Haven’t read yet obv but your first statement made me laugh “the US is not an honest broker” - understatement of the century! lol. Couldn’t help but utter an old fashioned, “Duh!”

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U.S. speak in 'fork tongue'?


And, all their Minions around the world are the same.

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The US was supposed to have escaped from all tha, and you you still get the celebratory bullshit, as if you really did escape. What went so catastrophically wrong? Good old-fashioned greed and hunger for power? The City of London is one of US predators' favourite places.

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When you say 'The U.S., it's wise to know there to be The United States Corporation located in the Sewer of D.C. Then, there is the NATURALIZED TERRITORY OF THE UNIED STATES as the actual Nation and they are not those in The City of London, nor are these people hanging with the Crown Corporation freaks or any other of the disgusting sinister Power/Control Creeps 'The People' will regain our Nation from.

As for what went so drastically wrong; one of your own blokes wrote a Fabianist whistleblower 'Tragedy and Hope' by Carroll Quigley informing you of exactly went wrong. An abridged version with the same information minus the ancestry of those in the U.K. Establishment documented millennia of evil is much faster to read.

Tragedy and Hope 101 by Joseph Plummer is a good place to begin if you wish to actually know the answer to your own question...AND, NO IT WASN'T GOOD, OLD FASHIONED, GREED AND POWER.

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Wasn’t it the “AngloAmerican Establishment” by Quigley that really details the machinations of the Rhodes-Milner group? I haven’t read Tragedy and Hope but I thought that was a more general history

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There is no actual Anglo-American Establishment. There is actually no ANGLO Establishment or AMERICAN Establishment.

The Establishment is simply SATAN/LUCIFER/DEMON WORSHIPERS pretending to be any number of the world's religions by day considered socially acceptable.

THE ESTABLISHMENT IS THAT OF SATAN/LUCIFER. The Establishment of Satan/Lucifer is Pagan and uses any number of the names of variety of demigods according to region on Earth...Principalities. The Establishment of Satan/Lucifer HIDES BEHIND MANY DEFINITIONS INCLUDING ETHNICITY AS ANGLO/NORMAN/HAN/RUSSO, OR NATION AS IN AMERICAN, CHINA, RUSSIA.

In the end...All is spiritual and regions of Earth are allocated to variety of Demons in a Hierarchy to copy God's Hierarchy. It's not about nations; but the spirit as authority over a region under which all bow to Satan/Lucifer.

'Tragedy and Hope' documents the beginning of opposition to the old DEMONIC ESTABLISHMENT beginning with the plans of the Demonic towards America as the first territory literally consecrating itself to God and threatening plans of Hell to steal God's creation.

America was ALWAYS filled with those The Club of Rome (King/Queens(Dragon Demon called Leviathan is ruling), Peers, Bankers/Corporatists under Trade House/Dutch-British East India Company) viewed their owned 'Human Cattle Herd' and thought slaves they defined serf/peasant to be used as they saw fit justs as in the British Isles throughout all time since their escape to Britian in the Fall of Rome.

The U.S. Revolution put the kabosh on their plans of 'World Colonization', 'Domination' or 'Theft' and the destruction of their delusional, psychopathic privilege to implement Absolute Power over 'The People.' America was defined 'the worst enemy of all time,' since issuing 'The Declaration of Independence' defining Unalienable Rights and it was only compounded with 'The U.S. Constitution' issued to serve, defend and INSURE Rights of the People. Loss of the territory making-up the U.S. and a huge portion of North America threatened the plans to 'Rule the World.'

They tried repeatedly to retake the U.S. in the War of 1812 and then again through instigating, supporting and funding both sides of The U.S. Civil War which did NOT succeed. The united British/French Navies were not allowed to Military Occupy U.S. due to Russian Navy Intervention in U.S. Ports as requested by Lincoln. From that time, The British people used as Mafia Enforcer for them to hide behind were not used as fodder against the U.S. again. Instead, they used Black Flag Operations staged out of Canada, Mexico, Cuba along and bribery, blackmail, assassination, etc. to infiltrate until the installation of J.P. Morgon, mostly owned by the Rothschild's (Actual name is Meyer), The Fed as Private Family Owned Central Bank also mostly owned by the Rothschild's and LEGALIZED INCOME TAX which was a top reason The Club of Rome especially HATED THE U.S. CONSTITUTION which did not allow them to claim the RESOURCES and FRUITS OF U.S. LABOR AND PRODUCTION.

