As I posted, MSNBC said it was Israel. And Israel has warned the hospital to evacuate. Why is criticism of Israel always turned into anti-semitism? Explain that. I am 100% Jewish. Do I want to invite Hamas to kill me?
Now Gaza's oldest cathedral, where civilians also sheltered, has been blown away.
It doesn't matter who did it. Gazans died.
We are now at about 1400 Israeli deaths to about 4000 Gazans. When will there be enough deaths, Maurine?
Because it is about anti-semitism. Always has been. Please post the MSNBC link where they said it was Israel. And show me the link where they told the Palistianians to leave the hospital..
The “response” is more terrible than the initiatory actions …but Hamas knew it would be and is responsible for creating the situation! There is still no plausible explanation how this could have occurred! Where was the IDF for 8 hours??? An “excuse” to annihilate millions of innocents?
Sorry but after watching Netanyahu sell the Israeli people to Pfizer as guinea pigs and then enforce “vaccine mandates” that turned every Israeli’s life into a living hell and then “stand down” the IDF for hours during an “unprecedented invasion”, I no longer believe that “Israel does not kill its own people”… certainly not THIS government! The Mossad and present Israeli government are willing to sacrifice their “own people” for their political goal: to divide the political opposition; to demonize the Gazan population in order to allow a full scale invasion of Gaza and make it unlivable; drive away as many palestinians as possible for its eventual incorporation into Greater Israel! There are many historical precedents for political leaders allowing or perpetrating or simulating such a devastating attack to bring about a larger goal. The “goal” here is the driving away of the Gazans.
Zionist allowed the the Hamas attack, The evidence is undoable. Why? So the Zionists can steel Gaza from the Palestine's. It's very simple, If the Jews wanted innocents to be unharmed why not let them into Isreal and set up a temporary came, until the Hamas group was eliminated. When logic is intentionally bent to fit the narrative it's just propaganda and lies. STOP IT ZIONIST's you are committing murder and the world for now is watching. I suspect the east will not stand for it much longer. Bombing the Hospital is 1000x worse than what Hamas did. Killing and Bombing innocents in Gaza is 1000x worse than Hamas did. 70yrs of shooting kids throwing stones is 100000x worse than Hamas has ever done. JUST STOP THE KILLING NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hamas does not allow the Palestinians to leave. They even tried to stop them from going far South in Gaza. Why don't the Palestinians get rid of Hamas?
When you are in a prison, being bombed every 4 or 5 years. Those bombs killing your relations, and the only way to fight the jailers is via Hamas, you also would take that option. As for living Gaza, you know very well if the Palestine's leave the Jews will still the land and will never let them back. So the option is sty and fight for your dead relations and your land or run. Even when the Palestine's are running to the south, the Zionists are booming them. They can't leave Gaza, Its a prison and no one on the boarders countries will let them in.
The jew must know what they are doing is wrong, and god knows.
Israel has given back land including Gaza following wars that Israel actually won. Yes, I am sorry for any people that lose their lives to wars, the innopcent of Gaza too. It's all very sad. But the Palestinians didn vote for Hamas as their leaders in 2005, knowing they wee terrorists. If they had wanted to broker more peace treaties with Israel and gain complete freedom to move about, they should not have support the terrorists organization. I am sad for the whole situation. It's also sad that following 1948, Arabs did nothing to aid the 650,000 displaced Palestinians. Israel took in all the jews fleeing from Arab countries that displaced them and threw them out. Israel integrated all of them into their country. God knows what. God gonna solve it for you? Jews in Europe in the 1930's and 40's couldn't leave either.
Please you need to follow your own advice Unlike you I do not fall for the Zionist Propaganda. Read the article and the proof and videos show that Isreal bombed and killed innocent people. I love the Jewish people. Got loads of friends but you lot have a distorted history and view of who and the lands. Your education being presented is a total propaganda lie.
Look all I want is No more humans innocents to be killed. Thats it. Yes Isreal and its people need a home land and so do the Palestine, Who can not both of the groups live in Isreal and have the same benefits and freedoms as Jews? You did not like the racism/ Apartide when Hitlar did it to you, so you should know the Palestine's do not like it also, and the Zionists are doing it to the Palestine's for 70yrs and 1000x worse.
You think you are able to avoid reading propaganda that agrees with your already fixed and settled opinion. Now I see Hamas just releeased 2 Americans for humanitarian reasons. What a joke. Pretending to be humanitarian to show the world how wonderful they are.
So Meryl, you think the Israelis should put down their weapons and be slaughtered like sheep by Islamic terrorists whose SOLE MISSION is to destroy Israel and kill every Jew?
Remember the Oslo Accords? Israel gave Arafat almost everything he asked for and Arafat turned it down and launched an intifada.
You see Meryl, the Palestinians and their “representatives don’t want land, they have over 22 Muslim nations from which to choose, they want Israel and the Jews destroyed.
I once respected you but now, I see you are at heart an amoral, vapid Leftist.
The palestinians do not have countries to choose from, because keeping them in Palestine keeps the water boiling to the advantage of all militaristic players in the mideast.
