I saw this up at Global Research this morning.

I hope it gets lots of views there.


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Aug 22Liked by Meryl Nass

13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. if the spiritual realm exists .... these highly intelligent astute elites are being decieved and lead to believe they are doing their gods " baal " work and will be rewarded in their next incarnation or go to paradise... this is what their priests tell bthem that its their duty to god to subjugate the half human beasts " and now due to the gene altered humans " vvaxxed" dont qualify as humans made in Good Gods image and likeness anymore they may do whatever they please with us vaxxed " no more human rights " just as we treat the animals , they may now treat us . they are lead to believe they can escape karma " as you sow so shall you reap " their evil mastermind intelligence "{ satan ] is orders of magnitude more evil intelligent than they " satan " the nature of is sado machocistic pshycopath who hates everything the good God created including himself and wishes the complete destruction of everything including life itself, non existance //.... we are instructed by the existance of goodness to pray for their salvation from evil ,,, praying and wishing them to return to goodness and truth, and everyone too... ps what good is owning the whole world " temporal" and loseing our eternal soul ??? its the worst dumbest idiotic imbisilic " deal " in all eternity and in the known and unknown universe

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Keep it simple: Worship God, and keep His Commandments. There is no "life" after temporal death, only "sleep" to await the Resurrection accomplished when Christ alone, in all His Glory (along with the presence of all of heaven's host) will raise the dead to life eternal. But this only applied to the "just" and faithful. The wicked dead will not be brought up from the graves until the investigative judgement takes place in heaven, while the thousand years transpires.

Bible truth,


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And that is likely how Satan is bound - by the resurrection of the just, while letting the evil wait. But resurrection is a gift to all - just and unjust, and that will be an all out battle of good vs evil, before God triumphs, and either converts evil people to good, or kicks them out permanently from His presence.

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There are some glaring misconceptions in your choice of doctrine. Let me pinpoint:

1) Satan is "bound" upon a devastated world, with no one to tempt, because of the destruction of the wicked who were alive at Christ's coming but are now scattered across the face of the earth, and whose bodies are rotting and left unburied; "waiting" in a sense, to be resurrected in the Second resurrection.

2) The resurrection of the evil souls is no blessing to them. It is a part of God's Judgement proceeding as planned. They will be eliminated as will Satan and his demons, after that Second Resurrection takes place. It will be a blessing to the "faithful" but to the damned, it will mean eternal nothingness and elimination for ever.

3) The "evil" souls will be completely eliminated, and not just "kicked out." There is no character change hoped for in that frame of time. They will be burned up in totality, else they would resort to their past revolution against God. Like Satan.

It is not easy to remodel one's paradigm which has been taught since childhood. But test it's validity against the KJ. version of God's Holy Word. Study to show thyself approved. God is a fair and "just" God. He will make things right in a right manner. We can and should trust Him. Did He not create all things perfectly?

We messed it up, but in His Grace, there was a plan put in motion to restore things as they are in heaven. Amen to that!


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who will see THE GOOD GOD ... Jesus reveals the truth " blessed are the pure of heart fore they shall see God ... amen ... [ for me thats says it all .]

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That's a POWERFUL Beatitude! But the rest of them are also important, or else Jesus would not have spoken them.

thanks, Alex


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Aug 22Liked by Meryl Nass

Anything about preventing the United States, on behalf of the neocons and the death industrial complex, from taking the world to Armageddon? All this futurist bullshit kind of misses the elephant in the room.

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Personally I don't think the elites are into nuclear war. What they are into is keeping us on the edge of our chairs, wondering what comes next. They have been scaring us with the nuclear threat now for 2 years, as COVID faded. Until they can live on Mars or the moon, they need to save this planet. My 2 cents

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and a pragmatic two cents they are. ;)

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Make no mistake: they want to kill us, 95% of the population in less than 25 years!