Infiltration to saturation begins and continues with 'The Rhodes Trust Scholar Program' as the primary means to INFILTRATE THE U.S. AND EAT IT FROM THE INSIDE OUT. They were/are utterly Fascist and their only primary goal was to indoctrinate/brainwash western students deemed ethically elastic, morally bankrupt and ambitious; especially U.S. University Student's, into the Fascist (Totalitarian) Governing Mindset which was camouflaged with the definition of IMPERIALISM which was also FEUDAL as the people of the U.K./Canada/Australia/N.Z never own their own land and it is always owned by The Crown Corporation which is now a front to provide legitimacy for the Imperials' continued ownership of 1/3 of the Earth's dry land.

Rhodes was a member of Oxford's Fabian Round Table Society which formed following the U.S. Revolution as they feared an end the the British way of life since it was a small Island Nation beaten by the U.S. TWICE in two different wars. Rhode's fortune was made from the Boer War allocating the Diamond Mines in South Africa and it was put forward at his premature death to train agents from the U.S. to infiltrate the U.S. and undermine it from the inside towards bringing it back into the Commonwealth. Milner was made trustee of the Trust as the Fabians deemed America necessary towards building their 'World Colonization' now defined 'The One/New World Order' which is a Police State of Police States.

Tragedy and Hope is the pre-requisite and thought process behind the 'Anglo-Emerican Establishment' book. The entity people think of as 'The Anglo-American Empire' is in fact...Merely, THE CLUB OF ROME as all additional families and members brought into the fold to acheive their goal of 'WORLD COLONIZATION' are viewed as underlings/MINIONS and that includes all Americans; their old slaves they've always viewed their OWNED 'HUMAN CATTLE HERD'. Since WWI, America remains THE ORGAN THEY HIDE BEHIND EXACTLY AS THEY DID THE PEOPLE OF THE BRITISH ISLES...AND, AS MAFIA ENFORCER, ALSO AS THE PEOPLE OF THE BRITISH ISLES FOR 800 YEARS UNTIL THE U.S. FOLLOWING WWI.

U.S. has been progressively ate from the inside since WWII; and it's escalated dramatically following THE FABIAN'S ASSASSINATION OF KENNEDY.

Quigley exposes the secret society's established in London in 1891, by Cecil Rhodes. Quigley explains how these men worked in union to begin their society to control the world. He explains how all the wars from that time were deliberately created to control the economies of all the nations. Yes, it's wise to read 'Tragedy and Hope' as it gives credence to the sequal as a deep dive into the infiltration of the U.S. with the Rhode's Trust graduating 33,000 Agents to infiltrate into U.S. Institutions in the last 130 years.

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Not just the U.S. but also the fine print of the consumer/user agreement.

Confirms my suspicion that the morality of corporations, institutions, or nation-states is no higher than the lowest common denominator of individual morality — those cluster B type pathological narcissists, machiavellian opportunists, and morphologically defined psychopaths among us.

"Individuals may see the moral light and voluntarily give up their unjust posture; but, as Reinhold Niebuhr has reminded us, groups are more immoral than individuals." — Martin Luther King Jr. Letter From Birmingham Jail

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Thanks for pointing this out. That is INTENDED to obfuscate, even if one recognizes a specific "legalese" sometimes being necessary. The answer is to NEVER sign something that is not clear.

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The bottom line is, as Henry Kissinger of all people pointed out, is that it's a dangerous mistake to believe the US is your friend (more dangerous than having the US as your enemy). Though, with great respect to the millions of "normal", decent Americans, the US is everyone's enemy, including those millions of Americans.

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Is Uncle Sam a sovereign individual or a front man?

"The millions of "normal", decent Americans" have long facilitated the untold suffering and death of millions of innocent people overseas, victimised by Uncle Sam's tyranny under cover of enabling and defending "democratic freedom."

Like the German people under the Nazis, these Americans were "forced to comply" to some extent, although they supposedly had the "democratic freedom" to refuse to comply.

Americans must now deal with their own government's overt betrayal, via massive indiscriminate immigration and many other clearly destructive policies, regardless of the will or the welfare of the people.

Most people worldwide now face the same overt betrayal by their governments, while they failed for whatever reasons, to see and act to stop decades of covert betrayal.


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It now seems an extraordinary idea that the government is working for us. I suppose many still believe that, because seeing it the other way, that they're only it for themselves and their sponsors, is terrifying.

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Most people are still sucking their Nanny State dummies!

They simply cannot cope with the idea that Nanny might be evil!

Way too terrifying an admission!

Retreat into the security blanket of denial is the only possible option!

Many people will only face reality if their security blanket is ripped away from then!