Sorry, but the Hamas killed 1400 Israelis and so far the Israelis are said to have killed 3700 Gazans.
With a ground war likely whose casualties will dwarf these numbers.
The Palestinians don’t want to leave their land they’ve proven this over the past 75 years. No matter how much they’re bombed. Even if they have somewhere to go which has been offered them many times by Arab countries they don’t go. Their situation is similar to the American “red Indians” and the Australian Originals after their occupations.
So I throw you out of your house and you live in the garage. Then I throw you out of the garage into to the yard and put a fence around you. And don’t you dare want to attack me. Just accept shit. Go on don’t be a hypocrite.
If you only knew the history of what happened in the region, you would not make such false analogies, Outsider. By your name, I suspect you feel victimized yourself, and therefore, take the position of blaming one side.
PS Israel did not bomb the hospital. Hamas did. Watch for the videos. But then people believe what they want to believe even without proof. A true sign of anti-semitism.
You propose doing something else for a change as if Israel has not tried to negotiate and compromise with the Palestinians. What do you expect the Israelis to do when the Palestinians stated goal is to exterminate them and to wipe them off the map? There have to be two sides willing to compromise and partition the land as the UN intended or else there will be unending war in which the civilians are always the victims and the elites profit.
Yes... 2 sides willing to compromise is the crux of the matter. As mentioned, the Palestinians see any negotiations as a stupid game. They are not serious about it. They only want every Jew to be gone from Israel , and Israel to be reacquired by the Palestinians. That's it. there's no real negotiating with that, is there ?
Hamas INITIATED this unprecedented BRUTAL attack, gruesomely murdering burning and beheading civilians because they were Jews.
They have 300 hostages, women elderly and children and some men.
You are outspoken about aligning yourself with terror group Hamas that is the bottom line.
You and others can hate Jews all you want, that is your right but if you try to murder us we will fight like hell. We Jews (all 15 million worldwide) are no longer defenseless as we were in Nazi Germany. With the help of God and the IDF we will destroy this latest threat to our existence.
Your great work on Covid I now call into question. I am canceling my subscription and hope others do too.
The Arab Palestinians share religion, language and ethnicity with 22 neighboring Arab Muslims countries in the regions including Jordan which is essentially all Palestinian. No one wants Hamas except for leftist fools like you.
The thousands of Jews that were displaced, not only from Germany, but from all Arab countries were helped by Israel to resettle them. Hoow come no Arab countries helped resettle the 650,000 Palistianians that were displaced in 1948. Do they not care about their Arab displaced people?
Sorry... Palestinians do have at least one other country to choose from. It's Jordan. And many Palestinians already live there. Why ? How so ? Because in the early 20th century both Palestine and Jordan were combined into ONE country called TransJordan. It seems quite stupid that this historical fact is continuously overlooked when addressing the 'Homeland' possibilities of the 'Palestinians'.
No Arab countries have ever offered to take in the Palestinians because they don't care. They only care about eliminating Israel. Anti-semitism is more than 3,000 years old. Read "Constantine's Sword" written by a Catholic. Israel is far from perfect including its PM. It's been defending itself for 75 years. Read your history.
Ellen, I agree with everything you've said about the Palestinians. Did you know every part of a Gazan's daily life is controlled by the Israeli government? All water, all electricity, all food, has been cut OFF. More than 1 million children live in Gaza, now without basic needs for survival. The Jewish people are not doing this, but Israel the state is. Israel's forever goal is to rebuild their Temple, and I believe they currently have everything they need to do so. Oh, but they can't because there's this pesky mosque sitting on top of it. Isreal believes their Messiah will come establish his kingdom once the Temple is restored. How do you presume they plan to gain possession of that mosque and destroy it? I assure you they won't be asking nicely.
Indeed and it’s astounding how people watch residences bombed where the population is 55% below 18 and don’t think of the children who die in their thousands over the years. And yet this son of an Israeli general who has had a young relative killed by the Palestinians even he gets it completely unlike the apologists for Israel far away in the USA. Well worth watching. See this Jewish Man’s humanity and ability to seek the truth no matter it went completely against everything he believed in:
Well Tim, considering the Palestinian population has more than quadrupled over the last 30 years, and considering Israel has had nukes all of this time, do you really think they want to wipe out the Palestinians?? Have you ever read about Palestinians who have Israeli citizenship and comprise half the population of Israel fleeing Israel?? No because Palestinians in Israel live 1000 time ms better life in Israel than they would in Gaza. Why can’t Palestinians make a life for themselves in Gaza? Because Hamas and Arafat before Hamas became billionaires by exploiting the “refugees” who are now 5 generations removed. Why doesn’t Jordan accept them? Egypt? Lebanon?Syria?Iran?Iraq?Tunisia?Yemen? Etc etc. The day hamas lays down it’s arms their will be piece. Jordan and Egypt made peace with Israel. See any wars there? See any invasions? Read Mark Twain’s description of Palestine in 1890. It was a desolate wasteland. The Jews developed the land and made it prosperous. The Jews can’t have one nation state? How many Christian nations are there? How many Muslim Nations are there? Buddhist? Communist? One Jewish nation in the entire world, the size of New Jersey is too much for you to tolerate? This nation is the threat? The Islamic terrorist and the leftist communists are not the threat??? What the hell!
