From Jeff Childers COFFEE and COVID substack 05/26/23:
Meryl, his seems encouraging:
Fretful folks often ask me what I think (as a lawyer) about the proposed WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty. I’ve written about this more fully before, but the short version is: Biden can’t sign a treaty without Senate ratification. If he signs anyway, like some predict, then the states will sue to overturn it. Even if the Senate does confirm the treaty, which seems unlikely, a treaty may not rewrite the Constitution, for example by delegating police powers reserved to the states to a foreign-controlled entity like the WHO.
The Constitution can’t be amended by a treaty. It may be amended only through the Constitutional amendment process and ratified by the States.
If you are anxious and want to do something about this now, the best place to start is educating both parties’ Senators. This Telegraph article could be a good place to start, since it’s from a mainstream media source and isn’t tainted by conspiracy or, perish the thought, conservatism.
Unfortunately, Biden can and will sign a treaty without Senate ratification--apparently 80% of our international agreements are done this way. And this treaty (the next to last version--a new one came out this week I have not yet read-- states that it can go into force essentially immediately on a 'provisional' basis 30 days after the 30th country signs on. International lawyer Fran Boyle has confirmed this.
The Telegraph (albeit it has a Gates funded ‘Global Security’ section) intermittently addresses the Conservative Party and its heartlands. This is the second warning they have sounded in two days - and while the government have insisted they have no intention of compromising sovereignty (and this has been said by two Foreign Office ministers) no one will believe them until the threat is removed. Of course, the short-circuiting of government to the bio-pharmaceutical state is the real objective while all government ministers seem to want to do a photo with Bill Gates. Andrew Bridgen relates how as early as 2010 David Cameron made his first address as Prime Minister to backbench MPs with Bill Gates in tow. Still, it is reasonably certain this won’t recommend recommend the party to most of its potential supporters: there will be very little support for closing down the country, restrictions on travel, or handing over more to the globalists than the EU ever had. Of course, Sunak is generally trouble - the only question whether he genuinely cares, since manifestly it was his job to wreck the country for the globalists rather than run it for the people - and according to these criteria he is already a success
I'd love to know if the US Gov is paying off the insurers...but we won't ever find that out. Why else would they be quiet? Let's watch to see if shareholder dividends drop...unlikely me thinks.
Beware...the WHO is going to be used to usher in the NWO. Expect something similar to Covid but more deadly this fall. The evil ones want the NWO in place by may 2024. So reject anything WHO related if you value freedom
My sense is that it will be a false flag radiation event in which we are told to duck tape up our houses as more people would respond to that. Just way too many people onto their BS for a new variant or catastrophic contagion scenario to terrify everyone. Following a summer of Pride related combat scenes with astroturfed activists. Race has stopped working effectively to divide people so now it will be corporations warring (any mention of a brand name, even wildly negative, is considered positive PR in terms of brand recognition) with paid off, maybe mentally ill activists in the streets while the West coast fires start up again. A layer of distraction under which slides whatever agenda they are seeking to hide. I just read Detroit's moronic climate action plan, Detroit being a WEF Hub of Urban Transformation, like San Francisco, which is poorly written, incredibly reverse racist (white people don't care about asthma) and which promises lower utility bills (sell me that bridge in the desert you mofos). It is always a carrot or a stick, utility bills lowered (like sure) or scary lung cancer to be caused in London without NetZero ULEZ costs.
We have to watch for the stealth action that is out of the cult war distractions. What is coming is far bigger than China, but China is the prototype, the template, and woe unto us if we don't stop all of this somehow.
It's nonsense to believe that only far-away bureaucrats can make intelligent decisions regarding public health. The great fiction is that local health professionals are too stupid to do the right thing but these professionals are right there, on the ground, treating patients.
The whole WHO push smacks of tyranny coming in through the back door of supposed "medical necessity."
Medical advice and opinion and guidance should never be subject to the police power of the state: this is the essence of the evils of eugenics.
The Government serves only itself and to extent this power.
The Government NEVER gives up this power.
When the Government claims to give up power... as it does with the Global Pandemic Treaty... we all should be aware that it is in reality a power grab by the Government.
They "give up" power and hand it to the WHO which then can claim any Pandemic under any circumstance which make them the solemn Authority in this crisis theater.
The WHO then instructs the Government to act on behalf of the WHO to enforce any action deemed necessary by the WHO.
And if this instruction is... kill the firstborn and cull the herd... the Government will enforce this new Global Authority like it always does with upmost brutality but without accountability which now lies within the WHO.
The Government gives Illegally Authority it never had to begin with but most importantly Accountability it tries to avoid to the WHO which then in return gives more power and less accountability to the Government.
In the most simplistic term this is called Treason.
WHO shows no desire to reflect on their mistakes and improve, focusing only on controlling the whole world after their pitiful perfornance. Quit the WHO, 87% of their funds come from pharma and the super-rich. A cheap and effective way to rule the world as desired because of a threat of a contagious disease.
