Sorry buddy Ricardo - You're the one that's brainwashed and braindead. Hamas are standing up to a demonic, genocidal tyrant - Israel. Thank goodness the court has finally spoken to this!
Trust me no one in this feed IS FOR WAR - in any Nation - the point is the U.N. is mainly a money collecting PR CREATED AGENCY BY INTERNATIONAL BANKERS that only moves for THEIR AGENDA all the rest is propaganda fodder. They are unelected people that get appointed by Bankers and investors. Invested in War, invested in seizing assets and Sovereignty from any Nation they can get away with it - AFTER THE WARS they are funded to go in to appear to "help the victims" etc. The U.N. is funded by the same characters that are funding the breaking down of citizenship and borders in many locations. The END GOAL is complete control of every Nation their assets and their citizens WITHOUT your consent or vote.
Sounds plausible, but what would happen after that?
If there is only one nation in the world, and only one people, and only one government, then the robbers could only rob themselves, which is uroboric and totally gay and retarded and not fun at all.
If they were occupying your country you would not say the court is corrupt.
You got it twisted buddy and brainwashed
Sorry buddy Ricardo - You're the one that's brainwashed and braindead. Hamas are standing up to a demonic, genocidal tyrant - Israel. Thank goodness the court has finally spoken to this!
Another brainwashed that has it twisted. You must be a leftist
Nope not a leftist since the Covid Plandemic. Always a backer of Palestine, and always opposed to the Israeli agenda.
It's too bad for Palestine that God is in the side of Israel.
Which "God" is on the side of genocide, please?
Move too Gaza than and hug Hamas. Don't worry they will welcome you with open arms
You are one sicko - and you're Kelly is misguided big time!
Read history? How long do you think this group of people, has been doing this sort of thing?
Genrikh Grigoryevich Yagoda
Have you noticed what is happening in America? Who do you think drives that?
I know what's going on in America. Do you? The Bible is the best history. Bless Israel 🇮🇱
Please inform me, what is going on in America?
You do not seem to have any data what so ever, just insults and retorts.
Pay attention and you will know.
"I know what's going on"
"Pay attention and you will know"
But never any data.
The Bible - you truly are totally braindead!
Your woke! Wake up jello brains
Trust me no one in this feed IS FOR WAR - in any Nation - the point is the U.N. is mainly a money collecting PR CREATED AGENCY BY INTERNATIONAL BANKERS that only moves for THEIR AGENDA all the rest is propaganda fodder. They are unelected people that get appointed by Bankers and investors. Invested in War, invested in seizing assets and Sovereignty from any Nation they can get away with it - AFTER THE WARS they are funded to go in to appear to "help the victims" etc. The U.N. is funded by the same characters that are funding the breaking down of citizenship and borders in many locations. The END GOAL is complete control of every Nation their assets and their citizens WITHOUT your consent or vote.
Sounds plausible, but what would happen after that?
If there is only one nation in the world, and only one people, and only one government, then the robbers could only rob themselves, which is uroboric and totally gay and retarded and not fun at all.