Ellen, you contradicted yourself--the Gazans are pawns, they can't easily escape, no one wants them. And chances are they are the same race as the Jews going way back. Smart, hardworking I hear. They are like the Kurds. It is a mess and yet the US could say STOP and it would stop.
You are naive to think that this conflict would stop if the US said to STOP. Then the Palestinians would be empowered by Iran to achieve their mutual stated goals which are to exterminate all Jews and to eliminate the state of Israel.
I am done. People like you, with a new name, have come out of the woodwork to stir up this issue. The US can of course say STOP. And it is not "the Palestinians" who would exterminate all Jews and the state of Israel, the Palestinians cowering in churches and hospitals to avoid death and getting it anyway, but the bigger boys with the bigger toys who need to stir up hate and distract us from what is really going on--the global coup.
When Hamas went into Israel to stir up as much hate as humanly possible, do you think no one knew what the Israeli response would be?
Like 9/11, the response was to bomb (no Israelis die when they bomb from the air) and rain down massive destruction.
They wanted the Israeli response to get things really stirred up in Gaza. To force people to take sides.
Meryl, I really think you should stay off this topic and stick to what you know best which is bioweapons, the WHO and Covid 19 related issues. You don't understand the history of the region or the complexities of the issues related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The problem was never the indigenous Palestinian Jews. It has always been the European Jews who arrived 1947 and took over. Nazism Fascism Zionism are all European ideologies. It’s similar to apartheid in South Africa. The whites weren’t there before and when they arrived they brought European arrogance and ignorance with them. Europe should take back the Zionists which they expelled giving Palestine to them to get rid of them in 1948. This didn’t start in 2023. Orthodox Jews are anti Zionist entity “Israel” e.g. Jews not Zionists. Most Zionists are in fact non Jewish western fanatics and live in USA.
I find it hard to believe that you believe that the US could say 'STOP' and both sides would STOP. I think there have been numerous points along the way where the US had done that, and Hamas, The PLO & Hezbollah have not complied. Yes ?
Malaysian long time prime minister Mahathir said you kill one or several and you go to jail for life. You kill thousands and you get a medal. We need to criminalize the starting of war. And before the ignorant of history say this war started in 2023 it started in 1948 with the occupation of Palestine handed to the European Zionists by the British colonizers.
It seems the indoctrination is so deep and long standing. That so many believe they belong to a persecuted group and therefor have the right to persecute another. This will loop forever.
How I wish there were more people like him. Israel is committing genocide against the people of Palestine. There needs to be a lot more outrage against these atrocities.
First, Israel hasn't occupied Gaza for 18 years. Gaza wanted their own government and within 2 years elected hamas to power after which hamas decided there would be no more elections. Now with Israel declaring war on hamas, the overthrow by Israel will give the Gazan people a chance to once again have elections. If they really want peace, it would be in their best interest to not elect more bloodthirsty savages and in fact root out any that are left after Israel is done with them and kill them so they cannot corrupt their new government.
I look at it this way. In the D-Day bombardments in France, there were at least 20,000 French Citizens killed by allied bombing and naval gunfire. While tragic, it was unavoidable that friendly civilians would die in the overthrow of the nazis. In addition to D-Day occupied France was bombed from 1940-1945 by the allies, with the deaths of at least 100,000 French. About 1,600 French village, towns and cities were bombed, with some being erased from the map entirely. Looking back the French of today don't think they would have been better off living under nazi rule and they understand why those sacrifices had to be made. With luck, in a number of years, when the Gazans look back, they will see that the deaths of however many thousands are killed in the coming weeks, months, years? Allowed them to be free from oppression and will work to not allow their land to become a terrorist stronghold.
Now, lets be realistic. When they say that 3,700 civilians have been killed, that count includes all the terrorists that have perished and gone on to their reward of 72 virgins. They never say how many terrorists have been killed and no one is fact checking them. For all we know, most of the dead were terrorists and those who weren't were likely people who were forced into being at the site of a bombing by the terrorists. Or killed by hamas while trying to get away from the site of the bombing. It is weird how they never have any "friendly fire" accidents to report. But they will report massive deaths at a hospital they bombed accidently with an errant missile.
Still waiting to see the photos of the 800 bodies they are claiming. Heck, at this point I would settle for evidence of 800 funerals happening in the 2 days following those 800 deaths because muslims are fanatical about getting the dead buried in as short a time as possible. Where is the evidence?
As someone who is a descendant of those who have participated in every war since the French and Indian war in the US and who has been to war himself, I hope you get some reality in your life.
War is hell and anyone but the soldiers can simply walk away from it, unless they are being forced to stay there. Would you have saved the 100,000 French but allowed hitler to continue? Or the over 1 million German civilians? It is the same situation with hamas. If it means a lot of people die to end hamas then in the long run even the "Palestinians" will be better off for it.
