This is what I begged and pleaded with parents to do when we protested mask mandates in school. I said if everyone keeps their kids home for a few days they would reverse course immediately - instead, parents who knew masks were crap, complied anyway. Do Not Comply!!!

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The urge to conform is strong, especially to conform to what "experts" are telling people. Few people can tolerate being excluded from their groups, and that urge to belong keeps people from even questioning their groups's consensus. Let's hope enough people have learned about the fallacy of trusting "experts" and are now ready to question what they're being told.

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Teach children independence, how to form their own conclusions, rather than group conformity!

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FWIW, I don't believe that very many parents are independent thinkers themselves and, because of that, would not be able to teach their kids to be independent. Just my guess, but we saw a whole lot of conformity among people who used to be skeptical of government edicts, but who donned their masks and lined up for the shots in huge numbers, mostly because they were taught to be afraid, even though there was little to fear.

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True, but one generation trained differently in public schools could start a trend in the right direction. We were taught to be competitive and to substantiate our ideas. I believe too much attention is given to collaboration and keeping everyone happy, which does not prepare students for life.

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Roman "experts" used to recommend people wear a Winged Phallus to ward off sickness:



All types of amulets have been worn throughout history to ward off sickness:


The Winged Phallus is a type of Fascinus:


Lacking the imagination, creativity and artistry of the ancients, today's "experts" tell people to wear paper masks as amulets.

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Maybe we should draw winged penises on out masks! LOL

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That is funny...but wearing any mask, even masks with protest imagery is still compliance. And playtime is over with these a-holes.

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You first. Let me know how that goes.

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Can I get a Winged Phallus on Amazon? /s

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Of course you could...but why support Jeff Bazos when you can support an artist on Etsy?:



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It's interesting to note that another threat that a Fascinus, var. Winged Phallus helps ward off is the Invidia:


Invidia is known as "The Evil Eye" and "Envy."


Invidia is a name that many techies are familiar with, minus the leading "i" - NVidia. And it's not a coincidence:


NVidia has been in business news a lot lately, its stock reaching record highs:


Initially starting out as technology for video gaming its recent gains are largely because it produces the best computer guts needed for Artificial Intelligence:


NVidia's AI technology is much-needed for a Worldwide Social Credit System to be implemented, "facilitated by Covid-19 pandemic surveillance":


And for Brain-Computer Interfaces, like NeuraLink and other...transhuman...applications, funded by one of the founders of NVidia:


We do know that "Envy," or "Invidia" is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, right?:



Maybe we really should be wearing Winged Phallus's instead of masks?

More on this if you're interested in this recent Stack I shared:


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Agreed. And if one thinks that these satanic, pagan signals are unintended or coincidental, one need only consider the quantity of "behind the scenes" which permeates society. We as a people are unwittingly living life (the best we can) in Satan's sand-box, not realizing the danger that exists therein. It is his M.O. to remain in the shadows, behind the scenes, to whatever extend his pride and exultation will allow the subtlety to perform its work. But make no mistake, this condition will certainly become far worse. He will perform acts of violence using nature as a tool. He will command his demons to impersonate dead (sleeping) saints, like the Apostles, and Mary, the mother of Christ to appear extremely realistically, and contradict the Holy Scriptures. And it would not be in accord with a true general to assume that he would NOT use a brilliant tactic, set forth centuries in advance; speaking of "aliens" and their supposed knowledge to be given to mankind at some future time. That would be very compelling for most people to believe. But the Prince of Darkness has saved his most brilliant deception of all time for the grand finale: To impersonate Christ. This will capture the souls of many who are not grounded in the truth of God's Word, which specifically tells of HOW the Savior will return. Satan will be restricted from anything which could even remotely resembles it. So that is our protection; to know the Bible and be on our toes, with that "two edged sword" in hand, wide awake!

Please take note,

Yours very sincerely,


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It's not just the urge to conform. There is also a fear of punishment. One Ohio mother in 2020 broke some "rule," either masking or social distancing, at her child's athletic practice in the open air. She was arrested by some overzealous cop entranced by his own self-righteousness and power. Her arrest was aired on nationwide tv, probably as a warning to others.

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Absolutely! Taken in combination, fear of outing and fear of punishment, it's easy to understand why so many people toed the line and offered up their previously-healthy immune systems to big pharma.

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Amen I Pray They Have Learned!

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In early 2020 as the first lockdowns and mask mandates were ordered I read a story about a mid-sized town in Oklahoma that got fed up with their local officials after the "two weeks to flatten the curve" was up and the mandates persisted. They began to aggressively confront their local officials who were issuing totalitarian edicts. The confrontations became so numerous and heated that the local officials relented. Complaining to the big city media covering it that they "were just trying to help" and that the locals "didn't need to get so mean about it."

