Thank you! It's clear it's not an experiment but an extermination plan:
The best way to have a real dialogue about vaccines being weaponized to handicap, infertilize and murder the “over-population” is to start with vaccine contamination: nobody could be in favor of contaminated pharmaceuticals.
1. Carcinogen SV40 in Oral Polio Vaccine: they knew it since the 60s but kept distributing it even until 2016 !!!
2. hCG in vaccines to infertilize women detected since the 90s: still going on
3. Thimerosal, aluminum, Mono-sodium Glutamate (MSG) and other NEUROTOXINS
4. Heavy metals
5. Human DNA 2000% in excess of FDA 10 ng limit (main driver towards brain damage like autism/asperger/ticks, leukemia and non-Hodgkin cancer), probably related to point 7 below.
6. Graphene oxide in Flu and COVID shots but now with anything injectable (even dentist anesthesia, hospital IV, etc.).
7. Carcinogenic SV40 genomic sequences and double-stranded DNA in mRNA COVID shots: the hacked DNA in the cell doesn’t stop producing the poison when the cell dies, but its descent continue the poisoning until the haccinated casualty dies.
8. Bluetooth nano-routers injected with COVID vaccines and inserted with swabs (which explains why they rejected the cheaper non-invasive saliva test).
Proof of criminal intent:
Points 7 and 8
Censoring and blocking 30+ COVID cures
Labeling the most lethal batches with a lethal code (
Blocking the real knowledge of effectiveness v. "adverse event" rate
That proves:
A. There's zero Government control
B. There's zero Manufacturer liability
C. There's zero Media coverage
D. All that, during decades and still going on, not only with vaccines but also with medicines, food&beverage additives, etc. Everything, even institutions have been weaponized!
E. There's zero political action to stop that (except RFK2 in the USA)
A school buddy told me "I know you make sense but if I recognize it's true, I won't be able to enjoy life anymore".
I got a flu vaccine in 2019 and literally was down for weeks. Then I became electro sensitive and that had me down for months. Thankfully I found Dr. Robert Young who wrote PH Miracle. See his videos on Rumble under Dr. Robert Young. He literally saved my life. Bicarbonate of soda to take all the acid out of these poisons being pumped into us. One level teaspoon of organic baking soda in six ounces of good water at least once a day. I measure EMF and have for the last three years with an expensive and professional meter. They are now higher than ever because as we approach flu season they will accelerate it with these levels and too many haven't a clue. Take the wifi out and demand people you love do the same. I also believe it is crucial for the power of destruction with the v'd. They are especially in harms way with these levels.
I do that but if you are letting wifi run into your home, car, router, speakers, smart meter, you are swimming in the ultimate toxin. I've metered it for over three years. It is consistently going up and especially lately. Hired a building biologist from Harvard to clear my house but it is far easier to do on your own at little expense. Google "Is Wifi dangerous" now and they literally admit it. My daughter just did that search.
I use Safe and Sound Pro II but it is pricey. Neighbours should get together and invest in one they can all share in. There are other less expensive models. Take my word for it. Taking wifi out of your home is crucial and then gathering locals to ask crucial questions on its safety to your council. Even Google now openly states that wifi is detrimental to health. Unbelievable. My daughter just googled it.
The Trifield TF2 is the classic but I'm also very fond of the GQ EMF-390. I have both and prefer to use the latter because it can simultaneously measure all three forms of EMF; 60hz Electrical wiring, magnetic and Radio Frequency (wifi, cellphone,etc.).
I found every injection site in my arms ache with the start of 5G. They twinge and burn. I am hypersensitive regardless, however if you are paying attention - I bet it's happen to you too, it's just you think it might be a twitch or itch. Be mindful of it next time. I put my phone on Airplane mode every night. Although it be a small act - I think it helps the close proximity issue.
Every injection site? Yikes. Put it on airplane mode more than that. Your router, bluetooth, all of it just isn't good for you. You don't need it and won't miss it. Hardwire!!!
Heavy metals and the flu v but the rollout of the five gee during covid lockdowns wasn't a coincidence. I've metered it for three years. Levels keep going up but especially lately. They want to ramp up typical flu season and they will, not to mention the fallout for those who got the v. They are really in harm's way with these emf levels. Never got the swab ever. People I know who did got covid right after. People I know who got super v'd kept getting covid. People that took that ridiculous pill for covid got covid again. Some of the smartest people I thought I had surrounded myself with bought it all.
I've used a cell phone my whole life. After the lockdowns suddenly I found that using my cell phone in conversations with sisters or friends was affecting me. I would openly state to them that I had to put it on speaker phone and move it far away. I kept having to move it further. Radiation exposure is cumulative so after too much exposure I was down for the count. It doesn't mean that if you are slowly tolerating more that your health isn't affected. It is. It destroys DNA, immune system, cognitive and will exasperate any health vulnerabilities you have just like the V does.
"6. Graphene oxide in Flu and COVID shots but now with anything injectable (even dentist anesthesia, hospital IV, etc.)."
Having unprecedented issues since a recent knee arthroscopy, performed under local anesthetic and IV fentanyl (as before). I was fully lucid and communicating throughout the procedure; watched the procedure on the screen the entire time.
This is my third knee arthroscopy (different knee) and have never had the issues I am having post-procedure, both locally (knee) and systematically.
Can anyone direct me to source material on recent toxic additives to injectables/IV fluids?