Then Nanny had better flee to the Swiss Alps!

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I have yet to see a more actual cartoon re "what's Uncle Sam doing?" than this one:


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Democrat's & Death; When our nation drifted from Creator-inspired to Progressive/ Lib/Satan-inspired, mass Death resulted. #1 Democrat Jackson’s war on the 5 civilized Indian tribes and SCOTUS. Forcing the “Trail of Tears” genocide, a 6K. DEATH toll! #2 Democrats War for Slavery, 600K. DEATHS & mass misery! #3 Democrat Wilson’s era oversaw Big Pharma's Fort Riley Kansas [patient zeros] / Spanish Flu / VACCINE Fail. See: Government Lied about Pandemic Which Killed 50 Million People … Attempt to “Prevent Panic” Backfired! #4 Dem’s/ FDR’s WW2 Yalta [Commie] sell-out, giving all China & half of Europe to the Godless mass murdering Commie socialists, giving us Korea, Viet Nam's 100 KIA war, only to pull out allowing Pol Pot’s 3 million deaths! #5 Big Pharma-owned Democrats and RINO’s allowing the multi-billions in fraud fines, i.e. Pharma’s mass Death/ “Gain of function” & vaccine sales scam, bringing Death to 3 million? To sell/ Force [fake] Vaccines! # 6 Dem’s pull out of Afghanistan wasting more lives! Who knows what that will cost in lives? My point is, that when gullible folks look to MAN/ Lib Democrats, not “Our Creator” for guidance, DEATH & Disharmony are the only remunerations, (As best demonstrated by, Romans 6:23, “Death is the wages of sin, but the gift of God is everlasting Life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” I.E. Not “Free Stuff” Democrats!

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Peace is the fruit of righteousness.

What happens when people call right wrong and wrong right?

We cannot legislate morality.

However we can only legislate morality or legislate immorality.

People who legislate immorality are digging their own graves.

We have murdered millions of innocent little ones in their mothers' wombs.

We said it was just abortion of a fetus, not murder of a baby.

We now abort even full-term babies.

Is this still not murder?

We have signed our own death warrants.


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We cannot legislate morality? I don’t get you! Is necrophilia, consenting child or animal sex not morally legislation? (I.e. all soon to be legalized) in our Hell bound, neo Sodom Gomorra cesspool, bosting, “One Nation & World under Satan.”

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Legislating morality, will not make people moral.

But legislating morality will encourage morality.

Legislating immorality will encourage immorality.

We only have two choices: legislate morality or immorality.

If we legislate immorality, we undermine the common/natural/moral foundations of the law, which inevitably leads to lawlessness, anarchy, chaos and tragedy.

History repeats this pattern.

As you say, we are headed down the moral sewer.

Rather than just blame satanists, perhaps we need to take accountability ourselves.

We are a pagan child sacrificing nation.

People who endorse infanticide are not in a position to object to genocide.

People who enjoy acceptable immorality promote gross immorality.

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Ask American Indian tribes if the u.s. is an honest broker

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Thank you, Dr. Nass for all your timely newsletters; They are what give me a peaceful sleep every night!

It is impossible to place any trust whatsoever in the U.S. negotiations, and it makes me very sad indeed to say this.

I watched the interview on TCN with Jeffrey Sachs, and it confirmed much of what I had read about the U.S. in a book entitled, The Devil's Chessboard. As a youngster I had always looked up to the U.S.

always coming to the rescue, or so it seemed. How in the world did we get here?

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So now we are being swindled by a known swindler? When in doubt say no. No one/no country has anything to gain from this totalitarian attempted takeover. Everyone should adjourn and go home.

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When the government can use our money-as much as it takes- against us, we will lose every time. They’ve corrupted our Judicial system too!

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You’re an inspiration Dr Nass. A role model for us all to take a stand and be a n advocate for good.

Your cause attracted Frank Gaffney to put himself out there. And he followed through

“ We The Peopl owe yo much gratitude and to stand with youowe you

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Brings to mind most ALL legislation & "private members" Bills which almost no parliamentarians read. And then, with the help of the "black letter Law judiciary" the poor public gets legally metaphorically pushed down a cattle race into some kind of "abattoir"!

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Another excellent precise by "Freedom Gatekeeper De Luxe" Dr Nass, thank you.

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That's the same reason that big business likes regulation.

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It is called a "Snow Job"...Another trick & swindle in the making or what? How many $Trillions do they stand to "cheat their way into" or what?

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What a surprise! Thanks for the heads up.

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Death to tyrants, same as it ever was.

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Never to be trusted!

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