No, it isn't hate. It is life experience and not trusting the word of hamas because they are untrustworthy. You will blindly accept that the Israelis killed them because hamas said so, but at this point they haven't even shown us the bodies or a flattened hospital or even blood stains where the rocket impacted. We already know about the Israeli dead and hostages because hamas made sure to film and put on the internet what they did and celebrate it. You need to get some discernment in your life because you are being lead around by the nose.
Baseless? Have you not seen babies dead, in cages, children raped? You must be a different level of retarded. Palestinians have always lied!!! Pallywood! They elected Hamas and they’re happy about it. I can’t even call these animals, that would be injustice to animals. They are less that the lowest forms of beings, evil scum on earth!
You have a fantastic moral compass and ability to discern facts from BS. Your Substack is a wealth of important relevant and urgent information. Thank you! 💚
"Gaza health officials say Israeli bombs have killed 3,785 people so far,"
It's interesting, how hate blinds people. Meryl doesn't trust US health officials about anything, but trust so called "Gaza health officials" even after latest lie about Hospital bombing by Israel killing 500 people.
I had enough. I feel dirty to have anything to do with this blog. I wish there was a way to request money back. I feel like I've donated money to Hamas.
The globalists are having a heyday with this war and this blog. I see that as people were coming together over the shots, the globalists found another way to divide us. Good people, see through the fog, PLEASE.
Makes me laugh, giving money to Hamas. Over the top. If you donated, it ALL went to Door to Freedom to fight the usurpation of sovereignty the globalists have in store for us.
Dear Meryl, you are far from amoral! In my eyes you are a hero for all people because of your sacrifices. Thank you for sharing with us the story of an important man in the US government who sacrificed and gave up his position and status to obey his moral convictions. REGARDLESS of what his personal convictions are, we should each aspire to defend our own values courageously.
Indeed and it’s par for the course that the usual Pavlovian reactions come from those who’ve been misled by generations of US propaganda and think this all started just now when the uppity Palestinians refused to lie down and die. The West Bank is no Hamas and there too there have been endless deaths administrative arrests and kidnappings and destruction of homes and settler expansion so clearly it’s not about Hamas but Zionism since the occupation over 75 years ago by European Jews upsetting the harmony of Palestine Jews, Christians and majority Muslims who had no issues with each other prior.
You are right, Meryl, about the globalists having a heyday with dividing people over this conflict just when they were coming together over the shots. Judging by the heated comments in response to your commentary, you have contributed to that division by taking sides.
“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.” — Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Dr. Malone, RFK Jr., Alex Berenson have all come out defending Israel's genocide. So Meryl is truly brave and I'm not surprised.
But the only side I have taken is against the criminal Netanyahu. And the criminal Hamas. Who appear to be on the same side. The side of constant division, hate, immorality, and killing hope.
For people to think I have "taken sides" shows the fog of war is very foggy.
Here is a clip from Ron Paul in 2001 saying we are accomplices when we fund both Palestine and Israel when they use the money to kill each other. His honest assessment without histrionics seems to be out of place with the camera-ready nonsense from so many politicians. I cringe even when I agree with the positions.
As I posted, MSNBC said it was Israel. And Israel has warned the hospital to evacuate. Why is criticism of Israel always turned into anti-semitism? Explain that. I am 100% Jewish. Do I want to invite Hamas to kill me?
Now Gaza's oldest cathedral, where civilians also sheltered, has been blown away.
It doesn't matter who did it. Gazans died.
We are now at about 1400 Israeli deaths to about 4000 Gazans. When will there be enough deaths, Maurine?
Because it is about anti-semitism. Always has been. Please post the MSNBC link where they said it was Israel. And show me the link where they told the Palistianians to leave the hospital..
they did not. prove it.
One compassionate honest human that had the courage to speak out against the tyranny!
💯. That’s all that needed to be said. Shocked by the triggered ignorant comments of many here but hey a lifetime of propaganda.
It’s all a global 3 Dimensional chess game with more than two players competing for control! 99.9% of the world population are pawns!
The “response” is more terrible than the initiatory actions …but Hamas knew it would be and is responsible for creating the situation! There is still no plausible explanation how this could have occurred! Where was the IDF for 8 hours??? An “excuse” to annihilate millions of innocents?
It was 5 hours and most were in the West Bank because of so much recent trouble there. Israel does not kill its own people. That's what Hamas does.
Sorry but after watching Netanyahu sell the Israeli people to Pfizer as guinea pigs and then enforce “vaccine mandates” that turned every Israeli’s life into a living hell and then “stand down” the IDF for hours during an “unprecedented invasion”, I no longer believe that “Israel does not kill its own people”… certainly not THIS government! The Mossad and present Israeli government are willing to sacrifice their “own people” for their political goal: to divide the political opposition; to demonize the Gazan population in order to allow a full scale invasion of Gaza and make it unlivable; drive away as many palestinians as possible for its eventual incorporation into Greater Israel! There are many historical precedents for political leaders allowing or perpetrating or simulating such a devastating attack to bring about a larger goal. The “goal” here is the driving away of the Gazans.