Get Telegram app. Join vax injured groups: many treatments are working under medical supervision. Hopefully, I'll post some of the solutions in my subs, but when I finish research in some months: there are other more urgent priorities:
Yip I agree 100% but according to my Chinese brothers, we still are 1 family like it or not, a Chinese saying you might be 100 miles right but that doesn’t bring you one inch closer to reality. A pretty little thing can uproot the whole shop. Ok we have a green fashion revolution now, 100% degradable and recyclable it’s called Viscose and it’s safe and effective according to the production research. A billion industry going with it and an army of influencers and “influenceuses” doing the sales. But to change wood, the basic material into pulp, a tread and finally into a tissue there’s carbon bisulfide necessary, and factories pollute the environments with their wasting waters nobody searched in the beginning the neurotoxicity, which affects all, even the consumers after some time. This green revolution kills by the millions, manufacturers and in the end consumers, brands Zara and H&M and many little shops go green Viscose and not because of the government, manufacturers nor media, but because of fashion itself, irresistible for the’s cheap, it’s good looking and you can throw it after you showed with it once, and I don’t give a f... about killing myself and others with it. I wonder how many death traps because they’re fashionable and good looking are there like this?
What about the DNA specific bioweapons...trying to remember who said it...they can just sprinkle it on from air or food or whatever....and unlike a virus or is a DNA bioweapon...sounds like this is pretty damn it.
Guess what hacking your cell is all about: to make it produce molecules that kill you in the short or long run... like HIV sequences to deactivate your immune system and SV40 carcinogen monkey virus!
With the mid September rollout of the Covid Booster and RSV Vax, tens of millions brainwashed Americans lives will be in peril. Warning them is fruitless. I’ve tried. This is exasperating!
Same here. I’m equal parts heart-broken and infuriated. It has taken many months but I have decided to let it go. What will be, will be and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it (at least in regards to my family. I have had much better luck with friends and patients which is encouraging.)
Then, I remind family and friends “ that the mark of an educated mind is the ability to entertain an opposing thought without accepting it. “ Aristotle
Than I present the facts related to many of the poisonous and unfolding orthodoxies trying to enslave and harm them.
I know it is hard - but we must continue. Getting your feelings hurt or being called names is worth it if you can get your foot in the door - otherwise you will always wonder if you could have done more. Maybe we could get a forum together where people can share what actually works in reaching these people -short of methods used with pulling folks out of cults- then again maybe we should check out those tools since it is a cult.
I don’t believe anything about these shots is accidental, nor do I believe there is any major contamination. I am convinced every single component was included with deliberate forethought to perform very specific functions.
The only aspect of that statement I disagree with is that the shots are vaccines. They are not vaccines - that’s the the false claim made to get these hazardous substances into people under the guise of “stimulating an adaptive immune response”. There are certainly immune system effects, but they are overwhelmingly negative. The design is not to confer protection of any kind, but rather to harm. Hence, the shots are working as intended.
dr makis says there are about 280 components which are a secret. should they disclose these especially if billions are being injected? i trust biden and trump and all that but like to have a look myself, but also other experts ....
Also concerning, it has been suggested that there is no need for an NLS since it is likely in many cases, the vials contain many little bits of DNA from the original plasmid and these bits don't need an NLS to find their way to the nucleus for integration to ensue. They can potentially do this anywhere in the genome potentially messing up other genes, or if integrated downstream from some promoter, potentially result in a problematic protein.
It is impossible for me to believe that the guys who ordered the backbone plasmid for process 2 modmra manufacturing did not a) realize the sv40/promoter/enhancer was a potential problem and b) didn't find out that the dnase was not getting rid of a lot of dna due to presence/nature of the m1Ψ modRNA. it is likely that rna:dna hybrids/R-loops formed, and the dnase didn't work on them. In the human setting, these hybrids (stuck tightly together because of the m1Ψs) are resistant to removal and this can lead to genome instability and neuro/cancer/immune problems.
OK. Ready? Back when covid first arrived I was following a Musk twitter thread. I could see many commenting that were technically referencing important things. Musk or one of his followers just posted one word: Electroporation. I don't think it just happens with the v'd. I think it goes far deeper but the v'd are the front line. It's connected to the wave use with emf. I don't know. That was the definition I found three years ago. It is connected to the devices somehow also.
EMF in and of itself is warfare tech. It’s no coincidence 5G was rather quietly rolled out while most of the world was locked down. However, there are scientists analyzing C19-shot-tainted blood and showing (via dark-field microscopy) the self-assembling polymers (nanotechnology) when the blood is subjected to low-level electrical current. It’s something that requires far more analysis and study as the findings are far from conclusive. At the very least, it may be a contributing factor to thrombosis issues arising post-injection. Either way, I think it’s safe to say that this is not a normal consequence of receiving a “vaccine”.
The 5G all by itself is detrimental to health. It compromises your immune system like all the other bioweapons they roll out. Yes, I believe all the evidence shows that the vaccinated are now even more at risk. Doctors are not trained in radiation sickness unless they are in the military and even then are they? Radiation sickness is going to continue to rise for all who don't protect themselves. Long Covid? I don't think so. I warned people suffering severely who were told they had long covid like it was a badge of honour that they may need to remove their wifi from their personal lives far more. I showed them the reports. I said read it twice. Still nothing. The ghost blank stare is all you get. They need to hang onto that covid badge because it has such cred with the blind hoards.
Sadly, everyone is at risk since those of us who did not take the shots have been contaminated - via shedding - by those who did take the shots.
The following is purely anecdotal, but correlates to data on the health impact of EMF. My personal physician is a functional medicine MD who does not accept insurance so he’s not in any way constrained from being a true healer. He’s a proponent of both natural and alternative approaches and is well-versed in the significance of global events. (In other words, a rare find.) We have many good discussions. Anyway, he told me last year that he has observed a substantial increase in illness among his patients since the 5G rollout. As I said, purely anecdotal and he’s not tracking it statistically, but it’s an interesting observation. (Thankfully, he provides information to his patients about the dangers of EMF and ways to reduce exposure.)
Electroportion is a molecular biology technique in which a low voltage is applied to cells in order to open their cell membranes allowing the uptake of the stuff/liquid cells reside and maximize cell viability.