Yes. Yes they did. If only everyone else had "gotten mean about it" at the same time, when the "two weeks to flatten the curve" expired none of what's ensued would've happened. We should get mean with tyrants taking away our freedom. Or we simply don't care about our freedom all that much after all. Sad fact is, too many Americans don't. Which is why we are here.

What have we done, what are we doing today in our immediate community around us to help our fellow Americans begin to care about our freedom again? As defined in the constitution and plain language of a pre-2020 dictionary. Not as defined by tyrants and all propaganda posing as democracy information resources since 2020.

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It was good to see Ladapo, Surgeon General of Florida, put out a tweet that said (paraphrased) "Masks do not work and depend on your compliance. Suggest you do not..." We need more of this but having senior health officers do that is a great place to start.

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We need a medical freedom badge since many like to do this.

White shield?

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Swords Of Righteousness!

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Different kind of sword?:


Read my replies in Jo Highet's comment thread above for context.

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I just checked Amazon, they used to sell them but I don't see them any more...


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The school mask mandates were enforced because the CDC paid millions to the school to enforce them: https://tritorch.com/legion

Putting a mask over a person's nose and mouth is like fitting a mask on a cars exhaust system. We remove toxins through our breathing - when masked these then get caught in the fabric and we breath them in and out all day along with the toxic chemicals in the masks themselves. Just like everything else to do with the shamdemic, this damage is by design: death by a thousand cuts.

In case you haven't caught on yet, mankind is the disease they are working tirelessly to eradicate.

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Am so pleased at this but not surprised. We need to spread it far and wide. No surprise that people will never go back to that enslavement signalling that is humiliating and unhealthy.

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Excellent, Gayle ! 👍

(re: mask, I also like “compliance badge”.)

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We need a medical freedom badge since many like to do this.

White shield?

Good conversation starter!

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Great Idea. That's how we, as individuals, can do more than preach to the choir. Although, thankfully, the choir is growing due to the efforts of people who stand at the forefront of this life and death struggle.

Let's also honor the memory of those who went before us to stop totalitarianism; those like Lincoln, JFK, KIng and others who have sacrificed their lives for freedom and justice, not to mention our citizens who have done so for unjust wars and unjust causes!

Let's get this going. I am anxious to wear any badge of genuine freedom.

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Where I live, in the San Francisco bay area, many people have never stopped wearing face masks! I believe they never will, even if St. Fraudci were to tell them it's finally time to do so. They appear to be hopelessly addicted to them. They remind me of Muslim women who can not give up covering their hair, or their faces, or their entire bodies with head-to-toe tents, even after they move to a country where doing so is regarded with disgust.

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This is called DEFIANCE. Defying tyranny = liberty. Good in 1776 and good NOW.

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PS Picket lines can be very effective too. Collective resistance.

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Im happy to see the people won this battle but we still have the war to win. I for one will still not be wearing a face diaper or getting injected with the bioweapon, God's DNA is safe inside me, I will protect until He calls me home.

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The Tests & Masks Are Bio-Weapons Too Never Comply!

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They are working on another pathogen for sure, got an election to steal. This time they will kill healthy middle aged folks not nursing home grannies. The script is written for a horrific bleeding ocular terrorizing event. Don’t join the sheep it’s the last gasp of the Democrats

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Marburg Hemorrhagic Virus!

But I Would Rather Die Than Comply Because You Will Anyway!

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Never Again Is NOW -and always has been. Mandates only work with our participation.... and we need to evaluate the many mandates that are already out there - unrelated to viruses and masks. Yearly assessment requirements for home schoolers, work permits for our children, licenses to practice what is good (which do NOT prevent evil or protect us from it), just to name a few. Live as if you are free - i.e. if you want freedom speech, speak freely. If you love truth, tell the truth... etc. "Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed." Martin Luther King, Jr.

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"I was not born to be forced. I will breathe after my own fashion. Let us see who is the strongest." ~ Henry David Thoreau from "On the Duty of Civil Disobedience"

Hat tip to my high school history teacher who encouraged me to study Thoreau!

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I live in Sacramento and am a member of Kaiser. I tell all health professionals my opinions on vaccines and my refusal of boosters. It is not about health.

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Kaiser gives "boosters" to patients against their will in the ER. This happened to me in 2019. I was given a DTaP vax. It made me very sick. The people who earn their living at Kaiser could not care less what you think or what you say to them. I do not consider any of them to be "health professionals."

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Sorry to hear. When I refuse the boosters I remind them that Pfizer is not accountable for all the vaccine injuries, the vaccine does not prevent the disease as people who contract Covid are more likely to be the boosted ones, and many if not most of the medical associations and agencies are first and foremost political related not health! They may not give any credence to what I say but they are going to get my two cents worth!!