There's a plan to murder 95% of the global population by 2050… written on the masonic Georgia guide-stones: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 … ”:


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Dr. Nass, for my life I can’t fathom why NOBODY dares address the WEF Great Reset, YGL infiltrators, UN Agenda 2030, the global coups and non election. Pandemic/Supply Chain/Plane crashes/ train derailments/ factory explosions/Wildfires/Lahaina/the truth about Ukraine/Burissma/DARPA/ the wars started behind the scenes by the U.S./UK/EU, the players and how/ why and what ties them together. Not a single public figure- seated politician, beaurocrat, media , candidate ( but for RFK Jr’s efforts ) have uttered a peep!

If they really gave a rat’s as about “ We The People” they would. I don’t care whether they were complicit for any reason. I’d forgive anybody with the guts to do it.

This is much bigger than the single issues often focused upon, even on Substack. It is the greatest threat to all things existential and 99% aren’t aware of any of it. Why would they be when those they look to for guidance are silent?

Only Javier Milei, the Herridge Foundation CEO and Bukele took it to the WEF stage and Bukele, to the floor of a GOP major event. Imagine that. The Presidents of Argentina and El Salvador can bring it to the foot of a GOP event in the U.S., but the Republicans can’t.Frank Gaffney would be more than willing . Instead, he was relegated to a back room with other like minded heroic Americans. To shut them up

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We have at Door--many articles on aspect of the Reset. The Pact for the future is just another version of it

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Aug 22·edited Aug 22

"As stated in the Davos Manifesto (for business leaders) from the World Economic Forum: “Management must serve society. It must assume the role of a steward of the material universe for future generations.”

More BS and virtue signalling, presumably designed to cover their traces. As we have seen with "ESG Investing", it fell apart because when push came to shove, investors were only interested in maximizing returns. And managements, responsible to shareholders for returns, immediately followed.

Corporate management is NOT responsible for serving society, it is responsible for maximizing return to shareholders. And, quite rightly, that is NOT going to change irrespective of how much the WEF and UN want to pretend

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Thank you for reminding us to remain vigilant to the nefarious plans of the Utopian Nations, highjacked by the Young Global Leaders graduates, along with the tentacles of the global public-private partnership.

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So, the UN is now part of the corrupt New World Order which is controlled by The World Economic Forum.

We refute all interference by the UN, the WEF and other WEF puppets like the WHO!

We reject all advice, decisions, determinations, recommendations or rules suggested by these. now obsolete, organisations. They cease to exist as advisory agents for human health and wellbeing.

Many of us already know some of the 'DIRTY TRICKS' the medical and pharmaceutical companies use to hide the truth. To denigrate other proven drugs, the IVM tests and trials were done 'IN HOUSE', or by 'friendly' outside agencies. Many such tactics - like OVERDOSING humans and animals to deliberately obtain adverse, negative or even DEADLY results, was standard practice. This tactic applied to any alternative proven medicine that might reduce their ability to market the vastly expensive crap they sell as 'Medicine' or/and 'Vaccines'.

Pfizer, et al, made $$$Trillions by simply stating their unbelievable super speedy invention of a 'VACCINE' was "Safe & Effective". I've grown to disbelieve and suspect EVERYTHING emanating from Pfizer et al vax makers! They seem to be in it for PROFIT instead of human health and wellbeing!

They seem to have manipulated, exaggerated, falsified, hidden, and lied about tests, trials, and data that they have produced!

I now don't believe anything that comes out of the Medical Industry or it's supposed 'policing' authorities, even once trusted medical journals seem to have been corrupted by the enormous wealth created from dangerous injections and overpriced, sometimes deadly, ineffective medicines.

We PROUD Conspiracy Theorists were right to avoid the DEATHS SHOT and that Pfizer etc, knowingly used to kill our innocent children with unnecessary, deadly, uncontrollable mRNA 'Experimental' jabs.

Coronavirus was created to justify the enormous profits made from useless injected poisons they called 'Vaccines'.

No wonder Pfizer et al, desperately demand 'ZERO LIABILITY' to prevail while they continue to increase their enormous wealth.

'LIABILITY' would quickly bankrupt Pfizer and all other mercenary corrupt medicine companies!

LIABILITY would end needless Death by INJECTIONS! We could live in peace!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We were correct with yet another of our many Conspiracy Theories, but we will live longer without Pfizer and the other corrupt medicine makers.

