Like I said before......if they were serious about stopping pandemics they would shut down the major source.......gain of function experiments and BSL4 laboratories. But of course we know this is not about health. It is about greed, control and depopulation. Time for the states to get organized because at the end of the day it will have to be the states that refuse to comply.

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And shut Gates money trail down

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I hope the mass murderer is hiding and looking over his shoulders 24/7.

That would give me pleasure!

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Hey Steve, tell us how you really feel!! LOL LOL

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I don't mind fighting them by their "dirty pool" rules, but I don't want to be like them!

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The “WHO (do they think they are)” gangsters are backpedaling and running in so many dizzying circles these days one might think they were panicking. Bets are many of their former cohorts have caught the scent of their demise and are running for the hills. Tedros & co. will have a hard time making a clean getaway. Putting these fiends behind bars just won’t cut it. Praying 🙏 Almighty God’s swift and sure justice is served to the WHO —- NOW, and big time. It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God. (Hebrews 10:31 NIV)

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This song playing in your head?


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Thank you, Dr Day!!

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Let’s just hope that the third world countries which saved us last time are up to the job of saving the world again. It most likely won’t be America or the EU that puts this on ice!

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Perhaps this next phase is an opportunity for us make the insidiousness of this endeavor even more well known, the actors more well known, their tactics more well known, and the resulting sunshine will have the worms that are eating their souls die on the sidewalk. Never to to try again. We can always hope. And shine the light - daylight is our friend.

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I had the same thought... the more this drags on hopefully the more obvious it becomes what is really going on, resulting in them falling into their own traps.

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every time I see WHO and the lunacy it now represents I think of WHO-VILLE

as it reflects so much same

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I was just notified that my Facebook posting concerning the open letter to the WHO was deleted.

Great timing; due to our important victory, that don't matter no more because that one's over the dam. But the river rages on. And along with it, the lies and censorship. Happy weekend

and maybe a little break, but the drawing board nervously awaits us.

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Facebook plain text scanning works so well because it's so easy: just detect "unwanted" terms from a list. But the AI is plain stupid and if you produce text in for instance 2 colors in a way that the differently colored lines cross, humans still can read well but the AI fails. The same goes if you manage to write in a pic with for instance a leopard-like color scheme: the AI doesn't even get that text is involved. Unfortunately the satanic gang was quite successful in dumbing down the Western population via education in order to prevent intelligent resistance.

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Thanks Jan

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You're welcome. Facebook even sends the AI interpretation results to the browser but with a fast connection that isn't noticed. However it's possible to capture it and then improve on "fooling AI" skills. Summarized, you can even post a pic of of Facebook's refusal post (blabla about "standards" etc.) which includes the forbidden link. The only disadvantage, it can't be clicked.

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Thanks again Jan. I appreciate your info and your help.

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My pleasure Larry. This type of anti-censor war can be won:


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Again I thank you. Great to be in the trenches with you.

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I have a new article coming in the next day or so on the WHO Treaty. I mention Dr. Nass's splendid work and have some links.

Stay tuned.

Title: Globalists Plot Worldwide Genocide via WHO Pandemic Treaty


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what is the name of your substack. I looked up Richard Cook and there are a ton with the same name. Thanks

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It's Three Sages. This article just came up. It's the same on VT.


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Keep shining the light, brother Richard.

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Most intelligent people know the WHO is not into health. It should not even have the word HEALTH in its title...HELL would be more appropriate as it run by a Devil, named Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus!

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I wonder how much EMF and at what frequency, it takes to blow out the wiring on these "self-assembling" things? Perhaps a Rife-type device, or Lakhovsky generator? Gates etc must have something in place to keep them from getting sick(er). Some good old fashioned scalar waves?

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Didn't expect the Demonic to have enough honor to even announce this.

Sadist's are mind-screwing 'The People' as they really LOVE and ENJOY

the agony of unpredictability.

No doubt watching the stats from the algorithms with bated breath to ascertain fluxuations

indicating negative stress, depression and anxiety.

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The only way to stop the WHO is to “… splinter [it] in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds."

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What I expect to happen is that individual nations will put on a front of "retaining sovereignty" but will privately behind the scenes agree to do whatever the WHO tells them to do and follow WHO pandemic guidelines. They'll be able to say to the public "it's our decision" when effectively it won't be

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Exactly 🎯

James Roguski has already exposed them (Governments) and it’s all about profit. Reason they lost their deadlines (WHO) because of their greed.

Once they fill in all the details, like a non disclosure contract, indicating government profits…it’s a done deal.

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Ad far as I can tell, WHO is the only organization that wants the damned treaty. They are trying to shove it down the throats of the nations of the world, whether those nations want it or not. I imagine they are in a hurry, as the news about the dangers of the vaccines is just erupting.

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