I pray for the collapse of the WHO,WEF and UN

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Yep, Ricardo. Me too.

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This will be possible only with the total collapse of the global West and the US dollar... but likely lead to a nuclear war...

... and I used to think that the Soviet Union were the bad guys...

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Nope. We ARE the great Satan.

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The US govt, WHO, UN etc are not "we"

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No indeed.

We the people are humanity.

The tyrants & would-be tyrants see themselves as quite separate from us.

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When Middle Eastern nations were calling US "Satan", I use to think it was rhetorical exaggeration; not anymore. The Soviet Union went down in a controlled ramp down... By the looks of it, the American Empire will take the whole world down with it... or this is the intention anyway.

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Well we have Satan Klaus trying to come down all our chimneys with his "gifts" - though with his girth and that stupid cummerbund, and the obvious fact that he is not a good person and his gifts are poisonous to humanity, he's finding it difficult.

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Praying ???

That's what these evil creatures expect the gullible to do 24/7/365, well knowing that only ACTION will change anything !!!

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Prayer works and nothing wrong with action

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{...prayer works...}

ONLY if the prayer LEADS to action ...

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Actually, there is double blind study evidence, from Larry Dossey and medicine, that prayer has effects in the material world, on people's bodies and in the world. Wound healing changed in animals when they were prayed for. And there is evidence around positive changes in cities where a certain percentage of people meditate. This may have something to do with God, or with quantum biology, or that which is in us, which is not yet studied or recognized, so prayer is actually a form of action. Those who effectively fought during WWII were often those in spiritual communities. Gandi's movement and the Civil Rights Movement were also spiritual movements. Prayer also returns us to interiority and that alone individualizes and stops us from being uploaded into a hive mind.

But my deepest intuition is that the intelligence of the cosmos is on our side.

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NICE !!!👍👍🌹🌹

Lots of uncharted waters ....

Millions of unanswered questions and

trillions of questions we in the West don't even know we should have been asking a long time ago ...

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How do you know that?

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See my reply to your other comment.

Praying is a kind of mental self-programming.

If that programming leads to action in the physical world, everything is fine, but if praying is just done simply hoping that the Lord or whoever will solve the issue, it is just stupid self-deception ...

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I pray YOU put your words to work.

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I did and daily DO without praying !!!

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Then you are not as effective as you could be by evidence cited (if you are an atheist) and by testimony over the ages and by Biblical record. So you are less effective than you could be no matter how you cut it.

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Action? Such as?

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There is NO (and never will be) size-fits-all, but

- STOP praying,

- DO exercise maximum effort to understand the basics of the issue to be resolved,

- TAKE appropriate personal steps that minimize the issue's impact,

- with the means, experience and relations you DO have at disposal and control,

- in your DIRECT daily environment and social context,

- NOW !!!

There's a saying that goes: 1st. help yourself so God can (& will !!!) help you ...

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My son is eating carnivore and has never felt better...all grass fed

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I am glad that this year I will be 80 and won't be around to see all this nonsense. The planet we live live on is constantly changing, Man made climate change can't compete with our naturally changing world.

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I thought I was lucky to be 60! Haha. Imagine being 30 years old and being aware of what is going on? There's no way I could stand living in this hellscape they are creating for 40 or 50 years. No way. It's utter madness.

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It can take a lifetime to put aside the wishful thinking and recognise that these people are our worst enemies.

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Despair is never a winning strategy! Defiance is the name of the game we play.

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Defiance - yep!

Defiance, non-compliance, self-reliance!

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Unless you live to be 100 which could always happen!

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Jesus, returns in about ..three and a half years. hang on.

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Pete, I agree - I fear the future for those who are young now will be very bleak unless we drive the villains out of power.

Children today will be groomed to accept ‘convenient payment chips’ in their bodies, & surveillance and control of all their actions.

But - there are BILLIONS of us & the ORGANIZED CRIMINALS who’ve hijacked the levers of power are FEW.

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Why are we paying? I thought Bill Gates was paying. Let him remake his food and his health, not ours.

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Crazy, just saw my new ..FIRST..barbeque advertising..gates' chemical hamburgers. I do not think they improved since the first package i tried...about ten years ago. My thought then.. Yuk.. Regular juicy hamburg was cheaper , TOO.

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The villains replaced natural/plant remedies with Pharma.

They now want to replace meat with industrially-produced meat substitute ‘protein’.

They want to replace milk with industrially-produced milk substitute ‘protein’.

They want to replace our immune systems with artificial modified RNA.

They want to abolish freedom of movement, medical freedom, freedom of expression, free thinking & cash.


These people are not misguided or mistaken.

They are EVIL.

They are a global MAFIA.


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The upside of something that radical being accepted is that the population will more likely balk at it immediately. Way less red-pilling needed about vaccines, etc, in that case. At least I hope so. But hopefully it will fail over and over.

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I get it. "One 'Hell'!"

- Luc

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Less government! Everything they touch is a boondoggle.

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Thanks Meryl, they won't give up easily and farmers will submit as they are trapped in mass production and international trade.

We need to get back to small production, and people living on the land and providing high quality in-season food that is our own grown food for our own countries.

I'm going out to the garden- that is where God put us in the first place!

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Yes interesting how our governments are intentionally destroying locally produced food. This proves without doubt that the motivation is centralized control over food system. Much like Rockefeller medicine took over health. In Ohio I heard a video testimony about how government is using CAFO regulations to shut down hundreds of backyard small producers. This included small chicken farms with a dozens or so free range chickens and another that had a total of three cows. The government was demanding expensive upgrades that made zero sense. He said they used drones to seek out properties and had shut down a couple hundred while the large producers were untouched. Scary stuff.

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I meant to say Oregon not Ohio.

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Zero sense is exactly correct, but bureaucrats don't follow sense they follow directives given by their bosses.

Centralized control over food systems is already here, at least in Australia.

We live in Bundaberg which is one of the great food producing regions and we can't buy local produce for everything is sent to Brisbane, 5 hours away, and then sold to big supermarkets and shipped back up here!

Of course it is all picked unripe and taste like sawdust, but it looks great!

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“Road map” and “reimagine”.

Part of the neo-fascist vocabulary used by the WEF.

Whenever you hear “road map” or “reimagine”........RUN.

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GREAT QUESTION. It tells us about who the leaders are in this country.

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Demons. They are our leaders.

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I bet they are desperate to get this signed and finished before Trump comes along to potentially withdraw funding from the WHO again

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Have you seen the new law the EU just passed - law summary of ESG regulations and frameworks? They seem to be on board with UN objectives. https://www.keyesg.com/article/your-need-to-know-summary-of-esg-regulations-and-frameworks

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That’s just shocking. Anyone with more than 10 employees required to report in 2027. Includes env sustainably and transition to a circular economy. Meaning an attack of ownership of property. Just as in the education system we are moving to communism with the UN as the dictator and the stakeholders NGO and civil groups the communist party members. That’s why education has become indoctrination. It too is coordinated at the international teachers union level.

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Such a proposal deserves a truckload of cow manure!

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If it wasn’t so sad, it would be laughable.

The 1.5c either won’t happen because of nature and they’ll take the credit. Or, it will and they will blame us.

Either way it’s not their fault. Of course.

Either way they achieve nothing but misery.

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I am horrified to learn that WHO plans to control my food supply. Enough of them - off with their heads!

Whose sovereignty were they planning to violate to interfere with that nation's food supply?

Isn't WHO violating its authority? And really, what effing good are they? Cancel WHO!

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