Come on Tedros is cool man he’s perfect for the job. He’s a convicted murderer for starters, and hides real pandemics like cholera. It makes up ones like Covid. I’m certain he works for the Democratic Party, which is another plus.
The Telegraph (albeit it has a Gates funded ‘Global Security’ section) intermittently addresses the Conservative Party and its heartlands. This is the second warning they have sounded in two days - and while the government have insisted they have no intention of compromising sovereignty (and this has been said by two Foreign Office ministers) no one will believe them until the threat is removed. Of course, the short-circuiting of government to the bio-pharmaceutical state is the real objective while all government ministers seem to want to do a photo shot with Bill Gates. Andrew Bridgen relates how as early as 2010 David Cameron made his first address as Prime Minister to backbench MPs with Bill Gates in tow. Still, it is reasonably certain this won’t recommend recommend the party to most of its potential supporters: there will be very little support for closing down the country, restrictions on travel, or handing over more to the globalists than the EU ever had. Of course, Sunak is generally trouble - the only question whether he genuinely cares, since manifestly it was his job to wreck the country for the globalists rather than run it for the people - and according to these criteria he is already a success
No government -- neither national, nor regional nor local -- should have the power to lock people down, force them to wear masks or coerce them (either directly or indirectly via employers) to be vaccinated. People do not go about deliberately trying to infect one another, except in horror films.
Too many countries have had their vote of support bought and paid for so it is highly unlikely they will do what is right and refuse to vote in support of the amendments to the IHR or the Pandemic Accord. We need to be working at the state level to invoke Nullification and Anti-Commandeering.
From Jeff Childers COFFEE and COVID substack 05/26/23:
Meryl, his seems encouraging:
Fretful folks often ask me what I think (as a lawyer) about the proposed WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty. I’ve written about this more fully before, but the short version is: Biden can’t sign a treaty without Senate ratification. If he signs anyway, like some predict, then the states will sue to overturn it. Even if the Senate does confirm the treaty, which seems unlikely, a treaty may not rewrite the Constitution, for example by delegating police powers reserved to the states to a foreign-controlled entity like the WHO.
The Constitution can’t be amended by a treaty. It may be amended only through the Constitutional amendment process and ratified by the States.
If you are anxious and want to do something about this now, the best place to start is educating both parties’ Senators. This Telegraph article could be a good place to start, since it’s from a mainstream media source and isn’t tainted by conspiracy or, perish the thought, conservatism.
Unfortunately, Biden can and will sign a treaty without Senate ratification--apparently 80% of our international agreements are done this way. And this treaty (the next to last version--a new one came out this week I have not yet read-- states that it can go into force essentially immediately on a 'provisional' basis 30 days after the 30th country signs on. International lawyer Fran Boyle has confirmed this.
"tainted by conspiracy"? The WHO itself is very much tainted by conspiracy.
The Telegraph (albeit it has a Gates funded ‘Global Security’ section) intermittently addresses the Conservative Party and its heartlands. This is the second warning they have sounded in two days - and while the government have insisted they have no intention of compromising sovereignty (and this has been said by two Foreign Office ministers) no one will believe them until the threat is removed. Of course, the short-circuiting of government to the bio-pharmaceutical state is the real objective while all government ministers seem to want to do a photo with Bill Gates. Andrew Bridgen relates how as early as 2010 David Cameron made his first address as Prime Minister to backbench MPs with Bill Gates in tow. Still, it is reasonably certain this won’t recommend recommend the party to most of its potential supporters: there will be very little support for closing down the country, restrictions on travel, or handing over more to the globalists than the EU ever had. Of course, Sunak is generally trouble - the only question whether he genuinely cares, since manifestly it was his job to wreck the country for the globalists rather than run it for the people - and according to these criteria he is already a success
Top Insurance Analyst Warns 600,000 Americans per Year Are Dying From mRNA Jabs
Big pharma murdering well over 1 million in US every year when you throw in oxycontin deaths and deaths caused by big pharma drugs.
Its a DOD operation, on orders from the BIS. Pharma is just obeying orders, and making lots of money.
I'd love to know if the US Gov is paying off the insurers...but we won't ever find that out. Why else would they be quiet? Let's watch to see if shareholder dividends drop...unlikely me thinks.
Beware...the WHO is going to be used to usher in the NWO. Expect something similar to Covid but more deadly this fall. The evil ones want the NWO in place by may 2024. So reject anything WHO related if you value freedom
My sense is that it will be a false flag radiation event in which we are told to duck tape up our houses as more people would respond to that. Just way too many people onto their BS for a new variant or catastrophic contagion scenario to terrify everyone. Following a summer of Pride related combat scenes with astroturfed activists. Race has stopped working effectively to divide people so now it will be corporations warring (any mention of a brand name, even wildly negative, is considered positive PR in terms of brand recognition) with paid off, maybe mentally ill activists in the streets while the West coast fires start up again. A layer of distraction under which slides whatever agenda they are seeking to hide. I just read Detroit's moronic climate action plan, Detroit being a WEF Hub of Urban Transformation, like San Francisco, which is poorly written, incredibly reverse racist (white people don't care about asthma) and which promises lower utility bills (sell me that bridge in the desert you mofos). It is always a carrot or a stick, utility bills lowered (like sure) or scary lung cancer to be caused in London without NetZero ULEZ costs.