I doubt it but you do get info from comments in the thread of these horrors because they don't think you'll pay attention, especially big words like that. They sure have dumbed us down and they knew the moment was ripe.
This just reaffirms my personal belief that a) the changes made were completely in line with efforts to make a *gene therapy* more efficient, b) the global human race never should have been forced to take gene-therapy in the first place. They were toddlers playing with tinker toys, barely past the urge to swallow all the small round things.
I agree. No way they could be that incompetent. Too much evidence. Glaring to those who have had the time and energy to voraciously read and follow from the start in 2020. Many people who are busy with work, family etc. they rely on just a few sources for their info. Being retired I had a lot of spare time and recognized from the start something very PECULIAR was occurring. Then my inquisitive mind and (distrustful) nature had to try and figure out what the hell was going on? I still don’t understand every aspect of it all but enough to know without a doubt, this is all an intentional, sinister plan by groups of power hungry, either megalomaniacs, sociopathic, narcissistic, (some are psychopaths power crazed) billionaires, some trillionares who desire to take control of the earth and its inhabitants at any and all costs!!! These people or monsters feel they should dictate to everyone else how things should be when they have no right to do so!!
It seems just the fact that the named mRNA covid shots were actually mod mRNA (modified mRNA and not just messenger mRNA). This difference is significant as far as DNA alteration and possibly permanent damage to DNA. I’m not buying for a second this omission was not intentional, because if people understand or been INFORMED they might have thought twice about the gene editing so called vaccines being injected into their body knowing they could damage their DNA irreparably!!
Same here, retired and followed from the beginning. Watched in horror. It made no sense. The lies; “take the shot you won’t get infected, won’t spread”, then “rare breakthrough infections” turned into “well it doesn’t actually stop infection or transmission but take it anyway or else!” On and on with their obsessive and aggressive tactics, even with minors in schools (in some countries) against parental consent. I was FREAKING OUT. But my husband, who took the jabs, was calling me “maga Marjorie”. I seriously almost lost it, even my spouse of 38 years had turned on me. (I was not a trumper and he KNEW that, yet he was apparently programmed to attack me as if I were the enemy. It was the most bizarre thing I’ve ever experienced. We have had some very serious arguments these past 3 years, he’s still oblivious.
Oh my gosh, you just described my home life since March 2020. Only difference, my beliefs were referred to by my husband & best friend of 30 years as fringe. He is in denial of the big picture. He now says he believes 90% of what I believe and have had to say, yet, doesn’t want me to speak about any of it anymore and does not see that depopulation has been goal #1 from the beginning. Every day I pray, every day I have my immediate family intact I am grateful, everyday I still try to help friends, but my immediate & extended family are not receptive & I’ve had to move on.
I have not witnessed nervous tics; however, I can absolutely say that during an outing (I'll spare all of the details) for an item that would have been purchased for our home, something that I know that my husband has wanted for years, really decades, and that I had recently changed my mind on as "liking/needing" well, I thought, "what a great surprise, I'll take him to this store that sells them and he can pick one out!" Oh wow, that trip to that store was a complete disaster. From his reaction in the store's parking lot, to the way he spoke with the salesman inside, (cold at first, then just asking questions to not be completely rude) to snarky remarks made to me in front of the salesman - all of it was completely out of character for him. Some might say that I threw him off by surprising him, totally reasonable response to the surprise and I can see that being a part of his reaction. That said, having lived and seen him in action in ALL types of stressful and/or surprise events, this response a few weeks ago was gob-smacking. I would never have predicted it, never. We left the store, after 20 or so minutes, and I promised to follow up with the salesman. Fast forward to now, we did not purchase the item and I've reached out to the salesman as promised, thanking him again. All I can do is continue to shake my head in disbelief at how this turned out.
So many shifts happening with those that once bought the lie. They are in a slow mourning process and we need to realise that. They'll need mentors to reassure them that they will never regret finding out the truth and can protect themselves and their families by doing just that.
I am in the same boat, Lisa, and appreciate your burden. I now disagree with everything he believes in- yet still loves him and he still loves me. Our conversations are now rather uninteresting as there’s no point in trying to engage in anything that matters. If I occasionally hit a sensitive point (like “where have the sea levels risen yet?”), he skips to some other stupid claim - I used to be a “climate activist”, but now out of that crazy cult. I understand it’s hard for him (it wasn’t obvious for me to get over that dogma that impregnated me for the last 30 years). No matter the homeopathic doses of questioning I tried to share about the Covid propaganda, he went for a mix and match jab combo (at least didn’t get any boosters and suffered no obvious side effects so far).... there’s so much (or so little) we can do and it’s heartbreaking to see our loved ones caught in the belief that we live in a democracy and that the state will look after the well being of its citizens. I carry my tinfoil hat with pride nevertheless.
Wow, amazing similarities. I imagine our circumstances are more common than we may realize. Makes one think. Yes!, I’m beginning to treasure my tin foil hat, as well. 😁 Thank you Natalie, nice sharing with you.
I worry about my adult kids one in healthcare who had bad rxn to second cv shot. As a new PA, I worry that she will have to choose. I offered to help with exempts for all injections but she is not ready. Our 24 year old athletic son works in another state we tell him no shots . Although my spouse and I see the world similarly, life seems fragile at this moment in time.
Yep. It's not a historical first, of infiltration of the human DNA, but it's up there as the second or third intentional contamination, IMO. Unfortunately, the government's opinion is there's "No take backsie's", because oopsie daisy! It was "warp speed" and EUA town.😐😐🤦♀️🤦♀️
I keep wondering why it’s such a shock that using the mechanism (mRNA) which actually affects the replication of DNA as an engineered vaccine would alter our DNA sequence. Duh? I mean, it seemed obvious to me from the beginning. It’s high school Biology (which I taught for years), not necessarily genius-level stuff.
Gasp. I really don't see how we can attribute these things any longer to sloppy manufacturing. I think it's getting past the boundary of plausible deniability.