Zionist allowed the the Hamas attack, The evidence is undoable. Why? So the Zionists can steel Gaza from the Palestine's. It's very simple, If the Jews wanted innocents to be unharmed why not let them into Isreal and set up a temporary came, until the Hamas group was eliminated. When logic is intentionally bent to fit the narrative it's just propaganda and lies. STOP IT ZIONIST's you are committing murder and the world for now is watching. I suspect the east will not stand for it much longer. Bombing the Hospital is 1000x worse than what Hamas did. Killing and Bombing innocents in Gaza is 1000x worse than Hamas did. 70yrs of shooting kids throwing stones is 100000x worse than Hamas has ever done. JUST STOP THE KILLING NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hamas does not allow the Palestinians to leave. They even tried to stop them from going far South in Gaza. Why don't the Palestinians get rid of Hamas?
When you are in a prison, being bombed every 4 or 5 years. Those bombs killing your relations, and the only way to fight the jailers is via Hamas, you also would take that option. As for living Gaza, you know very well if the Palestine's leave the Jews will still the land and will never let them back. So the option is sty and fight for your dead relations and your land or run. Even when the Palestine's are running to the south, the Zionists are booming them. They can't leave Gaza, Its a prison and no one on the boarders countries will let them in.
The jew must know what they are doing is wrong, and god knows.
Israel has given back land including Gaza following wars that Israel actually won. Yes, I am sorry for any people that lose their lives to wars, the innopcent of Gaza too. It's all very sad. But the Palestinians didn vote for Hamas as their leaders in 2005, knowing they wee terrorists. If they had wanted to broker more peace treaties with Israel and gain complete freedom to move about, they should not have support the terrorists organization. I am sad for the whole situation. It's also sad that following 1948, Arabs did nothing to aid the 650,000 displaced Palestinians. Israel took in all the jews fleeing from Arab countries that displaced them and threw them out. Israel integrated all of them into their country. God knows what. God gonna solve it for you? Jews in Europe in the 1930's and 40's couldn't leave either.
meant to say the Palestinians did vote in a terrorist group to govern them in 2005.
Israel did not hit the hospital. There are videos. Educate yourself.
Please you need to follow your own advice Unlike you I do not fall for the Zionist Propaganda. Read the article and the proof and videos show that Isreal bombed and killed innocent people. I love the Jewish people. Got loads of friends but you lot have a distorted history and view of who and the lands. Your education being presented is a total propaganda lie.
Look all I want is No more humans innocents to be killed. Thats it. Yes Isreal and its people need a home land and so do the Palestine, Who can not both of the groups live in Isreal and have the same benefits and freedoms as Jews? You did not like the racism/ Apartide when Hitlar did it to you, so you should know the Palestine's do not like it also, and the Zionists are doing it to the Palestine's for 70yrs and 1000x worse.
Hamas does as its Israeli creators and funders tell it to.
read history and educate yourself. Your comment is pathetic.
My comment can't begin to approach the patheticness involved in your ad hominem attack.
You think you are able to avoid reading propaganda that agrees with your already fixed and settled opinion. Now I see Hamas just releeased 2 Americans for humanitarian reasons. What a joke. Pretending to be humanitarian to show the world how wonderful they are.
Hamas should have been defunded by those in Israel and the United States that funded it to defeat the PLO.
prove it.
You’re disgusting
So Meryl, you think the Israelis should put down their weapons and be slaughtered like sheep by Islamic terrorists whose SOLE MISSION is to destroy Israel and kill every Jew?
Remember the Oslo Accords? Israel gave Arafat almost everything he asked for and Arafat turned it down and launched an intifada.
You see Meryl, the Palestinians and their “representatives don’t want land, they have over 22 Muslim nations from which to choose, they want Israel and the Jews destroyed.
I once respected you but now, I see you are at heart an amoral, vapid Leftist.
Moi, a leftist?
The palestinians do not have countries to choose from, because keeping them in Palestine keeps the water boiling to the advantage of all militaristic players in the mideast.
Sorry, but the Hamas killed 1400 Israelis and so far the Israelis are said to have killed 3700 Gazans.
With a ground war likely whose casualties will dwarf these numbers.
How about doing something else for a change?
The Palestinians don’t want to leave their land they’ve proven this over the past 75 years. No matter how much they’re bombed. Even if they have somewhere to go which has been offered them many times by Arab countries they don’t go. Their situation is similar to the American “red Indians” and the Australian Originals after their occupations.
The Palestinians don't want to live in peace with their neighbors, they want to exterminate them.
So I throw you out of your house and you live in the garage. Then I throw you out of the garage into to the yard and put a fence around you. And don’t you dare want to attack me. Just accept shit. Go on don’t be a hypocrite.
If you only knew the history of what happened in the region, you would not make such false analogies, Outsider. By your name, I suspect you feel victimized yourself, and therefore, take the position of blaming one side.
Assumptions assumptions. I’m no youngster I know the history very well. This son of an Israeli general has a lot to tell you:
PS Israel did not bomb the hospital. Hamas did. Watch for the videos. But then people believe what they want to believe even without proof. A true sign of anti-semitism.
