The USG is absolutely prohibited from censoring Americans due to the First Amendment. But Rs & Ds built a massive censorship network-one REQUIRED to convince Americans to voluntarily poison themselves
"thus far the anti-vaccine movement has proven both popular and savvy enough to persist on major social media platforms despite attempts to minimize its impact."
I'll take that as an absolute win.
The fact that the report treats "medical freedom claims" as a threat is alone an insane overreach.
We can't let them malign freedom advocates in any domain,(medical, financial, tech, ect) lest we lose them entirely.
At some point the word “stakeholder” should become as pejorative as “Nazi” and certainly any discussion depending on “stakeholders” will as time goes by be regarded with skepticism at the minimum.
Thank you, Kathleen. :-) Wouldn't it be fantastic if a gifted cartoonist or illustrator such as Bob Moran created an image for this? I would be happy to make a large donation to get this done.
We need to become vigilant to all ‘branding’, as it is a highly successful tool in the psywarfare bag. ‘Stakeholders’ really is a term replacing ‘Co-conspirators’, and exposing one brand won’t safeguard from new brands. It is the use of brands that needs to become a siren in everyone’s minds. If I had a wish, we would expose methods of psychological entrainment in grade school, up-regulating every student’s acuity to detrimental advertising, false virtue and a degradation of core values and fortify their critical thinking BEFORE they are exposed to further education. You only win when the masses safeguard the henhouse. You cannot prevent complacent followers from being hijacked.
The Nazis were anti-commie and anti-NWO. hence they were lied about just as the truth tellers today.
“… this entire myth, so prevalent then and even now about Hitler, and about the Japanese, is a tissue of fallacies from beginning to end. Every plank in this nightmare evidence is either completely untrue or not entirely the truth.
If people should learn this intellectual fraud about Hitler's Germany, then they will begin to ask questions, and searching questions…”
Murray Rothbard, Revisionism for Our Time
Mr. Rothbard was Jewish American and an historian of the very highest caliber.
Goeff, many years ago I came across this perspective and did my best to remain open minded cognizant of the endless deceptions in our history. I continued to look into this and eventually discovered the Nazis, like Mao and Stalin and their communism "revolutions" were whole cloth creations by the pyramid cap elites such that if you dive into the organization of Nazi governance you can understand why it's pegged by historians as the first example of a Technocracy. The next iteration was the USSR and now we have China as Brzezinski's large-scale model plus the "Great Reset". This explains IBM's collusion with the Nazis, the decision to not bomb important targets in Germany during the war, Operation Paperclip, and much more.
The Nazis were deep into the Occult and had very close ties to Blavatsky and the highest ranking Masons in Europe and America - all Luciferians. Blavatsky coined the term "master race" and popularized the use of the swastika prior to the Nazis adopting this. If was a Blavatsky acolyte who "found" the Protocols of Zion (Revelation of the Method?). Alfred Rosenberg of the Thule Society was a very dubious character and those questioning his allegiance were silenced. There are people like polarizing conspiracy theorist Dr Henry Makow who have found and shared physical evidence (birth certificates, etc) showing Hitler came from Zionist (Sabatean?) heritage. There used to be an amazingly detailed website showing the Nazi obsession with the occult as they put into practice but I cannot find it anymore. It could be scrubbed. However, in searching for it I see many webpages on the subject. No doubt there are limited hangouts and misdirections in some of these requiring a keen eye to sort the wheat from the chaff.
I don't intend to clutter your commentary here, just giving you another layer of research to ponder. I've since expanded my understanding two or three levels higher and the occult factor continues to be a very strong thread driving history's actors.
Organized Libertarianism is another rabbit hole. I identified with Libertarian thinking for a long time and followed many Libertarian writers thus I appreciate those advocating for freedom but as you said, question everything.
Thanks, I'm aware of what you're writing there. Sutton wrote about who funded the Nazis and the Bolshies and it's cleaar that both were built up to fight one another on a massive scale for obvious reasons. Smae reason China of today was built up by similar global mafiosi.