My last two Radio Liberty letters dealt with the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act (MEHPA) and the effort to force people to be vaccinated. The June letter discussed the Tuskegee Study, a public health program designed to prevent 412 black men from obtaining treatment for their syphilis, and the fact that the Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) released a brand of polio vaccine known to contain live polio virus. His "mistake" resulted in 200 cases of polio, 150 people being paralyzed, and 11 deaths. The letter concluded with the revelation that NIH officials allowed physicians to administer millions of doses of polio vaccine known to contain SV 40, a cancer-producing virus. [4] The tragic story continues this month.
The polio virus used in the production of Salk and Sabin vaccines was grown in Rhesus monkey, kidney-tissue cultures from 1955 to 1962. Dr. Bernice Eddy found SV 40 virus in Rhesus monkey tissue cultures in 1959, and reported her discovery at a scientific meeting in October 1960. Dr. Hilleman confirmed her finding, so the vaccine manufacturers had to find another means of growing polio virus. [5] Since African green monkeys don't carry SV 40, and polio virus can be grown in their kidney-tissue cultures, the NIH suggested the manufacturers use African green monkeys. The change was made quickly and quietly so the public wouldn't learn that millions of Americans had been infected with a cancer-producing virus. That's why no one bothered to evaluate African green monkeys to determine if they carry viruses that can infect human beings.
A decade later, in 1972, several vaccine manufacturers asked their scientists to evaluate that possibility. The officials were horrified when they learned their polio vaccine contained monkey viruses. Several scientists thought the viruses would be killed in the intestine; others noted there had been no adverse reactions to Sabin vaccine during the past decade, and the public wouldn't understand the complex issues covered in the report. The officials decided to suppress the information. [6] Sometime later the manufacturers threatened to discontinue vaccine production unless they were given immunity from law suits. Congress enacted the requested legislation and established a federally managed fund to compensate people who could prove they were injured by immunization. [7]
In October 1995, the CDC announced:
"Children in the U.S. will receive a combination of injectable and oral polio vaccine under new guidelines approved yesterday by a committee of the Centers for Disease Control . . . a CDC panel of public and private sector experts, voted to switch its recommended schedule of polio vaccination from the current four oral doses of weakened but live virus to a combined regimen of two injectable doses of inactivated vaccine followed by two oral doses of the live virus." [8]
Resume to post end of newsletter.
The incidence of childhood asthma, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases has doubled during the past 20 years; Attention Deficit Disorder has tripled, Autism has increased 600%. [35] What part have vaccines played? High-ranking government officials refuse to investigate the problem because many of them get high-paying jobs with drug companies when they leave government service. That's why we must resist MEHPA and the program to force every American to be vaccinated.
The government is preparing for civil unrest. The Office of Homeland Security is building civilian "relocation centers." President Bush wants to suspend the posse comitatus law, drivers licenses will soon become "identity cards," and "TIPS," the government spy program, is being organized across America. [36] Why doesn't the public recognize what's happening? Because most people are spiritually blinded. Paul wrote about that problem in his second letter to the Corinthians:
14: But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same veil untaken away in the reading of the old testament; which veil is done away in Christ. 15: But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the veil is upon their heart. 16: Nevertheless, when it shall turn to the Lord, the veil shall be taken away. 17: Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. [37] What can we do? We must cling to the scriptures and the teachings of the past, proclaim righteousness, continue trying to lift the veil that blinds the eyes of others, and remain faithful to our Lord because:
". . . where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty."
Thank you! It's clear it's not an experiment but an extermination plan:
The best way to have a real dialogue about vaccines being weaponized to handicap, infertilize and murder the “over-population” is to start with vaccine contamination: nobody could be in favor of contaminated pharmaceuticals.
1. Carcinogen SV40 in Oral Polio Vaccine: they knew it since the 60s but kept distributing it even until 2016 !!!
2. hCG in vaccines to infertilize women detected since the 90s: still going on
3. Thimerosal, aluminum, Mono-sodium Glutamate (MSG) and other NEUROTOXINS
4. Heavy metals
5. Human DNA 2000% in excess of FDA 10 ng limit (main driver towards brain damage like autism/asperger/ticks, leukemia and non-Hodgkin cancer), probably related to point 7 below.
6. Graphene oxide in Flu and COVID shots but now with anything injectable (even dentist anesthesia, hospital IV, etc.).
7. Carcinogenic SV40 genomic sequences and double-stranded DNA in mRNA COVID shots: the hacked DNA in the cell doesn’t stop producing the poison when the cell dies, but its descent continue the poisoning until the haccinated casualty dies.
8. Bluetooth nano-routers injected with COVID vaccines and inserted with swabs (which explains why they rejected the cheaper non-invasive saliva test).
Proof of criminal intent:
Points 7 and 8
Censoring and blocking 30+ COVID cures
Labeling the most lethal batches with a lethal code (
Blocking the real knowledge of effectiveness v. "adverse event" rate
That proves:
A. There's zero Government control
B. There's zero Manufacturer liability
C. There's zero Media coverage
D. All that, during decades and still going on, not only with vaccines but also with medicines, food&beverage additives, etc. Everything, even institutions have been weaponized!
E. There's zero political action to stop that (except RFK2 in the USA)
A school buddy told me "I know you make sense but if I recognize it's true, I won't be able to enjoy life anymore".
16 laws we need to exit Extermination Planet
If we don’t succeed, they’ll succeed with their 6-sword lethal plan fully exposed here:
Change goes in hand with the number of awakened! Thank you for sharing this to save lives!
