If Instagram wanted to, they could shut all these sites down immediately and refer the account owners for prosecution, all without digital IDs or collection of the data of innocents. With the sophisticated pattern recognition software already available, they could flag all such images for manual inspection. In fact, even without sophisticated software, manual inspection of every image communicated across their network is achievable. If Arizona can match ballot signatures in less than 3 seconds, surely they can detect child porn with a minimum of resource.

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FBI whistleblowers testified that they were instructed to pull assets from child sex abuse and trafficking in order to focus on white supremacist terrorist 1/6ers.

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I don’t want to be rude, but these organizations can all FUCK THEMSELVES...ALL organizations who killed people with there so-called “pandemic” what was totaly premeditated should get the DEATH-PENALTY...i voluntair to be the executioner 😃👍🏽 (thats around 1.4 billion killers, exact the number of people who the WEF wants dead before 2030😃👍🏽)

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Since most of these organizations & platforms have caved to the "Woke", which is very much aligned with Marxist ideology, including all of the sexual content being pushed on children in our government-run schools, we can expect pedophilia to keep growing, since is being normalized. It is, for all intents & purposes, sanctioned by our own government. I fear our culture has reached a tipping point in terms of redemption. When people lose the ability to auto-correct or police their own behavior, it is almost a lost cause. The sheer number of offenders speaks for itself. Expect those numbers to keep growing.

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A good approximation to interpret a WEF (or WHO) text is taking the opposite of what's written. When writing about safety, it's about unsafety. Unsafe in the sense that "the solution" implies that every opponent of the (impending) repressive system can be detected early enough and censored. Meta's algorithms excel at that, an indication that pedo-networks were / remain protected. The penalties involving child abuse also indicate the financial status and power of the network members.

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A basic lesson that many have forgotten/not learned is that government power can be abused, despite all assurances. In a world of government opacity and individual transparency, the government has the upper hand to monitor and manage individuals.

We should turn things around: the government should be transparent to-- accountable to-- the people, and the people should be opaque to the government. Privacy-- real privacy-- matters. The government and big tech have no business looking into our lives; we should have no business allowing them to do so under the guise of convenience.

We've hardly begun to understand the ethical problems of exposing our lives to supposedly "safe" surveillance.

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I would expect nothing less from a turd like zuckerberg. Fraudbook has to be the most useless site on the planet. It offers nothing that you can not find somewhere else, provided you even need it.

Screw digital everything. There is no entity on this planet that can guarantee your safety; not the police, the military or government.

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In 2023 I scrubbed the word SAFE from my working vocabulary.

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Any human being involved in hurting children sexually should be hung in the town square, including those in media, politics, corporations, and through the use of technology. Once they do this heinous act, they are no longer a human being. They become a monster filled with demons and must be destroyed. Demons cannot be rehabilitated. They must be annihilated Good, God fearing people with proper training must hunt them down, have honest proof, and destroy each and every wicked one.

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How can you escape them?

1.) Suicide, works everytime, they can't ass fuck you, when you are dead

2.) Go live in a country so poor that they can't afford to PAY Zuckerberg to spy on their citizens

3.) Don't own a smart phone, or dumb phone, they can't track you, if you don't play their games

4.) Refuse to use all social-media

5.) Deny that you post on substack if they ever ask you use the internet

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WEF and those who side with them are all SCUM, LIARS, and worse. Everything they say is lies. If they say something is for "your safety", you can believe it is for THEIR safety, for THEIR convenience, for THEIR profit, and wholly against anything for YOU. FTWEF.

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The WEF and UN are pretty consistent about their wants when it comes to our children.

A vote for Biden, the man Klaus called the master of the 4th Industrial Revolution, is a vote for Globalists who want Pedophilia to be normalized. Among other horrors.

Watch and you wont sleep tonight.


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There was recently here on substack an article with a video interview with a lady, she may have been Chinese, maybe even a government representative. Talking about the Chinese system, and asked about privacy of citizens, the lady agreed that privacy was important and reassured the interviewer that horizontal privacy, between citizens, was ensured at all times, just not vertical privacy, the government had access to citizen information. I never can recall where I saw these videos. It's a bit ungrateful to the substack author who posted it. But I just don't recall who posted it and wrote about it. Too much stuff on here.

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I think I accidentally found the playbook for all these WEF leaders in synchrony drooling this saccharine simplistic pop psychology and weaponized empathy. I had this on a list to read, chasing, as I do, why people turn evil, but I'd put it there before I was familiar with the abstract meaningless argot of the WEF. I'm sure some of this guy's findings are purposefully twisted covertly, but it hit me that he might actually be WEF, and sure enough. https://www.weforum.org/people/nayef-rodhan

Emotional Amoral Egoism: A Neurophilosophy of Human Nature and Motivations Hardcover – September 30, 2021


California has a bill that will make it "child abuse" to not affirm a child's gender, while simultaneously pedophilia is being normalized by the Weiner guy in SF who wants to lessen penalties for older people who prey on teenagers. Scott Weiner also signed on to those horrible medically fascist bills put forth by Pan, the pediatrician.

This Rodhan guy looks like Vlad the Impaler or Barnabus Collins from Dark Shadows. On the side of the angels, however, is Dr. Patrick Phillips https://www.sudbury.com/local-news/northern-doctor-loses-licence-for-covid-conduct-7107011. His Twitter feed is like a wonderful spiritual teaching.

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thank you

why is meta, any other tech company and the WEF getting involved in a law enforcement issue. there are laws in place already. if law enforcement is not being done well enough, then put more personnel in place to handle it. why is a platform that has complete legal immunity for its content getting involved. let alone why is anyone PREVENTING such crimes. prosecuting the crimes is the only prevention needed. preventing crimes not only does not work, it is the excuse tyrants have always used for democide.

sure, crime and sin are bad.

taking away free will in the name of preventing crime and sin is always as evil.

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I’m sorry your comment makes no sense. As for Google, who uses Google? Lol 😝

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