You propose doing something else for a change as if Israel has not tried to negotiate and compromise with the Palestinians. What do you expect the Israelis to do when the Palestinians stated goal is to exterminate them and to wipe them off the map? There have to be two sides willing to compromise and partition the land as the UN intended or else there will be unending war in which the civilians are always the victims and the elites profit.
Whatever happened to the two state solution? Why has Hamas been funded by Netanyahu (even up to 2019 at least) when it is clear where that would lead?
Citizens are victims of their elites. WHY? For what?
Why must so many people turn this into some existential black vs white when it clearly is not? The vast majority have always wanted peace.
Thank You, Peace-Warrior Sister, Meryl.
Just a thought: If Hamas would go on vacation for 3 years to Hawaii, not one Palestininian or Gazan would be killed by the Israelis...
Yes... 2 sides willing to compromise is the crux of the matter. As mentioned, the Palestinians see any negotiations as a stupid game. They are not serious about it. They only want every Jew to be gone from Israel , and Israel to be reacquired by the Palestinians. That's it. there's no real negotiating with that, is there ?
Hamas INITIATED this unprecedented BRUTAL attack, gruesomely murdering burning and beheading civilians because they were Jews.
They have 300 hostages, women elderly and children and some men.
You are outspoken about aligning yourself with terror group Hamas that is the bottom line.
You and others can hate Jews all you want, that is your right but if you try to murder us we will fight like hell. We Jews (all 15 million worldwide) are no longer defenseless as we were in Nazi Germany. With the help of God and the IDF we will destroy this latest threat to our existence.
Your great work on Covid I now call into question. I am canceling my subscription and hope others do too.
The Arab Palestinians share religion, language and ethnicity with 22 neighboring Arab Muslims countries in the regions including Jordan which is essentially all Palestinian. No one wants Hamas except for leftist fools like you.
Please Meryl stick with health.
The thousands of Jews that were displaced, not only from Germany, but from all Arab countries were helped by Israel to resettle them. Hoow come no Arab countries helped resettle the 650,000 Palistianians that were displaced in 1948. Do they not care about their Arab displaced people?
Sorry... Palestinians do have at least one other country to choose from. It's Jordan. And many Palestinians already live there. Why ? How so ? Because in the early 20th century both Palestine and Jordan were combined into ONE country called TransJordan. It seems quite stupid that this historical fact is continuously overlooked when addressing the 'Homeland' possibilities of the 'Palestinians'.
No Arab countries have ever offered to take in the Palestinians because they don't care. They only care about eliminating Israel. Anti-semitism is more than 3,000 years old. Read "Constantine's Sword" written by a Catholic. Israel is far from perfect including its PM. It's been defending itself for 75 years. Read your history.
Ellen, I agree with everything you've said about the Palestinians. Did you know every part of a Gazan's daily life is controlled by the Israeli government? All water, all electricity, all food, has been cut OFF. More than 1 million children live in Gaza, now without basic needs for survival. The Jewish people are not doing this, but Israel the state is. Israel's forever goal is to rebuild their Temple, and I believe they currently have everything they need to do so. Oh, but they can't because there's this pesky mosque sitting on top of it. Isreal believes their Messiah will come establish his kingdom once the Temple is restored. How do you presume they plan to gain possession of that mosque and destroy it? I assure you they won't be asking nicely.
Indeed and it’s astounding how people watch residences bombed where the population is 55% below 18 and don’t think of the children who die in their thousands over the years. And yet this son of an Israeli general who has had a young relative killed by the Palestinians even he gets it completely unlike the apologists for Israel far away in the USA. Well worth watching. See this Jewish Man’s humanity and ability to seek the truth no matter it went completely against everything he believed in:
divide and conquer until no body works with anybody--atomization.
Well Tim, considering the Palestinian population has more than quadrupled over the last 30 years, and considering Israel has had nukes all of this time, do you really think they want to wipe out the Palestinians?? Have you ever read about Palestinians who have Israeli citizenship and comprise half the population of Israel fleeing Israel?? No because Palestinians in Israel live 1000 time ms better life in Israel than they would in Gaza. Why can’t Palestinians make a life for themselves in Gaza? Because Hamas and Arafat before Hamas became billionaires by exploiting the “refugees” who are now 5 generations removed. Why doesn’t Jordan accept them? Egypt? Lebanon?Syria?Iran?Iraq?Tunisia?Yemen? Etc etc. The day hamas lays down it’s arms their will be piece. Jordan and Egypt made peace with Israel. See any wars there? See any invasions? Read Mark Twain’s description of Palestine in 1890. It was a desolate wasteland. The Jews developed the land and made it prosperous. The Jews can’t have one nation state? How many Christian nations are there? How many Muslim Nations are there? Buddhist? Communist? One Jewish nation in the entire world, the size of New Jersey is too much for you to tolerate? This nation is the threat? The Islamic terrorist and the leftist communists are not the threat??? What the hell!
Ellen, you contradicted yourself--the Gazans are pawns, they can't easily escape, no one wants them. And chances are they are the same race as the Jews going way back. Smart, hardworking I hear. They are like the Kurds. It is a mess and yet the US could say STOP and it would stop.
