More jabs, more variants, more immune suppression, more death.

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It is almost like the jab 'is' the infection. Times some multiplier in the 10-100000 range.

The correlation is tight, globally.

Recently some have come out saying it is in fact ~100 times worse from the vial than the 'natural' patented virus.

Not sure if that is just the Spike, if it counts the toxic LNPs. Or if it counts the other redacted stuff that is included in the vial, from GO/rGO on.

Either way, we know it messes with the immune system. We all know people who have gotten it over and over again in a short period.

Igor has written about this. About immune depletion. Like a battering ram.

Then there are the cancers and other latent disease that are let off the leash.

For authorities to still be pushing these bioweapons like no drug dealer in history, clearly there is an Agenda that has nothing to do with the health of humans.


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I am an amateur mathematician/statistician, so don't trust my calculations.

Verify them for yourself.

During the given time period and accepting the data as accurate (yeah, right), it seems like the shots resulted in...


- Relative Risk Reduction: 15%

- Absolute Risk Reduction: 0.01673%


- Relative Risk Reduction: 12.7%

- Absolute Risk Reduction: 0.00418%


If "the jabbed" in Maine experienced an overall increased hospitalization rate of more than 0.01673% above normal, and additional deaths at an absolute rate of more than 0.00418% above normal, then one might conclude that the Jabs are causing more severe disease and death than they are preventing.

If you think the "jabs" caused over 171 additional hospitalizations and over 43 deaths in Maine, then...


Please check my math.

(and realize that combining the unjabbed and the partially jabbed is data fraud)

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Nothing to do with Maine's sheeple dying off, but I just learned about Andrew Yang's "Forward" party. Sounds like Democrat-lite. Perfect. Reckon you should promote the hell out of it, as it will split the Democrat vote. Specifically, if there is no Forward Party candidate in next month's gubernatorial elections in CA (Google won't tell me whether there is or not -- wonder why) you should get one onto the ballot, asap. It's your best and I would say only chance of getting rid of Newsom.

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I hate eugenics programs!

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And, of course, the 'not fully vaccinated' are lumped together with the 'unvaccinated' 'cause Science!

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Some people are not getting new booster because they clearly see that the vaccine does not work, they don't need official data to figure this out. Yet I know others that have gotten it because they still believe it is going to help them and they don't have any desire to seek out information about the side effects. They are still scared of COVID and don't think there is an risk...Fauci did a good job brainwashing them. The campaign for the Covid vaccines has gotten into some people's souls and runs strong. As far as voting this November, many people I know will vote for the democrat because they are so mad about woman's right to choose an Abortion being taken away. For me the mandates for COVID are a far worse attack on individual's liberty. In NY State Gov Kathy Hochul not only backed vaccine mandates but she told constituents that God wanted them to have the vaccine. I will not support her no matter what I think of the guy running against her. I hope she looses as there is no reason to believe she won't do it again. In a more perfect society these 2 lady Democratic leaders would apologize for what they did to people and admit they were wrong. But in actuality they seem to be keeping it up.

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It's a shame that most of Maine is so liberal and anti trump that she will most likely win her bid for re election

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So, how do Fauci and his minions (our entire Public Health System) get away with the lie that even if you get Covid-19 after vaccination, you won't be as sick as an unvaccinated person and at least won't be hospitalized or die? The monkeys running our Health Care System see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil. . .they are blind, deaf and gagged.

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I am so proud of being a true American so I got 4 shots and last time I even had paxlovid.

I am looking for the gold standard statement that I am proud of what I have done.

It is probably along the lines from well known others: Biden, Fauci, head of Pfizer, etc.

Now that I have covid for the n th time, I need to have the right line so I might be noticed.

Please help me

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a minor point, but nyt says 82% of mainers took the kill shot. maine cdc says 76%. possible that both may be wrong and the numbers are propaganda to increase uptake? maybe times have changed but i find it hard to reconcile how three out of four residents of this beautiful and often ruggedly independent state would just kill themselves off like that...

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Your data assumes honest reporting, which is unlikely - likely the truth is worse.

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According to this "study" cited in the CDC website, vaccination of pregnant mothers is associated with "reduced hospitalization of <6 month old infants."

I do not believe a single word of it, but I wonder if anyone has looked over this garbage study to expose its deficiencies?


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How come we don’t hear an official shame campaign about this pandemic of the VACCINATED? Where’s all the guilt propaganda to make them feel so awful for existing and taking up all those hospital beds?!

I’ll never forgive them for treating we the unjabbed like trash over the wise personal health choice to remain the control group in this mass experiment.

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Thank you Dr. Nass. Are these stats proving ADE or Original Antigenic Sin to be correct theory? If so, does it mean we are going to have a very rough winter?

Also, wondering if these numbers prove that being vaxed offers none to little protection bc for example if a state is having 79% of ppl vaxed in the hospital, and the other remaining unvaxed is 21% in the hospital, doesn’t that about match the number of vaxed to unvaxed anyhow in the US?

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