We have to watch for the stealth action that is out of the cult war distractions. What is coming is far bigger than China, but China is the prototype, the template, and woe unto us if we don't stop all of this somehow.
It's nonsense to believe that only far-away bureaucrats can make intelligent decisions regarding public health. The great fiction is that local health professionals are too stupid to do the right thing but these professionals are right there, on the ground, treating patients.
The whole WHO push smacks of tyranny coming in through the back door of supposed "medical necessity."
Medical advice and opinion and guidance should never be subject to the police power of the state: this is the essence of the evils of eugenics.
Freaking refreshing . . . to a certain extent.
Should healthcare decisions *really* be taken by national parliaments?!
agree, no they shouldn't, though perhaps budgeting for a national health service is a government issue.
National health? Where is the pandemic or plague that killed tens of millions because there was no national health plan or service?
Oh yeah good question!
Maybe the Telegraph article is "tainted by conspiracy" after all.
It was not published by accident in the mainstream media.
The Government exists only to gain power.
The Government serves only itself and to extent this power.
The Government NEVER gives up this power.
When the Government claims to give up power... as it does with the Global Pandemic Treaty... we all should be aware that it is in reality a power grab by the Government.
They "give up" power and hand it to the WHO which then can claim any Pandemic under any circumstance which make them the solemn Authority in this crisis theater.
The WHO then instructs the Government to act on behalf of the WHO to enforce any action deemed necessary by the WHO.
And if this instruction is... kill the firstborn and cull the herd... the Government will enforce this new Global Authority like it always does with upmost brutality but without accountability which now lies within the WHO.
The Government gives Illegally Authority it never had to begin with but most importantly Accountability it tries to avoid to the WHO which then in return gives more power and less accountability to the Government.
In the most simplistic term this is called Treason.
Ah! But let's change the meaning of the word 'treason' to be anybody who goes against the narrative.
I define Treason as betrayal of the Human Race.
The purpose of life is to learn about life.
One exists today to be a better person tomorrow.
I’m not sure the glorious puppet leader Klaus Schwab will have that as his epitaph
I am sure Dr Evil agrees with you...
WHO shows no desire to reflect on their mistakes and improve, focusing only on controlling the whole world after their pitiful perfornance. Quit the WHO, 87% of their funds come from pharma and the super-rich. A cheap and effective way to rule the world as desired because of a threat of a contagious disease.
Come on Tedros is cool man he’s perfect for the job. He’s a convicted murderer for starters, and hides real pandemics like cholera. It makes up ones like Covid. I’m certain he works for the Democratic Party, which is another plus.
They Are Trying To Kill Us.
But We Should Be Nice
- About It.
Yes, the plan is working nicely
If They Did A Season Of COVID CSI
Would That Help Them Get It ?
Does It Have To Be On TV
For Them To Think It’s Real ?
The Telegraph (albeit it has a Gates funded ‘Global Security’ section) intermittently addresses the Conservative Party and its heartlands. This is the second warning they have sounded in two days - and while the government have insisted they have no intention of compromising sovereignty (and this has been said by two Foreign Office ministers) no one will believe them until the threat is removed. Of course, the short-circuiting of government to the bio-pharmaceutical state is the real objective while all government ministers seem to want to do a photo shot with Bill Gates. Andrew Bridgen relates how as early as 2010 David Cameron made his first address as Prime Minister to backbench MPs with Bill Gates in tow. Still, it is reasonably certain this won’t recommend recommend the party to most of its potential supporters: there will be very little support for closing down the country, restrictions on travel, or handing over more to the globalists than the EU ever had. Of course, Sunak is generally trouble - the only question whether he genuinely cares, since manifestly it was his job to wreck the country for the globalists rather than run it for the people - and according to these criteria he is already a success
Well said!
Oh, Meryl, I’m only as far as
“eye-watering waste and incompetence”
and am already thankful for your posting of this. Atrocious indeed!
Thanks for all you do & persevere through!❤️🇺🇸🙏
No government -- neither national, nor regional nor local -- should have the power to lock people down, force them to wear masks or coerce them (either directly or indirectly via employers) to be vaccinated. People do not go about deliberately trying to infect one another, except in horror films.
Bravo! I wish this could be published in every newspaper!
But the point is the sheeple won't take any notice.
Too many countries have had their vote of support bought and paid for so it is highly unlikely they will do what is right and refuse to vote in support of the amendments to the IHR or the Pandemic Accord. We need to be working at the state level to invoke Nullification and Anti-Commandeering.