I got a flu vaccine in 2019 and literally was down for weeks. Then I became electro sensitive and that had me down for months. Thankfully I found Dr. Robert Young who wrote PH Miracle. See his videos on Rumble under Dr. Robert Young. He literally saved my life. Bicarbonate of soda to take all the acid out of these poisons being pumped into us. One level teaspoon of organic baking soda in six ounces of good water at least once a day. I measure EMF and have for the last three years with an expensive and professional meter. They are now higher than ever because as we approach flu season they will accelerate it with these levels and too many haven't a clue. Take the wifi out and demand people you love do the same. I also believe it is crucial for the power of destruction with the v'd. They are especially in harms way with these levels.
Great info! I'll soon post about the EMF attacks. Also, use grounding soles!
I do that but if you are letting wifi run into your home, car, router, speakers, smart meter, you are swimming in the ultimate toxin. I've metered it for over three years. It is consistently going up and especially lately. Hired a building biologist from Harvard to clear my house but it is far easier to do on your own at little expense. Google "Is Wifi dangerous" now and they literally admit it. My daughter just did that search.
Easier: search for "how to turn your home into a Faraday cage", there's paint, metal mosquito nets for windows, rugs, etc.
Beware of this:
Could you please provide a link to what you consider an adequate measuring tool for EMF?
Trifield is very good. I was shocked at the measurements for LED lights!
And Obiden has now banned incandescent from being sold from 1 aug!
so toxic LED’s for thee…. Bee wax candles everyone?!🙈
And the air thermostat which is not a new model was also measuring VERY high!
I cover it with ALUMINUM FOIL. Tested my key fob with putting dbl foil and it won’t emit, Open the corner and it can open the car doors.
So make sure no leaks in foil.
I use Safe and Sound Pro II but it is pricey. Neighbours should get together and invest in one they can all share in. There are other less expensive models. Take my word for it. Taking wifi out of your home is crucial and then gathering locals to ask crucial questions on its safety to your council. Even Google now openly states that wifi is detrimental to health. Unbelievable. My daughter just googled it.
Hi Victoria,
The Trifield TF2 is the classic but I'm also very fond of the GQ EMF-390. I have both and prefer to use the latter because it can simultaneously measure all three forms of EMF; 60hz Electrical wiring, magnetic and Radio Frequency (wifi, cellphone,etc.).
I have both of those myself.
Thanks. Do you also measure "dirty electricity"? Do you believe the plugins to reduce it actually work?
I do. It's a different kind of meter:
and yes, plugins like the Stetzerizer work very well to lower the dirty electricity substantially.
I am tempted to just buy the plug-ins without measuring first to avoid an additional cost. Thoughts on this?
I found every injection site in my arms ache with the start of 5G. They twinge and burn. I am hypersensitive regardless, however if you are paying attention - I bet it's happen to you too, it's just you think it might be a twitch or itch. Be mindful of it next time. I put my phone on Airplane mode every night. Although it be a small act - I think it helps the close proximity issue.
Every injection site? Yikes. Put it on airplane mode more than that. Your router, bluetooth, all of it just isn't good for you. You don't need it and won't miss it. Hardwire!!!
You can get a Faraday bag for your phone
Could your EMF sensitivity be more related to swabbing or another vax, like the COVID?
Heavy metals and the flu v but the rollout of the five gee during covid lockdowns wasn't a coincidence. I've metered it for three years. Levels keep going up but especially lately. They want to ramp up typical flu season and they will, not to mention the fallout for those who got the v. They are really in harm's way with these emf levels. Never got the swab ever. People I know who did got covid right after. People I know who got super v'd kept getting covid. People that took that ridiculous pill for covid got covid again. Some of the smartest people I thought I had surrounded myself with bought it all.
I've used a cell phone my whole life. After the lockdowns suddenly I found that using my cell phone in conversations with sisters or friends was affecting me. I would openly state to them that I had to put it on speaker phone and move it far away. I kept having to move it further. Radiation exposure is cumulative so after too much exposure I was down for the count. It doesn't mean that if you are slowly tolerating more that your health isn't affected. It is. It destroys DNA, immune system, cognitive and will exasperate any health vulnerabilities you have just like the V does.
Thanks for the info.
Where do you get ORGANIC Baking Soda?
We currently have WiFi which i do turn off at night,
but i have developed really bad tinnitus that can drive a person nuts.
I don’t have a choice about hard wiring since we are presently renting…
What does "v'd" mean?
Murray vax-Ed?
v'd = vaccinated
"6. Graphene oxide in Flu and COVID shots but now with anything injectable (even dentist anesthesia, hospital IV, etc.)."
Having unprecedented issues since a recent knee arthroscopy, performed under local anesthetic and IV fentanyl (as before). I was fully lucid and communicating throughout the procedure; watched the procedure on the screen the entire time.
This is my third knee arthroscopy (different knee) and have never had the issues I am having post-procedure, both locally (knee) and systematically.
Can anyone direct me to source material on recent toxic additives to injectables/IV fluids?
Get Telegram app. Join vax injured groups: many treatments are working under medical supervision. Hopefully, I'll post some of the solutions in my subs, but when I finish research in some months: there are other more urgent priorities:
16 laws we need to exit Extermination Planet
If we don’t succeed, they’ll succeed with their 6-sword lethal plan fully exposed here:
You shouldn't wait that long. I pray for your quick recovery! If you find anything that worked for you please share with me so I can share it.
I had a fentanyl IV a few weeks ago for a scope, and would like to ask the same thing.
Yip I agree 100% but according to my Chinese brothers, we still are 1 family like it or not, a Chinese saying you might be 100 miles right but that doesn’t bring you one inch closer to reality. A pretty little thing can uproot the whole shop. Ok we have a green fashion revolution now, 100% degradable and recyclable it’s called Viscose and it’s safe and effective according to the production research. A billion industry going with it and an army of influencers and “influenceuses” doing the sales. But to change wood, the basic material into pulp, a tread and finally into a tissue there’s carbon bisulfide necessary, and factories pollute the environments with their wasting waters nobody searched in the beginning the neurotoxicity, which affects all, even the consumers after some time. This green revolution kills by the millions, manufacturers and in the end consumers, brands Zara and H&M and many little shops go green Viscose and not because of the government, manufacturers nor media, but because of fashion itself, irresistible for the’s cheap, it’s good looking and you can throw it after you showed with it once, and I don’t give a f... about killing myself and others with it. I wonder how many death traps because they’re fashionable and good looking are there like this?
