I have contacted 4 legislators in CT and no one was interested. Only one responded with a thank you. I think it is hopeless trying to get them to pay attention. I was wondering, do you think they have all been compromised?

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"Corrupted," would be a more descriptive term!

Politics has ALWAYS been corrupted, it's just that it grows worse with time. Look at the commercials we are shown. Compare them with that of six or seven decades ago. It always progresses from one point to the next further out.

Expect the trend to continue, only on a more inclined curve. And remember that there is a spiritual agenda waiting to be enforced in the wings. It will come slyly and seemingly innocently but in fact is the main goal of the "father of lies" Beware of "Sun-day" legislation!


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Same Michigan

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For sure...all you get is a canned reply if anything at all. Michigan is now full blown Marxist.

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Has there been any success yet in challenging them with the violation of their own charter which requires at least 4 months notice prior to a formal vote?

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I'm sure something REALLY important is contained within this ultraload of garbledygook, but I’ll be damned if I can find it. Not sure what Secretariat has to do with any of this. That horse has been dead for years.

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So happy there is always "somebody" who knows what I need, want, and must have that I know not.

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"However, attempts to avoid proper textual negotiations following due process are increasing trust deficit and speculation among Member States with regard to the integrity of the process."

Y'AA THINK???????????

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The nature of the poison

is always on the label. ;)

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didn't a famous politician once say something to the effect, 'we need to pass it, so we know what's in it!'

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An infamous pickled b**** named nasty piglosi uttered those ridiculous words.

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next time she grabs the vodka bottle, somebody grab a match...

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I volunteer. ;)

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“The co-chairs may, as necessary, invite interested delegations to conduct informal consultations on specific matters within a limited time on the sidelines of the meeting, to support the work towards consensus”.

Translation: delegations will be invited to discuss what bribes, blackmail, threats, or other coercive measures will enable agreement.

This is all about "consensus".

No disabling non-consensus is possible.

This train is headed for WHOville regardless, and there will be no stopping stations where you can leave the train.

You are all on board, for better or for worse, so get whatever you can out of the ride.

Dissent and dissenters, will be dealt with appropriately, for the greater good of all.

World peace, health and prosperity must prevail regardless.

All glory (or not) to the WHO, the savior (or not) of the world.

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There are two Human species on this planet now. 1) Those who have refused vaccines like Trump, RFK Junior and Me who remain Human and are protected by the Laws of Humanity 2) Those who volunteered to be vaccinated and were subjected to the vaccines which are a bio weapon, designed to take away their Humanity and which makes them a new species which has Zero Rights of any kind, now owned by the vaccine maker of choice, or the Military who paid for the vaccines and their injections into the arms of the willing, to either kill you, because your bodies are not suitable for genetic modification, or for genetic modification, those that survive the vaccines and the diseases they deliberately deliver like Cancer, as Genocide, if you had remained Human, but no longer are.

Both the WHO and your government, who has signed up to WHO control are behind your planned extermination, because this is in line with the removal of the Human Rubbish which they see us as and the expected reduction of our species, of now, the two species, down to around 500,000 World Wide by 2025/26, better known as the Great Reset, which is online to have occurred according to Deagle's, by then. Further more, governments, all of them are trying to suppress this above information from getting out, by creating New Laws to make these actions punishable, once made into Law, because they don't want you to know they were behind your planned extermination and deaths can be written off as just plain bad luck - the Covid pandemic did it - but how could it have done:


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Trump got jabbed.

And he pushed the Warp Speed scheme.

So that jabz be mandated for all.

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No, he said he was jabbed, but he can lie like the best of them and nobody ever saw him getting the jab. Everyone behind the vaccines drive now have lied and lied and lied. Can't trust any of them. What I can't see, I don't know and Trump who was POTUS at the time was the guy everyone wanted to see jabbed - he would have made Prime Time TV getting his like Biden does - did he, NO!!

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What a train wreck.

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Third World Network is correct, if just because the satanic cabal only wants to change things in its favor ($$$ and the power that buys). IOW never a change in the interest of (populations living in) developing countries. For that cabal however, there's no difference between Americans, Africans, Asians or Europeans, whatever their education or skills, so destructive but profitable programs are presented in the kind of jargon that requires graduation from both English literature and law school. If the cabal was interested in presenting an understandable issue, there would have been a summary in plain English with translations available, avoiding the least suspicion of ambiguity. IOW people then could vote for it!

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Oh, my my my ... Their goals and their means to reach them are PRESICLY very verbose and very detailed so that we, all countries, will not understand and just give up trying to. It's all about a power grab and their biggest hope is that people just give up trying to understand and are distracted and looking at other disasters in the news. These globalists need to be exposed and dismantled.

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I think the images from


make much clearer that "the West" makes a profitable carnage & mess out of every endeavor. That's a simple message even a schoolkid can understand, wherever it is living.

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I haven't looked at your link but I think I know what it says... The US is the worst dancer in the room! I get it and I agree. If I had influence in a small country anywhere in the world I would encourage them to look away from the US.

I don't know the details but I think it's easy to see we are being led down the garden path into who knows what.

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Leaving the US (business, finance etc.) already happens, accelerated by issues like Afghanistan, Ukraine, Yemen, Israel. Some 25 years ago, this was written in the iTulip forum:


dollar debt hot potato : n. (Dr. Michael Hudson) Supporting the dollar via purchases of newly issued U.S. debt has become the Hot Potato of global central banking. The U.S. Debt Hot Potato is tossed from one holder or holders to the next. Foreign central banks cannot allow the Hot Potato to be dropped. If it is dropped, the dollar will crash and the value of their large US debt holding will crash with it.


Being dropped as reserve currency is the present issue, and it might be the real reason behind the US CBDC: a coverup for unsustainable debt increase, aimed at gullible foreign leaders / investors. Coming from a regime claiming to prioritize sustainability and lecturing everyone about it, a better example of "saying A while doing B" is hardly possible.

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I hear yah. I do think that the "hot potato" is already dropped. I think the Dollar as the world currency is declining and will continue to decline. I think CBDC is a creeping reality that comes into better focus every day.... There is no end to ALL my finance companies trying to get me to join their "Online Transactions" websites...

Peace, Hope and Insight be with us all!

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Using the USD as an instrument of sanctions certainly was helpful to show that owning US assets is liability, best to be avoided. But listing the plethora of errors made by the succession of US regimes could fill more than one book. Many countries now realize the value of a very well educated population, able to understand when and why impopular measures sometimes are required, and when have to end. CBDC only is a danger when run by a regime with a criminal track record. JFK tried to change the course but was killed and despite the US population being the world's best armed, that had and has no effect.

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These control freaks and anti-humans are going to keep pushing their tyrannical agendas until the ends of the earth. It is always going to be an assortment of gobbledygook that the average person cannot wade through. Until the WEF and WHO are destroyed and gates is hung, there will be no end to this until we are all either dead or 100% digital slaves.

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These WHO documents are pernicious rubbish.

Any government that signs off on this has sold out its citizens to slavery.

One such government will have committed treason against the Constitution.

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Only the Eye of Sauron can see everything that is happening in all of the break-out groups and integrate it into a Coherent Whole... Time is short. Ride Ringwraiths, Ride!

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I looked over the BMGF funding flyer. You are right as it stands not easy to read. If you can put the colored section, title and all, into a black bordered table and had just black text on a white background might present better. Same with the graph. Could you parenthesis BMGF with whole name? I thought it was great info.

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So sneaky and evil. The words humane and in line with the rights and dignity of human beings being scratched out is horrifying

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