The dog ate my homework scientism theory???????

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Tiring, isn't it? A top figure in a drug company that has zip to do with vaccines, mentioned to me in 2021 at his home, that "his immunologist" came to him and said "this thing was man-made in a lab". No masks, no bullshit, just a personal private conversation. It came as no surprise at all.....and neither do the endless childish attempts to turn shit into gold

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Technobabble hand waving fear hysteria propaganda using poor innocent animal scapegoats to cower stupid humans into complying with the TOTAL SLAVERY agenda of The Powers That Should Not Be.

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After over thirty plus years now studying viruses and transmission, I’m no longer concerned about terms like Leaked or Ooozed, or whether humans infected the raccoon dogs, or if the donkeys infected the Republicans, then infected bats who infected flying elephants, space aliens…yeah, really, it no longer matters, whatsoever, not to me. I’m more focused than ever before on Lawyers; their Military Grade, Manmade Viruses & Vaccines and Our Legal Rights as citizens to Punish these Lawyers who Made It All Possible; who knew in advanced and planned it. I believe Everyone on Earth should be strictly focusing on Criminality and “What Each Virus IS” and “Who Planned For It’s Use.” More importantly, “Who and What were THEIR Intended Consequences?” “Who’s Profiting Financially and/or Politically”…then, again, what about “Our Rights to Punish the Bloody Lawyers and their Policy Makers, Security Briefers, Financial Institutions and their Necessary Controls;” Fluidity/Routs of the monies necessary? Fully understanding Chemical, Biological and Psychological Weapon-Warfare and all those who made it an Unbelievable Reality, is my only concern now. Again, It still comes down to the damned Criminally-Liable Lawyers with the Highest Security Clearances and the Criminally-Liable Policy Makers with these same security-credentials making the laws for it all, and their understanding of it years before it all unfolded. Same with Monkeypox, Smallpox, Anthrax, HIV…911…and the economic disasters and the criminally liable engineers, lawyers and reporter’s of this Military Grade Crime and Coverup.

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Meryl Nass

Did all this happen before or after Ukraine blew up the pipeline???

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Can anyone point me to legitimate test results from an infected human? Sputum, bronch, blood tests? With so many 'infected' surely there must be a bunch of cultured specimens laying around somewhere, not just 'proof' provided by over amped non q PCR or swabbed inanimate objects, right? Typells Restriction enzymes pretty much closes the case for virus originated in a wet market in a bat or dog or any critter at all. Adding to this the mapped spread of the virus, which shows an unnatural never possible spread across populations indicates to me something ain't quit kosher with what we are being sold.

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Meryl Nass

"Blame the raccoon dogs, not Xi!"

Ugh... you probably meant "Blame the raccoon dogs, not Fa!" This is NOT China's doing but Dr. Mengele Fauci's doing - duh!

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The Atlantic is a media company that receives funding from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. They published the analysis first. Well,

Of course they did.

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Meryl Nass

Psych ops saturation chaos: a blitz of nonsensical bullets aimed at your mind.

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This is so stupid. Racoon dogs don't know how to do gain of function research!

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The three scientists. Moe, Larry and Curly. NYUK, NYUk, NYUK..

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Raccoon dogs? Sure. What is this, an SNL skit? Or they had enough time to mutate the dogs to enable the genetic sequence match to be sufficient for “plausible deniability”. Poifect. Sorry Tony, it don”t take a dog to smell a skunk.

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Nope. Coronavirus jumps from animal to humans... maybe a 2% chance. Good try for them. It’s just more and more embarrassing by the day.

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Really strange that when we discover bird flu in a flock there is extensive testing of the birds in the flock before the birds are culled even though literally no one has caught the bird flu, but some 5 months after the virus popped up in china the correct methodology is to liquidate the animals without taking any samples from the animals there for testing.

Someone needs to get on the stick and expose some raccoon dogs to the virus to see if they can even be infected with it. But a negative response would crush the whole idea that the raccoon dog was the vector that lead to the outbreak in humans.

This could literally be that someone sneezed while in proximity of a raccoon dog cage 5 months after the virus popped up within a couple of miles of the wuhan coronavirus bioweapons laboratory. Yeah, it was totally the raccoon dog's fault.

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So some random animal caused this virus to mutate and kill millions? Had nothing to do with them mutating the virus in Wuhan... how dumb are people?

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Meryl Nass

So the tussle between the binary choices for virus origin allowed through the Overton window continues to distract from the proability that neither is the real source. That's much closer to home.

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