This post is just for fun. Have you got a few minutes?
A delicious meal and a great talk on cars
I don’t know about you, but I don’t want my car spying on me. And I never forgot the famous reporter, Michael Hastings, who outed the top General in Afghanistan. Then said reporter came back to the US and some months later his car acted funny—he tried to borrow another car but couldn’t, and then his Mercedes started traveling 100 miles an hour, hit something and the young reporter died in a ball of flames in the middle of the night in the middle of Los Angeles. Long before the fires. It seemed obvious the car was being controlled wirelessly from elsewhere. Which raises the issue: can this be done to anyone?
Well, I just listened to James Corbett and Eric Peters and I learned a lot about cars, the info they collect on you, and about my options for limiting the information transfer when it comes to my next vehicle. (I am driving a 2011 Saab and my mechanic just retired, so I may need one sooner than I like.)
While I listened I made dinner. Tempeh Banh Mi. If you have not had one yet, it’s time. And so simple to make, yet it’s a true crowd pleaser.
It must be on baguette, as it is a French-Vietnamese chimera. If someone tries to sell you one on a Subway-type roll, leave immediately.
Yesterday I went to the health food store to get something and they had fresh baguette and fresh cilantro near the door, so I grabbed them instead and said to myself that it was a BANH MI day. BTW in Vietnam the pork version is most popular, but there are many versions with different meats. Toast the bread in the oven if it isn’t fresh.
Today I used the veggies below, but it is good with +/- red bell pepper or Japanese radish (daikon) and I like to add a little fresh jalapeño. It is a forgiving recipe.
While I previously made up my own recipe for this sandwich, this time I tried one on the net, which was also totally delicious. You will have to get ingredients like soy sauce, rice vinegar and sesame oil if you don’t have them, but since this tastes so good you will no doubt want to use them over and over. Sugar works instead of maple syrup, and any vinegar can substitute for rice vinegar if you don’t have it. You can omit the sesame oil.
The basic idea is you make 2 very simple marinades, and you marinate some thinly-sliced veggies in one and strips of tempeh in the other. After 15-30 minutes or so you fry the tempeh in a small amount of oil, and when browned, pour the marinade over it. Then simply assemble the sandwich with veggies, tempeh, cilantro and some mayo. For something this good it takes almost no time to prepared.
Here is the recipe, very simple but delectable, and enough for about 3 sandwiches, depending how much you like to stuff the bread. Some people remove part of the bread’s center to make more room for the other ingredients.
These idiots are able to control absolutely everything except for what they should be controlling - LA fires, viruses escaping from the lab, child porn, illegal immigrants.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t want my car spying on me. And I never forgot the famous reporter, Michael Hastings, who outed the top General [Stanley McChrystal] in Afghanistan. Then said reporter came back to the US and some months later his car acted funny—he tried to borrow another car but couldn’t, and then his Mercedes started traveling 100 miles an hour, hit something and the young reporter died in a ball of flames in the middle of the night in the middle of Los Angeles. Long before the fires. It seemed obvious the car was being controlled wirelessly from elsewhere. Which raises the issue: can this be done to anyone? >> Hastings was murdered close enough to my neighborhood for me to collect some debris from the crash site in the hopes of finding metal melted that should not have melted in a hydrocarbon fire but there was none such among the pieces I collected.
Hastings was headed south on Highland Ave in the middle lane toward Melrose Ave where the middle parkway juts out and requires turning to the right to avoid a collision as you cross Melrose. Eyewitness statements and videos show that he had already lost control of the speed and brakes—a muffler or the like had descended from the car and was sparking the street. The impression I got was that Michael could steer the car but had no control over how fast it went. Thus, most remarkably—aside from the fact that the engine flew 100 feet or so from the car when it hit a huge palm tree nearly head on—there were no brake or skid marks on Highland. None, nada. This is entirely consistent with the autopsy report that showed Hastings died instantaneously from a concussion from a force that went directly up his rigidly extended leg through his spinal column to his brain. In other words, he was going 80 or so mph Courtesy of the Deep State operatives and could point the car where he wanted but not brake it. He had his foot fully extended smashing the brake pedal into the floor. He turned the car away from the central parkway going south on Highland in order to avoid it, probably turned too sharply—the jut comes as a surprise when you are headed south—then over-steered in correction and hit the tree head on after smashing an elevated water pipe. We cannot rule out that the steering was also compromised.
A few days before his murder Michael messaged friends that he was working on a big story and had to go “off the grid.” Just to make sure that the meaning of his passing was not lost on the rest of the independent media, a few days later the Huffington Post for some reason saw fit to interview Richard A Clarke who opined that the intelligence agencies of any advanced countries had the means to hack and take over control of the electrical system of any modern cars. You may remember Richard: he’s the guy who according to his autobiographical legend (Against All Enemies) at 9:05 a.m. of 9/11/2001 was asked by co-conspirator Dick Cheney in the Situation Room who could have done such a thing as this and Richard replied right out of the box—“Al-Qaeda!” Clarke had spent the prior few years hyping Al-Qaeda as the foremost "existential threat" to the USA. Al-Qaeda in turn was “The Base” short for “the data-base” which was the CIA computer data-base of jihadists for hire for covert ops. A French intelligence officer revealed this fact, then was framed for some crime he didn’t commit and sentenced to prison for five years. Global Research has a good write-up of the details but I am a bit too weary to search the citation. So the answer to your question whether it can be done to anyone is, yes, of course it can.