Lately, there have been many ads that sound like public announcements on the radio, at all hours of day and night. Also, local news programs seem more focused on mental health stories. People are told to call certain #'s, go to particular websites and answer questions. My guess is that information is being gathered about people so government can deny certain rights, such as gun ownership or voting.

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Read food labels for sneaky inclusion of the ground crickets! Better yet boycott all packaged food; results in better overall health.

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Toward the beginning of the COVID fraud, the FDA made a change to food labeling allowing for up to 2% of the entire quantity of ingredients to be changed to nearly anything: https://www.fda.gov/food/cfsan-constituent-updates/fda-announces-temporary-flexibility-policy-regarding-certain-labeling-requirements-foods-humans

Two things come to mind: parasite ridden bugs and graphene.

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Start looking also for a QR code on packing; the only requirement of bioengineered ingredients.

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They are using the Latin names for crickets on labels, such as Acheta domesticus, Gryllus, Acheta, Criccetius lusus

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Also, carmine. “Carmine is a red food dye made from crushed insects called cochinea.”

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They'll probably call the insect ingredients some chemical or Latin name(s) so we won't recognize them. That's what they do and are evidently legally allowed to do, hide things in other things, like MSG in yeast, calling Maltodextrin something else, etc. They hide the ingredients so the "Proles" won't know what they're being poisoned with. Don't even have to disclose GMO. "The aggro-pharma industry only means what is best for the public health and well being. Just trust us...".

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One should them anyway they list bio-engineered substances that may cause cancer!Why are they allowed to bring our food anyway!

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The United States poor health results relative to money spent and/or populations covered, are the best proof that coverage does not equate to either good care OR healthy outcomes I think we should keep the message super simple when communicating the WHO's true objectives. Look what corporate medicine did to the health of the U.S. people and economy. Tell the world not to copy our poor example.

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hello Meryl,

Thank you for your tireless effotrs.

As one who refused to allow the state to inject me with MRna experimental gene therapies, I at once immersed myself in understanding the complex strategic weave of the new global totalitarian monster that is taking shape

To accelerate the opposition to this new beast, the road ahead seems clear.

Too much coverage on too many fronts, is proving counter productive to our mission.

Our vulnerable global populations have no capacity to take on any more "fear" at this time.

Five alternative media focal points below are not only too difficult for your average citizen to understand, but the endpoints leading to a dystopian future are also psychologically terrifying to most.

1. Medical riesearch by our top professionals - on the impacts of MRna

Dr’s Hooker, McCullough, Kory., Malone and yourself ..et al

2. The WHO's formal takeover of our sovereignty in May 2024

3. devastating increases in "all cause mortality"

4. The Prep Act, Barda and the insidious nature of the contractual structure of DoD countermeasure policies

5. Wuhan virus origins and gain of function research.

Very detailed topics. But what is understandable and carries little fear to the individual pysche is the "War on Ivermectin" story. It is all the public needs to know.

As Bobby Kennedy has voiced many times, "a law that very few know about states: In order to initiate 'Emergency use authorization 'there cannot be a drug or prophylactic that demonstrates efficacy in the treatment of covid 19."

Since Iverectin treatment only costs a $ a dose it had to

be banned in spite of the obvious wide successes and safety that Iverectin has demonstrated as a prophylactic against viral and parasitic attacks.

But had Ivermectin been used,

there would have been little MRna take up.

Vaccine passport rollout would not have been accomplished,

personal rights and liberties would not have been trampled,

incalcuable harm and sorrow would have been averted,

depopulational tactics would not have succeeded.

Equity market participants would not have been enriched

All so easy for the masses to understand without generating fear, and once understood the dominos can begin to fall

WHO won't have any hope of surviving.

UN close behind

demand Ivermectin be sold over-the-counter


john ohara

cc CHD’s Karen McDonough

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Totally get rid of the WHO and all other lettered agencies!

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Like you my favorite word is no

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It enrages me to think that the one group that could make the biggest dent in this medical tyranny juggernaut chooses instead to cooperate with and bolster it. My (former) colleagues make me want to spit. Present company excepted, thank you Dr. Nass.

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The owners purchase assets which might serve or frustrate their objectives, to create one big happily-owned "family", in the cosa nostra sense of the word.

The WHO was a bargain.

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Meryl, if anyone ever tells you that you're a Saint, they're not exaggerating.

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genital mutilation is covered under the mental health umbrella. it won't be limited to school mental health centers either if the WHO gets its way.

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The WHO is a mafia of grifters with allies to JE's clients; from the WH to the Nobel Prize Committee.

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The Techno-Optimist Manifesto: Proof That Technocrats Live In A Simulacrum:


I say that We The People do not negotiate with those who represent perpetrators of genocidal Nuremberg crimes. Wherever they are, and however long it takes, they will be brought to trial. No immunities, no statutes of limitation.

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create the chaos that justify both their existence and expansion

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This is yet another low cost front of assault against legal structures of human rights in governments still adhering to "democratic" principles, which interfere with corporate ownership and control (aka "fascism").

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I Am Thinking Of

Staging A Pandemic.

Who’s In ?

( BYO Your Own Government Apparatus )


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I cannot believe that you expect to see evidence. They will make up whatever is needed (just like in your case). They are not bound by grammar or logic. It is a game of whack-a-mole and it is not even sophisticated. It is just sophistry as has been going on for thousands of years. In the end, when whatever is tried doesn't work, it will become "Because I said so!" and there will be death to rid the obstructing problem. We little people are considered "animals" just like the Palestinians are considered to be. But do not fear, One Health will fix and align everything for the worker's paradise (with similar results).

It is all bullshit and acting. My question is "Why do we even go along and try to deal with it when weasel words are used?" Would anyone who is not desperate or useless marry a weasel to live with? Any expectation of other than disappointment is fantasy. (At least there will be mental drugs to decrease the pain and memory.)

The WHO has gone on from pandemic issues to wider issues and involvement. When will enough be enough? When any resistance to their operational control can be eliminated through a global control-grid prison. Spoiler Alert: If you want to see a preview, just look closely at the "credentialed" school system or the medical board system. The coup is in the rear view mirror. Everything is now a securing of conquered territory operation. We the People will not win in this system because it is designed so that we can't. Get out and create the world that you want to see right where you are. Don't rely on others for you are fighting a tar baby created to engulph you. If one ever expects to see a non-local "representative" call bullshit and suggest leaving the UN or WHO etc. because they are weasels and not trustworthy, you have drunk the Kool-Aid and need detox and better eyeglasses. Just say No!

Thanks for your contributions to the detox.

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WHO are terrorists and run by them!

Corrupt thieves that belong in prison

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