You are naive to think that this conflict would stop if the US said to STOP. Then the Palestinians would be empowered by Iran to achieve their mutual stated goals which are to exterminate all Jews and to eliminate the state of Israel.
I am done. People like you, with a new name, have come out of the woodwork to stir up this issue. The US can of course say STOP. And it is not "the Palestinians" who would exterminate all Jews and the state of Israel, the Palestinians cowering in churches and hospitals to avoid death and getting it anyway, but the bigger boys with the bigger toys who need to stir up hate and distract us from what is really going on--the global coup.
When Hamas went into Israel to stir up as much hate as humanly possible, do you think no one knew what the Israeli response would be?
Like 9/11, the response was to bomb (no Israelis die when they bomb from the air) and rain down massive destruction.
They wanted the Israeli response to get things really stirred up in Gaza. To force people to take sides.
And to distract while the evil deeds get done.
Meryl, I really think you should stay off this topic and stick to what you know best which is bioweapons, the WHO and Covid 19 related issues. You don't understand the history of the region or the complexities of the issues related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Meryl understands very well Marjory, and you do not like it. You are a partisan on the wrong side of history, I believe.
Anyway, we shall see. WW3 has a long way to go.
Rubbish. Stop trying to evaluate individuals when you aren’t qualified to do so. Nor to tell them what to do. It’s both ignorant and arrogant.
The problem was never the indigenous Palestinian Jews. It has always been the European Jews who arrived 1947 and took over. Nazism Fascism Zionism are all European ideologies. It’s similar to apartheid in South Africa. The whites weren’t there before and when they arrived they brought European arrogance and ignorance with them. Europe should take back the Zionists which they expelled giving Palestine to them to get rid of them in 1948. This didn’t start in 2023. Orthodox Jews are anti Zionist entity “Israel” e.g. Jews not Zionists. Most Zionists are in fact non Jewish western fanatics and live in USA.
Meryl I agree with you
I find it hard to believe that you believe that the US could say 'STOP' and both sides would STOP. I think there have been numerous points along the way where the US had done that, and Hamas, The PLO & Hezbollah have not complied. Yes ?
“One Jewish nation in the entire world, the size of New Jersey is too much for you to tolerate?@
I don’t care who lives in a state that has a war-mongering puppet as its head. The war-mongering has got to stop.
Ellen, I agree with you.
Frankly, it looks like a Hamas-Israel collab.
I bet Israel created the PDF of the Hamas attack blueprint that was magically “found.”
The whole story stinks to high Heaven.
The IDF was "stood down" for 7 hours while Hamas forces were breaching the fence and advancing to overrun IDF bases, which were not alerted.
Scroll down to the end of the Israel/Palestine first segment for video from Israel about this:
I sympathize with neither Hamas terrorism nor Israel-US warmongering.
Really, the US has said stop at the beginning of an Israeli war and and the Israelis complied and their enemies did not? Examples with cites please.
People go to jail for killing but not governments. How is dropping bombs justice rather than vengeance?
Malaysian long time prime minister Mahathir said you kill one or several and you go to jail for life. You kill thousands and you get a medal. We need to criminalize the starting of war. And before the ignorant of history say this war started in 2023 it started in 1948 with the occupation of Palestine handed to the European Zionists by the British colonizers.
You have a very steady voice. Thank you.
It seems the indoctrination is so deep and long standing. That so many believe they belong to a persecuted group and therefor have the right to persecute another. This will loop forever.
No words.Only sorrow...
How I wish there were more people like him. Israel is committing genocide against the people of Palestine. There needs to be a lot more outrage against these atrocities.
What about the genocide Israel committed against their own people? Where's the outrage for that?
Because many can't question or begin to see this piece.
So many are adhered to their beliefs.
Layers and layers of trauma playing out?
First, Israel hasn't occupied Gaza for 18 years. Gaza wanted their own government and within 2 years elected hamas to power after which hamas decided there would be no more elections. Now with Israel declaring war on hamas, the overthrow by Israel will give the Gazan people a chance to once again have elections. If they really want peace, it would be in their best interest to not elect more bloodthirsty savages and in fact root out any that are left after Israel is done with them and kill them so they cannot corrupt their new government.
I look at it this way. In the D-Day bombardments in France, there were at least 20,000 French Citizens killed by allied bombing and naval gunfire. While tragic, it was unavoidable that friendly civilians would die in the overthrow of the nazis. In addition to D-Day occupied France was bombed from 1940-1945 by the allies, with the deaths of at least 100,000 French. About 1,600 French village, towns and cities were bombed, with some being erased from the map entirely. Looking back the French of today don't think they would have been better off living under nazi rule and they understand why those sacrifices had to be made. With luck, in a number of years, when the Gazans look back, they will see that the deaths of however many thousands are killed in the coming weeks, months, years? Allowed them to be free from oppression and will work to not allow their land to become a terrorist stronghold.
