for the destruction of our collective faith in medicine and science that has been ripped asunder, stolen and robbed from humanity, heartbreaking for those amongst us now vaccine injured suffering this long covid and the myriad other complications resulting, myocarditis, turbo cancers, on and on, the list long and especially for the families of those suffering such, left to pick up the pieces of these shattered and destroyed lives… hence, I agree fully the sentiment that ended your essay.. we cannot, must not ever forget and there most definitely must be an accounting, those responsible held to account, the truth must prevail, justice served… the responsible made to pay, stripped of ill gotten gains resulting their criminal behaviour and outright malfeasance …. nothing other than that will suffice… bring it on I say Nuremberg version 2.0 … the future of humanity demands it…just saying.

Kia Kaha from New Zealand

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That really sums it up! The last 5 years of chaos has to be accounted for. The truth is paramount but justice must be seen to be done. We will not be able to move forward if there is no accounting of those responsible.

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No kidding... How about the other ways to "vaccinate" people?


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Yep and the Australian government has recently agreed to release Franken mozzies in Australia to prevent a number of tropical diseases that are not problematic to Australia. Is it coincidental that apart from the Monash mRNA factory attached to Monash there was an also a large lab being set up in Fairfield area to make investigate and develop vaccine nes for tropical diseases ?

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Excerpt from above:

“pharmaceutical companies have remained largely immune for their role in perpetrating globally-scaled deception resulting in thousands of vaccine injuries and billions in profits.…”

Add to the statement that there were not just Injuries, but millions of actual DEATHS that occur pretty soon after getting the “shot”.

You know…IF I was a PARANOID person, it sure sounds like a DEPOPULATION PROGRAM …DRIP by drip so not that obvious , and ordained by the PROTECTOR GATEKEEPERS…

I have lost ALL trust for these institutions.

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The CV-VAX Crime perpetrators are permitted to exist by governments worldwide...says a lot about the ethics and morals of the world leaders who worship the Golden Calf...and have no regard for the One who created life. May they reap the punishment they deserve!

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I don’t blame Trump one bit. He was lied to.

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Justice must be done...mass murder cannot go unpunished. And now they're about to unleash the "Kraken" of vaccines, the self amplifying vaccine to make sure no one escapes the death jab☠️

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If there is one medically-related interview you should watch in your life, the following is it. Dr. Bryan Ardis discusses cures for a myriad of diseases/conditions: ADHD, Alzheimer's, Autism, all types of cancers/tumors, all types of arthritis (including Rheumatoid, Chris), bacterial related, Parkinson's, diabetes, Covid, bird flu, all the other viral diseases being pushed by the WHO/CDC/FDA, etc.

This interview will likely change your life or the life of someone close to you.

The Terrifying Truth Covid-19 That Changes Everything! [Video]


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"In the U.S. we gave thousands of healthy kids myocarditis for no good reason, they were already


I had to find this in the document to believe it; this is outrageous.

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