As for Libertarianism, I used to think along those lies as well. As a movement it has obviously been infiltrated and is now run by the scum of the Earth as most things eventually are. One of the formerly premier websites has now been watered down and is full of garbage including ads displaying disgusting body parts and "sexy" women. Also, they incessantly push century old war time propaganda as if it's fact, and many of the writers refuse contact and any challenges to their stupid ideas whereas a couple of decades ago the old guys were happy to engage. Utterly degraded like everything else.
Everyone should check out the link Dr Nass sent out yesterday with her interview by Dr Drew and Dr Kelly Victory. I definitely liked her section (and her) more. As always, Dr Nass, you are amazing, and so brilliantly spoken. Getting to the part about their intent to write MDs out of the If anyone still uses an MD, would be a good idea to figure out how to share. That this attack on Drs was not just a US phenomenon shouldn’t surprise...but it did me. Today Dr James Lyons Weiler wrote a post on the WHO releasing its attack on salt and that a 30% reduction in salt intake should be mandated uniformly...globally. Lunacy, dangerous.
The best reason to avoid all mainstream social media. I haven't had any vaccines for 50 years so there is nothing anyone can say that will convince me to start using them. If you want to live longer, avoid all big pharma poison drugs as much as possible.
Whenever I see the word 'stakeholder' in a document, I replace it, in my mind' with the word 'perpetrator'. The gist of the document then becomes much clearer to me.
Similarly, changing 'perpetrator' to 'miscreant', 'crook', 'fraudster' or 'criminal' can also be helpful depending upon the context.
What these so-called researchers are really good at is making your $$$$ disappear without ever achieving a meaningful result. Colleges and universities have the same problem, they've just been at it longer. Check out one of their mission statements - either the college or university that you went to, or just choose one at random. What's the tangible end point in all this? What's the "hard target" that these "researchers", that the college or the university intends to accomplish?
We live in the age of the euphemism. Odds are, you won't find one.
When a person realizes that an opium trader founded Yale, that American opium traders were dealing in China since before the USA existed, and that Mao was a Yali (correct spelling), many things begin to fall into place.
A bit more on DHS-CISA censorship. CISA appears to prefer to use private entities to make censorship requests. In 2020 it was the Election Integrity Project (EIP) for Election matters and then transitioned to the Vitality Project (VP) for COVID
Both are interesting in their naming. Integrity as in “Integrity Initiative” perhaps?. And Virality. VIRALITY is “The state or condition of being viral; tendency to spread by word of mouth.” Suggesting that words are a virus to be eradicated. People must be inoculated against the truth (censored)
Here is the Virality Project Report. Interesting reading.
Both EIP and VP are basically run by the same folks : Stanford Internet Observatory, the University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public, the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab, and Graphika
Each of the four entities is also deeply connected to the US military and foreign policy establishment. These four institutions further came into the 2020 election cycle with deep pre-existing connections to the major social media companies' content moderation teams,having worked together on censorship issues since the field first began developing in 2017.
There are a lot of fascinating details here. Mike Benz has done a good job exposing it so I will end this here.
one begs the question: wouldn't it be a lot easier and a lot cheaper for them to just say, "anything or anyone questioning or contradicting us is wrong and they are bad people, because we said so" ?
For anyone following the research of Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt over unlawful and unconstitutional actions by the globalists and their minions, I suggest Cory Lynn (Corey Digs) as a complementary source. She digs into how the shadow government came to be, chiefly by using diplomatic immunity as the vehicle to become lawless and criminal. It's been done by the UN, the WHO, Gavi and many more:
The academic organizations involved in this vile, sociopathy are all very steeped in "progressive" values. From Gates' standpoint (as well as others promoting the Eugenics jabs), those orgs are all "useful idiots". This doesn't make them any less dangerous, but it seems clear to me their political positions are blinding them to the damage they have done and can cause. Is there a cure for Rectal-Cranial Inversion? Maybe there's a "vaccine" for it?! /s
From the conclusion:
"thus far the anti-vaccine movement has proven both popular and savvy enough to persist on major social media platforms despite attempts to minimize its impact."
I'll take that as an absolute win.
The fact that the report treats "medical freedom claims" as a threat is alone an insane overreach.
We can't let them malign freedom advocates in any domain,(medical, financial, tech, ect) lest we lose them entirely.
I was able to view - took a while to download ...