Now, lets be realistic. When they say that 3,700 civilians have been killed, that count includes all the terrorists that have perished and gone on to their reward of 72 virgins. They never say how many terrorists have been killed and no one is fact checking them. For all we know, most of the dead were terrorists and those who weren't were likely people who were forced into being at the site of a bombing by the terrorists. Or killed by hamas while trying to get away from the site of the bombing. It is weird how they never have any "friendly fire" accidents to report. But they will report massive deaths at a hospital they bombed accidently with an errant missile.
Still waiting to see the photos of the 800 bodies they are claiming. Heck, at this point I would settle for evidence of 800 funerals happening in the 2 days following those 800 deaths because muslims are fanatical about getting the dead buried in as short a time as possible. Where is the evidence?
Such a calcous attitude hope you never experience someone seeing you or your loved ones as cannon fodder!
As someone who is a descendant of those who have participated in every war since the French and Indian war in the US and who has been to war himself, I hope you get some reality in your life.
War is hell and anyone but the soldiers can simply walk away from it, unless they are being forced to stay there. Would you have saved the 100,000 French but allowed hitler to continue? Or the over 1 million German civilians? It is the same situation with hamas. If it means a lot of people die to end hamas then in the long run even the "Palestinians" will be better off for it.
I don't give a toss if you or descendants have been to war.
AND I stand by my comment!
So you would have let the French and Germans live and let hitler live. Kind of makes it clear who's side you are on.
No, it isn't hate. It is life experience and not trusting the word of hamas because they are untrustworthy. You will blindly accept that the Israelis killed them because hamas said so, but at this point they haven't even shown us the bodies or a flattened hospital or even blood stains where the rocket impacted. We already know about the Israeli dead and hostages because hamas made sure to film and put on the internet what they did and celebrate it. You need to get some discernment in your life because you are being lead around by the nose.
Truthful comment, Joe.
Baseless? Have you not seen babies dead, in cages, children raped? You must be a different level of retarded. Palestinians have always lied!!! Pallywood! They elected Hamas and they’re happy about it. I can’t even call these animals, that would be injustice to animals. They are less that the lowest forms of beings, evil scum on earth!
You have a fantastic moral compass and ability to discern facts from BS. Your Substack is a wealth of important relevant and urgent information. Thank you! 💚
"Gaza health officials say Israeli bombs have killed 3,785 people so far,"
It's interesting, how hate blinds people. Meryl doesn't trust US health officials about anything, but trust so called "Gaza health officials" even after latest lie about Hospital bombing by Israel killing 500 people.
I had enough. I feel dirty to have anything to do with this blog. I wish there was a way to request money back. I feel like I've donated money to Hamas.
The globalists are having a heyday with this war and this blog. I see that as people were coming together over the shots, the globalists found another way to divide us. Good people, see through the fog, PLEASE.
Makes me laugh, giving money to Hamas. Over the top. If you donated, it ALL went to Door to Freedom to fight the usurpation of sovereignty the globalists have in store for us.
Dear Meryl, you are far from amoral! In my eyes you are a hero for all people because of your sacrifices. Thank you for sharing with us the story of an important man in the US government who sacrificed and gave up his position and status to obey his moral convictions. REGARDLESS of what his personal convictions are, we should each aspire to defend our own values courageously.
Indeed and it’s par for the course that the usual Pavlovian reactions come from those who’ve been misled by generations of US propaganda and think this all started just now when the uppity Palestinians refused to lie down and die. The West Bank is no Hamas and there too there have been endless deaths administrative arrests and kidnappings and destruction of homes and settler expansion so clearly it’s not about Hamas but Zionism since the occupation over 75 years ago by European Jews upsetting the harmony of Palestine Jews, Christians and majority Muslims who had no issues with each other prior.
You are right, Meryl, about the globalists having a heyday with dividing people over this conflict just when they were coming together over the shots. Judging by the heated comments in response to your commentary, you have contributed to that division by taking sides.
Projecting again, Ms. Morningstar.
Taking sides?
“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.” — Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Dr. Malone, RFK Jr., Alex Berenson have all come out defending Israel's genocide. So Meryl is truly brave and I'm not surprised.
But the only side I have taken is against the criminal Netanyahu. And the criminal Hamas. Who appear to be on the same side. The side of constant division, hate, immorality, and killing hope.
For people to think I have "taken sides" shows the fog of war is very foggy.
It's all bubbling to the surface and 'they' are likely rubbing their hands together and grinning. Picking on hot topic after another to pull us apart.
The evil sick globalist are being exposed
Indeed. If people only knew. They’ll find out soon enough.
I wonder. The lenses are so obscured here.
These posts are absolutely horrific. Y'all are essentially taking sides with murderers. You WANT another genocide of the Jewish people?
Nope. I want both idiot governments to knock off their shit.
I am sticking to the world coup. This is part of it.
Been posted. Read the comments.
Here is a clip from Ron Paul in 2001 saying we are accomplices when we fund both Palestine and Israel when they use the money to kill each other. His honest assessment without histrionics seems to be out of place with the camera-ready nonsense from so many politicians. I cringe even when I agree with the positions.
Putting the occupier and Occupied on an equal moral footing won’t square it. Much as Ron Paul is great, just saying.