What about the DNA specific bioweapons...trying to remember who said it...they can just sprinkle it on from air or food or whatever....and unlike a virus or is a DNA bioweapon...sounds like this is pretty damn it.
This article seems to contradict the extermination thesis. They appear to want to F**k with humans, not kill them.
Guess what hacking your cell is all about: to make it produce molecules that kill you in the short or long run... like HIV sequences to deactivate your immune system and SV40 carcinogen monkey virus!
You've missed the VAERS data. That's exactly what they want.
With the mid September rollout of the Covid Booster and RSV Vax, tens of millions brainwashed Americans lives will be in peril. Warning them is fruitless. I’ve tried. This is exasperating!
With a very heavy heart, I stopped warning family and friends. It was no use.
Now, they are in my daily prayers.
Same here. I’m equal parts heart-broken and infuriated. It has taken many months but I have decided to let it go. What will be, will be and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it (at least in regards to my family. I have had much better luck with friends and patients which is encouraging.)
Yes occasionally I get the urge to warn but it fades. Their egos are too fragile.
First, I pray.
Then, I remind family and friends “ that the mark of an educated mind is the ability to entertain an opposing thought without accepting it. “ Aristotle
Than I present the facts related to many of the poisonous and unfolding orthodoxies trying to enslave and harm them.
I stopped praying I curse now and spit on the floor
I know it is hard - but we must continue. Getting your feelings hurt or being called names is worth it if you can get your foot in the door - otherwise you will always wonder if you could have done more. Maybe we could get a forum together where people can share what actually works in reaching these people -short of methods used with pulling folks out of cults- then again maybe we should check out those tools since it is a cult.
Sadly, you are correct.
I don’t believe anything about these shots is accidental, nor do I believe there is any major contamination. I am convinced every single component was included with deliberate forethought to perform very specific functions.
That’s exactly what Dr Mike Yeadon says. Every vax is specifically designed depending on desired effect.
The only aspect of that statement I disagree with is that the shots are vaccines. They are not vaccines - that’s the the false claim made to get these hazardous substances into people under the guise of “stimulating an adaptive immune response”. There are certainly immune system effects, but they are overwhelmingly negative. The design is not to confer protection of any kind, but rather to harm. Hence, the shots are working as intended.
dr makis says there are about 280 components which are a secret. should they disclose these especially if billions are being injected? i trust biden and trump and all that but like to have a look myself, but also other experts ....
Agreed. I think you're right on the money.
Also concerning, it has been suggested that there is no need for an NLS since it is likely in many cases, the vials contain many little bits of DNA from the original plasmid and these bits don't need an NLS to find their way to the nucleus for integration to ensue. They can potentially do this anywhere in the genome potentially messing up other genes, or if integrated downstream from some promoter, potentially result in a problematic protein.
It is impossible for me to believe that the guys who ordered the backbone plasmid for process 2 modmra manufacturing did not a) realize the sv40/promoter/enhancer was a potential problem and b) didn't find out that the dnase was not getting rid of a lot of dna due to presence/nature of the m1Ψ modRNA. it is likely that rna:dna hybrids/R-loops formed, and the dnase didn't work on them. In the human setting, these hybrids (stuck tightly together because of the m1Ψs) are resistant to removal and this can lead to genome instability and neuro/cancer/immune problems.
And to think that people still chalk this up to incompetence. From the very beginning, there was always malevolent intent.
OK. Ready? Back when covid first arrived I was following a Musk twitter thread. I could see many commenting that were technically referencing important things. Musk or one of his followers just posted one word: Electroporation. I don't think it just happens with the v'd. I think it goes far deeper but the v'd are the front line. It's connected to the wave use with emf. I don't know. That was the definition I found three years ago. It is connected to the devices somehow also.
EMF in and of itself is warfare tech. It’s no coincidence 5G was rather quietly rolled out while most of the world was locked down. However, there are scientists analyzing C19-shot-tainted blood and showing (via dark-field microscopy) the self-assembling polymers (nanotechnology) when the blood is subjected to low-level electrical current. It’s something that requires far more analysis and study as the findings are far from conclusive. At the very least, it may be a contributing factor to thrombosis issues arising post-injection. Either way, I think it’s safe to say that this is not a normal consequence of receiving a “vaccine”.
The 5G all by itself is detrimental to health. It compromises your immune system like all the other bioweapons they roll out. Yes, I believe all the evidence shows that the vaccinated are now even more at risk. Doctors are not trained in radiation sickness unless they are in the military and even then are they? Radiation sickness is going to continue to rise for all who don't protect themselves. Long Covid? I don't think so. I warned people suffering severely who were told they had long covid like it was a badge of honour that they may need to remove their wifi from their personal lives far more. I showed them the reports. I said read it twice. Still nothing. The ghost blank stare is all you get. They need to hang onto that covid badge because it has such cred with the blind hoards.
Sadly, everyone is at risk since those of us who did not take the shots have been contaminated - via shedding - by those who did take the shots.
The following is purely anecdotal, but correlates to data on the health impact of EMF. My personal physician is a functional medicine MD who does not accept insurance so he’s not in any way constrained from being a true healer. He’s a proponent of both natural and alternative approaches and is well-versed in the significance of global events. (In other words, a rare find.) We have many good discussions. Anyway, he told me last year that he has observed a substantial increase in illness among his patients since the 5G rollout. As I said, purely anecdotal and he’s not tracking it statistically, but it’s an interesting observation. (Thankfully, he provides information to his patients about the dangers of EMF and ways to reduce exposure.)
