Of course by now we know that we can't trust the globalists. The comments on this have been overenlightening.
The present Zionists are not the ones that God has chosen, no more so than the Palistinian leaders. And no more so than our own government, elephant or donkey, who we have seen are all lackeys of the world owner/…
Of course by now we know that we can't trust the globalists. The comments on this have been overenlightening.
The present Zionists are not the ones that God has chosen, no more so than the Palistinian leaders. And no more so than our own government, elephant or donkey, who we have seen are all lackeys of the world owner/controllers. The whole thing is a facade to bring about the final reduction and control of the our population.
I can only wonder what the plan is for all the minions they control to bring about their dirty work. Will they all be maintained under the wing of the globalists? Is there "honor among thieves?" What scoundrel have you ever known to have honor?
Unfortunately, the ones we all care about most are either asleep or are suffering beyond caring. Those are the average person who have always produced to make the rich richer. But now our usefulness has ceased and we are a liability rather than an asset to the world monsters.
2025 is at our door. This year is noted in many ways as the year that the plug is finally pulled. Project 25, Jubilee 2025, Global Governance 2025 and our military's objective of "owning the weather in 2025" are among them (although they already do). And I'm sure the World Economic Forum for 2025 is planning a doozy.
Time to stop sitting on our hands or at least make our peace with the Lord
Of course by now we know that we can't trust the globalists. The comments on this have been overenlightening.
The present Zionists are not the ones that God has chosen, no more so than the Palistinian leaders. And no more so than our own government, elephant or donkey, who we have seen are all lackeys of the world owner/controllers. The whole thing is a facade to bring about the final reduction and control of the our population.
I can only wonder what the plan is for all the minions they control to bring about their dirty work. Will they all be maintained under the wing of the globalists? Is there "honor among thieves?" What scoundrel have you ever known to have honor?
Unfortunately, the ones we all care about most are either asleep or are suffering beyond caring. Those are the average person who have always produced to make the rich richer. But now our usefulness has ceased and we are a liability rather than an asset to the world monsters.
2025 is at our door. This year is noted in many ways as the year that the plug is finally pulled. Project 25, Jubilee 2025, Global Governance 2025 and our military's objective of "owning the weather in 2025" are among them (although they already do). And I'm sure the World Economic Forum for 2025 is planning a doozy.
Time to stop sitting on our hands or at least make our peace with the Lord