At some point the word “stakeholder” should become as pejorative as “Nazi” and certainly any discussion depending on “stakeholders” will as time goes by be regarded with skepticism at the minimum.
Absolutely. The stakes they're holding have very sharp points and are being driven as weapons into health, freedom, and sanity.
Blue h: Love the way you turned their fancy language around on them in such a clever and perfectly descriptive way.
Thank you, Kathleen. :-) Wouldn't it be fantastic if a gifted cartoonist or illustrator such as Bob Moran created an image for this? I would be happy to make a large donation to get this done.
We need to become vigilant to all ‘branding’, as it is a highly successful tool in the psywarfare bag. ‘Stakeholders’ really is a term replacing ‘Co-conspirators’, and exposing one brand won’t safeguard from new brands. It is the use of brands that needs to become a siren in everyone’s minds. If I had a wish, we would expose methods of psychological entrainment in grade school, up-regulating every student’s acuity to detrimental advertising, false virtue and a degradation of core values and fortify their critical thinking BEFORE they are exposed to further education. You only win when the masses safeguard the henhouse. You cannot prevent complacent followers from being hijacked.
The Nazis were anti-commie and anti-NWO. hence they were lied about just as the truth tellers today.
“… this entire myth, so prevalent then and even now about Hitler, and about the Japanese, is a tissue of fallacies from beginning to end. Every plank in this nightmare evidence is either completely untrue or not entirely the truth.
If people should learn this intellectual fraud about Hitler's Germany, then they will begin to ask questions, and searching questions…”
Murray Rothbard, Revisionism for Our Time
Mr. Rothbard was Jewish American and an historian of the very highest caliber.
Question everything.
Goeff, many years ago I came across this perspective and did my best to remain open minded cognizant of the endless deceptions in our history. I continued to look into this and eventually discovered the Nazis, like Mao and Stalin and their communism "revolutions" were whole cloth creations by the pyramid cap elites such that if you dive into the organization of Nazi governance you can understand why it's pegged by historians as the first example of a Technocracy. The next iteration was the USSR and now we have China as Brzezinski's large-scale model plus the "Great Reset". This explains IBM's collusion with the Nazis, the decision to not bomb important targets in Germany during the war, Operation Paperclip, and much more.
The Nazis were deep into the Occult and had very close ties to Blavatsky and the highest ranking Masons in Europe and America - all Luciferians. Blavatsky coined the term "master race" and popularized the use of the swastika prior to the Nazis adopting this. If was a Blavatsky acolyte who "found" the Protocols of Zion (Revelation of the Method?). Alfred Rosenberg of the Thule Society was a very dubious character and those questioning his allegiance were silenced. There are people like polarizing conspiracy theorist Dr Henry Makow who have found and shared physical evidence (birth certificates, etc) showing Hitler came from Zionist (Sabatean?) heritage. There used to be an amazingly detailed website showing the Nazi obsession with the occult as they put into practice but I cannot find it anymore. It could be scrubbed. However, in searching for it I see many webpages on the subject. No doubt there are limited hangouts and misdirections in some of these requiring a keen eye to sort the wheat from the chaff.
I don't intend to clutter your commentary here, just giving you another layer of research to ponder. I've since expanded my understanding two or three levels higher and the occult factor continues to be a very strong thread driving history's actors.
Organized Libertarianism is another rabbit hole. I identified with Libertarian thinking for a long time and followed many Libertarian writers thus I appreciate those advocating for freedom but as you said, question everything.
Thanks, I'm aware of what you're writing there. Sutton wrote about who funded the Nazis and the Bolshies and it's cleaar that both were built up to fight one another on a massive scale for obvious reasons. Smae reason China of today was built up by similar global mafiosi.
As for Libertarianism, I used to think along those lies as well. As a movement it has obviously been infiltrated and is now run by the scum of the Earth as most things eventually are. One of the formerly premier websites has now been watered down and is full of garbage including ads displaying disgusting body parts and "sexy" women. Also, they incessantly push century old war time propaganda as if it's fact, and many of the writers refuse contact and any challenges to their stupid ideas whereas a couple of decades ago the old guys were happy to engage. Utterly degraded like everything else.