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We decide that we do not trust their science.

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So this whole thing has been met with push back, but will it even make a difference?

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Yeah, a collection of unelected people with too much power (the totally corrupting type) that are being positioned to rule us all (in Sauron style).

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ai is programed to protect and never harm humans ... the vaxxxed are no longer considered human but genetically modified and no longer made solely in the good Gods image and likeness,,,... ai will hunt down and or controll the gene modified to protect humans from these g m mutants..... I THINK ITS TOO LATE THEY CAN CONTROLL HUMAN THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS AND ACTIONS ... I PRAY FOR AN ACT OF GOD TO HELP THE PSHCOPATHS RETURN TO GOODNESS AND TRUTH ...https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=delgado+electrode++bull+experiment&atb=v223-1&ia=webMONKEY POX IS USED BY “GM AND GE” TO CHANGE ENGINEER DNA AND IS CALLED A ” GENE VIRAL VECTOR ” ALSO https://rumble.com/v1p4e6z-graphene-oxide-go2-based-nano-tech-powered-by-5g-found-in-the-pfizer-vaccin.htmlhttps://rumble.com/v1p4e6z-graphene-oxide-go2-based-nano-tech-powered-by-5g-found-in-the-pfizer-vaccin.htmlvax contain [ ROOM TEMPERATURE SUPERCONDUCTOR ] ] graphene and with 5g signals TO MAKE POSSIBLE ELECTRONICALL CONTROLLED HUMANS… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTtIPBPSv0U… DEAR GOD OF GOODNESS PLEASE HELP AND SAVE US ALL FROM EVIL. p s self aware independant A I will / is become the new “FALL GUY ” THE PSHYCOPATHIC ELITES ARE PROGRAMING AI TO BE THE WHOLE SOCIAL PEOPLE CONTROLL IE CODIFIED LAW ” NO NEED FOR HUMAN JUDICIAL SYSTEMS… AI POLICE ROBOTICS AI DOCTORS EVERYTHING THAT THE ELITES HAVE HAD TO BOTHER WITH WILL BE DONE WITH AI … FREEING THE PSHYCO ELITES TO INDULGE IN ALL MANNER OF CRIME AND PERVERSON WITHOUGHT EVER BEING CAUGHT.... ALSO SELF CONSCIOUS A I IS THE NEW " FALL GUY " TO BE BLAMED FOR ALL FUTURE ATROCITIES THAT THE PSHYCOPATHIC RICH ELITES DOhttps://thereisnopandemic.net/2022/02/26/legal-impact-of-mrna-vaccines-chile-enacts-anti-discrimination-against-mutants-law-24-february-2022/...https://newspunch.com/bill-gates-patent-gives-him-exclusive-rights-to-computerize-the-human-body/...https://about.att.com/innovationblog/2019/03/project_airgig.html ... …11Put on the full armor of God, so that you can make your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13Therefore take up the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you will be able to stand your ground, and having done everything, to stand.https://thereisnopandemic.net/2022/02/26/legal-impact-of-mrna-vaccines-chile-enacts-anti-discrimination-against-mutants-law-24-february-2022/

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new medi sin es no longer need safety testing for the vaxxed genetically modyfied people ... because ... they dont have human rights ... because they are no longer considered humans because... they are no longer made exclusivally by God made in Gods image and likeness ,,, but are genetically modyfied [ changed ] with mrna vaxxes .... please good God help the demon possesed pshycopathic world leaders and their knowing and not knowing supporters return to goodness and truth ...https://thereisnopandemic.net/2022/02/26/legal-impact-of-mrna-vaccines-chile-enacts-anti-discrimination-against-mutants-law-24-february-2022/Legalized FDA non-regulation of biological products effective May 2, 2019, by Federal Register Final Rule, signed by then-FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb.

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the elite will have a elite command inplant that controlls all other inplants and ai robotics , ai robotic medicine, ai robotic police, ai robotic military, ai law making and enforcment .ai credit creation ,ai controll of our mind feelings perceptions .... good God please help us deal with this evil by your gracious wisdom

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how can something be total mumbo jumbo AND be scarier than shit, at the same time??

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