Electroporation? Haven’t heard that. Thanks for the share.
Electroportion is a molecular biology technique in which a low voltage is applied to cells in order to open their cell membranes allowing the uptake of the stuff/liquid cells reside and maximize cell viability.
Any chance you could find that thread?
I doubt it but you do get info from comments in the thread of these horrors because they don't think you'll pay attention, especially big words like that. They sure have dumbed us down and they knew the moment was ripe.
Here are some interesting results from a bitchute search:
Mad scientists must be stopped.
.gov has a responsibility.
This just reaffirms my personal belief that a) the changes made were completely in line with efforts to make a *gene therapy* more efficient, b) the global human race never should have been forced to take gene-therapy in the first place. They were toddlers playing with tinker toys, barely past the urge to swallow all the small round things.
Toddlers is a benign explanation but the facts suggest deliberation
I agree. No way they could be that incompetent. Too much evidence. Glaring to those who have had the time and energy to voraciously read and follow from the start in 2020. Many people who are busy with work, family etc. they rely on just a few sources for their info. Being retired I had a lot of spare time and recognized from the start something very PECULIAR was occurring. Then my inquisitive mind and (distrustful) nature had to try and figure out what the hell was going on? I still don’t understand every aspect of it all but enough to know without a doubt, this is all an intentional, sinister plan by groups of power hungry, either megalomaniacs, sociopathic, narcissistic, (some are psychopaths power crazed) billionaires, some trillionares who desire to take control of the earth and its inhabitants at any and all costs!!! These people or monsters feel they should dictate to everyone else how things should be when they have no right to do so!!
It seems just the fact that the named mRNA covid shots were actually mod mRNA (modified mRNA and not just messenger mRNA). This difference is significant as far as DNA alteration and possibly permanent damage to DNA. I’m not buying for a second this omission was not intentional, because if people understand or been INFORMED they might have thought twice about the gene editing so called vaccines being injected into their body knowing they could damage their DNA irreparably!!
Same here, retired and followed from the beginning. Watched in horror. It made no sense. The lies; “take the shot you won’t get infected, won’t spread”, then “rare breakthrough infections” turned into “well it doesn’t actually stop infection or transmission but take it anyway or else!” On and on with their obsessive and aggressive tactics, even with minors in schools (in some countries) against parental consent. I was FREAKING OUT. But my husband, who took the jabs, was calling me “maga Marjorie”. I seriously almost lost it, even my spouse of 38 years had turned on me. (I was not a trumper and he KNEW that, yet he was apparently programmed to attack me as if I were the enemy. It was the most bizarre thing I’ve ever experienced. We have had some very serious arguments these past 3 years, he’s still oblivious.
Oh my gosh, you just described my home life since March 2020. Only difference, my beliefs were referred to by my husband & best friend of 30 years as fringe. He is in denial of the big picture. He now says he believes 90% of what I believe and have had to say, yet, doesn’t want me to speak about any of it anymore and does not see that depopulation has been goal #1 from the beginning. Every day I pray, every day I have my immediate family intact I am grateful, everyday I still try to help friends, but my immediate & extended family are not receptive & I’ve had to move on.
I have not witnessed nervous tics; however, I can absolutely say that during an outing (I'll spare all of the details) for an item that would have been purchased for our home, something that I know that my husband has wanted for years, really decades, and that I had recently changed my mind on as "liking/needing" well, I thought, "what a great surprise, I'll take him to this store that sells them and he can pick one out!" Oh wow, that trip to that store was a complete disaster. From his reaction in the store's parking lot, to the way he spoke with the salesman inside, (cold at first, then just asking questions to not be completely rude) to snarky remarks made to me in front of the salesman - all of it was completely out of character for him. Some might say that I threw him off by surprising him, totally reasonable response to the surprise and I can see that being a part of his reaction. That said, having lived and seen him in action in ALL types of stressful and/or surprise events, this response a few weeks ago was gob-smacking. I would never have predicted it, never. We left the store, after 20 or so minutes, and I promised to follow up with the salesman. Fast forward to now, we did not purchase the item and I've reached out to the salesman as promised, thanking him again. All I can do is continue to shake my head in disbelief at how this turned out.
So many shifts happening with those that once bought the lie. They are in a slow mourning process and we need to realise that. They'll need mentors to reassure them that they will never regret finding out the truth and can protect themselves and their families by doing just that.
Wish my die-hard dem husband would find the Light. Still in denial to all of it. Gave up sharing a while back. Gulf between us.
I am in the same boat, Lisa, and appreciate your burden. I now disagree with everything he believes in- yet still loves him and he still loves me. Our conversations are now rather uninteresting as there’s no point in trying to engage in anything that matters. If I occasionally hit a sensitive point (like “where have the sea levels risen yet?”), he skips to some other stupid claim - I used to be a “climate activist”, but now out of that crazy cult. I understand it’s hard for him (it wasn’t obvious for me to get over that dogma that impregnated me for the last 30 years). No matter the homeopathic doses of questioning I tried to share about the Covid propaganda, he went for a mix and match jab combo (at least didn’t get any boosters and suffered no obvious side effects so far).... there’s so much (or so little) we can do and it’s heartbreaking to see our loved ones caught in the belief that we live in a democracy and that the state will look after the well being of its citizens. I carry my tinfoil hat with pride nevertheless.
Wow, amazing similarities. I imagine our circumstances are more common than we may realize. Makes one think. Yes!, I’m beginning to treasure my tin foil hat, as well. 😁 Thank you Natalie, nice sharing with you.
I worry about my adult kids one in healthcare who had bad rxn to second cv shot. As a new PA, I worry that she will have to choose. I offered to help with exempts for all injections but she is not ready. Our 24 year old athletic son works in another state we tell him no shots . Although my spouse and I see the world similarly, life seems fragile at this moment in time.