Everyone should check out the link Dr Nass sent out yesterday with her interview by Dr Drew and Dr Kelly Victory. I definitely liked her section (and her) more. As always, Dr Nass, you are amazing, and so brilliantly spoken. Getting to the part about their intent to write MDs out of the If anyone still uses an MD, would be a good idea to figure out how to share. That this attack on Drs was not just a US phenomenon shouldn’t surprise...but it did me. Today Dr James Lyons Weiler wrote a post on the WHO releasing its attack on salt and that a 30% reduction in salt intake should be mandated uniformly...globally. Lunacy, dangerous. Salt has been attacked for a long time, but is absolutely critical and most of us don't get enough
dr drew gives me the creeps...always the "devils advocate " under the guise of fake "fairness"
The best reason to avoid all mainstream social media. I haven't had any vaccines for 50 years so there is nothing anyone can say that will convince me to start using them. If you want to live longer, avoid all big pharma poison drugs as much as possible.
And medical doctors, hospitals.
And big ag poisons as well.
Shows up for me. These 'stakeholders' are actually the destroyers and must be held accountable all the way to the top.
This is like a playbook for Winston Smith in his 1984 cubicle...Up is Down, Deadly is Saintly...Censorship is Purification.
Whenever I see the word 'stakeholder' in a document, I replace it, in my mind' with the word 'perpetrator'. The gist of the document then becomes much clearer to me.
Similarly, changing 'perpetrator' to 'miscreant', 'crook', 'fraudster' or 'criminal' can also be helpful depending upon the context.
What these so-called researchers are really good at is making your $$$$ disappear without ever achieving a meaningful result. Colleges and universities have the same problem, they've just been at it longer. Check out one of their mission statements - either the college or university that you went to, or just choose one at random. What's the tangible end point in all this? What's the "hard target" that these "researchers", that the college or the university intends to accomplish?
We live in the age of the euphemism. Odds are, you won't find one.
When a person realizes that an opium trader founded Yale, that American opium traders were dealing in China since before the USA existed, and that Mao was a Yali (correct spelling), many things begin to fall into place.
Excellent points. Mission statement are all propaganda for the most part.
I think I'm going to be sick. 🤢
A bit more on DHS-CISA censorship. CISA appears to prefer to use private entities to make censorship requests. In 2020 it was the Election Integrity Project (EIP) for Election matters and then transitioned to the Vitality Project (VP) for COVID
Both are interesting in their naming. Integrity as in “Integrity Initiative” perhaps?. And Virality. VIRALITY is “The state or condition of being viral; tendency to spread by word of mouth.” Suggesting that words are a virus to be eradicated. People must be inoculated against the truth (censored)
Here is the Virality Project Report. Interesting reading.
Both EIP and VP are basically run by the same folks : Stanford Internet Observatory, the University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public, the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab, and Graphika
Each of the four entities is also deeply connected to the US military and foreign policy establishment. These four institutions further came into the 2020 election cycle with deep pre-existing connections to the major social media companies' content moderation teams,having worked together on censorship issues since the field first began developing in 2017.
There are a lot of fascinating details here. Mike Benz has done a good job exposing it so I will end this here.
Absolutely maddening.
Too scary. Terrifying, in fact.
one begs the question: wouldn't it be a lot easier and a lot cheaper for them to just say, "anything or anyone questioning or contradicting us is wrong and they are bad people, because we said so" ?
God, They must think we are dumb! Never seen B.S. given so many synonyms.
For anyone following the research of Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt over unlawful and unconstitutional actions by the globalists and their minions, I suggest Cory Lynn (Corey Digs) as a complementary source. She digs into how the shadow government came to be, chiefly by using diplomatic immunity as the vehicle to become lawless and criminal. It's been done by the UN, the WHO, Gavi and many more:
The academic organizations involved in this vile, sociopathy are all very steeped in "progressive" values. From Gates' standpoint (as well as others promoting the Eugenics jabs), those orgs are all "useful idiots". This doesn't make them any less dangerous, but it seems clear to me their political positions are blinding them to the damage they have done and can cause. Is there a cure for Rectal-Cranial Inversion? Maybe there's a "vaccine" for it?! /s