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Meanwhile in Ontario Canada, the unelected, unaccountable, anti-scientific, authoritarian Public Health officials at regional and municipal levels have the police powers to override and abuse constitutional Charter Rights, and order and enforce cruel, harmful, anti-scientific, medically-ineffective, unnecessary masking, testing, facial-recognition/ address/ phone ID, social-distancing rules for civilians entering nursing homes. The Directors of these Long Term Care facilities have the legal right to refuse to implement these rules that, if not passed locally as municipal bylaws, are actually only "guidelines" and "recommendations", not law; but none has so far developed the spine or brain to protect residents and their family members from this totalitarian overreach.

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Sadly today they nuke community, your mostly alone without years of hard organizing effort. Even Then it will likely encounter industry organized pushback that will include the use of industry security, local and maybe even federal law enforcement ( crush any unionized efforts, their primary role in society one soon learns).

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If Cops Want To Be The enemy Of Their Own People They will Back Down As People Fight Back If Necessary!

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Everybody Needs To Grow A Set! Stand Up!

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This is good news.

However, even successful fight-backs deplete our energies.

What You Didn’t Know About the C19 Vaccine — Dr. Mike Yeadon


1:21:15 video runtime

First published at 16:44 UTC on August 28th, 2023.

channel image

Jim Fetzer

14105 subscribers

This is very heavy, very significant stuff — don’t miss it! It’s not an interview with Mike Yeadon, it’s a planned message that he’s making. Mike Yeadon is one of the best sources of truth in the world about the medical tyranny.

“My goal today is to give you, calmly and rationally, evidence that I hope will unequivocally persuade you of a couple of things. One is that these gene-based injections that they call ‘vaccines’ are deliberately, intentionally, carefully, skillfully designed to injure, to maim and to kill. That’s their only purpose.

“I’m going to briefly connect other things that are going on. … We are facing the denouement of a plan that put into place during the 1960s-1970s. Fundamentally, powerful people have decided that there are too many of us “useless eaters.” They intend to seize totalitarian digital control of every human on the planet and then to systematically kill most of us.

“No one is coming to save us, but WE can save ourselves, each other and our community.”

“Furthermore, every single gene-based product that they will threaten you with (and your children and your pets), they ALL cause your body to express something that doesn’t belong there, and ALL of them, axiomatically, will prompt, via your immune system, a lethal immune attack on every cell in your body that takes this damn stuff up and makes non-natural proteins.”

“These toxic injections were/are toxic BY DESIGN."

— Dr. Mike Yeadon

Sources: https://www.brighteon.com/7fcef3ed-3771-4bdd-8061-fc2f5fea6ab4 (1:21:16)

https://www.bitchute.com/video/Hc7xSAxX2osA/ (1:21:15)


Dachsie comment:

We have to do everything we can to speak out and act now. Pray for guidance from God Almighty on just how you personally are to do that. He will help you.


For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and power, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places.

Ephesians 6:12

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Aug 29, 2023·edited Aug 29, 2023

Dr. Yeadon is an incredible hero.

Thank you very much for posting.

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Cancel appointments, walk away when greeted with masks, just stop going to any medical facility (unless absolutely necessary) and cure yourself with diet, exercise and supplements. It is that easy. Homeschool 10% withdrawal breaks the ISD back. We can do this! Do not buy electric bs cars, do not fly. Hold the line!

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Amen! We, too, are doing the same and avoiding medical at all costs. Haven’t been healthier. God bless!

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The COVID criminals must be held accountable!

A must read: https://brownstone.org/articles/why-are-they-talking-about-ufos-instead-of-covid-fascism/

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All that and still there exists severe aspects not covered. The bio weaponry are self administering, get one family member, get them all! Always have been, just todays versions are gene editing capable. Basically your now a GMO!

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Power To The People!!! ✊

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One health professional told me to cover my nose when wearing the mask in the facility a year or two ago. I told her I needed oxygen more than "protection."

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At one of my appointments at the VA when I was forced to wear a mask, the nurse asked me why my oxygen level was 93.

Duh...you are making me wear a mask and I can't breathe.

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I had a 20-something 'security guard' at my local public library, tell me to pull up the mask. I walked out.

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When the mask mandates were in force, I had a library employee come by the table that I was sitting at to tell me to pull up the mask as well. I reminded her that oxygen is needed more than so called protection. I reminded them of Fauci's flip flopping on the issue, that it has nothing to do with the science, just the social science. I believe more than anything the mask was a sign of the times. Keep your mouth shut and be a good compliant citizen. It is a sign for solidarity we are in this all together which is another lie. We saw so many signs of laws for you but not for me.

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whenever anybody said that 'we're in this together', I replied, 'or not'.

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Never again. Ignore the idiots on the soap boxes. Just walk around them to work or school, and live life to the fullest without the neurosis of the weasel class to infest your routine.

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Thank you for reminding us what the powers of numbers can do against the oppressors!

Now the oppressors will try even harder. We need to stand up and fight harder and then get rid of them once and for all because they will never stop.


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