WHO’s biggest problem is this mathematic fact.

>What WHO calls misinformation + 6month = the truth <

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Dr. Nass, Thank you for courageously continuing to fight the good fight.

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Dear Meryl,

The WHO is also integrated into Australia's Novavax 'Vaccine' contracts. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australias-novavax-contract

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We're doomed

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the plan from the get go seemed obvious to me, first, create a panic , then , isolation so people couldn’t compare notes, (and notice that healthy people weren’t dying en masse as the psyop claimed) then roll out the vacks , and blame all the absolute certain to happen vacks injury and death on the “virus”

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It would be interesting to launch a full scale study into the evolution of the term “misinformation”. I am not sure I had ever paid it attention until about four years ago when it seemed to be being adapted to mean information that was inexpedient, and the public were better off not knowing rather than information which was false. https://www.bmj.com/content/365/bmj.l2144/rr-5 Was that what it already meant in 2018? Not at all sure.

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Of cause should a second opinion be "banned" AE did not receive the nobel price for the general theory of relativity although mentioned AE received the prize for the photoelectric effect .. why should science be something where a second opinion should be even shown? There are a book written in how to deal with this problem......

Well: from Sowell

“The problem isn't that Johnny can't read.

The problem isn't even that Johnny can't think.

The problem is that Johnny doesn't know what thinking is;

he confuses it with feeling.”

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He understood sowell the human condition...

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Dr Meryl is one very brave & informative lady! Thank you to Dr Meryl, for bringing truth to many of us in this worlds populous. It is sad that even some of our family members do not wish to acknowledge there was/is an ongoing grave problem!! Crimes to humanity!! The younger gen have not been told enough about the past atrocities, & they are the ones casting votes.....which inevitably favours the "left-winged" politicians...all too sad for words! QLD, Australia.

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WHO along with their propagandists in arms, the CDC and FDA, are the true givers of false doctrine. WHO must be destroyed at all costs.

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The Chronically Vaccinated

Are A Perfect Example Of

Mind Over Matter.

Ignorant Thoughts

Led To

Bodies Of Disintegrating Matter.


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Here is also Bill Gates to set the course for humanity: WHO FUNDS THE WHO? WHERE DOES THE MONEY GO?

In 2022, the World Health Organization spent twice as much money on salaries ($1.164 billion) as they did on medical supplies and materials ($551 million).

- Voluntary contributions ($3.656 billion) made up 84% of the revenue received by the World Health Organization in 2022. These contributions often come with “strings” attached by the donors.

- The 194 member nations contributed a total of $496 million in assessed conributions. Please note that the assessed payments made by the member nations were less than the net surplus!

- The United States “donated” an additional $739 million over and above it’s required assessed payment.

https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/who-funds-the-who-where-does-the?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=746475&post_id=121384538&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email (05/17/2023)

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What happened to the touted “new internet” by many especially kimdotcom that big beautiful brilliant German?

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