Meryl, I understand your issues with Gaza. I just disagree with your rewriting of history. Here's what you say: "Israel argued that its occupation of Palestinian territory was legal because it was temporary and would be resolved through future negotiations with the Palestinians while ensuring such negotiations were never completed."
Meryl, I understand your issues with Gaza. I just disagree with your rewriting of history. Here's what you say: "Israel argued that its occupation of Palestinian territory was legal because it was temporary and would be resolved through future negotiations with the Palestinians while ensuring such negotiations were never completed."
Here's the actual history: In 1947 the UN offered a 2-state solution. Israel accepted immediately despite the fact that the land they would have had in that arrangement was quite small compared to what they received in 1948 after the "Palestinians" (Arabs) flatly refused that arrangement and, of course, infinitely small compared to the borders designated for Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt. The Arabs flatly refused that arrangement, and mmediately upon the UN designation of those boundaries in 1948, attacked Israel. The battle cry then and now is no different -- obliteration of Israel. It was the same in 1967 and 1973, when these Arab nation-states attacked Israel. History records their utter defeat, but never mind that -- you can always rewrite history. Never mind that "Palestinian" children have been raised consistently on that battle cry for the better part of a century, which is exactly why the conflict persists. Never mind that the peoples involved are all Semitic. In the "Palestinian" mind, this inbred hatred always trumps truth, and chaos is always preferable to peaceful coexistence.
Meryl, I understand your issues with Gaza. I just disagree with your rewriting of history. Here's what you say: "Israel argued that its occupation of Palestinian territory was legal because it was temporary and would be resolved through future negotiations with the Palestinians while ensuring such negotiations were never completed."
Here's the actual history: In 1947 the UN offered a 2-state solution. Israel accepted immediately despite the fact that the land they would have had in that arrangement was quite small compared to what they received in 1948 after the "Palestinians" (Arabs) flatly refused that arrangement and, of course, infinitely small compared to the borders designated for Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt. The Arabs flatly refused that arrangement, and mmediately upon the UN designation of those boundaries in 1948, attacked Israel. The battle cry then and now is no different -- obliteration of Israel. It was the same in 1967 and 1973, when these Arab nation-states attacked Israel. History records their utter defeat, but never mind that -- you can always rewrite history. Never mind that "Palestinian" children have been raised consistently on that battle cry for the better part of a century, which is exactly why the conflict persists. Never mind that the peoples involved are all Semitic. In the "Palestinian" mind, this inbred hatred always trumps truth, and chaos is always preferable to peaceful coexistence.