I read your excellent and rare journalism and hope many others will as well. Your work is an example of Substack writers doing the work that "real" "journalists" will NOT. So anyone who supports such authors via a free or paid subscription is helping our cause - which is really just to expose the truth (and maybe make a few things better going forward).
I read your excellent and rare journalism and hope many others will as well. Your work is an example of Substack writers doing the work that "real" "journalists" will NOT. So anyone who supports such authors via a free or paid subscription is helping our cause - which is really just to expose the truth (and maybe make a few things better going forward).
I read your excellent and rare journalism and hope many others will as well. Your work is an example of Substack writers doing the work that "real" "journalists" will NOT. So anyone who supports such authors via a free or paid subscription is helping our cause - which is really just to expose the truth (and maybe make a few things better going forward).
Substack is one of my best links to sanity
God Bless you Bill!
It's a team effort here on Substack! We're the "good guys."