I like your idea. A forum of ideas of what worked and what flopped, would be invaluable.
Not only DNA in the nucleus.
But the mighty mitochondrial DNA too. Which exchange their plasmid like DNA to respond to their wider environment in complex ways. Epigenetics.
Long Vax syndrome seems remarkably similar to Long Covid, remarkably similar to CFS/ME, or Chronic Lyme.
Or Gulf War Syndrome.
And the evidence is piling up.
Each month new studies come and show the link.
It's mitochondrial dysfunction causing these syndromes.
Crippling, sickling and fatiguing
Making us pliable and easy to control.
See David Martin interviewing on Man In America. He talks about this.
Do you know which episode?
I didn't realize he had so many
Most recent one.
Yep. It's not a historical first, of infiltration of the human DNA, but it's up there as the second or third intentional contamination, IMO. Unfortunately, the government's opinion is there's "No take backsie's", because oopsie daisy! It was "warp speed" and EUA town.😐😐🤦♀️🤦♀️
#havethepeoplehadenoughyet #wearememory #wewillnotforget #enoughgaslighting
I keep wondering why it’s such a shock that using the mechanism (mRNA) which actually affects the replication of DNA as an engineered vaccine would alter our DNA sequence. Duh? I mean, it seemed obvious to me from the beginning. It’s high school Biology (which I taught for years), not necessarily genius-level stuff.
But if we never studied biology, we wouldn’t know this. I didn’t but for other reason’s didn’t take the poison.
Well good for you, for whatever reason. Instinct is just as valid as biology--maybe better.
Gasp. I really don't see how we can attribute these things any longer to sloppy manufacturing. I think it's getting past the boundary of plausible deniability.
Wanted to share a little history Simian Virus 40 SV40 in vaccines of a 2002 newsletter by Dr. Stanley K. Monteith, MD
What You should Know About Vaccines
By Dr.Stanley Monteith, M.D.
October 24, 2002
Dr. Monteith's Letter July 2002
Dear Friend of Radio Liberty:
My last two Radio Liberty letters dealt with the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act (MEHPA) and the effort to force people to be vaccinated. The June letter discussed the Tuskegee Study, a public health program designed to prevent 412 black men from obtaining treatment for their syphilis, and the fact that the Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) released a brand of polio vaccine known to contain live polio virus. His "mistake" resulted in 200 cases of polio, 150 people being paralyzed, and 11 deaths. The letter concluded with the revelation that NIH officials allowed physicians to administer millions of doses of polio vaccine known to contain SV 40, a cancer-producing virus. [4] The tragic story continues this month.
The polio virus used in the production of Salk and Sabin vaccines was grown in Rhesus monkey, kidney-tissue cultures from 1955 to 1962. Dr. Bernice Eddy found SV 40 virus in Rhesus monkey tissue cultures in 1959, and reported her discovery at a scientific meeting in October 1960. Dr. Hilleman confirmed her finding, so the vaccine manufacturers had to find another means of growing polio virus. [5] Since African green monkeys don't carry SV 40, and polio virus can be grown in their kidney-tissue cultures, the NIH suggested the manufacturers use African green monkeys. The change was made quickly and quietly so the public wouldn't learn that millions of Americans had been infected with a cancer-producing virus. That's why no one bothered to evaluate African green monkeys to determine if they carry viruses that can infect human beings.
A decade later, in 1972, several vaccine manufacturers asked their scientists to evaluate that possibility. The officials were horrified when they learned their polio vaccine contained monkey viruses. Several scientists thought the viruses would be killed in the intestine; others noted there had been no adverse reactions to Sabin vaccine during the past decade, and the public wouldn't understand the complex issues covered in the report. The officials decided to suppress the information. [6] Sometime later the manufacturers threatened to discontinue vaccine production unless they were given immunity from law suits. Congress enacted the requested legislation and established a federally managed fund to compensate people who could prove they were injured by immunization. [7]
In October 1995, the CDC announced:
"Children in the U.S. will receive a combination of injectable and oral polio vaccine under new guidelines approved yesterday by a committee of the Centers for Disease Control . . . a CDC panel of public and private sector experts, voted to switch its recommended schedule of polio vaccination from the current four oral doses of weakened but live virus to a combined regimen of two injectable doses of inactivated vaccine followed by two oral doses of the live virus." [8]
Resume to post end of newsletter.
The incidence of childhood asthma, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases has doubled during the past 20 years; Attention Deficit Disorder has tripled, Autism has increased 600%. [35] What part have vaccines played? High-ranking government officials refuse to investigate the problem because many of them get high-paying jobs with drug companies when they leave government service. That's why we must resist MEHPA and the program to force every American to be vaccinated.
The government is preparing for civil unrest. The Office of Homeland Security is building civilian "relocation centers." President Bush wants to suspend the posse comitatus law, drivers licenses will soon become "identity cards," and "TIPS," the government spy program, is being organized across America. [36] Why doesn't the public recognize what's happening? Because most people are spiritually blinded. Paul wrote about that problem in his second letter to the Corinthians:
14: But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same veil untaken away in the reading of the old testament; which veil is done away in Christ. 15: But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the veil is upon their heart. 16: Nevertheless, when it shall turn to the Lord, the veil shall be taken away. 17: Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. [37] What can we do? We must cling to the scriptures and the teachings of the past, proclaim righteousness, continue trying to lift the veil that blinds the eyes of others, and remain faithful to our Lord because:
". . . where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty."
Thank you for your prayers and your support.
Yours in Christ,
Stanley Monteith, M.D.
Spot on. Amen 🙏
If so they would'a learnt it on the troops first.
"Robert Redfield is a mass murderer, injecting the military with pNL4-3" - The Moody-Jai-COVITS
did you know you can purchase pNL4-3 on the internet?